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What's Room Temperature


What’s room temperature? Room Temperature is conventionally considered as around 20°C (68°F) according to the Oxford English Dictionary, whereas the American Heritage Dictionary specifies that it is about 21–22°C (70–72°F).

What’s the Ideal Room Temperature?

The thermometer reading in a room is what is meant by the term “room temperature.” Normal clothes can be worn at temperatures that are comfortable for most individuals.

Typically, it is either the temperature of their home or the setting they set their thermostat at. As a scientific concept, room temperature is often used.

Recommended Temperatures for Different Rooms

RoomsTemperature Range
Living Room20°C - 22°C
Bedroom16°C - 19°C
Office Room20°C - 22°C
Children’s Bedroom16°C - 20 °C
Entryway15°C - 18°C
Corridor15°C - 18°C
Bathroom22°C - 24°C
Kitchen18°C - 20°C

We’ve compiled a list of the various room temperature values.

Room Temperature of a Typical Home

A room’s temperature should be between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language. The average room temperature, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is around 20 degrees Celsius (72 degrees Fahrenheit).

A temperature range of 15 to 25 °C (59 to 77 °F) is recommended by Merriam-Webster for long-term human habitation and laboratory experiments.

When it comes to room temperature, it tends to be colder or hotter depending on what season it is. A study found that women prefer temperatures that are generally higher than those that men like.

A temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) or lower is recommended by the WHO for the comfort of newborns, children, the elderly, and those who are unwell.

Room Temperature in Science and Industry

Temperatures are defined as normal by certain authorities. By the IUPAC, a normal room temperature is 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit, 298.15 degrees Kelvin). The regulated room temperature in the pharmaceutical business is between 20 and 25 °C (68 and 77 °F).

25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit) is considered normal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is important to keep track of the room temperature for scientific purposes, since it may deviate from the ideal or standard value.

Room Temperature at Work Place

Productivity losses are also obvious. To determine the effect of temperature on the productivity of insurance office clerks, research was conducted. Employees were able to type nonstop with a 10% mistake rate at a temperature of 25oC (77oF). After a five-degree dip in temperatures, they were just half as productive.

As if that wasn’t enough, the temperature of the room may have an impact on the inclination of individuals to cooperate. Temperature-induced social closeness and use of concrete language were observed in one research, while hot coffee was shown to inspire employees to think of others as more giving and kind, according to another.

Men’s and Women’s Room Temperatures

Using a temperature range of 16 degrees Celsius (61 Fahrenheit) to 32 degrees Celsius (89 degrees Fahrenheit), the study’s author, Agne Kajackaite, tested over 500 German college students (92 Fahrenheit). The temperature affected men’s and women’s performance, according to scientists.

Women like rooms at 25oC (77 Fahrenheit), but males prefer rooms at 21.6oC (72 Fahrenheit). When the temperature is the same for both sexes, women are more likely to feel chilly. Although the implications of being colder were unclear before to Kajackaite’s studies, that is no longer the case. The ladies did better when the space was more comfortable for them.

Room Temperature in Winter & Summer

Your house should be between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius year-round, but the procedures you take to obtain this temperature vary depending on the season. Regardless of the season, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the temperature by using a thermostat.

Due to the cooler weather outside in the winter, it is often more difficult and expensive to keep this temperature in the house. To help you stay warm at night, have a supply of additional blankets and warm sleepwear available.

Dropping the temperature to 18-20 °C in the summer might be a real task. To ensure a good night’s sleep, we suggest opening the windows and utilizing thinner duvets.


People have different preferences for the ideal room temperature. Clothing, air humidity, and physical activity all have a role. For an average room temperature of 20°C, we recommend setting your bedroom lower and your bathroom higher. Along with your central heating, utilize blankets, hot water bottles, and ventilation to assist adjust your home’s temperature. You can adjust your home’s temperature from anywhere with a smart thermostat.

How to Efficiently Heat a House?

Households face a hefty monthly bill for heating their homes during the colder months. We should thus look for methods to more cost-effectively heat our house.

  • It’s common practice to reduce or turn off the central heating while no one is home or in disused rooms overnight. In the short term, this strategy may save a lot of money. However, there are several drawbacks.

  • Because cold air transfers less of the water vapor condensing on windows and walls, it is more likely that mold will grow in a chilly environment.

  • Mold may create health problems if it is not removed, which is inconvenient, to say the least. As well as costing a lot of money, it may damage the property and do a lot of harm.

  • Because your boiler has to work more to maintain your desired temperature, it will use more fuel to heat your home when the central heating is turned off.

  • While this is still more cost-effective than having your heater on at a low setting all the time, it is feasible to consume less fuel.

  • Better insulation, double-glazing, and switching energy providers are some of the most effective methods to heat a house.

  • But a digital thermostat is one of the finest methods to attain a better room temperature.

  • As well as setting different temperatures for different parts of the house, a digital thermostat also enables you to take the outside weather into account.

  • When you heat your house this way, you have greater control over when and how much energy you spend.

How to Make a Thermometer?

A thermometer may be built in a matter of minutes using a few basic tools. Before using your DIY thermometer, make sure to calibrate it with a genuine thermometer to get an accurate reading.

To get started, you’ll need a few essentials. To create a thermometer, you’ll need the following:

  • Water

  • Drenching in alcohol

  • Plastic soda bottle that has been drained of its contents

  • Colored food additives

  • Drinking straws made of clear plastic

  • Using clay to make sculptures

You are now ready to begin construction. Adding equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and water to the bottle is a good starting point. About a quarter of the way full. Add a few drops of red food coloring after that. The bottle may be shaken to mix it up.

The straw is now ready to be placed into the bottle. To hold the straw in place, use the modeling clay to cover the top. Seal around the straw, not the straw itself. Draw a line on the bottle to indicate the location of the water.

You may check the accuracy of this thermometer by holding it up to a cupped palm. Water rises as a result of heat. Your model must be tested with a genuine thermometer, and varied temperatures must be noted by measuring the water’s height.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs related to room temperature:

1. During pregnancy, what is the appropriate temperature for the room?

When you’re pregnant, you must keep cool and hydrated for the sake of both you and your unborn child. We would recommend that you experiment with various amounts of central heating to find a temperature that works best for you and your family. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried about your house being too warm while you’re expecting.

2. When it comes to newborns and children, what is the appropriate temperature?

Generally speaking, adults like sleeping at a temperature somewhat higher than what is recommended for toddlers: 18.3-21.1 °C. In addition, specialists say that the temperature in a baby’s room should be between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius when he or she is sleeping. Make sure to keep an eye on the room’s temperature and see a doctor if you feel unwell.

3. For the elderly, what is a comfortable temperature for their living space?

If you are old, disabled, or have a medical condition, the NHS advises that you keep your house at least 18 °C warm. You may use a hot water bottle or an electric blanket to stay warm in bed when the temperature is below 18°C. The NHS also advises that you shut the doors and draw the curtains at night to keep out cold air.

4. For dogs, what’s the appropriate temperature in the house?

Around the 20-22°C mark, most pets are content. To avoid overheating in the heat of summer, maintain the temperature of your home below 26 degrees Celsius at all times. Animals may easily overheat, whether they’re pugs, Pomeranians, or parakeets. When it’s cold outside, maintain the temperature between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius and provide your pet a nice, warm place to rest. Also, bear in mind that a bigger animal’s body temperature would often be lower.

5. Is my phone able to tell the temperature in the room?

Temperature sensors on your smartphone do not detect the temperature of the room, even though they are there. Instead, these sensors protect your phone’s battery and other internal components from overheating, which might cause serious harm.

6. When it comes to sleeping, what is the ideal temperature?

According to the season, 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature for both comfort and energy efficiency. The ideal temperature for your home in the summer is around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When it comes to saving money on electricity, 68 degrees is the ideal temperature.

7. Is it possible to tell the difference between ambient and room temperature?

The range of temperatures in which most people are comfortable is referred to as “room temperature,” while “ambient temperature” refers to the actual air temperature in a location. Ambient temperature, on the other hand, is determined mostly by how one feels.

8. Wherever you go, is there a consistent temperature in the room?

Yes. Different regions of the same room have varying temperatures. Room temperatures may vary from roughly 15° in certain areas (the UK used to be an example; look at old British movies where people sat in their living room with coats on) to 30° in the tropics.

9. Without a thermometer, how can you determine the temperature of a room?

The ice water will have a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius when the water in the measurement chamber reaches room temperature. Slowly inflate the balloon by placing the inflated body in the icy water. Taking your time will ensure that the air temperature matches that of the ice water.

10. In India, what is the average temperature of a room?

As per normal comfort standards, the optimal temperature for a room is 24-25 degrees Celsius, although most rooms are set at 20-21 degrees Celsius.


You’re in the “room temperature” range if you’re clothed in typical indoor clothing. Depending on humidity, air movement, and other factors, this limit may be exceeded. Room temperature may mean different things to different individuals in different fields, such as science and engineering. The actual temperatures of the air (or other medium and surroundings) at any particular place are known as “ambient temperatures.” You may be in a chilly, unheated room, for example.

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