
What is Medicine?

Medicine is a way in science to prevent diseases diagnose problems and treatment of diseases. Medicine is a blessing as it restores our health and recovers our body from illness. Medicine is a drug for preparation of treatment of living body. Medicine is a state of health and healing. Pharmaceutical Medicine gives treatment and diagnoses diseases in our body for our health and welbing. Medicines are the chemical compounds which helps us to cure and to prevent diseases and to clear the symptoms of disorders in body.


medicines for health

What is medicine used for?

As we know with the advancement in modern world and changing life style, the use of medicine is becoming regular because people are more curious about their health and there’s also increase in number of diseases. So, medicine is used to prevent diseases, to cure symptoms, to perform related operations or surgeries to give treatment an to save lives.

What are side effects of Medicine?

In one way medicine makes us healthy but on the other hand, over use of medicine or anything may cause risks. Medicine is for good purpose but if it causes adverse moments and unexpected reactions, then it is risky to use. There’s no concept that medicine will always cause side effects, its an exceptional case.

Side effects of medicine vary from minor problems like runny-nose to major problems like over-using of medicines which cause high BP may lead to heart attack. Similarly, medicine can also cause disturbance in digestive system because drugs pass through this track and causes problem like nausea, constipation, diarrhea, [kidney failure] and may lead to Gastrointestinal issues.

side effects of medicine

Is medicine bad for your body?

No, medicines are not bad for your physical body. Medicines are for the sake of health but sometimes overuse or mis-advice and wrong recommendations may lead to problems which are bad. Medicine may be affective sometime but it can only lead to normal disorders like upset stomach.

What are the types of medicine?

Medicines are in many types and forms because medicine are used for vast variety of diseases and purposes. So, there are some main types of medicines, They are;

  • Liquid

  • Capsules

  • Tablet

  • Drops

  • Injections

  • Inhalers

  • Implants

These are few main types of medicines. There are several other types like herbal and powdered form of medicines.

What is a drug or medicine?

In pharmaceuticals, a drug is known as a chemical substance when introduced into the body produces biological effects. Similarly medicine is also known as drug because medicine is also a chemical substance and is used to cure and prevent disorders.

How medicine works in our body?

When we eat an medicine, it goes through stomach to small intestine and from there to liver which breaks the medicine and particles pass to the blood for action. Drugs or medicines have no idea where to go in the body. Allah has made a system in our body that medicines reach that part which needs treatment and reform. That’s the function of our body system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medicines are for the better functioning of body if any disorder occurs. People ask some general question before taking medicine, they are;

How painkiller works in our body?

Painkillers helps to relieve the work with our body nerve endings and tissues because our body is full of nerve endings . Painkillers work with the body cell’s and tissues to give a hand in their work and help to calm the working of mind and keeps away the stress and pain from mind. That’s how painkillers work in our body.

Is it OK to take painkillers every day?

Painkillers should be used with advice of doctor. If doctor asked you to take them daily, then take them on proper time and constant dose. If you take them more from dose and to on irregular times, then there will be side effects and errors in its working. They may lead to complications.

How can medicine cure side effects?

You should take some steps to prevent side effects. These are;

  1. Ask your doctor if you’ll take the drugs with food.

  2. Eat several smaller meals each day instead of two or three large meals.

  3. Try peppermint or gum. Peppermint can help settle your stomach.

  4. Eat bland foods, like dry crackers or plain bread. Avoid fried, greasy, sweet, and spicy foods.


Pharmaceutical Medicines are the blessing of Allah to make our lives better and long term. If there is no medicine to cure, then people may die in early ages. That’s why medicines are most important factors of our lives and in short, our lives depend upon medicine because we take them in our routine life for minor disorders.

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