Which President Had The Highest IQ?

Which President Had The Highest IQ? Of all the presidents in U.S. history, which one had the highest IQ? The answer may surprise you! Although Abraham Lincoln was known to be very smart, he actually had an average IQ of around 130 (which is considered to be just above average). which president had the highest IQ Of all the presidents in U.S. history, only two have officially been recorded with an IQ over 140—John Quincy Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both of whom scored 154 points on their respective IQ tests!

Facts About Presidential IQ

  1. Theodore Roosevelt is often considered one of the smartest presidents in history. He had an IQ of 150.

  2. John Quincy Adams was also considered to be one of the smartest presidents, with an IQ of 138.

  3. Abraham Lincoln is another president who was known for his high IQ. His score was estimated to be between 140 and 150.

  4. James Garfield is another president with a high IQ. He was estimated to have an IQ between 130 and 140.

  5. Andrew Jackson was another one of our smartest presidents with an estimated IQ between 125 and 135.

Truman at #1 - The First Presidential Candidate To Release His Medical Records

  • Although there are no official records, it’s widely believed that President Truman had the highest IQ out of all the presidents. He was the first presidential candidate to release his medical records, which showed that he was in excellent health for a man his age. He was also a voracious reader and had extensive knowledge of history and politics.

  • The first presidential candidate to release his medical records was President Harry S. Truman, who was elected in 1945. He was 68 years old when he took office, and his medical records are evidence that he enjoyed an excellent level of health for a man of his age.

  • Truman was not only a voracious reader but also an avid collector. He amassed more than 25,000 books over his lifetime and he enjoyed reading works on history and politics.

  • Truman’s presidential library is one of three which are administered by the National Archives and Records Administration, along with those from John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover. The Truman Library has been visited by many heads of state including Margaret Thatcher who met with Truman in Independence in 1984.

Reagan at #2 - The President Who Brought Us Star Wars

While we may never know for sure which president had the highest IQ, some estimates place Ronald Reagan at #2. The 40th president was known for his quick wit and a sharp mind, as well as his love of movies and TV.

In fact, it was Reagan’s work in Hollywood that helped him land the gig as America’s commander-in-chief. Known as the Great Communicator, Reagan was a master at public speaking and easily won over crowds with his charisma.

Another presidential favourite was Ronald Reagan, whose intelligence played a crucial role in his political career. Although some argue that he wasn’t as bright as other presidents due to his resistance to books and long speeches, he was a skilled communicator.

He wrote 10 best-selling books throughout his lifetime and had a way with words that kept people engaged. He would win over crowds on his own and often extemporize after being shot during an attempt.

Jackson at #3 - A Man With Many Flaws And A Few Redeeming Qualities

  • Jackson was known as a man of many flaws and a few redeeming qualities. He was known to be impulsive, short-tempered, and power-hungry. However, he was also known to be fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and he had a strong belief in democracy.

  • Jackson’s high IQ (estimated to be around 140) is likely what helped him to achieve his many successes despite his flaws.

  • Despite his many flaws and bad temper, Jackson managed to make a positive impact on history. His greatest accomplishment was being able to get rid of what he called the monster – otherwise known as Bank of America – in 1832 by vetoing the renewal of its corporate charter after serving as its primary opponent throughout his presidency.

Madison at #4 - A Father Of Two Constitutional Amendments

  1. Some might be surprised to see that James Madison falls into the top five. He was one of the most instrumental figures in early American politics, helping to draft both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  2. Plus, he was a big proponent of education and believed that it was key to a well-functioning democracy. All of this makes sense when you consider that Madison had an estimated IQ of 165.

  3. In an intellectual showdown between Madison and Einstein, Madison would likely win. Sure Einstein was good at math and science — but what good is that when you’re not acquainted with political science?

  4. Even if both men were equally intelligent (which they clearly weren’t), it would make sense for Madison to outsmart Einstein because he had one big advantage over him — political knowledge.

This makes sense when you consider influence on society is based more on charisma Many people believed that he would be one of the greatest presidents in history.
But, alas, it was not meant to be While Obama was a very intelligent man, he didn’t have the highest IQ
In fact, he ranked at on this list. Still, he was a great leader and did some amazing things during his time in office.

Coolidge at #5 - When In Doubt…Do Nothing

  1. When it comes to ranking presidents by IQ, there’s no easy answer. However, we can narrow it down to a few contenders. at #5 is Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge was known for his laconic attitude and belief that when in doubt, do nothing.

  2. This approach served him well as president; he oversaw a period of significant economic growth and was later ranked as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

  3. Roosevelt at #4 - Genius: Theodore Roosevelt was ranked as one of America’s greatest presidents for his remarkable accomplishments, many of which he achieved during his short presidency. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate an end to a major war in South America and also greatly expanding national parks.

  4. Lincoln at #3 - A Founding Genius: Abraham Lincoln was hailed as one of America’s greatest presidents. Even during his time in office, he was ranked with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as one of America’s greatest founding fathers.

  5. In addition to serving as president during a time of great national conflict, he also played a key role in getting New Mexico and Arizona admitted into the Union. He has been consistently ranked by historians as one of America’s top five presidents.

Washington at #6 - An Even More Interesting Fact About This List’s Namesake

  • We all know that George Washington was our first president, but did you know that he also ranks pretty high on the list of presidents with the highest IQs? In fact, he comes in at number six!

  • This top ten list includes two other presidents that are among our most well-known: #4 Thomas Jefferson (the third president) and #9 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the 32nd president).

  • In fact, as we look at all four together, you might notice a pattern. Namely: Two Democratic presidents are in spots one and three on our list; two Republican presidents occupy spots five and seven, and Washington is #6.

  • If we look at our list of presidents with high IQs in another way—by comparing their scores to that of a normal adult—we see that Washington’s score puts him on par with

  • #11 Dwight Eisenhower (the 34th president) and #12 John Quincy Adams (the sixth president). What about current President Donald Trump? Interestingly enough, his reported IQ score places him squarely in spot number 10. And who was our first female president?

Jefferson at #7 - This Founding Father Also Had Another Claim To Fame…

We all know that Thomas Jefferson was one of our founding fathers, but did you know that he also had one of the highest IQs out of all the presidents? That’s right - this man was not only responsible for helping to create our great nation, but he was also extremely intelligent. In fact, his IQ is estimated to have been around 138.

Thomas Jefferson has often been called one of our most prolific presidents. He had many accomplishments during his life that serve as proof that he was a highly intelligent man. Not only did he help found America, but he also served as ambassador to France and wrote more than a dozen books about government and philosophy.

It’s no wonder that his brain power was so highly regarded! In fact, many consider him to be one of our greatest leaders because of all he did for us in helping to create our nation.

So why do some people say that Thomas Jefferson had one of our highest IQs? It’s believed that his score came in at 138. By comparison, many other presidents are said to have had lower scores - for example, Jimmy Carter is said to have had an estimated score in the 120s and George Bush’s Senior scored even lower than that.

Lincoln at #8 - Honest Abe’s Score On Today’s Test

  • Interestingly enough, out of all the presidents, Abraham Lincoln ranks at #8 in terms of highest IQ. His score on today’s test would be an impressive 136.

  • That being said, it’s important to remember that presidents are ranked on a variety of factors- not just intelligence. For example, Teddy Roosevelt is considered one of the most influential presidents in history, but he would rank lower on an IQ test than Lincoln.

  • This makes sense when you consider that a president’s influence on society is based more on charisma and leadership skills than raw intelligence. That’s not to say these other factors are more important- but they do play a role in how a president ultimately impacts history.

  • While Abraham Lincoln was far from being one of America’s smartest presidents, he did possess many characteristics necessary for high office, including patience and honesty.

Obama at #9 - What Could Have Been…And Never Was?

In 2008, America elected Barack Obama as its 44th president. He was a charismatic leader with a lot of promise. Many people believed that he would be one of the greatest presidents in history. But, alas, it was not meant to be.

While Obama was a very intelligent man, he didn’t have the highest IQ out of all the presidents. In fact, he ranked at #9 on this list. Still, he was a great leader and did some amazing things during his time in office.

The leader with the highest IQ on our list is John Quincy Adams. He had an IQ of 160 and also attended Harvard Law School.

John F. Kennedy is ranked at #7 on our list. His IQ was estimated to be between 125 and 135, but he also happened to be famous before becoming president. He was best known for his affairs with actresses like Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield.

Kennedy at #10 - JFK’s Conflicted Legacy

  1. The concept of presidential legacy is a complicated one. To what extent do presidents’ accomplishments (or failures) outweigh their personal life and scandals?

  2. This question is especially relevant when discussing John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States. JFK is often lauded as one of the most successful presidents in history, but his reputation has been marred by controversy and allegations of infidelity.

  3. Despite these shortcomings, Kennedy’s presidency is generally seen as a success. He was praised for his handling of foreign affairs during his time in office, particularly during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was so significant that some historians now view Kennedy’s presidency as a major turning point for US-Soviet relations.

  4. He was also responsible for several landmark pieces of legislation such as The Community Mental Health Act, which helped mentally ill people receive treatment outside psychiatric hospitals. Unfortunately, Kennedy’s legacy has been marred by his personal life and extramarital affairs.


While there is no definitive answer to this question, most experts agree that John Quincy Adams had one of the highest IQs of any president. Other presidents who are believed to have had high IQs include Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Although a high IQ does not guarantee success in life or in politics, it is certainly an asset that can help one achieve great things.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Here are some important points to know.

1 Which president had the highest IQ?

Of all the presidents in U.S. history, which one had the highest IQ? The answer may surprise you! Although Abraham Lincoln was known to be very smart, he actually had an average IQ of around 130 (which is considered to be just above average).

2 Facts About Presidential IQ?

  1. Theodore Roosevelt is often considered one of the smartest presidents in history. He had an IQ of 150.

  2. John Quincy Adams was also considered to be one of the smartest presidents, with an IQ of 138.

3 The first presidential candidate to release his medical records?

Although there are no official records, it’s widely believed that President Truman had the highest IQ out of all the presidents. He was the first presidential candidate to release his medical records, which showed that he was in excellent health for a man his age. He was also a voracious reader and had extensive knowledge of history and politics.

4 The president who brought us Star Wars?

While we may never know for sure which president had the highest IQ, some estimates place Ronald Reagan at #2. The 40th president was known for his quick wit and a sharp mind, as well as his love of movies and TV.

5 A man with many flaws and a few redeeming qualities?

Jackson was known as a man of many flaws and a few redeeming qualities. He was known to be impulsive, short-tempered, and power-hungry. However, he was also known to be fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and he had a strong belief in democracy.

6 A man with many flaws and a few redeeming qualities?

Jackson was known as a man of many flaws and a few redeeming qualities. He was known to be impulsive, short-tempered, and power-hungry. However, he was also known to be fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and he had a strong belief in democracy.

7 When in doubt…do nothing?

When it comes to ranking presidents by IQ, there’s no easy answer. However, we can narrow it down to a few contenders. at #5 is Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge was known for his laconic attitude and belief that when in doubt, do nothing.

8 An even more interesting fact about this list’s namesake?

We all know that George Washington was our first president, but did you know that he also ranks pretty high on the list of presidents with the highest IQs? In fact, he comes in at number six!

9 Honest Abe’s Score on Today’s Test

Interestingly enough, out of all the presidents, Abraham Lincoln ranks at #8 in terms of highest IQ. His score on today’s test would be an impressive 136.

10 What Could Have Been…And Never Was?

In 2008, America elected Barack Obama as its 44th president. He was a charismatic leader with a lot of promise. Many people believed that he would be one of the greatest presidents in history. But, alas, it was not meant to be.


At the end of this article, you will successfully like to know that all presidents had different strengths and weaknesses. Some have higher IQs than others but they all had a lot in common. The president with the highest IQ was Lyndon B Johnson who had an average score of 138.

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Which president had the highest IQ