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Argentina food


Argentina’s food is extremely inspired by Europe, including different Spanish courses, macaroni and pizza, and French cakes.

Argentina Food:

Geography and environment:

Argentina is a wedge-shaped country and the second-largest country in South America (after Brazil). To the west is the Andes, but most of the land in Argentina is lowland. The reason is that Argentina is situated in the southern territory. Winter is from May to August, and the warmest month of summer is in January. The combination of Argentina’s climate and fertile lowlands makes it one of the world’s largest food producers. Argentina is also the largest honey producer in South America, and many delicious Argentine desserts use this raw material.

History and food:

Indigenous people had lived in Argentina for many years before European explorers arrived. The members of the indigenous tribes of northern Argentina are farmers who grow pumpkins, melons, and sweet potatoes. Spanish settlers arrived in Argentina in 1536, and between 1880 and 1890, about 1 million European immigrants came to live in Argentina. Most of them are from Italy and Spain. The Italians introduced pizza and all types of pasta, including pasta and lasagna. British, Germans, Jews, and other immigrants. They also settled in Argentina and brought their favorite cooking styles and dishes. The British brought tea and established the tradition of drinking tea. All these cultures have influenced Argentine food.

Argentine products:

Beef is the national dish of Argentina food. Argentina has a huge cattle farm, and the Gauchos, or Argentine cowboys, are famous symbols of Argentine individualism. Many dishes contain meat, but they are prepared in different ways. Favorite main dishes-shashlik, grilled steak, and other pieces of beef; grilled steak is called churrasco, grilled beef that is grilled over an open flame is called Asado, and beef that is dipped in egg, breadcrumbs, and fried is called milanesa.

Carbonade is a stew with meat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob. Criolla Carbonada (Stew, Vegetables and Fruit):

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of olive oil.2 pounds stew meat, cut into 1/2-inch pieces four large tomatoes, roughly chopped one green pepper, roughly chopped one large onion, three cloves garlic, chopped 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon oregano, 2 cups canned Chicken broth 3 potatoes, diced 1 inch 3 sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes2 ears of corn, chopped 1 inch wide (or use 2 cups of frozen corn) 2 zucchini, cut into 1/2" cubes 2 peaches, 1/2" chunks 2 pears, 1/2. "

Method: Put the meat back in the pan and add the potatoes and sweet potatoes. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add peaches and pears. Cook for another 5 minutes. Serve hot. 6-8 servings. Since many Argentines are descended from Italian immigrants who came to Argentina in the late 19th century, Italian cuisine is spread all over the country. Italian favorites include pizza, various pasta (such as spaghetti and ravioli), and gnocchi (gnocchi, potato dumplings), served with meat and tomato sauce. Argentines eat more fruits than any other group of people in the world. Some of the most popular fruits are peaches, apricots, plums, pears, cherries, grapes, and tuna, as well as cactus fruits. Empanadas-a type of empanadas with beef, vegetables, and cheese-are people’s favorite dishes to eat with their hands and are often eaten as snacks. Or it can be taken to school for lunch. Chimichurri, a dipping sauce, is usually paired with empanadas. Since the sauce must stand for two hours before being eaten, it is prepared before the empanadas.

Politics, economics, and nutrition:

Although the World Bank classifies a small number of people as malnourished, most people in Argentina receive adequate nutrition in their diets. The percentage of children under 5 who are underweight (about 2%) or disabled (they are too young for their age, 5 percent) come from the poorest Argentine families and can live in urban or rural areas.

Customs during the meal:

Argentine families, like families all over the world, are very busy. Since everyone has a different schedule, they cannot eat together. Muffins or bread with jam and coffee. Most urban workers eat a small portion (coh-MEE-dah, lunch) like canteen pizza. At lunch, the farmer puts a hot plate of beef, potatoes, and corn on the corn on the cob he brought to the field. High-class families often eat hearty afternoon snacks, including meat, potatoes, and green vegetables. In the late afternoon, Argentines will enjoy Argentina food snacks such as tea, sandwiches, and cakes to maintain their appetite until lunchtime (dinner, SAY-Nah), usually around 9 pm. The tradition of drinking tea comes from British immigrants.Street (equivalent to “fast food”).Ice cream vendors sell ice cream, Argentine ice cream, hot peanuts, sweet popcorn, and candied apples; some vendors sell choripan (sausage sandwich) and soft drinks; Empanada is a small cake with beef, chicken, seafood, or vegetables. Popular snacks. Children can bring vegetable pies to school. Favorite drink-submarine or milk with chocolate syrup.

The history of Argentina Food:

The history of Argentina food is rich and varied. As a country that has experienced a lot of immigration over the years, the country has experienced many nutritional impacts. It also helps to significantly expand the range of ready-made ingredients. European settlers were mainly responsible for Argentine cuisine, mainly Italian and Spanish cuisine; but other immigrants, such as Germans, French, Jews, and British also brought their cooking styles. Cook kitchen and national recipes with them. But local cuisine from groups such as Quechua, Mapuche, and Guarani also had an impact. For example, yerba mate is eaten all over the country.

Common Foods in Argentina:

Empanadas, mince pies, cheese, corn, and many other ingredients are common at parties and picnics, and can also be used as snacks for dinners. Empanadas are mainly made from tuna and mackerel (mackerel in Spanish). Argentines also eat vegetables and salads; tomatoes, onions, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini, and squash are common side dishes. Italian staple foods such as pizza and pasta are eaten as frequently as beef. Traditionally served on the 29th of each month, freshly prepared ravioli and cannelloni can be purchased in many restaurants in big cities. This is polenta, pasqualine and pastafrole cakes. Miga sandwiches are delicate sandwiches made from thinly sliced ​​English bread and butter. Cold cuts, cheese, and salads. They are usually purchased by adventurous home cooks and can be eaten as a light dinner. Alfahores are shortbread cookies topped with chocolate and milk sauce or fruit jam. The sweetness of “policeman” or “truck driver” is cheese with papaya or papaya sauce. Sweet potatoes are made from sweet potatoes/sweet potatoes: this candy with cheese is Martina Fierro’s candy. The main export products are apples, pears, peaches, kiwis, avocados, and plums. The traditional drink in Argentina is an infusion called mate (Spanish is mate, the accent is on the first syllable [MAH-teh]). The name comes from the hollow pumpkin traditionally used for drinking. The mate (pumpkin) or another small cup is approximately three-quarters filled with yerba mate, dried leaves, and branches of Paraguayan holly. This rather bitter drink is drunk through a metal or tube straw called a bombilla. Yerba mate can be sweetened with sugar, flavored vanilla, or dried orange peel. Hot but not boiling, pour water into the gourd, get drunk, and then top up mate. Yerba is almost full of leaves, so you can only make a small cup of beverage each time you refill, but you can refill a lot before yerba is used up.


Argentina food traditionally, partners will go from one person to another, and let those who have a water bottle fill them up. It is common to thank pens from time to time; the last “thank you” signifies that the drinker has had enough. Drinking with a partner is an important social ritual. Boiled yerba mate is the same leaf, not boiled, but brewed and drunk like tea, flavored with milk and sugar. Other typical beverages are wine (sometimes with soda); tea and coffee are equally important. Quilmes is a national light beer brand named after Quilmes in Buenos Aires where it was originally produced.


Argentina food relies heavily on the cultivation of various grains, grains, oilseeds, fruits, and vegetables because Argentina is a country with many animal husbandry and agriculture. In the waters of Mesopotamia, river fish such as Pejerreyes, Scrub, Dorado, or Boga is crystal clear. Since the 16th century, meat products have dominated the country. The country is considered to be a major producer and consumer of beef, pork, and poultry; certain areas, such as the southern region, are usually dedicated to raising sheep and lambs and fishing for shellfish, crustaceans, mollusks, and salmon. Activities related to various types of livestock have created a highly developed dairy industry, which includes products such as cows, sheep, and camels, milk cheese, and yogurt, as well as some Argentine cheeses-reggianito, Sardo, provolone, and cream cheese. It is conceived as a large-scale industry producing nuts, olives, various oils, and spices. When mixing ingredients and using other latitude culinary traditions, the almost unlimited source of raw materials listed above ensures greater product diversity.

Regional differences:

Argentina food is deeply influenced by its European roots and shows regional differences. . Finished; this includes, to a lesser extent, products from the pre-Columbian era, such as the Northwest.

Central region and La Pampa:

For a long time, urban areas such as Cordoba have accepted immigrants from Europe, mainly of Italian and Spanish descent; but there are also Germans and Swiss The outflow of people and immigrants from the Middle East to Argentina, this melting pot has brought countless changes, including pasta, pizza, puchero (stewed), croquette and other culinary arts. (Pancakes), sauces, sausages (sausages), and chicken. Meat and meat dishes have added more choices to the daily menu; in addition, the baking, dessert, confectionery, and dairy industries in the region have also made great progress; the above-mentioned dishes have Argentinean characteristics. For example, Argentine pasta includes a variety of dishes, from pasta, fusilli (fusilli), gnocchi (gnocchi), ravioli, ribbon (spaghetti ribbon), and lasagna to Argentina’s Sorrentine agnolotti. Lotti), cannelloni (cannelloni), and fettuccine (fettuccine).

pizza: M ade of very thin and sometimes thick dough, high in height, with or without cheese, baked in an oven or on a stone (in a stone oven), Filled with many ingredients is a dish.It is said that the uniqueness of Argentine Pizza lies in the fusion of Italian and Spanish cultures. The deep-rooted tradition of making bread, pastries, and desserts stems from the mixture of the aforementioned ethnic products. The bakery not only provides a wide range of bread, biscuits, and cakes but also offers baked goods, which are similar to a kind of rolls, whose main ingredient is butter or fat, which can be directly filled or filled with milk sugar. , Milk, jam, whipped cream, papaya or apple jelly, etc., whether it is a croissant based on French croissant (singular: crescent moon, literally means crescent moon, that is, crescent moon).

In addition, breadcrumb sandwiches are another bread product; made from thin white bread (often called crustless bread) filled with foods filled or topped Chantilly cream is widely used to make sweets and desserts; in addition, cakes, biscuits, and puddings are also very popular; thanks to the addition of local flavors that somehow retain the local flavors, Italian ice cream has also achieved remarkable results in the region progress. Although Asado is cooked and eaten all over the country, its origin can be traced back to the Pampas.


It consists of different types of meat and is usually eaten as follows: Ahuras (cattle offal or offal). They eat black pudding (black pudding), sometimes provolone (a piece of provolone baked with oregano), then choripan (a slice of spicy pork or lamb sausage placed between two slices of bread), and finally Grilled meat and other meat products, vacuum, roast beef, Tail, macabre (sliced ​​fish fillets and served cold), sea bass fillets; the list is endless, eat and enjoy in the province of Cordoba called Cabrito al Asador’s dishes.

Northwest and Cuyo:

This region is considered to be probably the most affected by Native Americans, and its cuisine is closely related to the traditions of the Andean Incas; potatoes, corn, or wheat are almost always used in local dishes, including quinoa (Inca cooking The typical grains used in this area), peppers, pumpkins, and tomatoes; the most famous dishes are humita and tamales, in which corn husks are filled with corn filling, spices or the meat itself; the region is best for trying empanadas, especially meat fillings Filled empanadas, and offer different types of tempting dishes, such as empanadas, pickles stuffed with potatoes, or barbecue pies cut with a knife.also include stews such as carbonade, chicken slices, and casseroles. Or typical dishes of the region, including pumpkin or potato pudding with meat.


The humid green areas in northeastern Argentina called Mesopotamia, including Corrientes, Misiones, and Entre Rios, are another Aboriginal people, especially areas affected by the Guarani tribe. Cassava is common in the region and is usually used in local dishes and other food ingredients such as chipa (cassava bread and cheese). However, in this region, cassava is also separately prepared, boiled or deep-fried, and is usually used as a condiment for fried foods and empanadas, as well as mbei, chip avati, Paraguayan soup, Corrientes soup, just French fries or meat slices, kibbe, Bori Bori, chip Iguazu or Pastel de Choclo, Mbaypee, Chip Mboka or Chip Cabaret and other products based on similar products: cassava, corn, cheese, and sometimes some meat. Served with hot water or cappuccino. Paraguayan soup and pastries / Carta de Choclo is eaten at lunch or dinner. Among the products made with sugar, papaya jam (Argentinian-mammon in Spanish) is a typical representative of the northern part of the region. yerba mate is undoubtedly from this region. This product is consumed nationwide and has its characteristics in this regard: it is often observed that it is also prepared with cold water. In this case, the drink is as famous as terere.

Alcoholic beverages:

Although wine is traditionally the most popular alcoholic beverage in Argentina, the popularity of beer (beer; Italian beer is widely used) has rivaled that of wine in recent decades. Founded by Alsatian settlers. Almost all of the former were located in the center of Buenos Aires (with the support of the municipality of And Cordoba in the province of Cordoba, Quilmez and Lavalore in the suburbs of La Plata (Buenos Aires), and San Miguel de Tucuman in the province of Tucuman And the suburbs of Mendoza and Salta. liters in 2007 (40 liters per capita). Compared with wines since 2001, the increase in beer production and consumption has helped in areas with large populations in Germany (Cordoba’s Villa General Belgrano, San Carlos, and Esperanza in the province). ) Holding similar events, such as the Oktoberfest or the “Oktoberfest” Santa Fe and other companies supporting the creation of other beer festivals, usually for marketing purposes, such as the patron saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland, and Western Europe celebrates with a lot of alcohol.

during Christmas and New Year (As we all know, the upper class prefers to party with local champagne, although the real old-school aristocrat “Criollo” still drinks cider, which is better than other wines. A much more common drink is aguardiente (brandy) made from sugar cane, called caña Quemada (burned sugar cane) or Kanya (sugar cane) for short.


Sugar cane and male rue (various common rue), it is said that This mixture can prevent influenza and other diseases. Sugarcane competes with ■■■ (“■■■”, such as the Dutch type of ■■■) mainly in the country. Fernet bitter liqueur, especially the Italian brand Fernet-Branca, is in Argentina Very popular (a 2017 study showed that Argentines accounted for more than 75% of all aporotnikow. Fernet is most commonly consumed as a beverage mixed with Coca-Cola. Due to its digestive properties, Fernet is usually chosen for postprandial digestion. dinner. There are many handmade liqueurs (distilled alcoholic beverages) in Argentina, such as oranges, eggs, anise, coffee, cherries, and the inevitable dulce de leche. Invented in Argentina around 1890. You can also find sly or (Italian) lemon-based lemongrass. This drink comes from the immigrants of Mezzogiorno, hand-made and industrially made (for example in Mar del Plata).

Popular fast food:

In ordinary restaurants or restaurants and grills (barbecue restaurants), there are fast foods (until dawn) almost everywhere in Argentina today, including 20 (bites), schnitzels, noodles, wontons (wontons), gnocchi (dumplings) ), although some are very typical grocery stores: "Steak and Milan Sass. They serve Milan-filled horses, gramaggio omelet, Chacon de peas (pea omelet), premium chicken, matambres, tongue balsamic vinegar, and breadcrumbs. Sandwiches are eaten with white bread rather than made with rolls. The most common sandwiches are Milanese, baked, ham and cheese, breadcrumbs, toast, pebets, hot dogs, choripans, marzipan, etc.; another type of sandwich is from Montenegro Vidiya brought it, called civito, even though it did not contain goat meat. But in bars, cafes, “cafeterias” and “wine cellars”; they consist of a series of diced cheeses (usually made by Mar del Plata or Chubut), salami, salted olives, French fries, peanuts, etc. Picadas are eaten with alcoholic beverages (fernet, beer, wine, and lemonade), to name a few common examples). Argentines like ice cream (Italian ice cream or Spanish sorbet). During the Spanish colony, the sorbet was made from hail or snow.


The food produced in the southern region of Patagonia includes fish and shellfish from the ocean and rivers, as well as a wide range of sheep products; in the Atlantic Ocean, you can catch marine animals such as salmon, spider crabs, Octopus, and other mollusks and shellfish. Trout was found in the river. Vienna and German cuisine and pastries are also often associated with this region. Meat dishes in the area include lamb and wild boar, as well as wild boar and game. The area is rich in smoked foods such as salmon, deer, wild boar, and pheasant. Patagonia was heavily influenced by the tribes that lived here long before the Europeans arrived, especially the Mapuches and Araucanas. The typical dish of the latter is curanto (the word means “hot stone”). Put a layer of narca or poppy seed leaves on the stone, and then add the ingredients one by one. The ingredients vary but can include beef, lamb, pork, chicken, Argentine sausage (pork sausage), potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, etc., as well as pumpkin stuffed with cheese. , Cream and peas. The plates are covered with damp leaves and cloth to keep warm, and covered with a lot of soil.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is traditional Argentine food?

A: Asados ​​Argentina’s national dish is Asados ​​(a type of grilled meat), grilled on a parrilla (large grill) filled with steak; Chorizo​​​​​​ Blood Sausage).

Q2: Why is food so important in Argentina?

A: Argentine cuisine obviously prefers meat, which is the staple food of the Gauchos (cowboys) who work in the Pampas. Today, Asado is an important symbol of national pride. Of course, without the most iconic beverages such as mate tea and Malbec, Argentine cuisine would not be complete.

Q3: What is the impact of Argentine food?

A: Argentine cuisine has been greatly affected. Because of its European roots and shows regional differences.

Q4: What is a typical Argentine breakfast?

A: In Argentina, breakfast is a very simple thing. The choices are few, if any, more than two staples: tacos or croissants. They come with coffee and orange juice. Any place that offers something unique, including yogurt, fruit, or boiled eggs is suitable for tourists.

Q5: What is the national drink of Argentina?

A: Mate. Just like we like coffee with milk, Argentines prefer to mate in a cup. This drink is also very popular in Uruguay, Chile, southern Brazil and Bolivia, and Paraguay, where it is drunk cold (called there). popular.

Q6: Why is Argentina more famous?

A: Street art depicting the giant murals of Buenos Aires is another aspect of popular culture that many people are attached to. Tourists like it.

Q7: Is the food in Argentina spicy?

A: Spicy and salty flavors are not part of the Argentine taste. Generally speaking, they don’t like spicy food. If you want to eat spicy food, you must pay attention to international tastes. Kitchens in cities, such as Mexican, Peruvian, South Asian, Indian restaurants, etc.

Q8: What kind of fruit is Argentina famous for?

A: Peron The national fruit of Argentina is a very large pear called Peron. Although many people have eaten it since 1943, it is a poisonous fruit that has devastating effects on people and the brain. Named Peron.

Q9: What fruits are grown in Argentina?

A: Argentina is one of the world’s largest fruit and vegetable producers. It produces a variety of horticultural crops, including apples, bananas, oranges, pears, grapes, lemons, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, and pumpkins.

Q10: How many dishes do Argentines eat?

A: Four meals a day. Eating habits and eating problems. Argentines usually eat four meals a day. Breakfast is a simple meal, including coffee and milk, pastries or toast with butter or sour cream, jam, or typical Argentine milk sauce.


Traditional Argentina food, known as Criolla, usually consists of large grills and roasts, called asados ​​or parillas, and contains a lot of meat (mainly beef), sausages, kidneys, and black pudding. Especially hot is hearty and delicious stews like lockro (broiled pork, white beans, and corn) or similar carbonado (beef with fresh vegetables, apples, and peaches) or casuela gaucho (with chicken and pumpkin) (sweet corn) Empanadas), empanadas (delicious pastries with fillings ranging from minced meat to chicken, cheese, and ham) or tortillas (usual tortillas with meat filling), with macabre filling (Sandwich meat rolls) and bread crumb sandwiches (white bread and sandwiches) without ham and cheese crust).

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