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Origin Of 10 4 Good Buddy


Origin of 10 4 Good Buddy is a phrase from the North American “CB” culture of the 1970s. Hollywood films highly popularised it, most commonly in road comedies like Cannonball Run and Smokey and the Bandi. Heavy trucking companies utilized CB (Citizen’s Band) radios frequently, which led to the development of a specialized user community and a distinctive camaraderie resembling today’s online gaming community.

Meaning Of 10 4 Good Buddy

10–4 is an accepted radio communication response, meaning’ Message received and understood. "Code 10-4 belongs to the early old CB radio. In the early years, there was frequently a code 10-4created for greetings or thank-you messages. They are similar to Area Codes. 3

Uses Of (10-4)

  • The code Ten-Four (10-4) is often used by police to clear out their statements to other inspectors to whom they are talking. As a code, it denotes acknowledgment of a previous message. Good buddy also refers to the American team Conjuring similarly. The confluence of the two statements creates a deliberately ironic expression at once officious and informal.
  • Ten-four was a common expression used to thank someone or somebody. It has been around since 1937, created in Illinois for effective police communication, but nobody paid much attention to it until introduced by the baby boomer generation.
  • Ham radio operators used it, and truckers adopted it in the 1970s to communicate with fellow drivers on Citizens Band (CB) channels. The CB excitement died after a few years, but many young and older adults enjoyed the craze. The era’s slang expressions (alligator for tire tread carcass, bird dog for a radar detector, etc.) are listed online. Ten-Four was not so popular then, but it became popular with party songs and movies.


Another alternative was placing the number 10 before each code. The radios’ motor generators warmed up slowly. Thus, it was common to miss the first few syllables of a radio transmission. There was used number 4 to stand in for "acknowledgment" of communication (10-3, in case you were curious, indicated “stop transmission”).

Introduction Of 10 4 Good Buddy

  1. In the early times, greeting used to be time-consuming, so people had to find a quick way to do so, so they created a code-named Ten-Four, which means thank you. It first reached the Police head departments and Head officers; then it was introduced to the local public/ordinary people.
  2. At that time, the Ten code was a so-called common word for people that were stuck in their tongues. 10-4 is an affirmative signal, and it means "OK. Nowadays, Ten codes are officially used by Policemen and Officers to determine the correct situation from one another.

Early Age

  • In the early 1930s and 1940s, this code was not so famous because no people could understand it at that time because there were no such men or women to explain it so well. Then, after time passed, its origination became more worthy, and people started understanding it. Then it became a commonly used word.
  • The use of code 10-4 increased as it became more understandable for people. Soon made it trucker slang, but the official police code ten four still originated in such areas. People started using it in their greetings to people. In this Early time, there were very few amounts of police radio stations, so it was not able to get as considered relatively.
  • The code 10-4 was later considered trucker slang or a trucker language in C. W. McCall’s 1975 song "Convoy. CB Radio was relatively considered as this. These songs got ranked no. 1 in these categories as they became famous.

10 Code Meaning

Ten codes, also called ten signals, are brevity codes used in voice communication, primarily by law enforcement and Citizens Band (CB) radio transmissions, to indicate typical phrases.

The APCO Bulletin’s June 1935 issue featured the first Morse code brevity codes, developed from the U.S. Navy’s procedural symbols.

In August 1935, APCO Bulletin published an article on the policies of the Ten Codes :

1. A common message form that all police departments are required to utilize.
2. A simple code for service dispatches relating to corrections, repetitions, etc.

3. A standard arrangement of the context of messages. I probably used them for cars and other vehicles registered with a ten-code.

4. A standard record system for logging the operation of the station.

5. A file of other vital records made of registration of uniforms.

Development Of APCO

  • In an era when police radio channels were scarce, it was created in June 1935 to limit the use of voice over the radio. It was due to “Charlie Charles Hooper,” the principal developer of ten codes. For years and years, he was interested in this kind of stuff and content. He cherished engaging in these activities. He was a renowned genius and a working programmer.

  • Many experienced radio operators used and knew how to use these ten codes in different situations to inform somebody. The CB radio was among these professionals and experienced operators because they only knew how to use ten principles in what case.

  • However, they sometimes forget these. Many companies that asked for ten code experience suffered losses because only a few of the gentlemen used to know how to use these codes. It was because they were newly introduced and pretty challenging to get understood. Then after a few years, people started approaching its preaching, which became very common.

Here are some codes and their definitions :

10 20What is your location, and identify your position
10 2Signal good
10 3Stop transmitting.
10 4Acknowledgement (OK)
10 5Relay
10 79used to recognize ■■■■ threats.
10 60used for security purposes
10 42used to indicate an officer’s end of the tour.
10 10used when it is the situation of transactions being processed.
10 85an arrival is late at the time.

CB slang

The unusual anti-language, jargon, or cant that emerged among Citizens Band radio (CB) users—the majority of whom were truck drivers in the early 1990s— is known as CB slang.

It began in the United States and later imported its language into Canada, Mexico, and Germany.

History Of Codes

10-5 History

  • The CB radio was created in 1945 by Al Gross, the founder of the Citizens Radio Corp. and inventor of the walkie-talkie. Small companies and blue-collar workers like carpenters, plumbers, and electricians were big fans of the radio, which they used to talk to each other while working. By the 1960s, the price of radios had dropped to a point where most regular people could afford one, and the 23-channel radio had been invented.
  • Solid-state circuits made it possible to lower significantly the size and cost, which made it simple for CB clubs to form and amateurs to create their distinctive CB slang. Along with this terminology, CB radio clubs established “10” codes, such as 10-4, 10-1, 10-9, etc., used by emergency services.

10-64 Of The Slang

Truckers have a unique lexicon for the people and things they come across on the road, in addition to the ten codes, some of which are shown in the song Convoy. We can still discover recognizable terminology in popular culture nowadays. Everyone is familiar with a police officer, but here are some additional ordinary trucker slang terms.

Trucker SlangIndicates
Ankle Biter,a small child
BackslideA return trip
Bear baitSpeeding car
Big SlabInterstate
City KittyCity Police
Cash RegisterToll Booth
Bird DogRadar Detector
Dispatchersare competent in transporting an empty or light trailer
Granny LaneSlow Lane
Ground Pressurethe weight of a truck
Hammer DownMove faster
Home 20Your home


Another method to communicate that you have received and comprehended the information in the communication is to “copy.” Although saying “copy” after “10-4" is slightly redundant because the terms “copy” and “10-4” are virtually the same.” However, individuals still use it to demonstrate that they have received the request or information and understand its context.

Similar Expressions To 10-4

I have you.

I comprehend.

Yes, no issue.

Words That Contravene 10-4

I wasn’t aware of that.

I overlooked that.


Here are some frequently asked questions

Q1.What does the phrase 10 4 Good Buddy mean?

The phrase or code 10-4 means Thank You, it can be used when greeting someone, but police officers officially use it.

Q2.Where did the term 10 4 originate?

Code 10-4 was officially originated to have a quick way to clear something. A police officer wants to earn something for another officer, so that he will use this code.

Q3.What is the Origin of what’s your 20?

What are you 20 originated for the short word, where are you?

Q4.What does good buddy slang mean?

The cliched term used on CB radios in the 1970s refers to a friend or acquaintance. Now, “buddy” and “good buddy” can be used interchangeably, mainly when referring to drivers. Those are good figures. Congratulations to a fellow motorist.

Q5.What does a 10 20 mean?

Essentially, the question is “Where are you?” alternatively, you can use it to indicate where you are right now.

10-2 Signal good. 10-3 Stop transmitting. 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) 10-5 Relay. 10-6 Busy–stand by unless urgent.

Q7.What does a 10 8 mean?

10-8 In-service/available for assignment. 10-9 Repeat the last transmission. 10-10 Off duty. 10-10A Off duty at home. 10-11 Identify this frequency.

Q8.What does a 10 2 mean?

Radio code for ‘Receiving well.’

Q9.What is a 10 41 police code?

The police code 10 41 is used to suspect a crime.

Q10.What does watching your six mean?

“Got your six” Meaning: Watching your back. Military members commonly describe directions using the hours of a clock. Whichever direction the vehicle, unit, or individual is moving is the noon position, so the six o’clock position is to the rear.

Q11.Why do truck drivers refer to breaker 19?

Does anyone have a copy of Breaker Breaker 1–9? Truckers frequently utilize this saying to gain access to the CB radio channel as a courtesy call. The “1-9” refers to CB radio channel 19, the busiest channel.

Q12.What is the meaning of Breaker Breaker One Niner?

It can be followed by either a channel number (e.g., “Breaker One-niner” refers to channel 19, the most popular among truck drivers), suggesting that anybody may acknowledge, or a specific “handle,” asking for a particular person to answer.

Q13.How do truckers contact the police?

Like most bear slang phrases used by truckers, “bear” in the bear cave refers to police officers. But most notably, the location where they congregate. Bear dens are stations and other structures that house police officers.

Q14.What does J in Crazy 8 mean?

J (Jack): The following player is skipped when a J is played. It may play Only cards of the same suit or another J.

Q15.What happens when you say “10-4 excellent buddy”?

10-4 is merely a hint that someone has understood you. You don’t have to reply to the 10-4, but you can certainly do so if the Message includes anything else.


If I sum this Article up in some lines, 10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means “OK.” The ten codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper, who invented them in the early 90s to make communication faster between police officers.

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