What Is Christmas?

Christmas is an each year festival memorialize the birth of Jesus, attended on 25 December. Christmas is public holiday in many of the word nation’s. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in conformity with Messianic prophecies.
Even though the exact date of Jesus birth is unknow, the church in the early fourth century fixed the date as December 25. Most Christian celebrate on December 25 in the Gregorian calenders which is become a tradition for other nations also.
Christmas Celebration

Christmas is the kind of festival celebrated in more than 160 countries throughout the world by children, women’s and men’s. There are many ways to celebrate Christmas in many countries according to their tradition and culture. There are 3 days in which one can celebrate the holidays.

1_ first day of celebration is the day before
Christmas, which is known as Christmas Eve.
2_ second day is Christmas day, which is celebrated on 25 December each year.
3_ Third day is know as Boxing day, celebrated after the Christmas day, on 26 December.

  Like Muslims the also give gifts to children and their parents. They have different style of gift giving. Like two couples together on the night of Christmas under Christmas tree give gifts to each other. As the Christmas morning appear they they wishing merry Christmas to everyone.