Buccal Fat Removal Cost

Buccal fat removal cost is between $2,000 to $5,000 ranges. Depending on the surgeon’s degree of expertise, the operation may cost more or less or the anesthetic kind they used.

buccal fat removal

What is Buccal Fat Removal?

The removal of buccal fat is a kind of cosmetic surgery. Buccal lipectomy and cheek reduction surgery are other names for the procedure.

Surgery is used to remove the buccal fat pads from your cheeks. This helps to make the cheekbones seem thinner and the face angles more defined.

There are two ways to get the procedure done: on its own or with another kind of cosmetic surgery like:

  • facelift

  • rhinoplasty

  • Jawline augmentation surgery

  • surgery to increase the size of the lips

  • Injection of botulinum toxin type A

Buccal Fat Removal Side Effects

The excision of buccal fat is usually thought to be risk-free. As with every operation, there’s a chance for negative consequences.

Complications that may arise are following:

  • illness with a lot of blood

  • anti-anesthesia hematoma response that went south

  • the locking-jaw scrotum (fluid accumulation)

  • injury to the salivary glands

  • Injury to the facial nerve

  • adverse effects of deep vein thrombosis on the heart or lungs

  • removing too much fat from the face causes facial asymmetry and has negative outcomes

Some of these problems may require further surgery.

Cost Factors to Be Considered For Buccal Fat Removal

Cost Factors Explanation
Provider Education, practical experience, and a specific area of expertise
Cost of the Consultation Can or cannot be used to offset the cost of treatment.
A fee of the anesthesiologist a combination of education and experience
Location The cost of using the facility varies depending on where you live.
Costs of Recovering Follow-ups, specialized equipment, and so forth.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Buccal Fat Removal?

If any of the following describe you, you may be a suitable candidate for buccal fat removal:

  • Physically, you’re in excellent shape.

  • You’re good in shape.

  • Your face is rounder and fuller than average.

  • You’re not a fan of how plump your cheeks seem.

  • Pseudoherniation is what you have (small rounded fat mass in the cheek due to weak buccal fat pad).

  • You’re interested in plastic surgery to alter your appearance to make you seem more feminine.

  • You’re expecting the best, but you’re not unrealistic.

  • You don’t use tobacco products.

It’s not for everyone to get rid of their buccal fat. In the following situations, it may not be a good idea:

  • Your jawline is protruding out of your upper lip. If you have thin features, to begin with, surgery may result in sunkissed cheeks as you become older.

  • The hemifacial atrophy you’ve been experiencing has been progressing (Parry-Romberg syndrome). One side of the face shrinks due to this uncommon condition. The buccal fat pad is said to be affected by it.

  • You’ve reached an advanced age. The fat on your face diminishes gradually as you get older. The treatment has the potential to accentuate the appearance of jowls and other aging features on the face.

The best person to tell whether you’re a good candidate is a plastic surgeon.

suitable for buccal fat removal

The procedure of Buccal Fat Removal

Here you can find the whole step-by-step procedure of buccal fat removal.


In advance of the surgery, you’ll discuss your: with your plastic surgeon.

  • anticipations and objectives

  • disorders of the body

  • prescription drugs now available, as well as vitamins and dietary supplements

  • alcoholism and drug addiction

  • allergies to prescription medications

  • previous surgical procedures

Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to make an informed decision about the best surgical technique based on this data, as well as identify any potential dangers and the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Pre-procedure blood testing or medication changes are required. To arrange the operation, your cosmetic surgeon will examine your face and take photographs.


A hospital or a doctor’s office may do the operation. For the most part, it goes like this:

  • A local anesthetic will be administered to your face if you are having buccal fat removed. During the operation, you won’t experience any discomfort, but you’ll be awake the whole time.

  • General anesthesia may be used if you’re having many procedures done at the same time. You’ll need transportation to and from the surgeon’s office in this situation.

  • Your cheek will be cut by the surgeon. The buccal fat pad will be further exposed by applying pressure to the outside of your cheek.

  • The fat will be surgically removed by your surgeon via a series of incisions.

  • They’ll use dissolvable stitches to seal the wound.


A special mouthwash will be provided to you before you leave, to help avoid infection. Your doctor will go through how to take care of your incision with you after the procedure.

For many days, you’ll be on a liquid diet only. After that, you may return to your regular diet by eating soft foods.

Face swelling and bruising are possible side effects after surgery. Both of these effects should be lessening as your body heals. It typically takes three weeks for complete healing.

Take care of yourself and eat according to your doctor’s instructions while you’re recovering. Keep all of your appointments for follow-up care. After a few months, you should notice some progress. When your cheeks have settled into their new form, it takes time for them to become permanent.


The treatment alone takes 30-60 minutes to complete, but when it is coupled with other facial rejuvenation procedures, the total surgical duration increases dramatically. Buccal fat pad removal is done from the inside of the mouth, around the corners of the lips, and between the teeth.

A small incision will be made within your cheek by your surgeon. By applying pressure to the outside cheek, they’ll be able to see more of your buccal fat pad throughout the procedure. The fat will be removed via a series of incisions made by your surgeon. Dissolvable stitches will be used to seal the wound.

Total Buccal Fat Removal Cost (CITY/STATE)

State Cost
Buccal fat removal cost New York $3000 to $5000
Buccal fat removal cost Los Angeles $2000 to $6000
Buccal fat removal costs the UK 3000 to 5000 Euros
Buccal fat removal cost the Philippines $3900
Buccal fat removal cost Chicago $2000 to $5000
Buccal fat removal cost Austin $2000 to $5000

Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat reduction improves cheek definition, gives a more mature look, and enhances overall results.

Shape the Cheeks

Traditional facial sculpting uses injectables like dermal fillers. However, individuals with excess volume in their lower faces will not benefit from this. This may make the face seem rounder or swollen.

For a more sculpted cheek, buccal fat pad excision eliminates persistent pockets of fat that give volume to the lower face.


“Babyface” refers to patients with fuller cheeks. They may seem younger and more childish, making it ■■■■■■ to appreciate them in the job. When patients feel more confident in their appearance, they are treated with the respect they deserve. Doctors assist patients to distinguish between looking young and childish.

Precise Results

Before the operation, doctors individually meet with all patients interested in buccal fat reduction. During this appointment, doctors will examine the patient’s facial structures and take photos for future analysis.

Doctors may then offer a customized treatment plan and advise patients of what to anticipate post-operation. Doctors may suggest other treatments in addition to buccal fat pad excision to fulfill patient objectives.

Buccal Fat Removal Recovery

Lipolysis causes limited recovery. Some patients prefer Friday procedures so they may recuperate over the weekend and miss a few days of work. Patients are allowed to go home after treatment, but

they should arrange for a competent adult to drive them home. Even if given a local anesthetic, patients should not drive immediately after the operation. During the session, patients will get additional personalized recovery information.

Bruising and swelling are common side effects of surgery. While a consequence, patients may not notice full effects for one to two weeks as swelling subsides. Bruising and swelling will subside within a few days.

Doctors may prescribe medication to alleviate any post-procedure pain. An ice pack may help reduce swelling. During this period, the patient’s diet and activity may be limited.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to get rid of the excess buccal fat?

As long as you eat healthily and exercise regularly, the effects of buccal fat pad removal will endure for years or perhaps a lifetime. If you gain more than 20 pounds, on the other hand, your cheeks may begin to swell somewhat.

2. Is it a good idea to remove the buccal fat?

The choice to have buccal fat removed is made on an individual basis. If you’re self-conscious about the way your face and cheeks look, this procedure will help you achieve a more angular, thinner appearance.

3. Is it possible to remove buccal fat without it coming back?

It is possible to permanently reduce the size of your cheeks by removing buccal fat. As with any other fat-reduction operation, buccal fat removal is permanent.

4. What age range is appropriate for liposuction?

The fat pad continues to develop until we are in our twenties, so waiting until then to have buccal fat removed is generally a good idea.

5. After liposuction, is it safe to drive home?

A prescription pain reliever may help you cope with any discomfort you experience, although most patients describe a buccal lipectomy as “painless.” While most patients can go back to work and drive a few days following surgery, make arrangements to have a ride for your first few post-operative appointments.

6. Is it possible to naturally reduce buccal fat?

Diet and exercise will not help you lose buccal fat, which means you’ll have round, chipmunk-like cheeks even if you don’t have much of it elsewhere on your body.

7. Is removing buccal fat harmful to one’s aging process?

However, Dr. Frankel cautions that incorrect or unnecessary removal of the buccal fat pad "may contribute to ■■■■■■■■■ aging of the face owing to volume loss. “A hollowness in the cheeks and sagging skin are common in elderly people or those with less elastic skin as time goes on.” Dr

8. What would my appearance be like after the excision of my buccal fat?

The face may look bloated after the excision of buccal fat pads, although bruising is unusual. After the swelling has subsided for a week, you’ll notice a loss of volume in the cheeks under the cheekbones.

9. Does the skin droop following the excision of buccal fat?

When someone is being examined for face rejuvenation surgery, it’s typical to see this prominence. However, buccal fat has been found to pseudoherniate and provide the impression of a drooping mass in certain individuals, resulting in an unwelcome fullness.

10. After having my buccal fat removed, can I eat eggs?

Once you’re feeling better, you should attempt to stick to soft meals like soups and salads. You must increase your strength and make sure you recover quickly after an injury. Soup, overcooked spaghetti, eggs, and pudding are all good choices for a soft meal.


To make your cheeks seem smaller, you may choose a procedure known as buccal fat removal (BFR). Buccal fat pads may be surgically removed to give you a thinner face. You may be a good candidate if you satisfy certain health requirements and have a larger face.

The technique is generally thought to be risk-free. It usually takes a few weeks for people to fully recover. Complications are possible with this procedure as they are with any other kind of surgery. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive expertise for the best outcomes.

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