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Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes


Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Why Sweet Potatoes Are Good for Dogs ?

By adding sweet potatoes and different veggies to your dogs diet can have a lot of health benefits as long as you skip the marshmallow topping only. But according to a research dogs that had sweet potatoes or different veggies added to their meals reduced the risk of cancer by Upton 70 to 90%. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?*Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

sweet potatoes are one of the best snack food which contains of vitamin A, that helps to promote healthy skin, eyes, coat ,nerves, and muscles in dogs. While it is so true that white potatoes are way cheaper than sweet potatoes because white potatoes offer less nutritional value and also not good for dogs because they contain more carbohydrates. Never give dogs raw sweet potatoes. Always try to steam or mash and then add a little to your dogs normal meal.

White potatoes can potentially be one of the many factors to cause blood sugar problems and other obesity. It is also said that sweet potatoes are also have primarily carbohydrates in it . So never go over board and only add a limited amount to your dogs diet according your dogs health and age.

In addition to it sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than white potatoes but first take veterinary supervision before feeding sweet potato to a diabetic dog. Always take precautions while feeding your dog. Calories which you are giving from sweet potatoes should also be counted toward the maximum 10% amount of calories that your dog can have from treats each day.

What is A Sweet Potato?

Sweet potatoes is a staple food in many parts of the world. They are a good source of potassium, fiber , vitamins, and other essential nutrients which is good for body. Some people use the terms yam and sweet potato interchangeably. Therefore they are not related at all. Yam have more of like a drier texture and a more starchy content than sweet potato. This article shows all the nutritional value and possible health benefits of sweet potato. .

Yam Versus Sweet Potato

A true yam has a drier texture and is a starchy edible root of the Dioscorea genus which is a tropical herb and is generally imported to America from the Caribbean. It is scaly , rough and very low in beta carotene.

Talking about sweet potatoes they depends on variety also sweet potato flesh can vary from white to orange and even purple. The orange variety was introduced to the United States several years ago. In order to differentiate it from the white variety everyone was accustomed to the producers and shippers chose the English form of the African word nyami and labeled them as yams.

Can I Feed My Dog Sweet Potato Everyday

One of the most and important popular and effective ways to give your dog sweet potatoes is to make dehydrated chews. They make a great alternative to raw hide chews which is good treat to dogs. Also unlike raw hide sweet potato chews do not have a reputation for causing digestive choking and blockages.

Also the recipe of how to make dehydrated sweet potatoes chews is down below. So they are a much safer option and definitely more nutritious. Do not ever give dog a raw sweet potato. It is very difficult for them to chew also raw sweet potatoes can up set your dogs stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.


Yes dehydrated sweet potato chews are good for dogs .Here is a quick recipe that will become every dogs favorite.


  • Sweet Potatoes

Step by step instructions

  1. First wash sweet potatoes thoroughly then peeling them is optional.

  2. Then slice sweet potato in to 1/4 slices by cutting down the middle length wise. If you have a vegetable slicer or a food processor with a slicing blade this is easy.

  3. Soak the slices in water for at least 2 hours then drain and dry.

  4. Spray the slices lightly with olive oil because this increases absorption of beneficial beta-carotene.

  5. Dehydrate at the highest setting of 145° to 155° until it is done. Then after this dry approximately for 6 to 8 hours or longer . It will leave them with a chewy texture. For crunchier treats dehydrate longer until the slices reach the desired consistency as possible.

You can also make Sweet Potato chews with out a dehydrator. Position your oven rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 200°. Prepare the sweet potatoes the same way. Then allow the air to circulate underneath the slices. Put a single layer on a rack on a parchment paper lined sheet pan. Turn the sheet every half hour to reached the desired consistency. Depending on the thickness of the slice this will take at least take 2 or 3 hours or longer.

Be sure to check often and store it in an airtight container.

Also the easiest way to treat your dog to sweet potatoes is to steam or boil them. Do not add any seasonings in to the pieces to feed your dog. This methods will help to retain more nutritional value than roasting. Always remember this start by giving your dog a small amount.

Mixing sweet potatoes with other fruits and veggies is a great way to add a nutritional boost and value to your dogs diet. Mix them with blueberries, strawberries, broccoli and bananas add then to a plain yogurt smoothies or freeze them for a quick summer treat.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Potato Skins?

The skin of a sweet potato is not harmful for your dogs but if the sweet potato skin had eaten in large hunks that could cause a choking hazard. This is especially for small breed dogs they cannot eat the skin at all. Potato skins can be difficult to digest so it is always recommended to remove any skin from a white or sweet potato before feeding it to your dog. Can Dogs can Eat Sweet Potatoes. Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Can my dog eat canned sweet potatoes?

Most of the canned sweet potatoes have added sweeteners, artificial flavors and ingredients in it for making them a potential hazard for your pooch. Always use organic and unsweetened canned sweet potatoes with only water as the added ingredient are okay for your dog to feed.
It should be noted that most of the nutrients are lost in the canning process.

If you decide to feed your dog part of a white potato, it must be well-cooked with no added butter or seasoning. Potato products such as potato chips, French fries or mashed potatoes can contain an excess amount of fat and salt that is not healthy for dogs. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Can dogs eat Sweet potato fries

For dog it is the best to avoid feeding your dog anything which is fried because of the added fat in it and it is not good for the dogs who have diabetes . Sweet potatoes them selves are wonderful for dogs. It depends that you are baking or dehydrating them they both are good for your dog. Sweet Potato fries are a bit unhealthy option for dogs. Raw sweet potato and their fiber content and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes or not. Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Sweet potatoes are also in low fat and rich in vitamins A, C, calcium, B6 and potassium, iron (each play a vital role in overall wellness). For example vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy muscles, eyes , nerves, and skin. Also vitamin C is critical for a properly functioning immune system. Studies have found that dogs just like humans that show greater resistance to disease and have a better chance of recovery from injuries or illness when supplemented with vitamin C.

It is said that do not give dogs anything fried even if it is sweet potatoes.


  1. One Sweet Potato
  2. One tbsp Coconut Oil (melted)
  3. Spices needs Turmeric and Cinnamon

5 easy Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Then wash and peel the sweet potato.

  2. Cut the sweet potato in to evenly sized long skinny fry shaped pieces to fry them easily. Coat with oil and spices .

  3. Mix in a large bowl or you can use a Ziploc bag. Place fries on baking sheet in one layer. Bake for at least 15 minutes.

  4. Flip over fries for even baking. Bake for another 10-15 minutes.

  5. Let cool before giving to your dog.

Can dogs eat Sweet potato Pie

Sweet potato is a Best ingredient in all kinds of dog food wet, dry and homemade. This colorful and tasty root is often the plant matched up with a protein in prepackaged dog foods. The sweet potato is also shows up in dog treats as an alternative to raw hide treats, which can pose a choking hazard. Typically served baked with marshmallows or in sweet potato pie, this seasonal superfood is a hit with dogs.

Do Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes. Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Can dogs eat Sweet potato With Cinnamon

Typically served baked with marshmallows or in sweet potato pie, this seasonal superfood is a hit with dogs. … Feed your pup raw or dried pieces of sweet potato, not the canned mix. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes. Yes they do eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Sweet Potato for dogs Diarrhea

Diarrhea and upset stomach are very common issues for dogs or canines. If you have a pet do you should know that they often eat things that they should not. It is also normal for their digestive system to respond by becoming sensitive and purging itself through vomiting or diarrhea.

Nearly all dogs will experience nausea and diarrhea at some point. Depending on your dog’s diet, age, and temperament, this issue will vary in frequency, extent, and intensity. Usually for an upset stomach or diarrhea are acute meaning they are a spontaneous response to something the dog ate. Chronic or even repeated digestive issues may indicate a serious issue to your.

Many pet owners wonder what to feed a dog when your have diarrhea. It is a common condition in canines that has many causes. Understanding the different types of diarrhea dogs can encounter will help you decide how to best help your four-legged family member. Dogs can Eat Sweet Potatoes. Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron

How Much Can a Dog Eat?

Dogs should start eating sweet potato with very small amounts of usually not more than one or two ounces per serving. Toy breed dogs should start with a quarter or may be a half of an ounce about two to three teaspoons. As for the large breed dogs can have a little bit extra if they tolerate the first serving well.

When you are determining how much can a dog eat . Firstly it is important to consider their age as well as their activity level, height and overall health. Young pups and senior dogs have very different needs. But puppies need food for their growing bodies while adult dogs diets should be focused on maintaining their health.

sweet potatoes are high in carbohydrates that is why it should not be a dogs main source of nutrition. Animal protein should be a daily part of their diet and sweet potato is not used as a daily dose. When introducing any new foods first focus and talk to your veterinarian. If she/he gives the go ahead then only start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts.

It is also very important to make sure that the sweet potato is properly prepared. Baked or boiled and then mashed sweet potatoes work very well because it softens the potato by making it easier for your dog to swallow. Raw sweet potato is not safe until or unless it is chopped in to smaller pieces or slices. Do not use any butter, salt or other seasonings when giving it to your dog.

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Dogs

Yams, spuds what ever you call them sweet potatoes can be a great addition to your dogs food in moderation of course. When dogs eat sweet potatoes they are getting a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin A among others. They also provide a boost and are enough in important vitamins and minerals which is why we include them in our breath bone chews.

1. They help in digestion

We all know that sweet potatoes are high in fiber they help in to keep your pups digestion smooth and regular.

2. Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer while at the same time providing protection against heart disease.

Each Beta-carotene converts in to two molecules of Vitamin A in your dogs body which is more essential for your dogs vision, skin, bone growth and reproduction. It is all said by the technical Director and research and Development Scientist.

3. They are high in potassium.

Sweet potatoes are high in potassium for their calorie count which means they help regulate the body’s fluid balance and blood pressure as well.

4. It helps in healthy vision

The antioxidant beta-carotene in sweet potatoes has been shown to support eye health which is important as your dog ages. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? If Yes dogs can eat sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

5. A Healthy Alternative

White potatoes are may be cheaper than sweet potatoes but sweet potatoes have more nutritional value according to research. Plus white potatoes have more carbohydrates which can lead to obesity and blood , sugar and many other problems.

If you will decide to cook sweet potatoes for addition to your dogs diet add just a small amount a teaspoon for a small dog or a tablespoon for a large dog according to there sizes. As the sudden addition of too much extra fiber could lead to gastrointestinal issues.

6. Rich in Vitamins

Sweet potatoes are also low in fat and rich in vitamins B6, A, C, calcium, potassium, and iron each play a big role in overall wellness. For example vitamin A is very essential for maintaining healthy muscles, eyes, nerves, and skin. For vitamin C is critical for a properly functioning immune system. Studies have also found that dogs are just like humans that show greater resistance to disease and have a better chance of recovery from injuries or illness when supplemented with vitamin C.

Sweet Potato Nutritional Benefits

Nutritional benefits plays a very important role in any kind of food. One medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 2.29 grams of protein, 103 calories, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber , 0.27 grams of fat and 7.39 grams of sugar. Here are some benefits sweet potatoes that provide:


Vitamin C: It is a powerful antioxidant this vitamin helps in your dogs immune system. It finds and destroys all the free radicals that can damage cells due to illness, stress and environmental toxins. It is also reported as reducing cognitive aging problems in senior dogs.

Vitamin A: Besides all the supporting cell reproduction and the immune system. Vitamin A plays a big role and is what beta-carotene becomes once inside a body. Beta-carotene is responsible for the orange color in sweet potatoes and carrots and promotes healthy vision.

Vitamin B6: It Supports for healthy red blood cell function and the immune system also provides support for glucose generation. This is an essential vitamin for dogs and especially those with diabetes needing consistent blood sugar levels.


Calcium: It is an essential mineral necessary for supporting strong healthy teeth, bone growth, a strong heart, muscle growth and function and a healthy nervous system.

Potassium: This is an important mineral that keeps your dogs kidneys functioning well. It also supports efficient for heart function and muscle function also for a healthy digestive system.

Iron: Iron supports red blood cell and hemoglobin formation. Hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body and produces energy. Iron is an essential nutrient for dogs.

Summary Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? Yes you can give dogs sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Never give dogs raw sweet potatoes. Always try to steam or mash and then add a little to your dogs normal meal. So never go over board and only add a limited amount to your dogs diet according your dogs health and age.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

There are some questions which are related to Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes are as follows :

Q1. How much sweet potato can I give my dog?

Dogs should start eating sweet potato with very small amounts and it should be cooked of usually not more than one or two ounces per serving. Toy breed dogs should start with a quarter or may be a half of an ounce about two to three teaspoons. As for the large breed dogs can have a little bit extra if they tolerate the first serving well.

Q2. Do sweet potatoes hurt dogs?

No Sweet potatoes never hurt dogs. You can give dogs sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Never give dogs raw sweet potatoes. Always try to steam or mash and then add a little to your dogs normal meal.

Q3. Which is better for dogs pumpkin or sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes are higher in carbohydrates than pumpkin due to their larger sugar content. Now Because of this they also have more calories. There fore sweet potatoes are higher in protein and fiber than pumpkin. Both are nutritious in its own place and both are the best options to enhance your dogs diet but remember not as a stand lone meal.

Q4. Can dogs have white sweet potato?

No dogs can never have white sweet potato. While it is so true that white potatoes are way cheaper than sweet potatoes because white potatoes offer less nutritional value and also not good for dogs because they contain more carbohydrates. White potatoes can potentially be one of the many factors to cause blood sugar problems and other obesity

Q5. How should I cook sweet potatoes for my dog?

One of the most popular and effective ways to give your dog sweet potatoes is to make dehydrated chews. They make a great alternative to raw hide chews which is good treat to dogs. Also unlike raw hide sweet potato chews do not have a reputation for causing digestive choking and blockages.

Q6. Can I feed my dog oatmeal everyday?

Generally you can feed your dog one tablespoon of cooked oatmeal for every 20 pounds of his weight. But not daily . Half a cup of cooked oatmeal just 1 to 2 times a week is more than enough for most large dogs.

Q7. Does sweet potato make dogs ■■■■?

Sweet potatoes are on the second top list of vegetables which is high in fiber. One of the main reasons for adding fiber to a dogs diet is to see healthy regular bowel movements.

Q8. Do sweet potatoes help dog diarrhea?

A single bowl of cooked sweet potato contains nearly by 6 grams of fiber. Fiber is great for dogs digestive system and health. It will help to promote healthy bowel regular movements by adding a little extra to their diet can help to alleviate occasional constipation and diarrhea.

Q9. Is dried sweet potato good for dogs?

One of the most popular effective ways to give your dog sweet potatoes is to make dehydrated chews. They make a great alternative to raw hide chews which is good treat to dogs. Also unlike raw hide sweet potato chews do not have a reputation for causing digestive choking and blockages.

Q10. Are sweet potatoes fattening?

One medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 2.29 grams of protein, 103 calories, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber , 0.27 grams of fat and 7.39 grams of sugar.


Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes. Yes you can give dogs sweet potatoes but they should always be cooked. Cooked sweet potatoes is always a healthier choice for dogs because it contain important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 , calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Always take precautions while feeding your dog. Calories which you are giving from sweet potatoes should also be counted toward the maximum 10% amount of calories that your dog can have from treats each day.

Never give dogs raw sweet potatoes. Always try to steam or mash and then add a little to your dogs normal meal. So never go over board and only add a limited amount to your dogs diet according your dogs health and age.By adding sweet potatoes and different veggies to your dogs diet can have a lot of health benefits as long as you skip the marshmallow topping only.

But according to a research dogs that had sweet potatoes or different veggies added to their meals reduced the risk of cancer by Upton 70 to 90%. sweet potatoes are one of the best snack food which contains of vitamin A, that helps to promote healthy skin, eyes, coat ,nerves, and muscles in dogs. Young pups and senior dogs have very different needs. But puppies need food for their growing bodies while adult dogs diets should be focused on maintaining their health.


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