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How To Get Wax of Carpet

Home Decor

How to get wax out of carpet It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear.

3 Best Ways To Get Wax of Carpet

Burning a candle which smells divine and delicious can add serious addiction to your home and nothing makes a dinner romantic is a candle light dinner as a couple of burning candle sticks. But incase if one of those candles drop hot wax on to the carpet then it is a turn off and it can totally kill the mood.

When it comes to your deep home cleaning and you make a spot one of the areas you are likely to focus on is the carpeting. While many of the people have the right techniques and equipment to tackle unexpected stains which is sometimes difficult to remove but very few know what to do when they get wax on their carpet.

If you love candles and enjoy it’s warm beautiful ambiance of candle light then you should need to learn that how to get candle wax off of carpet. The good news is that getting wax out of your carpet is not as difficult as it may seem to be . It’s provided you tackle the problem right away. How to get wax out of carpet is easy but to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear.


Things You need

First things you need is to ready your supplies. To remove wax from the carpet you all need the following on right away on your hand.

  1. Full Bag of Ice …
  2. Iron or a hair dryer can also work…
  3. Paper towel, a simple towel or a brown paper bag…
  4. Carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol…
  5. Butter knife…
  6. Vacuum

Step 1: Freeze the wax

It is very important to remove the wax from your carpet as soon as you notice on the carpet. If you wait longer then it gets ■■■■■■ and it will be difficult to clean the wax stain.

  1. Start putting ice on a plastic bag or put an ice pack on top of the spot.

  2. Allow the wax to freeze for about 10 to 15 minutes.

  3. Make sure that the wax is not getting wet from the ice pack. If it get moist then it will only make the stain tougher to remove.

Step 2: Scrape the wax off

  1. Now the wax stain is frozen use your butter knife to scrape the wax off as much as you can.

  2. If the stain is new then it will be able to remove all the wax with just the knife.

  3. In this case you can skip all the steps and go straight to step four. If the wax is not remove then you head to step three.

Step 3: Iron the stain

  1. After scraping the wax place a paper towel or paper bag on top of the stain and turn your iron on to a lowest temperature possible.

  2. Make sure that the iron is not too hot as it will melt the fibers on your carpet and burn your carpet. Avoid the iron on the spot for too long and make sure to use a steam setting.

  3. Now rub the iron gently over the bag or a towel allowing it to absorb the wax. Now do it for two three times put the towel on fresh areas and repeat this process until all the wax has been absorbed.

  4. If you want to avoid the iron take the hair dryer over the carpet both of them can be used to heat the wax. Simply ■■■■ hot air on to the wax stain until it gets warm then gently press a paper towel or a brown paper bag or white simple cloth towel on to the stain to absorb the wax.

Step 4: Clean the carpet

  1. Go over the stained area gently with a carpet cleaning solution. If you have a colored candle wax. First wet a white simple or a terry cloth towel. Take a small amount of rubbing alcohol and gently dab the stain until the color and the stain is removed.

  2. Then blot with a clean simple white cloth until the stains are gone. Keep blotting the carpet until the moisture is gone.

  3. Be careful not to rub the solution in to the carpet as this could hurt the fibers which are fragile.

Step 5: Vacuum the carpet

  1. Once the carpet is completely dried now you can restore the texture of your carpet by vacuuming it with the brush which is upholstery.

  2. Good as new. If the wax stain never happened to the carpets. Getting the wax out of carpet is a lot easier than you might have thought.

  3. You can also remove the wax from fabric too follow the same method as given start of with icing the wax and then scraping it off.

  4. Once your carpet has completely dried down then run a vacuum over the area to return the natural texture to your carpet. You are completely ready to host your next dinner party.

2— Method

Step 1: Cover the Wax

  1. Start by covering the wax with a damp cloth or a paper bag. If you use a paper bag then place a dry towel next to it on the carpet away from the stain.

  2. Heat up the wax as we heat the bag using an iron. Now we will be moving the bag as it absorbs the wax.

  3. Don’t use towel it will prevent the mess from spreading.

Avoid Plastic

Never use a plastic bag for this as it will burn and melt the fibire and ruin your carpet completely.

Step #2: Iron the Stain Area

  1. Set the iron to a warm setting not to steam setting make sure it is not too hot as to not melt the bag. Also remember that if your iron has a steam setting turn it off as we only need to use heat.

  2. Now be careful and iron the bag or cloth using small circular motions as possible. When one part of the bag covered in wax then move it on to the towel and use a different section. Keep going until the wax is completely gone.

  3. Apply the iron for no more than 30 seconds at a time as you know the heat should be as low as possible. Keep checking the paper or cloth until there are no more traces of the wax.

Step #3: Remove the Stain

  1. The wax might left a stain and that is ok if it was colored. First apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol and dab it with a cloth it will remove the stain.

  2. You can also place a piece of simple cloth on the stain and iron it using the steam setting. The steam and heat will help to lift the stain from the carpet and on to the cloth.

Step #4: Clean the Area

  1. Now use a good carpet cleaner or solvent to remove the stain and clean the area once the wax and stain are gone.

  2. Then blot the cleaner out using a clean cloth or iron it with steam on top of the cloth.

  3. Finally you might want to finish off with a vacuum to restore the fibers.

Tips and Tricks

If you want to try a different method like vinegar or baking soda or there are still signs of the stains these other methods work just as well as others.

Use a hair dryer If you do not want to use a hot iron on your carpet. you can use a hair dryer. Set the dryer at the hottest setting as possible and carefully heat up the wax. Keep the hair dryer at a safe distance so that the carpet will not burn or it could over heat. Blot the wax with paper towels in intervals with the heat until the wax is completely gone.

It may be tricky to use a hot pot to reach the wax if it is in a spot far from an outlet. You can then heat a pot on the stove and apply it like the iron. This method is very handy but can be time consuming so try to stay patient.

You can also use dry ice is much colder than regular ice . so it will freeze the wax much quicker. It also will not leave a residue. Therefore you must have to careful wear leather gloves to protect your skin. Dry ice can cause substantial damage to skin tissue.

If the wax left a color and you are stuck with the stain that will not go away then you could use a carpet cleaner after removing the wax. It may also help you to use a small amount of house hold. But remember that you have to keep the room ventilated and wear protective gear.

Wax can sometimes leave a certain scent depending on the fragrance of the candle. You can remove this from the carpet by mixing 10 drops of essential oil with 11 ounces of baking soda. Sprinkle it on the carpet and leave for an hour or two to vacuum through and enjoy a refreshed rug.

By act quickly when you notice spilled the wax you can save your self time and effort. The wax will not have time to settle into the fibers and any color will be easier to remove.


Vinegar is a super powerful cleaning agent around the home. You can use it alone or using other ingredients like baking soda to make it more potent. One of the best ways to remove the left over color from the carpet without causing further damage. In this case or other same case you will need the following:

Things you need

  1. Baking soda
  2. Piece of dry cloth
  3. Vinegar

Pour some baking soda directly on the stain then wet it using vinegar. This chemical is excellent to use since it remove all the spot.

Allow the whole mixture to sit for at least ten minutes then start blotting using the dry piece of cloth. It is Kind of essential to do this slowly and not by rubbing alcohol since this will spread the color and make it look worse and you may end up doubling your work.

The stain is out of the carpet and then blot using another piece of cloth or paper towel to remove the extra moisture or vacuum to finish.

Summary How to get wax out of carpet? It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidently on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear. Burning a candle which smells absolutely divine and delicious can add serious addiction to your home and nothing makes a dinner romantic is a candle light dinner as a couple of burning candle sticks. But incase if one of those candles drop hot wax on to the carpet then it is a turn off and it can totally kill the mood.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

There are some questions which are related to How To Get Wax of Carpet are as follows :

Q1. How do you get candle wax out of carpet without an iron?

Pour baking soda directly on the stain then wet it by using vinegar. This chemical is excellent to use since it remove all the spot.

Allow the mixture to sit for at least ten to 15 minutes then start blotting using the dry piece of cloth. It is Kind of essential to do this slowly and not by rubbing alcohol since this will spread the color and make it look worse and you may end up doubling your work.

The stain which is there is out of the carpet then blot using another piece of cloth or paper towel to remove the extra moisture or vacuum to finish.

Q2. What is the easiest way to remove candle wax?

It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear.

Q3. How does vinegar remove candle wax from carpet?

Vinegar is a super power agent cleaning agent around the home. You can use it alone or using other ingredients like baking soda to make it more potent. The mixture of one fourth white vinegar and three fourth water. Another clever use for your iron is removing wax from carpeting and cloth. One of the best ways to remove the left over color from the carpet without causing further damage.

Q4. Do wax stains come out?

How to get wax out of carpet or do wax stain come out? It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear.

Q5. How do you remove hard candle wax from carpet?

Things that you will need.

  1. Full Bag of Ice …
  2. Iron or a hair dryer can also work…
  3. Paper towel, a simple towel or a brown paper bag…
  4. Carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol…
  5. Butter knife…
  6. Vacuum…

5 steps to remove hard wax out from carpet

  1. Freeze the wax.

  2. Scrape the wax off.

  3. Iron the stain .

  4. Clean the carpet.

  5. Vacuum the carpet.

Q6. Will rubbing alcohol remove candle wax?

Now if the candle wax is an oil based stain you will need rubbing alcohol that dissolves oil and explains Miller. Using a cotton cloth dab nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol on to the stain and watch the oily and waxy stain melt away. Continue this until the stain is removed.

Q7. How do you remove hardened wax?

First dip a cotton pad in a mineral oil and massage oil or olive oil. Now Warm the oil until it works better than cold oil then hold the soaked pad on the wax stain until it is displace about two minutes. Wipe off the wax with a clean cotton pad.

Q8. Does vinegar dissolve candle wax?

Vinegar is a super power cleaning agent around the home. You can use it alone or using other ingredients like baking soda to make it more potent. The mixture of one fourth white vinegar and three fourth water. Another clever use for your iron is removing wax from carpeting and cloth. One of the best ways to remove the left over color from the carpet without causing further damage.

Q9. How do you get candle wax off walls and carpet?

Heat the wax with a hair dryer. Use a hair dryer on a medium to low temperature and gently heat the wax. Use a simple cloth to wipe the melting wax. With a cloth start to wipe off the wax as it melts. Mix the vinegar and water together and apply it to the wax. Continue to wipe till the wax is completely removed.

Q10. How do I get red candle wax out of carpet?

It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear. But incase if one of those candles drop hot wax on to the carpet then it is a turn off and it can totally kill the mood


How to get wax out of carpet ?It is easy to remove wax stain but be quick to remove it as soon as possible. Setting your iron at a low setting can get off the wax easily as possible. Wax dripped accidentally on a plush new carpet look like a hopeless mess but with a few tricks and tips and a hot iron can make a big wax mess disappear.

When How To Get Wax of Carpet comes to your home cleaning and you make a spot one of the areas you are likely to focus on is the carpeting. While many of the people have the right techniques and equipment to tackle unexpected stains which is sometimes difficult to remove but very few know what to do when they get wax on their carpet.

If you love burning candles and enjoy it’s warm ambiance of candle light then you should need to learn that how to get candle wax off of carpet. The good news is that getting wax out of your carpet is not as difficult as it may seem to be . It’s provided you tackle the problem right away.

Burn a candle which smells divine and delicious can add serious addiction to your home and nothing makes a dinner romantic is a candle light dinner as a couple of burning candle sticks. But incase if one of those candles drop hot wax on to the carpet then it is a turn off and it can totally kill the mood.

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