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Down Syndrome in Dogs


Down syndrome in dogs? Down syndrome is a disease caused by a chromosomal abnormality. It is also called 21 trisomy because it generally happened due to an extra copy of the 21 chromosome.

It is common in human beings and some animals but there is no but there is no evidence of Down syndrome in dogs. Symptoms are:

facial abnormality, deformed organs, intellectual disability, lack of growth, etc.

Doctors suggest taking precautionary measures followed in Down syndrome. According to CDC in every 700 birth puppies, one would be with Down syndrome in America.

Nothing is better than a loyal friend in life. If you find such generosity, companionship, and feelings in your pet then what is better than this?

Yes, I am talking about dogs. Cute lovely, and loyal pets who could be your best friend, your baby, or your guard, thus a pet dog is like a family member.

The dog is an energetic, smart, and intelligent animal. It loves outings, playing, hanging around, and of course, eating.

Here in this article, we discuss a very rare disease found in dogs called Down syndrome. But first, let me tell you what is Down Syndrome.

What is Down Syndrome?

In simple words “It is a genetic disorder that transfers through genes in a young one”.

If you are not a medical student then you might get confused to read such kind of medical terms. But trust me you must have ever seen a person in your life who suffered from this disease.

This disease is more common in human beings than in animals. In this syndrome, the person might have:

  1. an intellectual disability

  2. abnormal appearance

  3. deformed organs

  4. Poor eyesight or cataracts

  5. poor hearing

  6. poor understanding ability

  7. Poor function of organs

  8. Another disease that may affect due to Down syndrome.

In short, a person or an animal cannot live an everyday life like other normal creatures.

Reasons for Down syndrome:

Every creature is made from cells. A cell contains various substance that helps to maintain its working. Chromosomes have a major part of a cell and perform a very important duty. Their responsibility is to transfer all the genetic material to the next generation.

How many chromosomes does a human have?

Human contains 23 chromosomes while dogs have 39. Down syndrome occurs when a pair of 21 chromosomes replicates another 21 chromosomes. By default, every chromosome has a pair. Pair 21 make another and they would become three (one extra). Extra chromosome attaches with the other 14 and creates abnormality in the offspring.

It generally happens when a chromosome is unable to detach with eggs or sperm. It is very difficult to find Down syndrome in dogs because the studies about animal genes are not much advanced. Moreover, there is a difference in the number of chromosomes in humans and dogs. So, the 21-chromosome disorder could not happen in dogs. The similarity in symptoms of giving an idea that dogs might suffer from this disease.

Is it possible to have Down syndrome in dogs?

There is no straightforward answer to this question. But, by comparing the symptoms of this disease in humans and dogs. Researchers found that dogs can suffer from this disease. Facial abnormalities, lack of growth, poor listening, poor sight or cataract, and unable to feed unformed are signs of Down syndrome. Animals like chimpanzees, cats, etc. have genetically transmitted diseases with similar symptoms.

There are very fewer chances of survival for a puppy who inherits this disease. According to a survey after every 700 dogs, 1 dog could be born with Down syndrome. Most puppies die while birth or right after birth. If a dog survives then the symptoms could appear within one or two years.

Symptoms of Down syndrome in dogs:

Either it’s Down syndrome or any other gene that transmits to dogs that have more or less similar symptoms. If your dog shows any of the symptoms then you must visit your vet for a checkup and test. After that, he clears you up about your dog’s medical condition.

Abnormal facial features:

Abnormality in chromosomes affects facial appearance, broad head, distract position of eyeballs, long pointed ears, and a small head. It is prominent in young ones or with time.

Poor listening:

It is hard to notice poor listening in dogs. But, if it doesn’t respond to commands like other dogs then it could be possible that your dog has a listening issue.

Poor eyesight or cataract:

Due to genetic distortion, your pup can face eyesight problems. He might not be able to see properly or clearly. Another problem a dog can face is cataracts. You must check its eyes if one of them or both of them are foggy or cloudy then there must be cataract eyes.

Deformed organs:

If your dog suffering from random pains that troll again and again then it could be due to deformed organs. When a dog inherits a genetic disease, it must face several difficulties in life. He cannot live a normal dog life, and the deformation of organs is one of the issues. It also formed several other diseases inside a dog’s body. He needs special care and feeding products, talk to your vert.

Blood discharge:

Blood discharge through the rectum or ■■■■■■ ■■■■■ is an alarming situation. If you have more dogs in your house then try to keep them away from consuming this discharge. It contains infection and can affect other dogs in the house.

Uncontrol bladder:

In this disease, dogs lose control and ■■■ anywhere even in the house. Try to let them go out frequently so that they don’t spoil your house.

Deformed limb:

Physical deformation is also a symptom associated with Down syndrome. Dog limbs could not form inside the womb or could not develop during the growth process.

Slow growth:

If your dog is not growing like other normal canines then your dog might be suffering from Down syndrome. There could be some other reasons that cause slow or no growth you must visit a nearby vet for consultation.

Slow intellectual growth:

Genetic abnormality can cause a lack of intellectual growth. The brain is a very delicate and the most important ■■■■■ of the body. The brain develops with time and if a dog is suffering from Down syndrome he would not develop. It may affect the understanding ability and response toward commands.

Congenital abnormality:

Heart disease is a big issue, especially in dogs. A dog suffering from Down syndrome can face:

* Congenital abnormalities
* HHeart attacks
* Vein blockages
* Other sorts of heart diseases come under this category.

Thyroid problem:

A dog suffering from Down syndrome could suffer from Thyroid problems. It can happen because of other genetic problems, talk to your vet who guides you on how to deal with this.

Skin disorder:

Frequent hair loss and patchy skin are other signs of Down syndrome in dogs. Regular exposure to sunlight leads to other skin diseases. The most common among them is skin allergy.

Body temperature:

A dog’s body temperature might be a bit high than other normal dogs. A dry and warm nose is common in dogs suffering from this disease.

How to Take Care of a Down Syndrome Dog?

There are fewer chances of survival if a canine comes into this world with Down syndrome. But if it luckily survives then he or she must need special attention and care to live a good life. This disease can never be cured but with special can, you can reduce the risk of getting more worse. You need the patience to deal with such a kind of dog but it adds a positive aspect to your personality.

Regular Checkup:

This is the first and basic need of a dog who is suffering from this or any disease. If you noticed any sort of abnormality then immediately consult with your nearby vet. He would do checkups and some tests. he also tells you to care for your dog at home. He also gives some medicines that help to reduce symptoms getting worse.

Behave Positively:

To live with a pet who does not behave like a normal pet is a bit difficult. You need patience and positivity. If you are a positive person and you understand the feelings of someone else you can handle it easily. Good gestures spread tremendous positivity, which helps to recover fast and survive more.

Balance Food:

If your adorable dog is having Down syndrome then you must be taking care of your diet. First, talk to your vet he will suggest you a whole meal plan according to your pup’s health situation. Generally, a balanced diet boosts immunity. A good balance of vegetable and meat not only improve your dog’s health condition but also improve its intellectual abilities.

Give proper vitamins:

Vitamins help to recover the deficiency in the body. Give suggested vitamins and other medicines to your dog.

Daily exercise

You can bring your dog outside and play. Physical activity improves muscle tone, heart rate, and a fresh mind. you can go for a walk with your dog or play free, it’s totally up to you. One thing that should be in mind if your dog has a serious congenital problem. Then talk to your vet before involving your canine in any physical exercise because it could be dangerous for it.

Cozy nice bed:

Give your dog full comfort by providing soft cozy beds, it gives relief to them in joint pains and other body pain. Orthopedic dog beds are also available in the market that is to relieve pain.

Frequently take them out for ■■■:

As their bladder gets sensitive to this disease, they can’t control it and ■■■ frequently even in the house. if possible bring them out frequently and immediately clean the area to reserve infection spread. Especially if you have more dogs in your house.

Use of Sunscreen:

If your dog’s hair is falling and exposed skin then you must need good sunscreen before exposing them to the sun. Medicated sunscreen for dogs is available in the market. Discuss with your vet before applying any.

Is It Safe to Take a Breed with a Down Syndrome?

Straight away, the answer is no. Down syndrome is a genetic problem that transfers due to abnormality in chromosomes. It can get transferred to young ones, surviving rate in dogs with Down syndrome is not remarkable. Very and if they survive then maintaining their existence is a bit challenging.

We all need kids to be healthy and grow like normal once, the same is for dogs. They are adorable, cute, and loyal animals and we want a healthy breed who plays and eats like a normal canine. For that purpose, healthy canines give healthy birth.

5 Physical Exercises to Improve Dog’s Health:

Dogs that deal with Down syndrome are weak, their limbs, joints, and heart improve with proper exercise in a controlled way. Doctor advice is a must before moving further.

Here we discuss some exercises that will enjoy your canine and helps to revitalize them.

1. Tug of War:

This toy helps strengthen the dog’s hind limbs. Different tug-of-war toys for dogs are available in a variety of sizes you need to pick according to your dog’s size.

2. Walking:

Bring your dog out for a small walk, it helps to strengthen the bones, muscles, and heart of a dog.

3. Scratch Dance:

Scratching is what dogs love, wriggling by scrapping the upper and lower part. It is good physical exercise and helps to improve the dog’s health.

4. Rollover:

It is a different but effective exercise. Keep your dog’s favorite food near its nose and shift it in a clockwise movement, the dog also moves with the food. This exercise helps to build strong muscles and bones.

5. Physioball:

This exercise helps to strengthen the forelimbs. What you need to do is, choose a ball according to your canine size and place it under the forelimbs.


Exercise is very important not only for fit dogs but also for those who suffered from any sort of disease. Living with Down syndrome is not easy, but, with suitable exercise, it can get better.

Down syndrome Dogs:

Often We have seen some major sort of facial abnormality in some dogs that belongs to specific genes. There is some specific race that gets this disease. Although Down syndrome is not identified in dogs, some other genetic disorders affect a dog’s health.


Pugs are adorable, they are medium size dogs with wrinkled skin, round faces, and big eyes. diseases are part of life they can affect at any stage of life

not only in humans but in animals as well. Pugs are at high chance to effect by genetic disorders, this can be a Down syndrome or any other disease.

The most common symptom that could appear in pugs is an eye disorder. They have big eyes but if they suffer from this disease you feel a prominent difference in both eyes. The difference would be the size of both eyes, the direction of eyeballs, cloudy eyes, or poor sight. Other symptoms could be abnormal growth and skin disorder.


Pitbull descended from bulldog and terrier. It is a medium size, friendly, and adaptive dog breed in America and the united kingdom. Although, they are nice and easy to handle but very aggressive when they face the same gender. pit bulls get genetic diseases, down syndrome is one of them. Allergies, blindness, and nerve disease are the most common symptoms of Down syndrome in them.


Chihuahua is a famous and ancient dog breed in the USA. It is a small size dog also known as a purse dog because this breed is especially for celebrities who carry dogs

in their purse. They are alert and wonderful and also a national symbol of Mexico. Symptoms

may include ■■■■■ problems, aggression, tantrums, and other behavior unusuality.


This aggressive-looking dog is not aggressive at all, they are soft, a good companion for kids, and a bit lazy. they love to sleep on a soft cozy sofa or bed, as they are not attracted to physical exercise and long walks. Unfortunately, this genus caught genetic syndrome such as Down syndrome, these symptoms are seen in English bulldogs, thyroid problems, and eye disorders.

Shish Tzu:

Shish Tzu is also known as a little lion, a joyful, outgoing, and affectionate dog. it is an Asian toy breed well known for its short snout and large round eyes. Shih Tzu is a very social dog who loves to hang around with people and is also a good companion. They are cute but one disadvantage of this breed is the genetic disorder, Down syndrome is one of them.

if your Shih Tzu gets affected by this disease then you must notify the symptoms like:

cataract eye, skin allergies, discharge from the rectum, and heart ailments.

End words:

Dogs are the best companions and loyal friends of humans. Some race underdogs inherit genetic abnormalities like Down syndrome. Pugs, pit bull, chihuahua, bulldogs, and Shish Tzu is among them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The frequently asked questions about “Down syndrome in dogs” are below.

1. Is there any other name for Down syndrome?

Trisomy 21 also known as Down syndrome, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Generally, the symptoms related to Down syndrome occur due to abnormality in the 21 chromosomes. 21 chromosome carries genetic material that identifies facial features, physic, and internal ■■■■■. When one pair of 21 chromosome cant detach from eggs or sperm then 21 make another chromosome. Then two become three and this condition creates an abnormality called Down syndrome.

2. What are the three types of Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs due to abnormality in chromosomes. This one form of the disease has three different types.

  • Trisomy 21:

This type of Down syndrome occurs due to an abnormality in the 21 chromosome. Instead of two 21 make 3 chromosomes. it is the most common type of this disease.

  • Translocation 21:

This is also related to the 21 chromosomes. In this disease, a part of the 21 chromosomes is in almost every cell.

  • Mosaic chromosome

3. Can a dog with Down syndrome give birth?

Dogs with Down syndrome could have complications in getting pregnant. Most of the time, they lose their production ability. But, at times the young one comes into this world with this disease if one of the parents or both have Down syndrome.


This article explores all aspects of a genetically transmitted disease called Down syndrome. It happens with 21 chromosome abnormalities. Dogs are different from humans. So this creates confusion about whether they get affected by Down syndrome. Some say it’s another genetic disease. The symptoms seen are:

  • facial abnormality

  • physical abnormality

  • deformed organs

  • intellectual disability

  • abnormal body temperature

  • rectum discharge

  • skin disease

  • thyroid problems

There is no cure for this disease. But, proper take care and regular vet visit can improve their lives and increase their years.

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Down syndrome in dogs is a genetic disorder caused by abnormal cell division, resulting in extra genetic material from chromosome 21, and is popularly known in humans. It is essential that you are aware of your friend’s health, so make frequent visits to the veterinarian, providing all possible prevention.

Genetic Syndromes in Animals: Find Out What They Are!

Now that you know that there is no dog with Down syndrome, it’s time to learn about other syndromes and genetic disorders that can affect the health of dogs.

Below is a summary of the main genetic syndromes and genetic alteration problems that can affect dogs!

Turner Syndrome

  • Turner syndrome is also called XO syndrome. Puppies with Turner syndrome are always female and do not develop sexually, remaining infertile.

  • Usually, the suspicion of Turner syndrome happens in female dogs that have not had a heat despite being of advanced age.

Klinefelter Syndrome

  • Also known as Triple X syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome affects male puppies, leaving them with wider hips, stunted testicles, and infertility.

  • It is important to highlight that, in addition to genetic syndromes, dogs can also show genetic alterations and be, for example, hermaphrodites.

Down syndrome dog: Three explanations are possible

  • These types of chromosomal abnormalities often lead to ■■■■■■■■■ death in dogs.
  • The genetic tests necessary to identify dogs with Down syndrome are simply not done.
  • The condition doesn’t exist.

Conditions that appear to be Down syndrome

On the other hand, congenital or developmental conditions are routinely diagnosed in dogs that have some clinical similarities to Down syndrome.

Congenital Hypothyroidism is a good example. It is caused by low or absent thyroid hormone levels at birth and early in life, resulting in a combination of the following:

Slow growth that ultimately results in short stature

  • Broad head

  • Large, prominent tongue

  • Short members

  • Abnormal gait

  • Poor muscle tone

  • Mental dullness

  • Delayed opening of the eyes and ears

  • Late tooth eruption

Other conditions that could be mistaken for Down syndrome in dogs include pituitary dwarfism, congenital hydrocephalus, growth hormone deficiency, and portosystemic shunt.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How to know if a dog has Down syndrome?

From a physical point of view, all these animals share irregular features in the snout, ahead slightly smaller than the average of their breed, and crossed eyes, along with a somewhat immature character.

What animals have Down syndrome?

The animals may not have Down syndrome although genetic modifications

  • The syndrome is a condition that can only occur in humans, since each species has its genetic sequence.
  • Yes, it is possible that there are chromosomal trisomies in different species, sometimes with similar symptoms.

What is Down syndrome in cats called?

Syndrome Klinefelter chromosomal abnormality in which the cat male is born with three sex chromosomes (XXY) and is sterile.

What is Down syndrome?

The syndrome is a condition in which the person has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are small “packages” of genes in the body. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of one of these chromosomes: chromosome 21.

How many chromosomes does the dog have?

According to the doctoral student in Animal Science, Maria Paula Rajão, dogs and cats have a different number of chromosomes than humans, dogs having 39 pairs and cats.

How many genes does a dog have?

Scientists have also shown that more than 974,000 genetic variations in the dog are important to understand which genes are related to diseases.


After having understood what causes Down syndrome, we have to conclude emphatically that Down Syndrome does not exist in dogs or animals. Down Syndrome as such is a uniquely human disorder.

What does exist in animals are trisomies in other pairs of chromosomes, which cause their carriers various problems, which normally do not resemble the problems that this disease generates in humans.

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