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Why Do My Eyes Hurt?


Why Do My Eyes Hurt? Mild eye irritation and pain are typical. These symptoms might develop as a result of eyestrain or dryness, which can occur when an individual spends an extended length of time concentrating their eyes on screens or books. Eye discomfort that is more severe may arise as a result of a migraine, a damaged cornea, or an infection.

Why Do My Eyes Hurt?

The eyes may ache in a variety of ways. A person may experience soreness, ache, burning, or stinging in their eyes, or may believe they have an item or other foreign body lodged in them.

This article will discuss the causes of eye discomfort, various treatments and cures, and when to see a physician.

Causes of Hurting Eyes


When the eyes get fatigued, eyestrain occurs. This often happens when someone is doing an activity that requires prolonged eye attention. As a consequence, you may have painful, watery, or dry eyes.

Several possible causes of eyestrain include the following:

  • examining monitors

  • driving

  • reading

  • being exposed to intense light

Resting the eyes might help alleviate symptoms of eyestrain. The National Eye Institute (NEI) recommends taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes from pursuits such as reading to stare at an item 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Increasing screen brightness, decreasing glare from lights and windows, and taking frequent pauses from driving may also assist.

Eye strain and headaches may also be a result of an inappropriate prescription for eyeglasses. Because vision varies over time, it is prudent to schedule frequent eye exams with an eye doctor.

Eyes that are dry

Dry eye is a rather frequent ailment. It happens when the tear ducts do not generate enough tears to maintain the proper moisture level in the eyes.

Among the signs of dry eye are the following:

  • irritated eyes

  • eyes are are scorching or stinging

  • redness

Dry eye is more prevalent in older persons, females, and those who do not consume enough vitamin A or omega-3 fatty acids. Individuals who suffer from certain autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome, are also at risk of developing dry eye.

Dry eye may also develop if someone spends an extended period of time staring at a screen, since they may blink less often. Additionally, air conditioning, smoke, and wind can aggravate this condition.

Dry eye treatment options include moisturising eye drops and prescription medicine that stimulates the production of tears. If the reason of dry eye is excessive tear duct drainage, undergoing a surgical operation to restrict the tear ducts may assist.

Pink-colored eye

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is an infection caused by a virus or bacteria. The most often seen symptoms are as follows:

  • eyes that are pink or red

  • itch or burn

  • eyes that are wet

  • discharge that may be white, yellow, or green in colour

In most cases, viral conjunctivitis resolves spontaneously. Individuals with bacterial conjunctivitis, on the other hand, may need antibiotic eye drops or ointment.

Individuals experiencing severe or chronic symptoms, as well as those who discover conjunctivitis signs in a newborn, should see a physician.

Pink eye is very contagious. As a result, anybody experiencing conjunctivitis symptoms should wash their hands often, particularly after contacting the eye region. Additionally, it is prudent to temporarily:

  • discontinue the use of contact lenses

  • halt the use of eye makeup

  • Put an end to the sharing of towels and other personal goods.

  • Stay away from natural swimming pools

When the infection has resolved, individuals will be allowed to continue these activities.

Fungul Infection

Additionally, fungi may cause eye infections.

Individuals who work on farms or in gardens, as well as those who use contact lenses, are more susceptible to fungal eye infections. Individuals with weakened immune systems, diabetes, and corticosteroid-dependent illnesses may also be more vulnerable.

A fungal eye infection may result in the following symptoms:

  • hazy vision

  • tearing

  • discharge

It is critical to get medical attention immediately if you have any of these symptoms. All kinds of fungal eye infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), need prescription medicine. Antifungal eye drops, medicine, or, in certain situations, surgery may be used to treat the infection.

Cornea scratched

The cornea is the transparent coating that covers the eye’s front surface. When putting in contact lenses, applying cosmetics, or rubbing their eyes, a person may scratch their cornea. As a consequence, eye discomfort occurs, as well as:

  • a sensation that something is imprisoned in the eye

  • eyes that are red and watery

  • light sensitivity

To cure a scratched cornea, a doctor may prescribe eye drops, an eye patch, or a specific contact lens designed to promote recovery.

Mild scratches, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, do not need treatment and often heal within two days. A deeper scrape may take up to one week to heal completely.


The NEIT defines uveitis as a word that refers to a variety of inflammatory eye disorders. Uveitis may wreak havoc on eye tissue and result in vision loss.

Among the symptoms are the following:

  • eye ache

  • black, floaty dots in the field of view

Uveitis may not usually have an obvious cause. It may occur as a result of an eye injury, infection, tumour, or autoimmune disorder. It might be a transient or chronic illness that recurs.

Uveitis requires medical treatment. Typically, prescription eye drops or medicine are used to treat the condition. The goal is to alleviate discomfort and inflammation, protect the surrounding tissue, and restore vision.

Eye pain and other symptoms

If eye discomfort develops in conjunction with other symptoms, it may signal that the individual is suffering from a separate illness.

Several possible situations include the following:

  1. A sinus infection may be indicated by pain in the cheekbones, forehead, and eyes, as well as a clogged nose and fever. Antibiotics may be prescribed by a physician to treat a sinus infection.

  2. Migraine is a disorder that results in severe headaches, most often on one side of the brain. Migraine may manifest itself as a strong pain in or around the eyes or brow bone, sensitivity to light, nausea, or vomiting.

  3. Cervicogenic headaches may produce discomfort in the area around the eyes, on one side of the face or head, and in the neck or shoulders. Additionally, nausea, impaired vision, and sensitivity to light or sound are possible.

Home Remedies

Home cures do not have the ability to treat significant eye problems or infections, such as a fungal infection or uveitis. They may, however, give symptom alleviation for those who have fatigued, painful, or dry eyes.

Several home cures include the following:

  • Resting: When a person’s eyes are rested, eye discomfort caused by strain or an inaccurate prescription might subside. Taking pauses from reading or computer work on a regular basis may help reduce eyestrain.

  • Utilizing a humidifier: Humidifiers may assist improve the moisture content of the air, which is beneficial for persons who suffer from dry eyes or live in dry areas.

  • Attempt over-the-counter drops: Hydrating eye drops replenish the eyes with moisture and may help those with weary or dry eyes feel better.

  • Eliminating irritants: Smoke, strong winds, and air conditioning all aggravate eye dryness. If feasible, reducing someone’s exposure to certain irritants may be beneficial.

  • Putting down the cigarette: Cigarette smoke affects the eyes. Smoking also raises the risk of eye illness and optic nerve damage, according to the NEI.

The NEI recommends consuming dark, leafy green vegetables, fatty seafood such as salmon and halibut, and vitamin A-rich foods such as carrots and broccoli to help prevent eye disorders.

To Sumamrize
Mild eye irritation and pain are typical. These symptoms might develop as a result of eyestrain or dryness, which can occur when an individual spends an extended length of time concentrating their eyes on screens or books.

What are the most often occurring causes of eye pain?

The most common causes of eye discomfort often involve specific areas of the eye. These include the cornea, the white of the eye (sclera), and the conjunctiva, a thin covering that covers it. The iris is the colourful portion of the eye.

Eye discomfort may also be caused by the muscles that regulate the eye, the nerves, or the eyelids.

Corneal pathologies

The most prevalent cause of eye discomfort is an issue with the cornea. The cornea is the eye’s outermost layer. It has a transparent dome-shaped covering that completely encloses the front of the eye.

Numerous conditions that affect the cornea also impact the fluid-filled area between the iris and the cornea’s inner section.

The cornea serves as a direct barrier, keeping out dirt, bacteria, and other potentially hazardous or alien particles. Additionally, the cornea plays an important role in screening harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.

Corneal diseases include the following:

  • Keratitis shingles simplex: An infection of the eye caused by the shingles simplex virus.

  • Bullous keratopathy: A corneal condition characterised by blister-like swelling. Blisters may burst, producing excruciating pain, discomfort in the eyes, and visual impairment.

  • Peripheral ulcerative keratitis: An eye condition in which the cornea becomes inflamed and ulcerated. Typically occurs in persons who have illnesses of the connective tissues, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Corneal ulcer: An infection of the cornea that results in an open sore. Open sores may be caused by contact lenses, trauma, medications, and dietary deficits. Ulcers are characterised by discomfort, redness, and tearing.

As with other bodily parts, small cuts or scratches to the cornea may recover. Typically, the region heals on its own without affecting eyesight permanently.

Abrasions and the presence of foreign things

The most prevalent kind of corneal damage occurs as a result of abrasions produced by foreign objects.

Abrasions may be induced by the following:

  • wind-borne particulates

  • using tools or any other kind of trash

  • fingernails

  • lenses contact

  • cosmetic applicators

After removing the foreign items, they may leave tiny scratches on the cornea. Because the surface cells of the eye regenerate fast, most scratches heal within one to three days.

However, a medical examination can detect whether the cornea has been scratched, and timely antibiotic therapy may avoid infection.

Eye drops for pain treatment are also often recommended.

A follow-up check by an eye expert is also required after the damage.


Glaucoma develops when there is an imbalance between the production and outflow of fluid in the eye, causing the ocular pressure to rise to hazardous levels. This increased pressure damages the optic nerve gradually, ultimately resulting in permanent vision loss.

Although individuals may notice eye redness, pain, blurred vision, or headaches, glaucoma-related vision loss progresses gradually and may go untreated for an extended period of time. Because vision loss is irreversible, early diagnosis is critical.


Endophthalmitis is an infection of the eye caused by organisms that enter the eye through a surgical incision or an ocular injury. In certain instances, the infection has spread from the circulation to the eye, however this is a less typical route of infection.

The infection is primarily caused by bacteria, although it may also be caused by mycelium or protozoa. Endophthalmitis symptoms include the following:

  • acute ocular discomfort

  • reddening of the corneal whites of the eyes

  • susceptibility to intense light

  • vision impairment

  • puffiness of the eyelids

Individuals should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even prompt therapy is not always sufficient to halt vision loss in endophthalmitis. Unfortunately, even a wait of a few hours might result in irreparable eyesight loss in certain circumstances.

Antibiotics, corticosteroids, and surgery are all possible treatment options. Doctors may remove affected tissue from the interior of the eye during surgery, which may help halt the infection.

Guidance on Eye Care

Individuals should ensure that they wash their hands often. It is critical to avoid sharing cosmetics, contact solutions, eye drops, or anything else that might contribute to the transmission of germs.

Preventing eye discomfort may be accomplished by using caution while conducting routine tasks such as applying cosmetics or contacts lenses. Contact lenses are a simple method for those who are not attentive to pick up corneal abrasions and infections.

When lenses are not thoroughly cleaned and particles remain on them after being inserted in the eye, they might damage the surface. Additionally, lenses that have been worn for an extended period of time, left in incorrectly while sleeping, or worn while the eyes are very dry may cause abrasions.

While most abrasions heal without issues, some develop into infections such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), which is very infectious.

Individuals should always wear protective eyewear while engaging in any activity that might result in debris entering the eyes.

Dry eyes and conjunctivitis are two possible causes of an individual feeling as though something is in their eye. Over-the-counter artificial tears may help alleviate this discomfort. Other illnesses and eye injuries may need immediate medical intervention.

Frequently Asked Questions

People usually ask many questions about Why Do My Eyes Hurt?. A few of them are discussed below:

1. Is it possible for stress to induce eye pain?

Consistently high levels of stress and accompanying adrenaline release result in consistently dilated pupils and ultimately light sensitivity. This may result in eye muscle twitching and tightness, resulting in stress-related visual impairments and eye pain.

2. When is it appropriate to be worried about eye pain?

If your eye discomfort is extremely acute or accompanied by a headache, fever, or extraordinary sensitivity to light, call 911 or your local emergency number. Your view abruptly shifts. Additionally, you may feel nausea or vomiting.

3. What causes red, irritated eyelids?

Sore eyelids may be caused by styes and chalazia, as well as traumas, infections, and contact lens difficulties. Sore eyelids normally resolve on their own without medical intervention. However, if a person’s eyesight gets impaired or if their symptoms grow severe or do not improve, they should visit a doctor or an eye doctor.

4. Why is it that my eyelash hurts?

Often, eyelash discomfort is caused by ingrown eyelashes or inflammation of the eyelids. Irritation may be caused by eye makeup, allergies, or injuries. In rare circumstances, the discomfort may be caused by difficulties with the eyelids or eyelash development. Consult a physician if your eyelash discomfort persists.

5. Is it possible for dehydration to induce eye pain?

By not drinking enough water and having dried eyes, you will significantly increase the strain on your eyes. Strain on the eyes may result in headaches, soreness, and vision problems. These visual problems include double vision, blurred vision, and light sensitivity.

6. Is it possible for your eyes to get strained?

Strain in the eyes is a symptom, not an eye disease. Eye strain happens when your eyes get fatigued as a result of prolonged usage, such as driving a vehicle, reading, or working at a computer. If you get eye pain as a result of staring at anything for an extended period of time, this is referred to as eye strain.

7. Can anxiety cause eye pain?

Eye Muscles When you are anxious, all of the muscles in your body get rigid, and they begin to sense stress. This might result in a straining sensation in your eyes and sensations that begin to hurt more and more with time.

8. Why do my eyes ache when I first awaken?

Arid Eye. When you awake, the most frequent reason your eyes suffer is because they are dry. In the United States, almost 5 million individuals suffer with dry eye. If your eyes frequently suffer when you wake up, it’s extremely probable that your eyes dried up throughout the night.

9. Why am I unable to open my eyes when I awaken?

When portions of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occur while you are awake, this is called sleep paralysis. REM sleep is a period of sleep during which the brain is very active and dreams often occur. Apart from the eyes and breathing muscles, the body remains immobile, probably to prevent you from acting out your fantasies and injuring yourself.

10. Is it possible to get blind from stress?

Over time, when high stress and worry occur repeatedly, your body’s elevated cortisol levels may result in glaucoma and optic neuropathy, which can result in blindness.

Eye discomfort that is more severe may arise as a result of a migraine, a damaged cornea, or an infection. If feasible, a person should see a physician about their symptoms.

A person may get the sensation that something is in their eye for a variety of reasons. Some will include alien things, while others will not. Anyone who suspects an infection or eye injury should see an eye doctor immediately to avoid long-term damage and vision loss.

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