Sport Management is a business which deals with the sports. Sport management involves planning, administration, finances, marketing, law and ethics related to sports.
Degree requirements for sport management
Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree with high school courses in the area of business, economics, sociology, sports history, mathematics and statistics are useful in completing the sport management degree in college.
Courses teaches in bachelor’s degree of sport management
- Sport marketing
- Sports law
- Sports history
- Finance?](What is Finance?)
- Communication
- Sport event management
- Law and ethics in sports
Three types of Masters degree in sport management
1) Masters of Science in sport management
It allows you to become a head coach, administrator and manager.
2) Masters of Science in sport medicine
After this degree you are able to become fitness expert of athletes.Sports Nutrition
3) Administration (MBA) in sports management
It helps you to work on management positions and develop business skills.
The study program for sports management is of 5-6 years. 4 years of bachelor’s degree and 1-2 years of Masters.
Best Universities to study sport management
Here are some of the best Sports Management schools in the world:
International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS), Switzerland
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
University of Bayreuth, Germany
KEDGE Business School, France
University College Dublin, Ireland
Adelphi University, USA
Arizona State University, USA
Bournemouth University, UK
Campbellsville University, USA
Durham College, Canada
EU Business School, Spain
Edge Hill University, UK
Skill requirements for sport management
1) Time management
For management professionals time management is the key to success. When you learn how to manage time effectively than success will be yours.
2) Philosophical attitude
People who have philosophical mindset toward games and enjoy challenging ways in games, get success.
3) Ability to be easily modified
It is necessary in sports management job, you are able to do different tasks at a moment same as team need every player to be all in.
4) Organized
Being organized is the best thing in sports management, specially when you are in finance team. Make sure all the documents, files, books and reports are in there accurate place.
5) Inventiveness
If you are able to do qualitative analysis, able to start new things or new method in your field specially in player evaluation than you definitely get the position of sport management executives.
6) Communication
If you are in finance team or your duty is to evaluate talent in player, it is important you should have a communication skills. If you are in sports management team, you should continuously express need of your department.
7) Writing skills
Make your point valuable through writing is effective in sports management career. Regular documents preparation like memos and reports is very important for the success of organization.
Career Opportunities
Some career opportunities that are open for sports management professionals:
Sporting goods sales
Sports agencies
Athletic administration
Public Relations
Responsibilities of sports management team
Like every industry or organization sports industry also need managers to run industry smoothly. This type of job is behind the scene. Sports managers are responsible for:
Finance balance of the organization
Managing sport events
3.Travelling of team players
Dealing with sponsorship
Managing the Businesses of the organization or players
Events schedule
Communicating between coaches, players and media
Sports management jobs
1. Sales manager
They are responsible for tickets of players and team and also responsible for sale strategies and products.
2. Marketing assistant
They are responsible for helping sports marketing for a team, social media, press release and running a website.
3. Promotion manager
Responsible for promoting player or team through managing and planning campaigns and setting up sponsorship.
4. Media relation assistant
They help to prepare players for media interviews, coverage of events and many more.
5. Tournament director
They are responsible of budgets of travel and tournaments and booking hotels for players.
6. Sports accountant
They are responsible for managing the payroll to players, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, medical staff, and club executives. Sports accountants usually file all of the organization’s tax forms to report the earnings of players, including salary, game bonuses, sponsorships, image rights, and more at the time of tax payment.
7. Athletic director
They are responsible for hiring and ■■■■■■ coaches, supervising coaches, making sure that teams meet ethical and legal standards, promoting and fund-raising for athletic departments, supervising the ordering of athletic equipment.
8. Sports agent
They are responsible for finding best contract deal for athletes and their salaries.
9. League administrator
They are responsible for making league format guidelines, finding qualified head coach, forming financial goals and promoting league.
10. Sports broadcaster
Their task is prepare, write and present news of the sport world to the fans. They also responsible for analyzing sports news stories and offerings game prediction.
Principles of sports management
1) Functions
a. Planning
Planning for taking actions and make decisions for what type of resources are required.
b. Organizing
Build working relationship between worker to get success for organization.
c. Leading
Motivation, energy and inspiration for employees.
d. Staffing
Select and recruite employees for organization.
e. Controlling
Measure, compare, achieve goals and improve performance.
2) Effective management
Effective management plan budget and find what should be done, in what order it is to be done, and find what resources are useful in achieving the goal.
3) Roles of managers
They are decision makers and informational. As a decision makers, managers can perform as a entrepreneur, as a disturbance handler and negotiator. As informational role, they monitor, work as a spokespersons, and they share information.
4) Improving human potential
Manager is responsible to find a way to improve a team member’s skill into a higher level of performance, it is about improving human potential, one team member at a time.
5) Specialist role
Successful managers play a role as specialist, they are very experienced and have a knowledge of the principles of great management. They must learn and discover how the fragments of organization work together and improve performance.
Sport management is a business which deals with the sports. Sport management involves planning, administration, finances, marketing, law and ethics related to sports.
Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree with high school courses in the area of business, economics, sociology, sports history, mathematics and statistics are useful in completing the sport management degree in college.
The study program for sports management is of 5-6 years. 4 years of bachelor’s degree and 1-2 years of Masters.
Skills requirements for sport management are time management, philosophical attitude, writing skills, communication skills, ability to easily modified, creativity and organized.
Careers open for sports professionals are Sporting goods sales Sports agencies, Fundraising, Broadcasting, Finance, Law, Athletic administration, Travel/Tourism, Public Relations and Marketing.
Sports management team is responsible for Finance balance of the organization, Managing sport events, Travelling of team players, Dealing with sponsorship, Wardrobe, Managing the Businesses of the organization or players, Events schedule and Communicating between coaches, players and media.