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Overbite Braces


Overbite Braces are the most popular treatment for the correction of overbites, which are caused by a misalignment of the teeth. Overbite occurs when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth more than is normal. Overbite braces may assist repair in the same way that Invisalign does, by straightening the teeth and allowing the malocclusion to resolve itself as a side effect.

What Is An Overbite?

A jaw misalignment known as an overbite (also known as a deep bite or closed bite) is a form of jaw misalignment (malocclusion). It occurs when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth more than is normal.

When the mouth is closed, there should be around a 20 percent overlap between the top and lower teeth. An overbite is defined as a gap between the teeth that is larger than 20% and may need orthodontic treatment.

Some overbites will be obvious, while others may be less so. Seeing an orthodontist is the best method to find out whether you have an overbite. An orthodontist may examine your teeth using x-rays to determine the severity of the overbite.

Because their mouth is still growing and adult teeth have begun to come in, children should consult an orthodontist around the age of seven. Early orthodontic treatment in children may efficiently correct an overbite.

Adults might also benefit from an orthodontist’s services. Adult overbites may be treated, therefore getting a professional opinion is important for anybody, regardless of age.

Causes Of An Overbite

Overbites in children and adults may be caused by genetic/developmental factors as well as specific personal behaviors. Let’s take a closer look at these two elements to better understand overbites and where they originate from.

Genetic And Developmental Causes of Overbite

Some overbites, however, are just inherited. Children whose parents have an overbite are more prone to acquire one as well. There’s nothing you can do to avoid it, but you may start the treatment process early by scheduling an appointment with an orthodontist when your kid is seven years old.

Furthermore, some infants are born with smaller lower jaws or suffer from other jaw-related problems. If these problems are not identified and corrected by the time the kid is old enough to undergo therapy, they might progress to an overbite.

Dental overbites happen when the upper teeth protrude 30 to 50 percent more than the lower teeth. An overbite is classified as a Class II malocclusion in dentistry.

Types Of Overbite

An overbite may be classified into two types:

1. Vertical Overbite – The upper teeth overlap the lower teeth excessively.

2. The upper teeth protrude over the bottom teeth in a horizontal overbite.

Although an overbite may be vertical or horizontal, some people have both. Dental or skeletal overbites are two different types of overbites. A dental overbite develops as a result of childhood practices of pressing the tongue on the rear teeth.

An unevenly formed jaw and/or teeth induce a skeletal overbite, which is usually inherited. Overbites of the skeleton are often inherited. Some individuals are born with jaws that are deformed and grow unevenly.

Types Of Behavior That Cause Overbites

An overbite may be caused by a variety of behaviors. Overbites in children may be caused by a variety of external sources, including:

  • Infants and toddlers sucking their thumbs for lengthy periods

  • The usage of a pacifier by youngsters for an extended period is not recommended.

Adults may acquire an overbite as a result of the following factors:

  • Nail biting is a condition in which a person bites his or her nails excessively

  • Chewing on pens or other hard items is a common occurrence.

  • Grinding of the teeth (bruxism)

  • Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing an overbite.

However, regardless of heredity, avoiding the behaviors listed above may help reduce the likelihood of developing an overbite. You now have a better understanding of overbites and how they occur. Let’s continue our discussion and look at the various overbite remedies.

Using braces To Correct An Overbite

The majority of overbite issues may be treated with braces. X-rays are used during the evaluation stage to evaluate the kind of overbite and the connection between the teeth and jaw. The top and bottom arches of the teeth are then fixed with braces.

The arch wire aligns and straightens the teeth initially. Elastics (small rubber bands) may be utilized during the second stage of braces to gradually push the jawline into the right position. To assist shift the teeth and jaw, the bands are placed on the brackets from top to bottom or front to rear.

Before eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth, the bands are removed and replaced. It’s critical to keep the bands on at all times to provide consistent pressure. Wearing them on and off might cause more frequent tooth and jaw aches.

Wearing a retainer or using a permanent wire to maintain the teeth in the right position is the last step of therapy. To correct their overbite, some patients choose more discreet solutions like ceramic or lingual (inside) braces or Invisalign aligners.

It’s advisable to talk to your orthodontist before deciding on a treatment option since not all treatment options are appropriate for all cases.

Time To Begin Treatment

When it comes to an overbite, the sooner orthodontic treatment may begin, the better. Patients who grind their teeth and clench their jaws are causing damage to their teeth. Some overbites make it difficult to clean the teeth, putting the patient at risk for dental decay and gum disease.

Regular headaches, migraines, and jaw discomfort may make daily living difficult. These health issues improve for some people as soon as the braces begin to move the jaw into position.


An overbite is described as a 20 percent or more gap between the teeth that may need orthodontic treatment. Overbites may be induced by genetic/developmental factors as well as particular behavioral behaviors in children and adults. An irregularly developed jaw and/or teeth cause a dental overbite.

How Long Does It Take To Correct An Overbite?

The length of your overbite correction treatment will be determined by the severity of your overbite as well as the other orthodontic concerns you are attempting to fix. When you visit our Austin office for the first time, we will inspect your overbite teeth and each of your teeth thoroughly.

Your upper and lower teeth may also be X-rayed. We will be able to create a customized overbite treatment plan for you based on the results of this assessment. Although the time of your overbite therapy can vary, an overbite can often be corrected in two years.

In general, repairing a significant overbite will take longer. If your dental issues are mild, you should be able to resolve this issue in a shorter period.

Anything I Can Do to Speed Up My Overbite Treatment

Consider combining your braces or Invisalign treatments with Propel VPro if you want to see changes in your overbite. This customized equipment may improve the reaction of your teeth to your treatment and cut down on the amount of time you spend working on your overbite.

1. Changing the Position of Your Teeth

Micro-pulses will be sent into your teeth by this FDA-approved gadget. Your teeth will be able to travel fast into various areas of your mouth as a result of these micro-pulses. This method may save the time it takes to cure an overbite by up to 64%.

2. How to Use Your Device

This gadget is incredibly simple to use. You will bite down on the Propel VPro gadget after placing it in your mouth. The gadget will shoot micro-pulses into your teeth for the next five minutes. You may read a book, watch TV, or respond to emails while the gadget vibrates since you don’t need to use your hands to hold the mouthpiece in place.

You won’t have to keep track of your daily sessions either. The Propel VPro gadget may be linked to a smartphone app that tracks your sessions and monitors your teeth’s vibrations.
It can cause health issues.

3. Decay of the teeth

Overbites may cause your teeth to wear down in ways they wouldn’t if you didn’t have an overbite. This implies that your teeth may be rubbing against one other and eroding away at your tooth enamel without your knowledge.

This might lead to a rise in the cost of living. In locations where the enamel has been compromised, there is a danger of tooth decay as well as dental sensitivity. Your overbite might be the source of cavities!

4. Jaw Ache

Overbites may produce chronic jaw or face discomfort, comparable to temporomandibular joints (TMJ) problems since they put pressure on the teeth. When chewing food or trying to expand your mouth completely, such as when yawning, your symptoms may get worse.

Your overbite may be causing your TMJ disease symptoms. Your dentist or orthodontist may examine your jaw to determine the source of the issue and devise a treatment plan to alleviate your discomfort.

Gum disease is a condition that infects the gums

Gum disease is believed to affect approximately 45 percent of Americans! Teeth unexpectedly striking the gum tissue, particularly in atypical bites, may cause gum damage. Your lower teeth may contact the gum tissue behind your front teeth if you have an overbite.

This may not only harm and inflame your gums, but it can also be a contributing factor to gum disease, particularly if you are already at risk or have gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.

Leading Causes Of Overbite

1. Lower Jaw Is Small

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the most prevalent cause of an overbite is a short lower jaw. A jaw alignment problem may occur when the lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw.

Lower jaw teeth may continue to grow upwards until they reach the upper tooth’s back or the roof of the mouth. Lower teeth commonly get overcrowded as they develop higher, causing dental alignment difficulties.

2. Loss of teeth

Your teeth may move out of alignment if you lose your baby teeth too soon, or if you lose adult teeth too soon. A missing lower tooth might induce a situation comparable to having a tiny lower jaw, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. As a consequence, problems with tooth and jaw alignment may arise.

Children’s Dental Health

An overbite may also develop as a result of early dental habits. The following behaviors may cause teeth to become misaligned and contribute to an overbite:

Sr #Behaviors
1.Sucking the thumb
2.The pushing of the tongue
3.Sucking one’s lips

The influence of these actions varies depending on how often, how long, and how intense they are. Thumb sucking, for example, is a normal childhood practice that is the only reason for worry if it continues until the age of five when adult teeth generally begin to emerge.

Overbites may occur in those who have unusually powerful bite muscles, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. People who clench or bite their teeth regularly might overdevelop these muscles, resulting in an overbite.

Overbite Is A Condition That Is Passed Down Through The Generations.

Crooked teeth and misaligned bites are dental features that are often passed down through generations. If you have an overbite, you were probably born with it rather than acquiring it over time. If you want to straighten your teeth and correct your overbite, talk to your dentist or orthodontist about the best course of action.


A little overbite can usually be rectified in two years, while a major overbite will take longer. This specialized equipment may help your teeth respond better to therapy and reduce the amount of time you spend working on your overbite. This FDA-approved device will send micro-pulses into your teeth.

How can you know if you have an overbite?

During a physical examination, your dentist is likely to discover an overbite for the first time. The dentist may use dental X-rays to analyze the overbite and how your teeth are aligned in more detail.

An orthodontist may be recommended by your dentist. A dentist who specializes in tooth and jaw alignment is known as an orthodontist.

The Best Option To Fix An Overbite

An overbite may be corrected in several ways. The four approaches for correcting an overbite listed here may be used to repair any malocclusion of any severity. As a result, regardless of the severity of the overbite, these are the best solutions for repairing it.

1. Invisalign

Invisalign is often the best solution for less severe overbites caused by a misalignment of the teeth. By straightening the teeth, Invisalign may assist to address an overbite. People who select Invisalign not only get rid of their overbite, but they also get straighter teeth and a nicer smile as a result.

With that said, Invisalign isn’t for everyone, and it’s best for those who just have a little overbite. It’s not designed to correct more significant issues.

2. Braces

Braces are the most popular treatment for crooked teeth. They do, however, aid in the correction of overbites, which are caused by a misalignment of the teeth. As a consequence, braces may assist repair an overbite in the same way that Invisalign does, by straightening the teeth and allowing the malocclusion to resolve itself as a side effect.

The nicest thing about braces, as opposed to Invisalign, is that they may be utilized on any amount of overbite, no matter how severe it is. Braces should be used instead of Invisalign for more extreme overbite issues when Invisalign isn’t usually an option.

3. Extraction of teeth

While Invisalign and braces are the most frequent procedures to correct an overbite, since most overbites are caused by a misalignment of the teeth, tooth extraction may be required in certain cases.

It is frequently recommended to remove a tooth in circumstances when the overbite is caused by overcrowding of the teeth, which is usually caused by a reduced jaw size. More space is produced for the teeth to develop naturally as a result of this.

As the teeth get more room and take form as a consequence, the overbite should resolve itself. While tooth extractions aren’t pleasurable, they may occasionally be a more convenient option than Invisalign or braces.

4. Surgery

In certain cases, the overbite is not caused by malocclusion. Instead, the overbite might be caused by a skeletal misalignment of the jaw. In some cases, correcting a dental misalignment will not have enough of an influence on the overbite to make a significant difference.

As a result, surgery may be necessary to align the jaw properly. Although it may seem intrusive, it is a rather painless operation that can be completed in a short period. Consult your orthodontist for the most up-to-date information.

Braces To Correct Overbite

For any kind of overbites, traditional braces are the most prevalent treatment method. Metal brackets are attached to the teeth and joined by metal wires in the first step of the two-stage procedure.

These brackets aid in the straightening of the teeth, allowing the orthodontist to correct the overbite. Traditional braces need the installation of rubber coils and springs in the second step, which gradually pushes everything into position.

Invisible braces are preferred by some individuals, particularly teens, since they are less noticeable. For patients with significant overbites, Invisalign and other clear aligners are unfortunately not a possibility.

Clear Aligners For Overbites

By applying continual pressure to the teeth, clear aligners may be able to correct overbites. This force progressively shifts the teeth into a better position, aiding in tooth straightening. Overbites that are mild to severe may be improved with clear aligners.

Clear aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours each day by those who use them. Trays are required to be worn when sleeping. They can only be taken out for meals and dental hygiene procedures such as brushing and flossing.

Every several weeks, patients get fresh aligner trays. Each tray is worn for around two weeks to slightly move the teeth. Patients must go on to the following tray in the therapy after two weeks. Depending on the severity of the overbite, the surgery may need up to 26 trays. For 12 months, one tray would be used every two weeks.

The Appropriate Age

Although age does not always determine when a kid should have braces, certain broad criteria apply in the majority of situations. For starters, most orthodontists think that braces are optimal for children between the ages of 10 and 14.

Braces relocate teeth and correct bite, which is why getting braces at such a young age is ideal. At this age, a kid will usually have all of his or her permanent teeth, which influences when braces should be applied.

Braces are most effective when a youngster has the majority of their permanent teeth. Another important consideration is the condition of the jawbone. A child’s jawbone will not be completely formed at this age.

The jawbone will continue be develop and mature at this time. In this stage, a jawbone is appropriate for braces. Teeth move more easily when the jawbone is not completely grown, and a jawbone in this condition also makes most sorts of bite abnormalities much simpler to repair with braces.

Second, most orthodontists feel that a youngster should have an orthodontic assessment around the age of seven. So, even if your kid won’t require braces until he or she is ten to fourteen years old, it’s a good idea to get an initial examination around the age of seven.

Starting at this age will allow you to have a better understanding of the issues your kid may experience with braces as well as the timeframe to consider. You could discover that now is the greatest time to begin, or that you have a few years before you need braces.

Other Types Of Braces

1. Braces Made Of Metal

Metal braces, also known as classic braces, are the most prevalent form of braces used across the globe and have been in use for over a century. Braces used to be fairly large and conspicuous. Fortunately, braces now are nothing like they were a century ago.

Braces have become more common as a result of advances in innovation and technology. Following are the efficiencies provided by metal braes:

Sr #Efficiencies
3.More comfortable
4.More efficient

Children and teenage patients are the most common recipients of metal braces. They function by placing braces on the teeth and linking them with a wire. Elastic ties, which come in a variety of colors, are used to secure the wire to the braces. At your sessions every 4-8 weeks, the orthodontist adjusts the wire to reposition the teeth.

2. Braces made of ceramic

Ceramic braces are constructed of tooth-colored, transparent material. They function similarly to metal braces, but they are more subtle and less noticeable. Patients who do not believe Invisalign or lingual braces are suited for them.

But still want to straighten their teeth discreetly and economically choose ceramic braces. These patients are mostly teenagers and adults who are concerned about their appearance.

3. Brace That Self-Ligates

Self-ligating braces are available in metal or clear/ceramic material and operate similarly to metal and ceramic braces. Braces and a wire are used to shift the teeth in both cases.

The difference between self-ligating braces and metal or ceramic braces is that instead of elastic rubber ties, self-ligating braces employ doors or clips to keep the wire in place.

4. Braces For The Mouth

Lingual braces, which are hidden beneath the teeth, are the most sophisticated and uncommon orthodontic system available. This is because they need a unique combination of orthodontic abilities that few orthodontists devote the time to master.

The use of lingual braces behind the teeth is not taught during orthodontic training, thus it is up to the orthodontist to learn how to use them.

We feel that lingual braces behind the teeth should be offered to all eligible patients as an option since they provide benefits that no other form of braces can match. Total invisibility, complete customization to your unique teeth, and improved efficiency and flexibility in chosen patients are just a few of the benefits.

Cost of Braces

The cost of braces is typically determined by the kind, length of therapy, and the patient’s requirements. A consultation for braces overbite normally costs between $275 and $300. The cost of traditional metal braces ranges from $2,500 to $7,000. Ceramic braces are pricier, ranging from $4,000 to $8,000.

In certain areas, children’s dental insurance for orthodontic braces is mandatory. For adults, however, insurance may only cover a portion of the costs.

Coverage does not take into account whether braces are required for cosmetic reasons or not. If your insurance plan provides orthodontic benefits, most insurance companies will pay for your treatment. However, if the coverage does not include orthodontic benefits, they will not pay for braces therapy.

Cost of Overbite Surgery

The cost of overbite surgery normally ranges from $20,000 to $40,000. The cost of surgery for temporomandibular joints dysfunction may range from $50,000 to $100,000. In certain circumstances, orthognathic surgery may be reimbursed by health insurance.

If skeletal abnormalities cause sleep apnea, breathing difficulties, or significant speech impairments, some insurance companies consider jaw procedures to be medically essential.
Orthognathic surgery is deemed cosmetic if it solely enhances a patient’s face look and is not medically necessary.

Frequently asked Questions

1. Does an Overbite Get Worse As You Get Older?

Absolutely: overbites deteriorate over time and may lead to additional problems such as migraines or dental discomfort, difficulty chewing orbiting, or tooth and gum rot as a result of an inability to adequately clean the teeth.

2. When is it appropriate to fix an overbite?

At any age, an overbite may be corrected. Because their lips are still growing, it is simpler to treat in younger children. Beginning treatment between the ages of 8 and 14 is recommended by the American Dental Association. Early therapy is advantageous since it may avoid or reduce the severity of future consequences.

3. Is it true that correcting an overbite alters the contour of your face?

This orthodontic procedure may modify the form of your face if you have more serious tooth issues. By increasing the harmony between your facial features, correcting your overbite may change the look of your face.

4. Is it possible to naturally correct an overbite?

An overbite cannot be corrected naturally; braces or surgery will be required. However, certain forms of overbite may be avoided by eliminating childhood behaviors such as thumb sucking, pencil chewing, and excessive use of baby dummies.

5. Is it possible to grow out of an overbite?

Overbites are more common in youngsters, although they may linger into adulthood if not addressed. As early as two years old, parents may see their children developing an overbite.

6. What is the definition of a severe overbite?

A huge, or deep, overbite is a severe overbite in which the top teeth greatly overlap the bottom teeth, also known as a class 2 malocclusion. When your jaw is clenched, you may be able to feel a space between your front top and bottom teeth or even insert your tongue between your teeth.

7. Is it true that having an overbite makes your lips seem larger?

Your teeth keep your lips in place, and an overbite may cause your top lip to protrude, making you feel self-conscious. Alternatively, depending on the severity of your overbite, your lower lip may seem bigger.

8. What is the usual amount of overbite?

The amount of vertical overlap between the upper and lower front teeth is what the word refers to. Overbite is measured in millimeters.

9. How can you detect whether an overbite is skeletal or dental?

Dental or skeletal overbites are two different types of overbites. An overbite caused by the teeth is referred to as a dental overbite. The jaw is identified as the cause of an overbite in a skeletal overbite.

10. How long does it take to correct an overbite?

Braces might take anywhere from six months to two years to correct an overbite. Invisalign is a system for straightening teeth that involves wearing a set of clear appliances over the upper and/or lower teeth.

11. Is it possible to correct a significant overbite using Invisalign?

Studies have indicated that Invisalign, a popular form of aligner on the market, is efficient at correcting mild to moderate overbites. Traditional braces may be more successful in treating severe overbites and other tooth issues.


An overbite is a 20 percent gap between the teeth that may need orthodontic treatment. An overbite can often be corrected in two years. Repairing a significant overbite will take longer. Braces are the most popular treatment for crooked teeth. They aid in the correction of overbites, which are caused by a misalignment of the teeth.

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