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Can Dogs Eat Pecans?


Can dogs eat pecans? Dogs cannot eat pecans in their diet. Because pecans are high in fat and can make your dog’s stomach upset. It can lead to diarrhoea in severe cases.

Are Pecans Safe for Dogs?

Pecans are found mainly in pies, pastries, waffles, and other tasty delights. They also make a delightful snack through their own so they’re high in healthy, good fats and filled with at least 19 minerals and vitamins.

Like walnuts, pecans are also prone to mould, which includes tremorgenic aflatoxin that can lead to tremor, seizure, and even harm a dog’s central nervous system. They are a kind of plant nut that can also have another organic toxin, aspergillus, which is formed from a mould that develops on pecans known as aspergillus.

If your dog ingests a pecan that has turned mouldy (which may happen easily and fast on the shells), they can have symptoms like seizures and other neurological disorders. While pecans are safe to any person who hasn’t had a nut allergy, puppies’ GI systems aren’t robust enough to tolerate the toxins that may be lying on the shell of one of these nuts.


If your dog occurs to steal a pecan that accidently fell on the floor, it’s usually nothing to worry about. But pecans are definitely not suitable to feed your dog as a reward because these specific nuts contain a toxin known as juglone, which can be damaging to dogs.

Which nuts are safe for my dog?

Dogs really like nuts! But they have different respiratory systems than humans do. Their intestinal microbiota can’t digest the high calories and fat in nuts. Since dogs gobble or gulp their goodies down, it’s quite simple to quickly swallow too much.

Safe NutsUnsafe Nuts
Roasted CashewsPecans
Brazil NutsHazel Nuts
Pine NutsMacadamia Nuts
Roasted ChestnutsHickory Nuts


The vast majority of us canine guardians contemplate peanuts first while considering a nut treat for our canines. What canine doesn’t salivate over peanuts or peanut butter? Mine sure do!

Peanuts, which are legumes rather than nuts, are okay for your dog. However, like some other nuts, they provide a high calorie content and fat, which may cause digestive issues in your pooch. Giving your pup an unseasoned roasted or boiled peanut or two won’t create many concerns, but big quantities of these delightful snacks may.

Peanuts, much as all nuts, can potentially cause choking or blockage concerns. Due to the fact that puppies gulp or gobble their meal, nuts can be caught in their esophagus, throat, or digestive tract, causing a blockage. This is especially true for tiny breeds. Considering bits of nuts rather than the full nut may be a better choice when sharing the wonderful treats with your canine.

Peanut Butter

A tablespoon of peanut butter is a frequent way for dog parents to simply give their pets medicine. This is acceptable if you use a tiny quantity, but don’t overdo it. Too much, and your canine buddy might end up with an upset stomach or pancreatitis from the high-fat content.

Additionally, pay attention to the components in the peanut butter or other ■■■■■■■■■■. Be aware of any salts, sweets (particularly artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes), or seasoning of any type might create difficulties for your dog’s belly.

Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, may be present in a few peanut butter types and is VERY dangerous to dogs if consumed. It can quickly make your dog very sick, sometimes in as short as 10 - 60 minutes.

Symptoms of Xylitol poisoning include dangerously low blood sugar, vomiting, lethargy, stumbling, and even convulsions. Absolutely avoid any goods your dog might get into that contain Xylitol.

Macadamia Nuts

These nuts are poisonous to your dog, regardless of whether they are raw or roasted. Scientists don’t know why the toxicity threshold occurs (much as with raisins and grapes), but research have established that dogs should NEVER consume macadamia nuts. There’s really no such thing as a good dose of these nuts for your pet.

Macadamia toxicity may be present if your dog displays indications of rear limb discomfort, vomiting, diarrhoea, and more serious intestinal problems.

Hickory Nuts

These nuts are harmful for your dog for the same causes as walnuts and pecans. They can contain mycotoxins or moulds that can induce seizures and convulsions.

Pine Nuts

These nuts are not poisonous to your dog. However, they contain significant doses of lipids and phosphorus, so offer sparingly. Too much might induce gastrointestinal disturbances or even pancreatitis. The elevated phosphorus levels might mean difficulty for canines sensitive to urinary tract disorders.


Cashews are safe for dogs if roasted. Luckily, although they come from the same botanical family as poison ivy or sumac, they’re typically marketed roasted. If you come across any raw cashews or in their shells, don’t offer them to your puppy as consumption might induce a severe response.

Cashews contain large levels of fat and calories. For this reason, offer them sparingly. Too much might induce pancreatitis or a belly pain. They also contain large quantities of potassium, indicating complications for dogs vulnerable to urinary tract disorders.

Cashews are huge nuts, creating a choking threat, even for large breeds. But this is especially true for little breeds. There’s also the potential of intestinal obstruction.


Almonds are not safe for dogs. A dog’s digestive system can’t process them effectively. So while they are not poisonous to your dog, they might create a gastrointestinal problem.

They can present a choking threat or an obstruction concern if swallowed down rapidly. The huge size and form of this nut might become trapped in the windpipe, oesophagus, or intestines.

Many almonds that we consume have salts, spice, or chocolate coatings. These components can create difficulties with blood sugar levels or salt poisoning. In summary, offering almonds to your puppy is not a safe treat option.


The most common walnuts are Dark and British. Neither of these is absolutely safe to feed to your dog. Besides the normal choking and clogging difficulties, there is a darker aspect to these nuts.

Walnuts (particularly Black Walnuts) can carry juglone, a toxic chemical generated by the roots of the walnut plants. Its goal is to deter other vegetation from developing in their vicinity and sticks to the skin of the walnuts when it falls from the branch. In horse, juglone promotes laminitis; in dogs, it produces seizures and convulsions.

Walnuts also can contain mycotoxins, a hazardous chemical generated by moulds and ■■■■■■, that also may induce convulsions or seizures. If you have a walnut tree, make sure your puppy stays away from any rotting walnuts that have fallen.

British Walnuts (which are most frequently used in baking) are the healthiest kind of nut and are therefore not toxic to dogs. They have modest quantities of juglone, and are not as dangerous as the Black Walnut. However, they also contain high fat and calories and should only be fed rarely and never entire.


Pecan pie or sweets containing pecans are a popular favourite on many holiday settings. Pecans are not suitable for your dog and fall into the walnut category of being possibly hazardous. They include mycotoxins, which are also known to cause liver damage in dogs. They may also include juglone, which might induce convulsions or seizures. It’s better to avoid pecans and keep them out of reach of nosy muzzles.


These delectable nuts fall into the same category as pecans and walnuts for your dog. They’re harmful since mycotoxins and juglone might be present. It’s wise to avoid sharing this favourite snack nut with your dog.


Pistachios are another nut that is incredibly useful as human food, but not so helpful for your dog. Although pistachios may not pose a threat to your dog, they may contain aspergillus mould, juglone, or mycotoxins, which can trigger ■■■■■ failure in puppies when consumed.

Pistachios should be provided sparingly because of the high fat and calories in the nuts. Pistachios can also provide a vomiting or blockage risk, particularly if your pet grabs and soaks any that still have their covers on. If you serve pistachios to your dog, make careful to peel off the shells.

Brazil Nuts

These huge nuts are safe for your dog. They are, nevertheless, the thickest of the nuts. Eating one may not effect your huge dog, but giving more might create an upset stomach or the more serious condition of pancreatitis. For a little dog, even one brazil nut might be hazardous.

Being the biggest of the nuts, tiny breed dogs risk choking or intestinal obstruction with these nuts; however this might happen even if your dog is enormous and gulps their goodies.

Roasted Chestnuts

The American Chestnut is a safe nut to feed your dog (not the Horse Chestnut, which is harmful to dogs for the same reason as walnuts) (not the Horse Chestnut, that, like walnuts, is harmful to canines).). However, they are relatively huge and contain significant fats and calories. Your dog should only consume little quantities of this huge nut, and only if it’s roasted.


The excessive amount of calories and fat might mean trouble for your pup, besides promoting obesity. Let’s look at some typical nuts and determine if they are good for your dog.

Pecans Have Numerous Health Benefits for Dogs

Pecans, for example, are a powerhouse of good fats and protein, fibre, and vitamins and minerals, and pecans have been shown to help decrease bad cholesterol. They’re packed with antioxidants and have a naturally sweet taste that most dogs adore.

However, because your dog would need to consume a substantial number of pecans to gain any of the health advantages that people receive — and doing so would put them at risk for major health problems – our canine counterparts simply cannot safely consume nuts.

They Are High in Calorie Content and May Contribute to Weight Gain

For dogs who are overweight or prone to weight gain, nuts should be avoided in favour of far lower calorie human meals like as green beans or butter- and salt-free air-popped popcorn.

If you do offer your dog tiny quantities of peanut butter to swallow pills, for example, you should limit the calories given by all treats combined (including the peanut butter) to 10% of their total daily calories. This helps to ensure that rewards do not disrupt your dog’s nutrition.

This table summarises the estimated calorific value (kcal/100g)* of different edible nut varieties that are neither shelled or hulled:

Nut TypeCalories (kcal*/100g)
Almonds, blanched588
Almonds, dry roasted, unsalted595
Peanuts, dry roasted, unsalted579
Peanuts, raw564
Walnuts, English raw653
Pecans, dry roasted, unsalted709
Pecans, raw680
Pistachios, dry roasted, unsalted568
Pistachios, raw557
Cashews, dry roasted, unsalted573
Cashews, raw548


NEVER Feed Your Dog Nut Shells

Never give your dog nuts in their shells. These items may be hazardous, and all offer a choking hazard. Due to their size and texture, they can also create rips in the digestive tract and other ailments as they pass through their bodies. If you give your dog nuts, shell them first.


The majority of packaged nuts contain salt. Always keep the quantity of salt you give your dog to a minimum since it promotes dehydration. It just takes a small amount of salted peanuts to cause harm to your pet buddy.

Additionally, several packs contain extra coatings. These may contain potentially harmful substances such as garlic or onion powder, as well as the surprise component xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar replacement that is also harmful to dogs. Always use raw, simple nut kinds when sharing with your pooch, or substitute another dog-friendly food.


Finally, a word of caution regarding nuts’ fat content. High-fat foods can induce pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis is a severe and sometimes fatal condition that requires veterinary intervention. If you do decide to offer your dog any of the nuts listed below, limit them to one or two and avoid those with an excessively high fat content.

The Facts About Nuts

If nuts are around, pet parents should be cautious of curious, nosy muzzles. Nuts are a common food because they contain a high concentration of beneficial fats and proteins that people may easily digest. This is not the case, however, with dogs.

Canines adore nuts! However, they have a digestive system that is distinct from ours. Their digestive system is incapable of processing the high fat and calorie content of nuts. Because dogs gulp or gobble their goodies, it’s quite simple to fast consume an excessive amount. The high fat and calorie content can cause problems for your dog, in addition to the danger of obesity.

While perusing the treat aisles of your local pet store, you’ll see a plethora of snacks flavoured with peanut butter. These manufactured treats are safe for your dog since the amount of nuts in each part has been properly rationed. However, if you share too many nuts from your mixed-nut snack bowl with your pet, you risk giving him a ■■■■■ gut pain or, worse, pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is a disorder caused by an excess of fat in your dog’s diet, which leads in pancreatic inflammation. Acute Pancreatitis is a serious condition that requires veterinary attention.

Molds can also grow on rotten nuts. Thus, that bag of nuts stashed at the back of your cabinet is better discarded than handed to your dog as a reward. Numerous nuts include salts, spices, and sweeteners. These are not nutritionally sound choices for your dog. Dogs are unable to digest spices or salts in the same way that humans do. Consuming too much salt might result in salt poisoning or a severe stomachache.


Another factor to consider when giving your dog a nut treat is mould or ■■■■■■. All nuts may contain moulds or fungi that are hazardous to your dog if consumed. This is especially true for raw nuts, so avoid offering raw nuts to your dog.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People ask many questions about eating pecans for dogs. We discussed a few of them below:

Why Are Nuts Dangerous to Dogs?

Cashews, almonds, walnuts, and other popular nuts are heavy in fat, which dogs have difficulty digesting. Nuts and other high-fat meals can induce vomiting, diarrhoea, and pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation) in our dogs.

Are Dogs Allowed to Eat Walnuts?

Ensure that you are aware of the sort of walnut you are feeding your dog. Outside of the precautions listed before, English walnuts are typically safe for dogs to consume. However, black walnuts (a variety of walnut that is not typically consumed by humans) are poisonous to dogs.

Are Macadamia Nuts Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs and can produce the same signs as black walnuts (vomiting, muscular problems and tremors, a fever, and seizures).

Can Pistachios Be Consumed by Dogs?

Due to the size and form of pistachios, whether with or without their hulls (or shells), they might provide choking dangers to dogs.

What occurs when a dog consumes a pecan?

Nuts such as pecans are heavy in fat, which can upset your dog’s stomach and cause frequent gastrointestinal symptoms like as diarrhoea.

Are Cashews Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Cashews are typically safe for dogs to eat.

Will a single pecan do harm to my dog?

Dogs should always avoid pecans. These nuts can induce upset stomachs and intestinal blockages in your dog’s digestive tract. While one or two pecans should not damage your dog, even this tiny amount might be problematic for small breeds. Additionally, just one pecan nut is required to induce an interior blockage.

Are Pecans Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Pecans are typically safe for dogs to consume, with the exceptions noted before.

Are Almonds Safe for Dogs to Eat?

No, due to the size and form of almonds, whether with or without their shells (or hulls), they might provide choking dangers to dogs.

What would happen if my dog ate Nutella?

The likelihood of a dog developing life-threatening complications as a result of consuming a modest bit of Nutella is quite limited. However, because additional health concerns exist, it is preferable to get guidance from your local veterinarian or an animal poison control centre.


It’s peaceful to want to share the snacks and meals we enjoy with our dogs, but we must be cautious to provide only foods that are non-toxic and generally acceptable for canine eating. Nuts, in general, offer a number of well-known dangers. Certain species, such as black walnut and macadamia, are particularly poisonous. Because the majority of nuts can be a choking threat, they must be prepped beforehand. Additionally, all shells must be removed prior to feeding your dog. Before you introduce anything new to your dog’s diet, consult your veterinarian to ensure it is safe.

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Can Dogs Eat Pecans? Pecans should never be fed to dogs. Dogs that eat too many pecans may experience vomiting, diarrhea, yellowing eyes or gums, and more.

Can Dogs Eat Pecans?

These nuts can cause a blockage in your Dog’s digestive system, but they are also toxic. Overeating can be fatal to dogs. Pecans contain a toxin called juglone. If they get moldy, pecans can cause seizures and neurological symptoms due to their production of tremorgenic mycotoxins.

Pecans and Dogs

Acorn1 oz. (28.35 g)108 cal455 kJ
Alfalfa Sprouts1 cup (33 g)8 cal32 kJ
Almonds1 cup (95 g)546 cal2294 kJ

Pecans are full of nutrients for humans. A source of healthy, unsaturated fats, pecans contain over 19 vitamins and minerals and have even been said to lower cholesterol. But, just because it’s good for us doesn’t mean it’s suitable for our dogs.

Toxins In Pecans

More dangerous still, pecans are tree nuts that contain a natural poison called Aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is produced from a mold that grows on pecans known as aspergillus.

And while pecans are harmless to humans (who don’t have nut allergies) and even beneficial, our beloved dogs’ sensitive systems are not built to handle the toxins and poisons that come with pecans. While one or two pecans here and there won’t kill your Dog, a handful of pecans might, so we would rather you stay away from them altogether.

Are Pecans Sa Metaphasfe for Dogs?

Indigenous to North America and Mexico, pecans are often found in pies, cakes, muffins, and other delectable treats. They also make a satisfying snack on their own because they’re rich in healthy, unsaturated fats and packed with at least 19 vitamins and minerals.

Suppose your Dog happens to snatch a pecan that accidentally fell on the floor. It’s likely nothing to worry about. But pecans are not safe to offer your Dog as a treat because these particular nuts contain a toxin known as juglone, which can be harmful to them (juglone is also severely toxic to horses).

Like walnuts, pecans are also susceptible to mold, which contains tremorgenic mycotoxins that can lead to tremors, seizures, and even damage a dog’s neurological system. They are a type of tree nut that can also contain another natural poison, Aflatoxin, produced from a mold that grows on pecans known as aspergillus.


While pecans are harmless to any human who doesn’t have a nut allergy, dogs’ GI systems aren’t strong enough to withstand the toxins that may be lurking on the outside of one of these nuts.

Are Pecans Poisonous to Dogs?

Aflatoxin poisoning results when your dog has eaten too many pecans or other tree nuts that contain this toxin. It can be fatal to your Dog if not addressed immediately.

Symptoms of Poisoning

Here is a quick list of symptoms to watch out for:


If you believe your Dog has eaten pecans and is exhibiting any of the above signs, we recommend taking him to the vet immediately. If your Dog ingests a pecan that has become moldy, it can experience symptoms, including seizures and other neurological issues.

What Happens If My Dog Has Eaten Too Many Pecans?

If your Dog has eaten too many pecans, it will experience vomiting and diarrhea. But, there are other more severe symptoms to watch out for. Signs that the liver has been affected are yellowing of the eyes and gums and urine turning a red or brown color. This means your Dog has become jaundiced and has also likely become anemic.

Bladder Stones

You should also pay attention to your Dog when trying to urinate. Is he having trouble? Bladder stones are a common symptom of Aflatoxin poisoning due to eating too many pecans. If your Dog can not urinate, he may have bladder stones.

Unfortunately, bladder stones can be excruciating and require surgical removal, so don’t ignore this symptom and take your Dog to the vet immediately.

My Dog Ate a Pecan

If your Dog has eaten this food, watch out for all of the symptoms above. Contact your vet before anything else, as they may guide you on immediate action you can take. They will often ask you to bring your Dog in for them to help. If the vet is closed, take your Dog to the emergency vet to be on the safe side.

What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Pecans?

If you know that your Dog has eaten pecans, it’s always best to call the vet straight away. If your Dog has gotten into your stash of pecans, look out for vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, this will be the worst of it.

After a few hours, he should be back to himself. But, it’s best to be on the safe side and contact your vet regardless, even if your Dog has only eaten a few of these nuts.

If your Dog is throwing up, urinating, or defecating at a rate that seems alarming, he is likely going to need treatment, including IV fluids, medication, blood work, and monitoring. Of course, if you see blood in your Dog’s vomit or stool, take him to the vet immediately. This could be a sign that his liver has been affected.

Can dogs eat nuts?

All nuts are risky for dogs to eat. This is because of their aforementioned fat content and because they are super easy for dogs to choke on. A few types of nuts only present a mild risk to canines and can be eaten sporadically.

Signs of pancreatitis include many of the symptoms of poison: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite. Your Dog also might have a distended belly or hunch his back as he walks.

What nuts can dogs eat?

1. Cashews

According to dog food brand, Ollie, cashews are OK for dogs to eat in small quantities. Unsalted and unseasoned cashews only!

2. Chestnuts

The ASPCA says chestnuts are safe for dogs but may not be the best snack for dogs who eat too quickly or tend to swallow foods whole. Chestnuts could get lodged in a dog’s throat.

3. Peanuts

Plain peanuts are safe for dogs to eat. Peanuts are legumes like peas and lentils. Make sure the peanuts are shelled if you’re going to toss a few to your pup. And make sure any peanut butter you give your Dog doesn’t contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is highly toxic to dogs and potentially lethal.

4. Pecans

Dogs can eat pecans once in a blue moon. These nuts aren’t toxic, and your Dog will be fine. But they have a very high-fat content, so go easy.

5. Pistachios

Pistachios can be given to dogs in small quantities. Don’t let your Dog eat the shells, though. Pistachio shells present an extra choking hazard and could cut your Dog’s mouth or throat.


Some nuts are very toxic to dogs and can cause lasting problems for your pup’s insides if he eats them. Eating the wrong type of nut could result in pancreatitis in dogs. A fatty diet, in general, is linked to pancreatitis, the inflammation of the pancreas in dogs.

Nuts dogs cannot eat

1. Almonds

The jury seems to be out on almonds. PetMD says they’re not technically toxic, so it’s OK to eat once in a while. But, The American Kennel Club says almonds should never become a dog treat. We think it’s best to avoid them. If your Dog grabs an almond off the floor, it’s not the end of the world, but observe him make sure he doesn’t choke.

2. Brazil nuts

Due to their highly high-fat content. Brazil nuts also pose a significant threat to smaller breeds because they could get lodged in their digestive systems.

3. Hazelnuts

Like almonds, hazelnuts are shaped in a way that makes them significant choking hazards. While you don’t need to make an emergency call to your vet if your Dog swipes a hazelnut, you absolutely shouldn’t make a habit of feeding them to him.

4. Macadamia nuts

Here’s a nut that is truly toxic to dogs. They can lead to tremors, weakness, paralysis, and junction inflammation. If your dog swallows or nibbles macadamia nuts, call your vet to ask the best course of action.

5. Walnuts

The large and irregular shape of walnut is dangerous for dogs. These nuts are significant choking hazards and digestive blocks.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Following are the most frequent questions about Dogs and Pecans:

Is a single pecan harmful to my pet?

Pecans should never be fed to dogs. These nuts might upset your Dog’s stomach and cause intestinal blockage. For dogs, tiny breeds, even a small amount of nuts can be hazardous. Even one pecan nut might induce a blockage in the digestive tract.

Which nuts should you avoid giving your Dog?

Because of their high-fat content, common nut foods (such as cashews, almonds, and walnuts) are difficult for dogs to process. Many of our pets are at risk for gastrointestinal distress and pancreatitis from eating high-fat foods such as nuts.

Are acorns harmful to dogs?

The tannins poison dogs in acorns, which come from oak trees. Because of this, they can cause severe stomach upset and kidney failure in dogs. They can even lead to death if consumed by dogs. Quercus poisoning, often known as the acorn poisoning, can also be induced by eating oak leaves.

Is avocado safe to eat by dogs?

People who are allergic to persin are at risk for diarrhea and heart congestion. Although it’s unlikely that your Dog would get sick from eating an avocado, you should keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort. The pit of an avocado is both a choking hazard and a place where people congregate.

Can my dog eat grass?

Eating grass is deemed safe for dogs in otherwise good conditions who regularly take parasite prevention medicine. Make sure the grass your dog nibbles is free of herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers to keep your Dog healthy while he grazes.

Why are dogs attracted to your genitalia?

They exude pheromones that can tell you about a mammal’s age, gender, mood, and even whether or not it’s able to reproduce. It’s no surprise that dogs’ butts are the most frequent targets of their apocrine glands, which may be found throughout the Dog’s body, but are especially abundant in the genitalia.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

If you feed your Dog blueberries, it won’t become sick. Whether they are fresh, frozen, dried, or mashed is true. They can be given to treat diabetic dogs (but consult your veterinarian first) or used as a training tool because each fruit cup contains only 84 calories.

Are marshmallows safe for dogs to eat?

No, this is not the case. Even though not all marshmallows are poisonous to dogs, they are still not recommended for use around your canine friend. All of the ingredients in marshmallows have been refined to the point where they have little or no nutritional value or health advantages.

Is it possible for dogs to eat tree nuts?

Almonds, pine nuts, and coconuts are among the tree nuts your Dog can safely eat in moderation. You may want to avoid nuts for your Dog, as they can cause an upset tummy and put him at risk of developing an intestinal obstruction. Don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian if your dog has eaten any potentially harmful nuts.

Can dogs eat cooked chestnuts?

Your Dog may accidentally swallow a whole chestnut if they try to eat raw chestnuts in a hurry. Depending on their size, this could produce a blockage in your Dog’s stomach or intestines. Because of this, it is best to feed cooked and broken-up chestnuts.


Pecans are hazardous to dogs because of their potential to grow mold, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation, intestinal blockage, or other dangerous symptoms, such as seizures. The tannins poison dogs in acorns, which come from oak trees.

Because of this, they can cause severe stomach upset and kidney failure in dogs. They can even lead to death if consumed by dogs. Quercus poisoning, often known as the acorn poisoning, can also be induced by eating oak leaves. The tannins poison dogs are actual whether.

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