What is Guest Post? How is it used?

A Guest Post is basically an article or a blog written on someone else blog. The article written as a Guest Post is highly demanded because it enhances the qualities of other’s articles. When you eventually write something yourself, it is noted or is known as a post. But if you write something or any article-related stuff but on someone else’s blog then it will be noted or will be known as a Guest Post.


How is Guest Post Used?

Guest posts work as Marketing features for a company or for a blog post on which they have been written. They hold a vast variety and a very good reputation in the industry of Online and Digital Marketing as they are mainly used to market articles and their listings like blog posts. They are mainly and mostly used in articles and blogs marketing products like getting your brand mentioned or occupying branded search query results. Many people also use them to embed links of their websites and pages through these Guest Posts and to create multiple memberships status through their websites. Guest posts are abused though, and we’ll get to that later in this article. If you eventually found someone else’s blog written through or on your Article or blog, so that means you are basically the ‘guest author’ or you can say the originator of that blog.

The basics of guest posting :email:

The basics of Guest Posting and its uses are very simple and basic. The main purpose of a guest post is what you have been told and have been understood with earlier, which is basically marketing of other websites, or webpages, sometimes the guest posts are paid, and sometimes they are not, and are just used as free digital or online marketing. Here are a few guidelines about writing guest posts you should know. There is a lot of information on the internet about this subject and we have included links to a number of good resources at the bottom of this article. But here are the quick and simple basics.

:heavy_check_mark: Important Things to Remember About Guest Posts

  • Guest posts must be well-written. Search engines are beginning to get choosy, people too.
  • They need to be on-topic. People just want to read them to get maximum value.
  • People should want to share them using social media. Sharing increases readership.
  • Outbound links must be helpful and relevant to the article. Anchor text over the links accurate.
  • Don’t post on sites that clearly post a lot of guest content because the links are pretty much useless.

Who can write a guest post :point_down:

Actually, anyone can easily write a Guest Post and can make it reach and share it to anyone because it is a public server-based posting that allows anyone to produce their different content and blog posts on anyone or on anybody’s article. It depends more or less on the Seo score and SEO-based optimized servers which handle all the authorities and all the factors of writing and publishing a guest post. The SEO score depends on and handles all the stats of the blogs and articles which are being published. An article or a blog post does not need to go viral, It just needs to be helpful, on-topic, and well-written to generate traffic and link juice over time.

The writer must be well experienced in this field of SEO because the Reputation of The Article which is being written on the Guest Post depends on it. Guest posts have always played a major role in the History of Article and Content Writing freelance because it has been very associated with the articles. Basically, a good Blog and Article/content writer can be identified with the ways they are writing their posts and what is the average SEO score of their article, in the field of articles from given keywords, SEO score should be a minimum of 80% or higher because it helps a lot in the ranking system and pages in the Google Search Engine.

There are some chores that have to be done when writing a blog post.

guest post can be sent by mails

:gear: Ways to write a Guest Post

  • Know Your Audience. Before you start writing, it’s crucial that you know who your audience is, and what they are looking for
  • Write Compelling Headlines
  • Add Subheadings and Shorter Paragraphs to Break up the Page
  • Use Bullet Points
  • Add Images
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Add a Clear Call-to-Action.

:white_check_mark: Sometimes it’s worth it to hire a professional to write guest posts because doing so consistently is important. Once per week at least, and who has time for that? Well, we do.

Blog post headline basics

Blog Post headlines matter a lot on the basics of Guest posting because most of the viewers or exactly 70% of users or viewers are attracted just by the headline of the Guest Post. If there is anything that is thrilling and can create excitement in people’s minds which refers to great traffic on the guest post. Let’s take a simple example of this, Let’s say you are in the llama shaving business and the phrase which people have to search to find you out will be ‘Lloyds Llama Shaving Business’. In this case, you may have written or you have written many articles on your promotion and advertisements of your company of the facilities, and those posts and articles may have had titles like these:

:point_right: Best Shears for Shaving Llamas
:point_right: Top Ten Llama Shaving Questions Answered
:point_right: Llama Shaving Secrets Revealed!
:point_right: Legendary Llama Shavers Throughout History
:point_right: Restaurants in New York That Allow Shaved Llamas

If you’re a llama shaver, these are really accurate (and compelling) headlines for your niche. Remember, the objective of a headline is to get clicked in search results.

But also keep in mind that some headlines can be clickbait. Clickbait headlines are meant to bait you into clicking (hence the name) but the content doesn’t always measure up to what you were expecting. Sometimes it does though. Here is an example of a clickbait headline:

Headline ideas for guest posts

Common blog/guest post headlines include the following ideas. These are meant to be the seed for your headline creativity:

  • What is…
  • How to…
  • Tips for…
  • Examples of…
  • Best examples of…
  • Benefits of…
  • Alternatives to…
  • [Process] template…
  • [Product] vs. [Product]…
  • How to fix…
  • How to use…
  • How to integrate…
  • How to cancel…

Abuse and the demise of guest posting?

Back in January 2014, Matt Cutts of Google said this “Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.” Has guest posting died since then? Nope. But web spam has to a large degree. We don’t think that guest posting in and of itself will ever die. Imagine major publications without contributors. But as Rank Brain and other Google upgrades continue to roll out, abuse of the practice should wane.

What Does Guest Posting Accomplish?

Firstly, guest blogging or guest posting is about building relationships. You’re networking with other bloggers and making new connections which might prove useful later on down the line. Bloggers can be influential people and their chatter makes up a large proportion of conversation on the internet. Through guest posting and getting to know people, you might indirectly end up increasing your influence in the social media world.


Secondly, guest blogging introduces you to a new audience. By essentially tapping into the host blog’s audience you are making a pitch to an already established community ready to hear what you have to say.
If you’re adding value to their reading experience, then they’re likely to head over to your blog to check out your other content. A big focus of guest blogging is on the next, third point, but the effect of actual click-throughs on your blog shouldn’t be neglected.

Thirdly, guest posting is big in the world of SEO (search engine optimization). This is the context in which it is most often discussed, and guest blogging is indeed an undeniably important way to drive traffic to your blog. When you post on another person’s site, the one thing you should be adamant about is their inclusion of a link to your own blog.

This might be embedded in the text, or might be included in the author bio. However it’s incorporated, generating these links is one of the main goals of guest blogging. Being referenced on a reputable, quality site is a big factor in how big search engines decide to rank your blog. Over time, generating these backlinks will help boost you in the search engine rankings. That’s why people refer to guest blogging as being ‘good for SEO’.

What Does Guest Posting Do For The Host Site?

Mostly it’s about generating interesting, new content. That’s why you’re guest posts will have to be good, especially if you’re small fry looking to publish on a more reputable platform. From the perspective of the host, guest blogs are essentially free content, and who doesn’t love free content? Of course, the more prominent the blog, the pickier it can afford to be.

There’s also something of the community vibe to guest blogging lower down in the food chain. Amongst small to medium bloggers, hosting other peoples’ blogs is about helping each other out. If you’re posting on other blogs, it makes sense for you to offer the same courtesy to others. It’s a win-win strategy, and both of you will benefit from the cooperation.

How To Go About Guest Posting

So, guest posting is good for SEO, it introduces you to a new audience, and it helps you make friends. How do you get started? The first step, you need to find a blog that will host you. There are a few ways you might want to do this. There are some sites out there that actively list blogs that are up for guest posting. However, the links can be unreliable. Moreover, you might not be getting the quality hosting that you’re truly aiming for. A good old Google search is probably the most obvious thing to try. Just type in ‘top your industry blog list’ and see what pops up.

What Are the Benefits of Guest Blogging?

When the content is relevant, valuable, and high-quality, publishers get fresh content that their audience can enjoy and appreciate.

There are many potential benefits of guest blogging for writers:

  • Builds brand awareness
  • Builds relationships
  • Boosts authority
  • Reaches new audiences
  • Drives traffic to their website
  • Builds backlinks that boost site SEO
  • Grows their email list
  • Grows social media following

How to ■■■■■■■ a Guest Posting Strategy in Eight Steps

Building a successful guest posting strategy includes several important steps. These steps help you set a good foundation for your plan, setting clear goals, expectations, and standards for deciding which opportunities are best for you.

The rest of this post will teach you how to:

  1. Determine your guest posting goals
  2. Find guest post opportunities
  3. Qualify guest posting sites
  4. Develop blog post topics
  5. Create the perfect pitch
  6. Write a post worth publishing
  7. Follow up on your work
  8. Track your results

Step 1: Determine Your Guest Posting Goals

As with all good marketing strategies, a smart guest posting strategy starts with outlining your goals. Knowing what results in you want to see from your work will help you create a clear road map for getting there.

  • Increase brand awareness. Get more people to know about you and your brand.

  • Introduce your projects and services. Get more people to know about what you offer.

  • Show audiences how you can help. Get more people to see how your expertise, products, or services can solve problems.

  • Get more people to follow and engage with you or your brand on social media.
    Boost SEO.

  • Get high-quality backlinks to support your off-page SEO strategy.

  • Build industry authority. Share your expertise to get people to see you as an expert in your industry.
    Increase traffic.

  • Drive more traffic to your website through referral traffic.
    Increase leads. Generate more leads by reaching new audiences.

When you know what you want your guest posting to accomplish, it will be easier to identify the best guest blogging opportunities. Always prioritize sites that will help you get closer to your goals.

For example, if your goal were to increase traffic, you wouldn’t want to spend time guest posting on a small, niche site that has very low traffic. But if your goal is to build industry authority, you may benefit from writing for the small, industry-specific blog.

Step 2: Find Guest Post Opportunities

If you aren’t sure how to find guest posting sites, use these three tactics.

Find sites that interest your audience.

Start by looking for sites that attract and interest your audience. If you aren’t sure what your audience is interested in, use a buyer persona template to create a profile of your ideal customer. Also, use Alexa’s Audience Interest Tool to discover what topics your audience cares about and what sites they visit most. Enter your site or a site you already know your audience uses. The tool generates a list of categories that interest that site’s audience.

The report also includes details like the percentage of the audience who cares about the category, sites that relate to the category, and popular topics within the category. You can use this information to narrow down potential guest posting sites and brainstorm content ideas you could submit to them.

Find sites similar to your ideal guest posting sites.

When you know the sites your audience uses most frequently, you can use this information to find other related sites. Enter the URL of a site you know your audience visits in Alexa’s Audience Overlap Tool. The tool will provide a list of other sites that have an audience that is similar to the target site.

For example, if you’d love to guest post on Buffer.com, enter that site into the Audience Overlap Tool. You’ll get a list of sites that have an audience similar to Buffer that may also make for good guest posting opportunities.

Use the visualization view (as shown above) to see clusters of sites that are similar, and select individual sites to get more information about their site metrics. You can also toggle to the table view to see the Blended Overlap Score and Alexa Rank for sites you find. Analyze these sites further with a competitive website analysis or save them to your Workspace to refer back to them later.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is guest posting and how do you do it?

A guest post means to write a guest post or an article written on someone’s article of someone’s blog post to promote them or to do their advertisements and other kinds of marketing purposes as it includes many reasons. It can be easily done by writing articles on someone’s blog by asking their permission.

2. What is guest posting in SEO?

Editor introduction: Welcome to our guide on guest blogging in SEO. Guest blogging, also known as guest posting is the practice of contributing a post to another person’s blog in order to build relationships, exposure, authority, and links.19-Jan-2017

3. Does guest posting still work?

Guest blogging still works in 2019. Bottom line is that guest posting does work. The facts speak for themselves and show that it is still a relevant way to gain high-quality links. But guest posting effectively in 2019 is very different than it was even a few short years ago


If I sum this Article up in a few lines, it would be that Guest posting is basically a type of marketing that can be done by any content or article writer on their own professionalized and highly reviewed profiles, they can contact the company or anyone they have to write on and can make a simple deal. It is the act of writing articles and blog posts on other websites and giving them a source of marketing and certain traffic on their websites.

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