Ten Commandments, seven deadly sins are a very powerful group of ten best warriors who are strongest and brave, each of them possesses very unique power gifted to them by the Demon King, which delivers a unique curse to whoever breaks a rule specific to each of them.
In Seven Deadly Sins series, the 10 members were very carefully picked by the Demon Lord. Each of them possesses a commandment and each of the commandments is immune to the other’s commandment accept of their own
who are the 10 commandments and what are their strengths
Ten Commandments are immune to all other Commandments. The curses will only be removed at the victim’s death. the following list shows the strength of each commandment at their max power level. which is based on The Seven Deadly Sins.
1. Fraudin
This is the commandment of Selflessness and the weakest of all 10 commandments. with a body of the Holy Knight Dreyfus, and replacement for Gowther. Fraudrin’s commandment functions to lose the sense of self, memories, and feelings of selfish people. fraudrin’s major ability is Full Size allowing him to build strength and range.
Melascula has the commandment of Faith. so in her presence, everyone around her must show faithfulness otherwise they have their eyes set on fire. she grew to be a snake she can also appear as a human being. Her ability is ■■■■ Gate. through which she can form portals which she can use in whatever way
If anyone kills in the presence of Grayroad, their life is sped up until they die and most of grayroad power comes from magic. her main ability is Curse. This helps her to fight by causing diseases, but she can not break her own commandment.
As the commandment of Truth, If anyone around him who is aware that they are telling lies is turning to stone. but he in his normal form is the weakest of the 10 Commandments. his main ability is Critical Over, and upon achieving his Critical Over raises his combat class up to 40,000.
He was the first King of the Fairy Forest before becoming the commandment, but this was not revealed until death. he was zero in strength but with a 47,000 in magic, He also wields the Spirit Spear Basquias.
Derieri is the commandment of Purity. her commandment rules weren’t revealed before her death. her ability was a combo star-she can attack every time with 200,00 pounds of force increased, consecutively with the strength of 48,000
Monspeet is the commandment of Reticence. he has two main abilities. Hellblaze allows him to create black flames. he can switch two objects at will with trick star
Drole is the commandment of Patience. His ability is Ground. he can manipulate the earth and use Creation to create power dwarfs. he was also known for Drole’s Dance
He is the younger brother of Meliodas, and he is the commandment of Piety. This makes anyone who shows their back to Zeldris a slave to him or the Demon King. he has two abilities. he can nullify magic attacks.and the Ominous Nebula which creates a vortex slicing anything in its path.
The strongest of the 10 commandments, he is the commandment of Love, and anyone who possesses hatred will be unable to inflict damage in a fight.his abilities are Hellblaze and Full Counter
who are the seven deadly sins, and what is their sins
Seven deadly sins is an anime that is based on the Japanese fantasy manga series. this anime All the 24 episodes were released on November 1, 2015, in subtitled and English dub form.it has a total of 4 episodes Seven Deadly Sins are a chain of knights who serve under the Kingdom of Liones. Each carries a sin they have done in the past.
1.Meliodas_Dragon’s Sin Of Wrath-
Meliodas is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, eldest son of the Demon King, and head of the Ten Commandments. he Betrays the Ten Commandments and cuts relation with the Demon race for his love Elizabeth., Meliodas owned his title because he was failed to save Liz at Danafor, which causes many destructions in the city because of Liz danafor losing. he is an unstoppable force, with his Sacred Treasure, the Demon Sword Lostvayne, and his main ability Full Counter, which helps him to reflect incoming magic attacks back at the attacker. he is cursed by the Demon King to return from death.
2.Diane_Serpent’s Sin Of Envy
Diane is the future Giant Queen. Diane was troubled by her mentor because Matrona’s plan was to turn her into the strongest Giant warrior. but both, Diane and Matrona were deceived and attacked. Diane is found guilty of murdering Matrona and the knights. and she was given the sin of envy for turning on her mentor out of jealousy. and her special ability Creation, allows her to shape the earth as she wants.
3.Ban_Fox’s Sin Of Greed
Ban, Fox’s Sin of Greed is a human honored with the present of immortality. he sought out the Fountain of Youth in the Fairy King’s Forest. where he Fall in love with the fountain’s guardian saint, Elaine, he also fought to protect the forest when attacked by a demon. by this attack, he Gains immortality to defeat the demon, and he was also the only survivor of the destruction of the Fairy King’s Forest. Wrongly convicted, Ban has a tag of the Sin of Greed for destroying the forest in his pursuit of immortality.
4.King_Grizzly’s Sin Of Sloth
King is also known as fairy King Harlequinhe refused to protect the Fairy King’s forest and went to the human realm to save his best friend Helbram. but he was attacked and lost his memory. after many years he regained his memories, and stop Helbram’s reign of terror, due to many years of inaction was imprisoned for his sin of sloth.
5.Gowther_Goat’s Sin Of ■■■■
Gowther was trapped in the Demon Prison but was freed to live his own life. Gowther and Princess Nadja fell in love with each other. but Nadja was about to die due to illness, Gowther tried to give her his heart in order.to bring her back to life. due to this act, his actions were misunderstood as sexual misconduct and he was blamed for her death and tagged as the Sin of ■■■■.
6.Merlin_Boar’s Sin Of Gluttony
Merlin’s magic level gained the attention of the goddesses and demons. due to this Demon King and Supreme Deity offered her huge blessings to assist their sides of the Holy War, she accepted both blessings and deceived the gods. due to this, the gods cursed Belialuin, killing all the capitol’s inhabitants
7.Escanor_Lion’s Sin Of Pride
Escanor is the strongest Holy Knight in the Kingdom of Liones. he was seen as a monster for his gift of inhuman strength. he traveled from town to town by providing help wherever he went. however, he was always feared for his unusual appearance. but he was blamed for the destructions of the towns
10 commandments were selected by a demon lord, each of them possesses unique power gifted by the demon king. they also have a curse on their head which is given to them due to their past mistakes and which can only be removed on their victim’s death. whereas seven deadly sins is an anime based on Japanese fantasy.
What is an anime
Anime is computerized or hand-written animation which originates in japan first, and it’s derived from English word animation
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what is the relation between seven deadly sins and 10 commandments
The 10 Commandments are the strongest members of the Demon Clan and antagonists in The Seven Deadly Sins series, the 10 members were chosen by the Demon Lord. Each member possesses a commandment. and somehow each commandment is immune to the other’s commandment. 10 commandments are from God and are the Rules. The 7 deadly sins is Christians said causes you to sin. That these seven ways of living or thoughts caused the breaks in commandments
Seven Deadly Sins And Their Protagonists
1.Meliodas- Goku
2.Diane- Bulma
3.Ban- Krillin
4.Merlin- Android 18
5.Gowther- Android 16
6.Hawk- Oolong
7.Escanor- Vegeta
Frequently asked question
1.Who is the most powerful 7 deadly sin
Meliodas is the main male protagonist in seven deadly sins and the most powerful of all the seven, with tremendous power and special abilities. besides, he is the captain, elder son of the king, head of 10 commandments, elder brother of zeldris, love of Elizabeth lioness, owner of the tavern boar hat, his power is a full counter and his sacred treasure is demon sword lostvyne. meliodas was 3000 years old but his looks were more childish and young, he was short in height as compared to others, with blonde hair emerald eyes,meliodas was very frank and fearless.
2. What are the seven deadly sins?
Pride, greed, ■■■■, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth are the sins and according to Roman theology, these sins are the seven behaviors or feelings that build further sin. in Christian tradition these sins can not be forgiven but it is said in the bible that these are forgivable by god
3.Which sin is considered the most deadly sin
Pride is considered as the most deadly and evil of all sins out of the seven and it is the most demonic and angelical It is also considered to be the source of the other sins.it is the devil’s most dominant trait, it is also considered as an anti-god state, in which ego and self are directly opposed to god. due to this, the devil becomes the devil
In 10 commandments the 10 members were chosen by a demon lord, each of them possesses a special commandment, they are immune to each other’s commandment but not of their own, these are considered to be rules from the god, and these are protagonists in seven deadly sins, which is an anime, with a total of 4 episodes
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