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How To Fix Windows I/O Device Error 0x8007045d?


Windows I/O device error 0x8007045d is a hard drive error that mostly appears when the user is transferring the data from one device to another. When this error occurs, it means you are not able to transfer the data due to some issue or you are transferring invalid data.

If you don’t fix this error then you may get into data loss. A user can get into 0x8007045d error due to numerous reasons.

Reasons behind Windows I/O Device Error 0x8007045d:

  1. You are trying to transfer an invalid data
  2. Broken registry files
  3. Your Windows files get corrupted
  4. Malware infection
  5. Low disk space

Resolving Windows I/O Device Error 0x8007045d:

Restart your computer

Many times, the error occurs due to some small runtime issue. These simple errors can easily get fixed by restarting the computer. When you see the error message, close the data transfer process. Turn off the PC for a while. Now restart the device and again try to transfer the files. If you were getting the error due to some runtime issues then restarting the computer will fix it. But if you are still getting errors while transferring the data then you should seek other solutions.

Try running the PC on safe mode

Running the PC in safe mode will ensure the reason behind the error. If you are able to perform the tasks in safe mode that means you are getting the error due to external issues. But if you get an error on safe mode then the issue is appearing due to a Windows error. Follow the given steps for running the PC on a safe mode:

  1. Close the error page

  2. Go to the Start menu

  3. Click on the Run bar

  4. Type MSConfig on the run bar

  5. Press the Enter button

  6. Go to the Boot tab

  7. Not click on the Safe Boot option

  8. Permission wizard will be displayed

  9. Choose Exit without restart option

  10. Again go running the bar and type MSConfig

  11. Hit the Enter button

  12. Choose Selective Startup option from General Tab

  13. Now uncheck the load startup option and go to the Services tab. Now click on Hide all Microsoft settings option

  14. Hit the Disabled All option button

  15. Click on the OK button

  16. A permission window will appear

  17. Choose the Restart button

Now try to copy the files again and check for error code 0xc00000e9.

Repair your Windows files

If you are getting the error while working on safe mode then the error is appearing due to the corrupted Windows files. Sometimes the error can also appear when Windows are outdated. Go to the Update and Security page and check for the latest update of your Windows. In case a new update is available for your Windows OS then you must install it.

For corrupted Windows files, you can use the file scanner tool. Windows has a system file scanner tool that automatically restores the corrupted files.

You can use the file scanner tool by following the given steps:

  1. Close the transfer process

  2. Click on the Start button

  3. Click on the Run option

  4. Type cmd on your Run dialog box

  5. Press the Enter button

  6. Permission prompt will be displayed

  7. Choose Confirm button

  8. The PC command screen will appear

  9. Type sfc/scannow on the Windows command screen

  10. Press the Enter button

The System File Checker tool will display and start scanning the files. If you have any corrupted Windows files then this tool will scan and fix it immediately. The Windows file scanning tool may take some time. After completing the scanning process, you will get the result page. Now you can transfer your files on Windows devices easily.

Undo the changes

Many people get this error after making changes on the computer. Users often make invalid changes that start showing errors while performing any task. If you are getting errors in transferring the file after making the changes on your computer then you should undo the changes on your computer.

Open your computer and revert the changes you have made. But if you don’t remember the settings then make use of the system restore tool. This inbuilt tool of Windows will allow you to revert the changes to back in time. Search for the system restore directly and run the tool.

You have to provide a restoring point and then follow the on-screen instructions. All the changes you have made on your device will get reverted immediately. Now restart your device for applying the changes and then try to transfer your data.

Run antivirus scan

Malware like viruses, Trojan Horses, etc can sometimes interrupt the PC processes. When your PC shows an error in transferring the files, check for the malware infection. Use antivirus and scan all the files on your computer. After completing the scanning process, restart your device and check whether you are able to transfer the files or not.

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