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Wide Rib Cage


Wide rib cage protects vital organs, such as the heart and lungs, from trauma, consisting of a collection of bones. Within the thorax, they create a hollow cage. Males, on average, have larger rib cages than females.

What Is a Rib Cage?

The rib cage consists of the ribs and the breastbones. It protects vital organs, including the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver. Its tissues include muscles, ligaments, and ligaments, providing stability and mobility.

Because of your inquisitive nature, you may have found your way here due to your bump in the rib cage. A person’s diaphragm contracts as they inhale and expands when they exhale. It and other motions are assisted by muscles located between the ribs.

Abnormalities in the rib cage might knock on the organs and tissues. The rib cage is moveable from the fourth to the sixth ribs, located beneath the bust.

The Function of the Rib Cage

Twenty-four rib bones make up the rib cage, which protects and strengthens the upper torso. Red blood cell production and nutrition absorption are other critical functions of this body.

There are two primary roles for the ribs:

  1. They safeguard the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen, all located in the chest.

  2. They open the chest, allowing the lungs to expand and contract as needed for breathing.

Number of Ribs in a Human

The average human has 12 ribs on every side, for a maximum of 24. Some people have over 24 ribs. Supernumerary ribs are additional ribs. Agenesis of the ribs is born with less than 24 ribs.

Researchers studied 188 pregnant women carrying a single child to see how many had an unusual amount of ribs. 92% of fetuses had average rib counts, 5.3% had less, and 2.7% had more.

  • True ribs are the first seven sets. Costal cartilage attaches them to the front of the sternum or breastbone. These ribs join the back’s thoracic vertebrae.

  • False ribs 8–10. These aren’t attached to the sternum. Instead of ribs, costal cartilage anchors them. They join the sternum via rib 7’s cartilage. These ribs connect to the rear thoracic vertebrae.

  • Sets 11 and 12 are free-floating ribs that connect to the back’s thoracic vertebrae. When humans take deep breaths, costal cartilage permits the ribs to expand.

What Is My Body Type?

When you look in the mirror, keep in mind that no one has a perfect body. No one, that’s right! I’ve never met a person who didn’t dislike something about their own body. To look good in your clothes, you must figure out what your body type is and dress for it.

Body TypeDescription
Lollipop/Goblet Shape:Often referred to as “top-heavy.” This individual has enormous busts, a large stomach, a tiny waist, and long, slender legs.
Pear Shape:Long, thin neck, narrow shoulders, tiny bust, slim waist with broad hips, bigger rear end, and full thighs. This body type’s petite, feminine waistline should be emphasized.
Diamond Shape:Narrow shoulders, a tiny bust, wide hips, and bigger thighs. This kind can wear clothes that highlight their face and shoulders.
Straight Shape:The bust line and hips are equal. This person has an average bust, big rib cage, undefined waist, flat bottom, and thin legs.
Hourglass Shape:Some feel this body type is ideal. This individual has tiny bones. They have a nice-sized chest, defined waist, curved hips, and a shapely behind. This body type features beautiful curves.
Round Shape:This individual has a bigger bust, wide rib cage, entire round rear, larger waist, narrower hips, and thin legs. Round body types have fantastic legs and slender hips that may be highlighted.
Inverted Triangle Shape:This type features broad shoulders, a tiny waist and hips, and long, shapely legs. This body shape suits hip-huggers.

How to Measure the Rib Cage?

If your lower ribs are more extensive than your hip, check in the mirror, especially if you have no belly fat. When your upper abdomen is bulging, it shows a distinct physical form. For accuracy, measure your body.

  • Bring a measure tape or ribbon.

  • Wrap it around your body, beneath your bust.

  • Slide the bow to your birth center (if you’re unsure where it is, stretch to the side and put your fingers there).

  • Consider your under-bust size when adjusting the bow.

Why Is My Ribcage Wide?

It is possible that a muscular weakening is the cause of your rib cage seeming somewhat unequal or projecting. Your rib cage relies heavily on the strength and stability provided by your abdominal muscles. If the muscles on one side of your body are weaker than those on the other, this might be why one side of your rib cage is protruding or sitting unevenly.

Genetics has a significant effect on the shape of your body. You can’t stress quite how critical it is to accept and appreciate yourself as you are, rather than comparing your physical appearance to others on the internet. In some cases, their DNA may be different from yours.

Exercise and a healthy eating plan may change the size of both muscle and fat. In the thoracic area, the rib cage supports and protects the heart, lungs, and other vital organs, such as the thyroid gland. In addition, having thin hips might give the appearance of having a larger waistline.

Reducing the Size of the Rib Cage

The rib cage cannot be shrunk in any way. You can get the illusion of a more petite upper body by using corsets and bindings, but they don’t modify your body shape. Health complications might arise if they are performed poorly.

Strength, mobility, and stability for the spine are all provided by your abdominal muscles, which act as a corset around your midsection. The upper body can benefit from having a healthy and robust abdominal wall. These muscles should be trained safely and effectively.

If you’ve previously given birth to children, your core muscles may have weakened due to a lack of postpartum rehabilitation. Two benefits of adopting a more health-conscious lifestyle are improving your physical appearance and supporting your overall health.


To seem more feminine and desirable as a woman, you need to slim down and reduce the size of your rib cage. It’s ideal to have a flat stomach and less fat on your upper body if you want to show off your curves.

Top 5 Gym Exercises to Shrink Your Rib Cage

Here are some workouts you may do at home or the gym with dumbbells, resistance bands, or equipment to slim down your rib cage and upper body. Some workouts can reduce your ribcage size without surgery.

These workouts will tone and define your muscles while shrinking your ribs:

1. Planks (all fours plank)

It works your arms, abs, gluts, and legs. Engage these muscles to stand appropriately. All fours side plank instructions

  • Lie on one side, elbow under shoulder, feet stacked.

  • Lift off the floor by stretching fingertips, tightening buttocks, and activating the core.

  • Hold for 30 seconds and do 3 sets.

2. Blackfly

This workout strengthens your upper back and arms to reduce your “wingspan.” Large wingspan broadens shoulders.

Reverse flying instructions

  • Stand with dumbbells and knees slightly bent.

  • Lift arms to shoulder height while squeezing rear deltoids.

  • Return to start for 1 rep; 10 if feasible.

3. Pullovers with dumbbells

It is an excellent workout for working out your lats (the muscles in your armpit). Shoulders and arms are also targeted. It is my favorite rib cage workout after months of study.

Dumbbell pullovers instructions

  • Lie on a bench with a dumbbell over your face. Elbows should bend 90 degrees.

  • Bend your elbow and drop the weight behind your head until your chest stretches.

  • Keep your lower back straight and body lifted during this exercise.

  • Bring the dumbbell forward for 1 rep, 8 if feasible.

4. Curls

For curling, utilize barbells (or your preferred weight). We’re working our biceps, shoulders, and back.

Barbell curls instructions

  • Stand shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell underhand (palms facing up).

  • Curl the weight toward your chest by bending at the elbow.

  • Squeeze your biceps to avoid straining them when bringing the weight towards you.

  • Lower barbell for 1 rep, 8 if feasible.

5. Pull-ups

This workout targets arms, back, oblique, and abs. To minimize injury and get the most out of this workout, employ the perfect technique.

Weighted pull-up instructions

  • Hang from the pull-up bar with your palms facing away from you.

  • During this exercise, don’t contact the ground.

  • Pull your chest to the bar while tightening your back and abs.

  • Lower slowly for 1 rep; aim for 8 repetitions.

Shrink Your Rib Cage When You Slim Down

It’s always possible to reduce weight to get a smaller waist. You’ll need more than just dropping a few pounds to get the thin figure you’ve always wanted.

To attain a flat stomach and toned abs, exercise is also required. Some people are blessed with a naturally tiny rib cage, while others wish they could shrink it.

Although decreasing weight isn’t enough to decrease your rib cage, it may make a noticeable difference in how big or tiny it seems.

When you slim down, your waist, hips, and thighs are reduced in fat. As a result, your rib cage will appear smaller because of the shrinkage of those places.

Effect on Your Rib Cage with a Waist Trainer

While extra fat might make your chest appear more significant, some women have larger rib cages. A corset or waist trainer won’t change that, but bruising your ribs from wearing a trainer or corset too small may be mistaken for weight loss or a thinner rib cage by others.

Phillips calls it “a fallacy” to think you can alter your bone structure. "The bones of [adult] women are produced. A waist trainer won’t help you lose weight if you have a large rib cage.


Some people are born with small rib cages, while others wish they could make theirs even smaller. A waist trainer won’t help you lose weight if you have a big rib cage. People might think you’ve lost weight if your ribs are bruised from wearing a corset or waist trainer.

Why Do Men Have Larger Rib Cages Than Women?

There are several methods in which men excel over women, for example:

  1. As a rule, men’s biceps are more remarkable than women’s.

  2. To gain muscular mass, you must lift heavier weights, which results in larger muscles and a more prominent rib cage.

In addition, compared to men, women have disproportionately more fat tissue throughout their bodies. Ribs seem smaller in fatter persons because they have less subcutaneous fat around them.

Carrying said that having a few extra pounds can occasionally make someone appear healthy. However, excessively thin can also reveal the bones under your skin, making your chest appear more prominent and rounder.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People asked many questions about the wide rib cage. We discussed a few of them below:

1 - What factors contribute to having a broad rib cage?

According to Harvard Health, abdominal fat frequently accumulates with age, at least partly because of age-related muscle loss. Inactivity has the potential to hasten this development. The rib cage and torso get more prominent when you have excess abdominal fat.

2 - What kind of body is characterized by having a big rib cage?

The shape is circular: With a fuller rear and rounder hips, as well as narrower hips and slimmer leg lengths, this individual has a more ample bust.

3 - What is the Rib Cage?

It’s a hollow cage in the thorax that protects essential organs like the heart and lungs from injury by a collection of bones known as the ribs. In general, men’s rib cages are more significant than women’s.

4 - What causes my chest to swell when I exercise?

Sprains and strains. A strain or sprain can also cause a popping sound in the sternum in the chest muscles or joints. A popping sound can be produced when muscles and connective tissues out of alignment bulge, placing pressure on nearby structures.

5 - Is it possible to reduce the size of my rib cage?

The rib cage cannot be shrunk in any way. A reduced upper body can be achieved using corsets and bindings, but they are temporary solutions. Health complications might arise if they are performed poorly.

6 - Why do my ribs protrude beneath my bust?

In children, the sternum (breastbone) protrudes more than usual. Pectus carinatum is a childhood ailment. An abnormality in the cartilage between the breastbone and rib cage is the cause. Treatment and diagnosis are covered.

7 - Why is it so critical that the chest cavity expands?

Your diaphragm flattens out and contracts as you inhale. In this way, your lungs are given more excellent room to expand as they breathe more air. And it’s not just the diaphragm that allows your lungs to expand.

8 - Why is it called false ribs?

One of the last five pairs of ribs that are false. The sternum is not attached to a rib, making it a false rib (the breastbone). The costal cartilages of the ribs just above the three upper fake ribs serve as their attachment points.

9 - What is a cervical rib?

A cervical rib is an additional rib that develops from the base of the neck, just above the collarbone, and grows above the first rib. It is possible to have a cervical rib on either side of your neck. Either a full-fledged bony rib or merely a string of fibrous tissue fibers might be the culprit here.

10 - Can you reduce your waistline by removing a rib?

Surgery to reduce the waistline has acquired appeal in the United States following rumors from the 1970s that Cher had two ribs removed. However, doctors are increasingly reluctant to undertake such procedures because of the dangers and consequences.

11 - How do you repair broad ribs?

Physical activity is the best bet to lose all kinds of fat from the body, including both types of belly fat. A healthy, moderate calorie-restricted diet and regular exercise can help you achieve a reduced rib cage.

12 - Is it possible for ribs to be pink?

Yes. You’ll see a reddish hue around the edges of the meat when you’re cooking smoked ribs, as shown in The Visual Test below. If you have this response, don’t worry; it will persist long after the pork has finished cooking. Pink ribs, on the other hand, indicate that the meat hasn’t yet reached its desired doneness.


Ribs and bust bones from the rib cage. Radiation-resistant heart, lungs, stomach, and liver. The 24-rib rib cage protects and strengthens the upper torso. Men want a wider rib cage more than women do.

We’ll discuss food and other techniques for lowering rib cage size. Short ribs don’t require surgery. Weight loss reduces our rib cage. Hopefully, this clarifies your questions concerning the Wide Rib Cage.

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Other RIB Cage Reducers

It may be for folks who do not do weights or cardio. Do not worry if you cannot do this often. We will explain other strategies to make your chest look smaller below.

1. HIIT workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) tones your body, improves stamina, and burns fat without hours of daily exercise. This workout burns calories rapidly while toning muscles. Boosting metabolism helps achieve the tiniest ribcage.

Perform High-Intensity Interval Training sessions four or five times a week. More frequent workouts develop muscle quickly. You need 30-second sprints followed by 1-minute recovery periods.

2. Eat vitamin C-rich foods

Vitamin C eliminates cortisol, which causes weight growth and water retention. Vitamin C-rich meals can reduce subcutaneous body fat and rib bloat. Kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. See how adding these to your diet changes your rib cage.

3. Eat potassium-rich foods

According to Livestrong, potassium lowers cortisol levels, which cause water retention and rib weight. Potassium-rich foods are healthful. Bananas, oranges, nectarines, and tomatoes are examples. Add these to your regular diet to reduce chest bloating.

4. Stop drinking

Alcohol causes bloating because it contains sugar that our liver cells store as glycogen. Liver cells transport glycogen into the circulation. Enzymes break down glycogen, releasing water into the body.

The more glycogen you have around your rib cage, the bloated you will feel. It causes weight gain because your muscles will not transform if they store too much water.

5. Eat balanced, sugar-free meals

Fruits contain fructose sugar, which the liver converts to glucose before entering the circulation. When you ingest glucose-containing meals, your kidneys release insulin, which helps deliver glucose to cells.

Insulin stores extra energy as fat, and consuming too many carbohydrates and sugar makes us less sensitive to it. Our bodies cannot break down insulin properly, causing fat accumulation and weight increase everywhere, especially around the rib cage. Every day, watch what you eat.

6. Hydrate

Water aids weight reduction by flushing away pollutants such as sodium, fructose, bilirubin, and uric acid. Water helps you lose weight by making restroom trips more straightforward, especially while dieting. It eliminates rib cage bloat immediately!

How To Reduce Your Rib Cage Naturally?

Cardio is recommended for fat loss because this is where most weight is lost. Even walking won’t help if you eat junk food. Cardio alone won’t make your chest smaller; you must watch what you consume.

You may also practice workouts to acquire a reduced rib cage, but don’t anticipate fast results because your body needs time to adjust and grow muscle. Consistency is vital, so maintain exercising, or those muscles will fade.

These exercises can assist you in determining how to acquire a smaller rib cage.

1. Pushups

  • They improve upper body strength and decrease your chest.

  • Adjusting your hand-to-foot distance and the surface you’re on can modify push-ups (elevating your feet will require more upper body strength).

  • Maintain appropriate techniques when doing push-ups to avoid straining your body.

2. Planks

  • Both are wonderful for tightening your core and sculpting your stomach, which will make you seem chestier.

  • Planks are great since they require one mat, and if you’re excellent at them, they’ll show off your abs (which we all want, right?). (Bodybuilders!

3. Med ball exercise

It is a workout I created using medicine balls, dumbbells, and resistance bands, although there are plenty of others. You may construct your bodyweight workout.

Beachbody offers these rib cage-shrinking exercises:

  • The Med Ball Slam burns calories and builds muscle. Slam a med ball (or gym ball) as hard as possible. It is a full-body exercise because you’re leaping.

  • Medicine Ball Pass Backwards. This full-body workout focuses more on coordination than strength, although it gets more challenging as you continue.

  • Plyo push-up is a plyometric push-up version that will strengthen your arms over time. Faster muscle growth means you’ll appear leaner and more toned faster.

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