Momentum example

Momentum Example: A semi-automobile truck that is full of woods has significant weight and needs to reduce speed while lay down long ahead of traffic lights. Due to slight velocity, it has great energy and is tricky to break. A shot, while tiny, has an enormous force due to top speed.

momentum example

What is momentum?

A momentum is a vector number, which has together directions and magnitude. Its item is kg m/s (kilogram meter per second) or N s (newton second). Momentum is obtained by multiplying the mass and its velocity. Momentum is a vector number; i.e., it has both size and way.


Simply momentum is the creation of a figure’s mass and its velocity
p = mv

Where p is the symbol of momentum, m indicates the mass and v is the sign of velocity

if we relate Newton’s 2nd Law, we can grow

F = (mv2-mv1)/ (t2-t1)

The feeling is that net power on an item is like the level of variation in the momentum of the item.

Momentum physics examples:

  1. A four-wheeler shifting at a especially speedy pace has a smaller momentum than the semi-truck due to its small mass and could forestall an awful lot quicker.

  2. A bullet, despite the fact that small in mass, has a huge momentum due to an incredibly huge pace.

  3. A thousand kg vehicle shifting at 15 m/sec has a momentum of 15,000 kg•m/sec because of multiplying the mass and the pace.

  4. A karate professional can generate sufficient pace together along with his fist that the momentum can deliver via numerous bricks breaking them.

  5. Two soccer gamers of identical mass are touring closer to every other, one is shifting at five m/sec and the opposite at eight m/sec. The one shifting with the quicker pace has a extra momentum and could knock the opposite one backwards.

Newton’s Laws of momentum:

Isaac Newton’s:

The second act of motion conditions that the time level of change of momentum is equal to the force acting on the particle. The momentum of one group of units is equal to the course sum of the single momenta.

Newton’s third law:

According to this law, the units use equal and differing forces on one another, so any variation in the momentum of one atom is just stable by an equal and reverse change of the momentum of the extra unit. So, in the absence of a clear outer force acting on a group of units, their total momentum never changes; this is the sense of the law of conservation of momentum.

newton's law

3 Examples of momentum:

Momentum can be supposed to as the “control” when a body is affected, meaning how far energy it can have on the extra body.

  • A rolling ball (enormous mass) affecting slowly (low velocity) can have the same momentum as a baseball (small mass) that is unnerved fast (high velocity).

  • A bullet is another example where the momentum is very-very high, owing to the strange velocity.

  • Another sample where very low-velocities reasons for better momentum is the drive of the Indian subcontinent to the rest of Asia, producing grave costs, such as earthquakes in the zone of the Himalayas.

  • Here, the subcontinent is affecting as gradually as rare creeps per day but the mass of the Indian subcontinent is very great.

Law of conservation of momentum:


In understanding the conservation of momentum example, momentum is vital. In a structure, momentum is different from vector addition. In the directions of vector addition, counting a sure quantity of momentum collected with a similar sum of momentum successful in a reverse way offers a total momentum is a nil.

For case, when a bullet is blazing, a small mass (the bullet) changes at a high acceleration in one way. A greater mass (the bullet) moves in a reverse way at a far slower speed. The momentum of the bullet and the momentum of the ■■■ are just equal in size then reverse in the way.

By vector addition to add the momentum of the bullet to the momentum of the ■■■ (equal in size but opposite in direction) offers a total system momentum of nothing. The momentum of the ■■■-bullet system has been preserved.

law of conversion of momentum

Conservation of momentum example:

if a car (1000 kg) is working right at 8 m/s, and a truck (6000 kg) is going left at 2 m/s, the car and truck will be stirring left after the impact.

This use displays why:

  • Momentum = Mass x Velocity

  • The momentum of car is : 1000 kg x 8 m/s = 8000kgm/s

  • The momentum of truck is : 6000 kg x 2 m/s = 12000kgm/s

  • This means their total momentum is 4000kgm/s.

Angular Momentum

Angular motion is called the property of an arbitrary turning point which is presented by the moment of inaction points angular speed.

It is defined as ownership of a spinning mass which is additionally given by the result of the twinkling of inertia and the sharp speed of the turning object.

It is a direction of capacity, which shows angular momentum has equally the scale, as well as the path.

The angular force is a transmitter mass and is characterized by the sign L→

It is illustrated in the international system of units:


The volumetric formula for angular force is presented by:


angular momentum

Angular Momentum Formula example

Angular momentum can be tested by information in just two circumstances. They are listed as follows:

Point object: The object that speeds up across a static point. For example, Earth rotates all around the sun where the sun is regarded as in a permanent position. Thus, the angular momentum is presented by:**

L→ = r × p→


L→ = symbolizes the angular speed

r = denotes the circle [ that is space between an entity and the permanent point.

[( earth x sun)].

p→ signifies the linear motion.

Extended object: The corresponding object, that is spinning about a stationary point or its axis. As an example, The earth revolves around its alignment. Angular motion is presented by:

L→ = I × ω→


L→ is the angular force.

I symbolize turning apathy.

ω→ denotes the angular speed.

Angular Momentum examples:

Ice-skater: An ice skater normally turns for a roll by maintaining her hands and legs a long way aside from the middle of the body. Although she chooses to achieve further angular velocity to rotate, she maintains her hands and legs tighter to her body. Consequently, her angular movement is retained, and hence she rotates more rapidly.

Gyroscope: A spinner frequently uses the assumption of the angular impulse to maintain its direction. It utilizes a rotating wheel that has 3 levels of independence. While the steering wheel is spun at an extremely high velocity it snaps onto its direction, and therefore will not depart from its orientation. This is particularly useful in outer space applications in which the stance of the spaceship is a major factor that should be monitored.

Conservation of Angular Momentum

Angular movement is described to the revolving correspondent of linear force, it is presented by the icon l, and angular motion of an atom in turning movement is described as follows:

l = r × p

This is a hybrid product of r which is the distance of the loop and is created by the point in the rotary movement, and p signifies the straight-line force of the body. Size of angular movement is presented by,

l = r p sinθ

The preserved number we are studying is named angular momentum. The sign for angular momentum is the letter L. Fair as linear momentum is preserved when there are no net outer forces, angular momentum is continuous or preserved when the net torque is zero. We can see this by as Newton’s 2nd law for turning wave:

→τ=d→ L dt τ→=dL→ dt, where ττ is the torque. For the state in which the net torque is nil, d→ L dt=0dL→dt=0.

If the variation in angular momentum ΔL is zero, then the angular momentum is incessant; so,

→L=constant (when net τ=0).

This is an appearance for the law of conservation of angular momentum

conversion of angular momentum

Conservation of angular momentum examples:

An ice skater is rotating on the slope of her skate with her arms long. Her angular momentum is preserved because the net torque on her is just small. Her rate of rotation rise importantly when she tugs in her arms, decreasing her moment of inactivity. The work she does to pull in her arms effect an increase in turning kinetic energy.

Conservation of Angular Momentum Applications

Conservation of angular momentum is one of the key conservation laws in physics, besides the conservation laws for drive and (linear) momentum. These laws are valid level in tiny areas where major process rules; are due to characteristic equilibriums present in nature.

The Law of preservation of angular movement has multiple applications which will further comprise; Helicopter or jet engines, Rechargeable generators, etc.

Impulse momentum theorem:

The impulse-momentum theorem describes that the impulse implemented to an item might be identical to the variation in its motion. The aggregate of the pressure and crash interval is referred to as the impulse. The impulse may be calculated through multiplying the common net pressure (Fave) by the length of the smash (Δt). (Alternatively, the impulse is equivalent to the area under the force and time arc for the collision.

Δ → tF =m (vf) − m(vi)

Notice that we’ve calculated the variation in momentum because the preliminary momentum (mivi) subtracted from the very last momentum (mfvf). If the mass of the item doesn’t push out all through the collision, then the preliminary and very last mass are the same. In this example we name it m and element it out at the proper facet of the equation:

∆ t F = m (ⱴ f -ⱴ)

Impulse momentum theorem example:

A man or woman leaping from a peak of five m, or approximately 20 ft, hits the floor with a pace of almost 10 m/s, or approximately 22 mph (we’ll discover ways to discern that out later). Let’s calculate the common pressure implemented to a a hundred kg man or woman all through the sort of touchdown if the collision with the floor lasts 1/10 of a second. We begin with the impulse-momentum theorem.


We need pressure, so let’s divide over the collision lenght:


Remembering that path is vital whilst running with forces and velocities, we want to outline a few directions. Let’s make downward terrible so the preliminary speed is -10 m/s. The very last speed is zero m/s due to the fact the man or woman involves relaxation at the floor all through touchdown. The said collision length turned into zero.1 s.

so we’re geared up to calculate the common internet pressure:


We see that the internet pressure is positive, that means that it factors upward due to the fact we selected downward because the terrible path. This makes experience due to the fact the floor pushes up at the man or woman to offer the impulse to prevent the individual’s downward motion.

Finally, we want to do not forget that we’ve calculated the common internet pressure, which how a good deal the forces are out of balance. This man or woman has a weight of approximately 1,000 N (a hundred kg x 9.eight m/s/s = one thousand N). Weight acts downward, so as to get the specified 10,000 N of internet pressure upward there need to definitely be a 11,000 N implemented upward on their feet, with one thousand N of that being cancelled out through their weight.

Behavioral momentum:

Behavioral momentum is a concept in quantitative evaluation of conduct and is a behavioral metaphor primarily based totally on bodily momentum. It describes the overall relation among resistance to change (patience of conduct) and the price of reinforcement acquired in a given situation.

Behavioral Momentum is one of these cool ABA phrases that sound precisely like what it is. Behavioral Momentum essentially approach to technique the kid now no longer with what you need in thoughts however with what they may be maximum in all likelihood to need to do.

Behavioral momentum example:

You can use behavioral momentum whilst coaching pretty much anything. For instance, in case you need to train your toddler to conform with a couple of step guidelines, you’ll first supply clean guidelines on your toddler to observe then a route that calls for a couple of steps.

Having the “momentum” of achievement previous to the extra tough route will growth the chance that your toddler will placed forth the greater attempt had to try the extra tough task.

Another instance of the usage of behavioral momentum for coaching -digit addition could be to first gift unmarried digit addition records which can be clean on your toddler earlier than providing a -digit addition hassle and keep that sample of presentation.

Difference Between Angular Momentum and Momentum

There are some differences between energy and angular movement

Momentum Angular Momentum
Impetus or linear force is described as the mass in movement and is helpful in assessing the amount or quantity of movement of an object. Angular motion is identified as the force of variation and is deemed to be the rotational similarity of linear motion.
The international system of units for momentum is characterized in kg m/s. The SI unit for motion is embodied in kg m^2/s.
Momentum is described as the result of the mass of an object and its velocity. Angular momentum is specified as the invention of the Moment of inertia for mass and its angular velocity.
Momentum is usually maintained when there are no outside forces acting Angular momentum is normally sustained when there is no net torques are implicated.


Momentum is generally applied in sports terms. A team that has the impetus in motion and requires some effort to stop. Momentum can be described as “mass in motion.” All organs have volume; so if an item is changing, then it takes the push. it holds its weight in motion. The quantity of impetus that an object has is determined upon two-variable quantities: how many things are running and how quickly the material is turning. Force varies the variable quantity of mass and velocity. From the perspective of a calculation, the force of an entity is identical to the magnitude of the body moments the velocity of the item.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are some FAQs of momentum:

Q.1 what are some examples of momentum?

Examples of momentum
• A train moving by 120 km/h.
• A baseball flying over the air.
• A full truck moving.
• A bullet fired from a bullet.
• When you toss a ball at someone and it flops him hard. It is a sign of how hard it would be to stop the object.

Q.2 what is momentum in real life?

The momentum of an object is given by the creation of its mass and velocity. This can be agreed clearly with the help of an example. The Cricket ball is filled with a tennis ball. If together the balls are unnerved with the same velocity.

Q.3 what are some examples of momentum in sports?

As momentum is the creation of mass and velocity, you can rise momentum by growing any of these elements. In sport, examples contain by a fuller bat or racket and increasing successively speed or hand speed.

Q.4 how do you create momentum in life?

8 Ways to Form Momentum in Your Life

  1. Set great aims.
  2. Get (and break) moved.
  3. Become brilliant.
  4. Study good ways.
  5. Bind to refining physically.
  6. Call the power.
  7. Performance bold
  8. Start completely if you want to.

Q.5 what is momentum in a one-word answer?

Momentum is mass increased through velocity.

Q.6 how do you introduce momentum?

Momentum (P) is like mass (M) times velocity (v). But there are further means to reflect on momentum! Force (F) is equal to the variation in momentum (ΔP) done the change in time (Δt).

Q.7 how do you find final momentum?

The last momentum would be the mass of both balls periods the final velocity, (4+6)(vf). We can explain for vf over maintenance of momentum; the sum of the initial momentum morals must like the final momentum.

Q.8 can you have negative momentum?

Momentum is a vector amount, set in the produce of an item’s mass and velocity. If the velocity of the item is negative, i.e. the item is roving in what has been selected as the negative way; the momentum will also be negative.

Q.9 can momentum be lost as heat?

To have it modest, yes. Momentum, which is mass × velocity, will be gone paid to one gentle friction, and later heat will be bent in the course.

Q.10 can we see momentum?

Yes and no. In an even powered structure with macroscopic parts, momentum cannot be “unseen” to human eyes. But in extra structures, momentum can be unseen. For example, in an electromagnetic system, momentum can be moved to the electromagnetic ground, which is unseen to human eyes by the greatest frequencies.

Q.11 is there momentum in space?

Momentum is distinct as the mass of item periods its velocity. In a like way, missile transfers in space because the airs are set momentum as they are disqualified by the missile engine. Study the missile sleeping in space. There is no momentum in the structure.

Q.12 why do we use p for momentum?

Obviously, where the note “m” is used, their power will be a mix-up with mass. The German name for momentum is der Impulse [sic] and the French are impulsion. Picking “I” as its sign would main to mix up with moments of inactivity and inactivity. For this cause, the Germans and French picked “p” for momentum.

Q.13 what is momentum divided by mass?

Momentum is a vector. The scope of this vector is like the price of the mass periods the velocity.
m = p/v (Mass generations momentum separated by velocity.) v = p/m (Velocity groups momentum shared by mass.)

Q.14 how do we find speed in momentum?

Speed=momentum /mass.

Q.15 how do you find momentum with force and time?

Significant the quantity of force and the length of period that force is useful to an item will say you the causing change in its momentum. They are connected by the detail that force is the rate at which momentum variations with detail to time (F = dp/dt). Note that if p = mv and m is continual, then F = dp/dt = m*dv/dt = ma.


The impetus of a corpse should not be perplexed with its dynamic power. The difference between them can be noticed in the case of a stuck motorist. The space toward which heap is determined varies its dynamic energy; the duration of the time necessary to take action to discontinue, after its momentum. Moreover, the momentum of an ■■■■■ has its linear movement, the physique can also have angular force as a consequence of rotation. Angular motion of a molecule revolving around the point is equivalent to the invention of the magnitude of the element, its angular speed, and the rectangular of its remoteness from the alignment of the cycle. More obviously, angular motion is the result of the rapid linear dynamics and the gap. Sharp force is a vector amount produced vertical to the level of motion.

Related articles:
What Is The Equation For Momentum?
Why Is Momentum P