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What is 10 4 Good Buddy


What is 10 4 Good Buddy? 10 4 is a secret cop code. It indicates great to go, see you there. Truckers that use scanners to pick up jargon added good buddy. So in ten four good buddy, one truck driver says to another alright, right, or whatever. It was a technique for truckers to tell if the person on the radio was a fellow trucker in the 1970s when the CB craze was taking off.

What is a 10 4 Good Buddy?

“Message received and understood,” the standard radio answer, is “10–4.” Code 10-4 is an early CB radio code. When greeting or thanking someone, the code 10-4 was frequently employed. Area Codes are a lot like this. " Police use 10-4 good buddy as a secret code to communicate with other fellows.

What this indicates is that we’re all set to go, and we’ll see each other there. Incorporating “good friend” was done by truckers who listen to their scanners and pick up on local slang. So in ten four good friends, it’s like one truck driver responding to another alright, or right, or whatever it is in the positive.

The police frequently utilize the code Ten-Four (10-4) to clarify their words to other inspectors they are conversing with. Acknowledgement of a prior statement is denoted by this symbol. A good friend also refers to the American team Conjuring in the same sense.

WHO USES 10-4?

While still in some use, ten-codes, including 10-4, have been replaced by plain language in more and more police departments due to variation in what the codes mean. Truckers and other CB radio users still use ’em though.

But 10-4 has become a staple expression for saying “OK” in American pop culture, appearing, as we’ve seen, in everything from old-time TV shows to everyday conservations.

When did the Cops use 10 4 Good Buddy

In practice, most CB users only use a handful, and 10–4 is probably the most common. 10–20 is also common, meaning your location. ‘What’s your twenty?’ is a reference to this code. Another is 10–10, meaning “standby” ‘Hang ten’ is a reference to this code when you want someone to wait a few seconds while you do something.

The point of the 10 code is to convey a very precise meaning without ambiguity, especially under poor signal conditions, where a spoken instruction could be difficult to make out. I believe it originated with US police use, though the exact meaning assigned to codes varies: Police 10 Codes

CB usage also varies, with new codes being added and existing ones changed according to local customary use. However, very common ones like 10–4 don’t change.b The ‘good buddy’ part is just a customary greeting used on CB.

When and Why was the 10 4 introduced?

In the 1930s, radio technology was still relatively new and limited. For starters, there were limited police radio channels, so officers couldn’t stay on the line too long or else others wouldn’t be able to get through. The ten-codes were invented to communicate information quickly and clearly.

The use of the number 10 before all of the codes was another workaround. It took a split second for the motor-generator in the radios to warm up, and so the first syllables of a radio transmission were often lost. The 10 was used as a placeholder to give the motor-generator time to speed up enough to hear the second part of the code. 4 was simply chosen to mean “acknowledgment” of a message (10-3 meant “stop transmitting” in case you wanted to know).

These handy codes were quickly adopted by others communicating via radio, such as CB (Citizen Band) radio enthusiasts and truckers.

Helping to popularize 10-4 in the mainstream was the 1950s TV crime drama Highway Patrol, starring Broderick Crawford, known for starting his conversations on his radio with 10-4. Oh, the ’50s.

The expression 10-4 further spread into popular culture when it was featured in C. W. McCall’s 1975 song “Convoy,” where he uses trucker CB radio slang like breaker one-nine (a radio channel used by truckers) and 10-4. The song went number one on the charts in the US and abroad and was even made into a movie in 1978.

Here is a table showing all cop codes :

CodeGeneral PurposeAPCO (Association of Police Communications Officers)Norfolk, VA**Walnut Creek, CA
10-0Use Caution
10-1Unable Copy and Change LocationSignal WeakPolice Officer Needs HelpPoor Radio Reception
10-2Signal GoodSignal GoodAssist OfficerGood Reception
10-3Stop TransmittingStop TransmittingClear the Air-EmergencyStop Transmission
10-4AcknowledgmentAffirmative (OK)AcknowledgmentMessage Received
10-5RelayRelay ToSee a ComplainantRelay Message
10-6Busy UrgentBusyInvestigation Police or FireChange Radio Channel
10-7Out of ServiceOut of Service(a) - Off the Air
(b) Out of Service - Subject CallOut of Service
10-8In ServiceInIn ServiceIn Service
10-9RepeatSay AgainArrived at the SceneRepeat Message
10-10Fight on ProgressNegativeTraffic DetailOff Duty
10-11Dog CaseOn Duty (Employee Number)Broken GlassVisitors Can Hear Radio
10-12Stand By (Stop)Stand By (Stop)VandalismWeather/Road Conditions
10-13Weather-Road ReportWeather Conditions(a) Leaking Water Main or Sewer
(b) Hole on the Street / Sidewalk
10-14Prowler ReportMessage/InformationConvoy and ■■■■■■
10-15Civil DisturbanceMessage DeliveredHave Prisoner in the CustodyHave Prisoner in the Custody
10-16Domestic ProblemReply or MessagePick Up PrisonerPick Up
10-17Meet ComplainantEnrouteAdministrative AssistanceGetting Fuel
10-19Return to(In) ContactReturn to StationReturn or Go to ___
10-20LocationLocationYour LocationLocation
10-21Call ( ) by PhoneCall ( ) by PhoneCall ___ by TelephoneTelephone
10-22DisregardDisregardInvestigate a Break InCancel or Disregard
10-23Arrived at SceneArrived at SceneBreaking In (In Progress)Stand By
10-24Assignment CompletedAssignment CompletedSomeone in the Building
10-25Report in Person (Meet)Report to (Meet)ProwlerDo You Have Contact With ___?
10-26Detaining Subject, ExpediteEstimated Arrival Time (ETA)LarcenyClear of Warrants

Traditional Way To Express Order

Ten four was a traditional way to express gratitude to someone or something. When the Illinois Highway Patrol presented it to the baby boomer generation, no one paid any attention to it because it had been around since 1937.

It was used by ham radio operators and truckers in the 1970s to converse on Citizens Band (CB) channels. CB mania faded a few years later, but many individuals of all ages and backgrounds were enthralled by the phenomenon. A collection of slang terms (such as “alligator” for tyre tread and “bird dog” for a radar detector) from the era may be found online. With party music and movies, Ten-Four became popular at that period.

Since the initial CB radios required to warm up before usage, a series of “10 codes” were utilized. In order to speed up the transmission of lengthier messages, the 10 codes were utilized. These are some of the most often used codes:


The combination of the two phrases provides a purposely sarcastic expression that is both formal and casual at the same time.

Different Codes And Their Meaning

10-200 (ten-two hundred)This Means police are needed at the destination.
10-17 (ten-seventeen)Urgent business.
10-20 (ten-twenty)This Means your location. Often shortened to “what is your 20?”
10-10 (ten-ten)Transmission complete, standing by.
10-4 (ten-four)Meant message received.
10-27 (ten-twenty-seven)I am moving to some specific channel.
10-9 (ten-nine)Meant, to repeat your previous message.

When did the Cops apply 10 4 Good Buddy

Fewer than a dozen are used by most CB users, and 10–4 is perhaps the most popular. The range of 10 to 20 is also common, based on your area.

In this case, “What’s your twenty?” is a reference to the code. In addition, the number 10–10 denotes “standby.” “Hang Ten” is used when you need someone else’s attention for a short period of time.

  • The objective of the 10 code is to express a highly clear meaning without ambiguity, especially under bad signal conditions, where a spoken command may be difficult to pick out.
  • Police 10 Codes, I assume, have their genesis in US police use, albeit the precise meaning ascribed to codes varies. New CB codes are created and current ones are altered based on local customs. Most frequent numbers like 10–4 remain unchanged. b There is no significance to the ‘good friend’ element of the greeting.
  • New and limited radio technology were still prevalent in the 1930s. Police radio channels were at a minimum, so officers couldn’t stay on the line for more than a few minutes at a time. The ten codes were created to speed up the transmission of information.

The inclusion of the number 10 before all of the codes was another workaround. The motor-generator in the radios took a split second to warm up, thus the opening words of a radio transmission were frequently missed.

Other radio users, such as CB (Citizen Band) radio hobbyists and truck drivers, rapidly adopted these convenient codes. TV crime drama Highway Patrol, starring Broderick Crawford, helped popularize the use of 10-4 in the general public by opening his radio discussions with the number. In the '50s, things were so much more fun.


As a result of C. W. McCall’s 1975 song “Convoy,” the term 10-4 became more widely known. The song topped the US and international charts and was even turned into a film in 1978. Because it gave the motor generator some breathing room, we threw in a 10 as a stopgap number. 4 was simply selected to represent “acknowledgement” of a message (10-3 signified “stop transmitting” in case you wanted to know).

What Does COPY THAT Mean?

COPY THAT implies “I Heard and Understood the Message.” It is also a video game, accessible on IOS and Android. This page explains a bit more about the word COPY THAT. The expression COPY THAT (commonly reduced as just “Copy”) is extensively used in voice and text-based interactions with the meaning “I Heard and Understood the Message.”

In this context, COPY means that a receiver has received the message and comprehended it. It can also be used to seek approval that a message has been comprehended (i.e., it can be employed as a question, as in “Do you COPY THAT?”).

The origins of the word COPY THAT are uncertain. Although it is not an official phrase used in the military voice process, it is often used by military personnel in Hollywood films and video games. It is also popular among CB radio aficionados, as well as users of walkie-talkies.

What Is Meant by 10 Codes?

They are brevity codes used to represent popular words in voice communication, primarily by law enforcement and on Citizens Band (CB) radio. The APCO Bulletin issued Morse code shortness codes in June 1935, depending on US Navy administrative symbols.

In an age when police radio channels were limited, the APCO Ten Signals were established in June 1935 to decrease the use of voice over the radio. “Charlie Charles Hooper,” the 10 code’s senior creator, put his talents to good use.

Radio Operators

There were many expert radio operators who employed and understood how to apply these 10 codes in diverse conditions to inform anybody. The CB radio was among these experts and experienced operators because they just understood how to apply 10 codes in what case.

It was because they were newly presented and extremely challenging to be comprehended. Then after a few years, people began attending its sermons and it become rather popular. He was excellent at this type of action and content for years and years. He loves to undertake such sort of activities. He was a professional coder and was renowned as a genius.


However, individuals sometimes forget these. Many businesses which wanted 10 code experience were suffering from losses since there were only a handful of the gentlemen who used to know how to apply these such codes.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People ask many questions about police codes. We discussed a few of them below:

1. Is ham radio a fading hobby?

Ham radio is ended as there is no one worthwhile to speak to. Many more people would join in the fun if the restrictions on who you may talk to were loosened. Now, there are LOTS of people to speak to if you want to discuss how smoothly paint dries.

2. What does the phrase 10-4 mean?

In the mid-to-late-1950s, the classic television series Highway Patrol starring Broderick Crawford made ten codes, particularly “10-4” (indicating “understood”), famous across the globe. CB radio aficionados have their own system of ten codes that they use to connect with one another.

3. Are ham bands no longer active?

N8WCT Ham Membership QRZ Page The “fix” by the ARRL, is a no-tech submission, and also the hobby prospered. On VHF/UHF, It was normal that you had to wait for a turn on local transceivers, and even had a hard time discovering an accessible simplex channel. A large portion of the VHF/UHF spectrum has gone dark.

4. Why do you need a License for radio?

Essential electrical theories underlying radio waves, how they’re formed, radio propagation, dealing with interference, and protection. As a result, in order to participate in the Radio Service, you must get a license. Hams may rest comfortably knowing that their colleagues are prepared with the essential knowledge and abilities required to properly utilize radio waves.

5. Does 10-4 mean over and out?

As for ‘Over and out,’ you would be blasted out of the water if you spoke the words over marine radio. ‘Over’ means 'I have done speaking and am anticipating a reply. 10-4 was routinely used over the radio in the 50s police TV series Highway Patrol featuring Broderick Crawford.

6. What is the purpose behind the sentence “copy that”?

The word COPY THAT (commonly reduced as just “Copy”) is often used in speech and text-based conversations with the meaning “I Listened to the Message.” COPY THAT signifies that the information is passed and received by the recipient.

7. What does a 10 20 mean?

The phrase essentially means, “What is your location?” or “Identify your position,” but is a corrupted phrase from the original “10-20” used by law enforcement to verbally encode their radio transmissions so that non-police listeners would not easily discover police operations, as well as to communicate quicker and.

8. What is Buddy slang for?

(Entry 1 of 2) informal: a close friend. US, informal + sometimes impolite used to address a man who you do not know. : a person who does some activity with you. buddy.

9. What’s a 10 10 in police talk?

10-8 In-service/available for assignment. 10-9 Repeat last transmission. 10-10 Off duty. 10-10A Off duty at home.

10. What does a 10 5 mean?

10-2 Signal good. 10-3 Stop transmitting. 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) 10-5 Relay. 10-6 Busy–stand by unless urgent.

11. What do 10 10 mean on the radio?

10-8 Doing great, sounding good, can mean “good stuff” or got it right. 10-9 Repeat message. 10-10 Transmission completed, standing by. 10-11 Talking too rapidly. 10-12 Visitors present.

12. What does a 10 1 mean?

10-1. Unable Copy - Change Location. Signal Weak. Police Officer Needs Help.

13 What is a 10 42 police code?

One “Ten Code” that is not as familiar to the general public is “10-42”. This particular code is used to indicate an officer’s end of the tour. When a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty, there are often federal and state benefits that are directed to the officer’s family.

14. What does it mean 10 4?

10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means “OK.” The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper who created them between 1937–40 for use in radio communications among cops.

15. What does good buddy mean in the trucker talk?

Good buddy. In the 1970s, this was the stereotypical term for a friend or acquaintance on the CB airwaves. Now the term “buddy” can be used similarly to the term “good buddy”. Good numbers. Well wishes to a fellow driver.


If I sum this Article up in some lines, 10-4 is a good signal: it signals “OK.” Charles Hopper, the Illinois State Police Communications Director, is credited with inventing the ten-code system in the early 1990s in order to facilitate speedier communication among officers. CB radio usage was popularized in popular films about truckers, such as the aforementioned Poncho and the Bandit and Convoy.

This name derives from the North American “CB” culture of the 1970s that was extensively pushed by Hollywood films, notably in road gags like Cannonball Run and Smokey and the Bandit. In the 1970s, when the speed limit was lowered to 55 mph for the sake of public safety and to alleviate the oil crisis, truckers started transmitting speed trap information to other drivers using CB radios.

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10 4 Good Buddy was only used for police station and for truckers?
What is its value now a days. Still it a source of communication in some countries?

what does 10 8 mean in police code

A service

10-8 On duty / available for assignment.

Truck driver 10 codes

Here are the truck driver 10 codes:


Receives badly (I can’t hear you)


Well received (I can hear you)


Stop transmitting (aka shut up)


Affirmative / Message received


Busy / Waiting


Repeat message


Transmission completed (I finished speaking)


Weather / road conditions


Urgent matters


Identification location (often adapted to “What’s your 20?”)


I switch to the channel [insert the channel]


Emergency traffic at this station


Ambulance required to [insert location]


Please report all units within range


Unable to copy; please use the phone


Mission accomplished


Bathroom break


Font required at [insert location]

What does buddy stand for

Buddy is most often used as an informal word for a friend.

Cb radio codes

10-4 Roger - Yes

Back door - behind your truck, someone behind you, like the police

Bad ■■■ - very cool

Bear - cop

I catch you on the thong when you come back

Chicken coop - weighing station

Chicken lights - additional lights on a platform or trailer

Chicken truck - owner operator platform with lots of lights, chrome and cool accessories

Clean shot - no cops around

Comic strip - driver’s logbook

Diesel Bear - D.O.T. cop specialized in cracking down on trucks

Driver - a truck driver

Evil Knevil - cop on a motorcycle

Four wheels - cars and other vehicles

Hello, come in - I hear you load and delete

Just one idea - run fast and hard

Big car - big rig fancy tricked

Stay charged - good wishes, earn money

Heavy Duty Cop - D.O.T.

Wipe his feet - The truck slips, slips

buddies in slang

Buddies mean friends in slang

What does 10 42 mean in police code

A “Ten Code” which is not so familiar to the general public is “10-42”. This particular code is used to indicate the end of an agent’s tour. … When a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty, federal and state benefits are often paid to the officer’s family.

10 4 on that

Well received! 10-4 is one way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It is also used as a “you get it” way.

Ten four good buddy

That means it’s good to go, okay, see you soon, same. The Good Buddy was added by truckers who learn the lingo by listening to their scanners. So in ten four good buddy it’s like a truck driver telling another okay, or okay, or whatever it is.

what does 10 20 mean

Your current location

We were inspired by the slang of CB Radio. … If you hear a truck driver say “10-20” on his CB radio, that’s just another way of saying “Your current location”.

What does 10 20 mean in police code

Return to Station

Return to Station. Return or Go to ___ 10-20. Location

10 4 cop code

It is for Acknowledgment (OK)

What 10 4 stand for

Message received

10-4 is one way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It is also used as a “you get it” way.

old buddies meaning

A person who has been his friend for a long time An old friend came to visit him

Trucker sayings 10 4

OK, message received. Some drivers just say “10”.

Phone buddy meaning

A phone companion is a volunteer who calls an older person to check if they are going, share stories, and make sure their needs are being met.

Roger wilco military meaning

To indicate that a message had been heard and understood, i.e. it had been received, a service person responded to Roger, which was then extended to Roger, by referring to the message. In military slang, the expression Roger wilco conveyed by the recipient has received the message and will comply with his orders, abbreviated in wilco.

10 20 cb code

Identifying location (often adapted to “What’s your 20 ?”)

What does 10 0 mean in police code

Use caution

Police code 10-0 means Use caution.

10 code for repeat message

10 -9

How to respond to 10 4

10-4 is one way of saying “message received” in radio communications. It is also used as a “you get it” way.

10 4 over and out

10-4 means “Message understood” and is sometimes abbreviated as “It’s a 4! “10-20 means” location “as in” what’s your 20? " I’m pretty sure the code “10-” has its origins in American police radio jargon. As for “Over and out”, you would be pulled out of the water if you used the phrase on marine radio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: What does good buddy slang mean?

Good buddy. In the 1970s, it was the stereotypical term for a friend or acquaintance on CB waves. Now the term “buddy” can be used in the same way that the term “good friend”, especially a driver. Good numbers. Good luck to another driver.

Q: What does Rubber Duck mean in CB talk?

Rubber duck” – the first vehicle in a convoy.

Q: What does Mud Duck mean?

An ugly person. She’s a mud duck, but she has a sense of humor.

Q: What does 10 10 mean on the radio?

Police code 10-10 means Negative / Fighting in progress.

Q: What is a 10 7 in the police code?

Police code 10-7 means Out of Service (Completely).

Q: What is a 10 100 code?

Police code 10-100 means Warrant for Misdemeanor / Going to the bathroom.

Q: What is a 10 80 in the police code?

Police code 10-80 means Pursuit in progress.

Q: What does the number 1010 Angel mean?

The angelic number 1010 signifies that your angels want you to start trusting yourself, your emotions, and your thoughts. They send you the message that there is a reason for everything and let you know that you are never alone. So you can approach life with care and compassion while spreading your love freely.

Q: Do truckers still use CB 2020 radios?

CB radio, or Citizens Band, has been around since the 1940s. Even with modern technology, most truckers still have a CB radio in their truck. While most truckers still own and maintain a CB radio in their cab, they certainly don’t use it the way they used to.


Ten four is a cop code. That means it’s good to go, okay, see you soon, same. The Good Buddy was added by truckers who learn the lingo by listening to their scanners. So in Ten Four Good Buddies, it’s like one truck driver telling another okay, or okay, or whatever. There are several cb codes that are used by cops.

What is 10 4 Good Buddy? Ten-four is a cop code. It means good to go, all right, see you there, the like. Good buddy was added on by truckers who pick up on jargon by listening to their scanners. So in ten four good buddy, it’s like one truck driver saying to another okay, or right, or whatever it is in the affirmative. Getting back to “good buddy" in the ’70s, when the CB craze was catching on, every wannabe had one. It was also a way a trucker knew whether the person he spoke to on the radio was a fellow trucker or a poser. Using “good buddy" was a ■■■■ giveaway.

What is Good Buddy in 10 4 Good buddies?

Good buddy. In the 1970s, this was the stereotypical term for a friend or acquaintance on the CB airwaves. Now the term “buddy” can be used similarly to “good buddy”. Good numbers. Well wishes to a fellow driver. Buddy is most commonly used as an informal word for a friend.

What are The Ten-Codes

The ten codes or ten signals are words used as stand-ins for common phrases in radio communication. Charles Hopper, a communications director with the Illinois State Police, developed them in 1937 to combat the problem of the first syllables or words of transmission being cut off or misunderstood.

Preceding every code with “ten” gave the sometimes slow equipment time to warm up and improved the likelihood that a listener would understand the important part of a message. The codes also allowed for brevity and standardization in radio message traffic.

The codes were expanded by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO) in 1974 and used by law enforcement agencies and civilian CB radio users. Over time, differing meanings for the codes came about in different agencies and jurisdictions, undoing the codes’ usefulness as a concise and standardized system.

The problem came to a head in 2005 during rescue operations after Hurricane Katrina. After several inter-agency communication problems, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) discouraged using ten codes. Today, the federal government recommends replacing them with plain, everyday language. Here’s the official APCO list.

Code : Roger That

In the days of the telegraph, the Morse code letter R (dot-dash-dot) was sometimes used to indicate “received” or “message received/understood.” When radio voice communication began to replace telegraphs, Roger, the codeword assigned to the letter R in the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet (the radio alphabet used by all branches of the United States military from 1941 to 1956), took on the same role.

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you think, Roger only means “the last transmission received/understood” and does not also mean or imply “I will comply.” Wilco (Will Comply) is the code used if the speaker intends to convey a “message received and will comply.” Given that, the phrase Roger Wilco, which you so often hear in the movies, is redundant and not used since Wilco alone covers all the bases and acknowledges receipt of a message and states intent to comply.’

Code : Mayday

Mayday is an international code word used to signal life-threatening emergencies. It was originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley Mockford, a senior radio officer at London’s Croydon Airport. He was tasked with creating a unique and easily understandable emergency code word. Most of the air traffic at Croydon was either coming from or going to Le Bourget Airport in Paris, so Mockford chose mayday because of its similarity to the French maider (“come help me”).

Because it is an emergency signal, plenty of rules govern the use and format of a mayday call. A mayday call can only be made when life or craft is in imminent danger of death or destruction (and, as with fake 9-1-1 calls, fake mayday calls are considered serious crimes. In the U.S., making a fake distress call is a federal crime that can carry large fines and jail time), and once one is made, no other messages can be transmitted except to assist in the emergency.

The correct format for a Mayday call is:

  • “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.” The call is always given three times in a row to keep it from being mistaken for a similar-sounding phrase or to distinguish an actual distress signal from a message about a mayday call.
  • “This is ____.” The vessel name is repeated three times, followed by a call sign if available.
  • “Mayday. [vessel name].”
  • “My position is ____.” The position is given in latitude-longitude coordinates, bearing, and distance from a fixed point.
  • “I am _____.” The type of emergency, e.g. fire or sinking.
  • “I require immediate assistance.”
  • “I have _____.” The number of people on board, their condition, and any other pertinent information, e.g. abandoning life rafts.
  • “Over.”

Some radio instructors suggest the mnemonic MIPDANIO for learning mayday signal format: Mayday, Identify, Position, Distress, Assistance, Number of the crew, Information, Over.

What is the Origin of 10 4 Good Buddy?

This phrase originates from the North American “CB” culture of the 1970s that was highly popularized by Hollywood films, commonly in road comedies like Cannonball Run and Smokey and the Bandit.

CB (Citizen’s Band) radios were widely used in the heavy trucking industry, creating a niche user community, thus developing a unique camaraderie akin to today’s online gaming community. True friendships are made where individuals may never meet in real life.

“Ten-four (10–4)” is borrowed from the ordered and disciplined police radio voice procedure. As a code, it denotes acknowledgement of a previous statement. “Good buddy” is a very familiar and endearing term conjuring southern American hospitality. The confluence of the two statements creates a deliberately ironic expression at once officious and informal.

American police departments use the Ten-codes (officially the Ten Signals) for clarity and brevity in radio communications. They were originally developed in 1937 and have been revised and extended several times since. Ten-four is a universal acknowledgement code (as in OK), going back to the original development of the code, and indicates both receipt and acknowledgement of the previous message. It is a combined “Rodger" and “Wilco".

With the advent of CB radio for civilian use, many of the ten codes were adopted by CB users and later modified by popular usage. 10-4 retains its original meaning and usage, but its reverse, or 4-10, is now a request for acknowledgement.

“Good buddy" is a polite form of address that does not require repeating the “handle” or radio nickname of the person addressed. Please remember that CB is an open-channel environment where several people may be on the channel simultaneously.

Therefore “10-4, good buddy" is the rough equivalent of saying “Rodger, Wilco, sir" and is considerably more clear and concise over an open channel.

Translation: Channel Break, Channel 19 I-480, eastbound, Traffic Police at the eastern end of the Cuyahoga Valley bridge, acknowledge?

“10-4, good buddy. Shuttlecraft Galileo, into the sun, and backing down. You’re clean and green into the sunset.”

Translation: Rodger, sir. SG acknowledges. I’m approaching the trap, slowing as appropriate. There is nothing for you to worry about ahead on the westbound side.

“10-4, good buddy. (handle), out.”

Translation: Rodger, and thanks. This is (handle), over and out. The channel is now clear for other users.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does the phrase 10 4 Good Buddy mean?

“10–4” means “affirmative” or “yes” or “correct,” and “good buddy” is an informal, friendly way of addressing another driver or trucker. This phrase can be used outside of trucking since the general public understands the slang through a song released in 1970.


If I sum this Article up in some lines, 10 4 good buddy is a code mostly used by cops; it means good to go. Cops use it when they catch criminals or some major serial killers. It means that they are now good to go. Good buddy was added on by truckers who pick up on jargon by listening to their scanners. So in ten four good buddies, it’s like one truck driver saying to another okay, or right, or whatever it is in the affirmative.

Truckers felt that Hollywood had hijacked the phrase “good buddy" and showed their disdain for it by giving it its new, negative connotation. It was also a way a trucker knew whether the person he spoke to on the radio was a fellow trucker or a poser.

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