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What Age Do You Get Your Wisdom Teeth?


What age do you get your wisdom teeth? You can get your wisdom teeth from 17 to 24 years old. Although, third molars start forming behind the scenes at the age of 7 to 10. They can appear later also, maybe after you are 50 years old.

What Age Do You Get Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. These third molars begin growing between ages 7-10. As a parent, you’ll love watching your baby become a toddler, elementary schooler, adolescent, and adult. You’ll celebrate the primary and permanent teeth arriving and disappearing.

Wisdom teeth are the last to erupt. The tooth’s crown forms once it calcifies. Then the root grows, and the tooth erupts. This procedure might take years and varies from person to person.

Wisdom teeth appear in high school and college, but they start growing around 7-10 years old. According to Imaging Science in Dentistry, the procedure takes years and is unique.

  • Calcifying teeth

  • Forming crown

  • Root formation

  • Finally, the teeth erupt.

Women get wisdom teeth after males. Upper molars appear first. Most people have minimal discomfort when wisdom teeth erupt, while others have no symptoms. Some patients feel discomfort or pain, which can be eased with over-the-counter medicine and warm seawater.

Wisdom teeth can cause issues. Symptoms of an eruption problem include:

  • Jaw discomfort or swelling.

  • Trouble opening the mouth.

  • Foul breath or taste.

  • Misaligned front teeth.

Tender, bleeding, red, or swollen gums are also concerns. These symptoms might be caused by poor cleaning or an impacted wisdom tooth infection.

How Can I Know If My Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In?

When wisdom teeth begin to emerge, the following signs and symptoms are common:

Gum InflammationIt is possible to feel discomfort and swelling in the gums behind the second molars.
Pain & AilmentGrowing wisdom teeth can create a dull soreness in the back of the jaw that can become more acute for some people.
Pain in Other AreaWisdom teeth can cause discomfort in the jaw, eyes, and ears by putting pressure on nerves.
RednessWisdom teeth can cause the gums that cover them to become red or dark pink before they erupt.
Small White SpecksYour wisdom teeth erupt when you see little white spots below your second molars. The white dots are the tops of your new teeth breaking through the gum line.

Keep in mind: Remember that wisdom teeth that emerge normally and do not cause discomfort can often be left in place. Although impacted wisdom teeth can cause substantial pain and other dental issues, wisdom tooth extraction is typically suggested when wisdom teeth become impacted.

What is a Wisdom Tooth?

The wisdom tooth is one of three molars per quadrant of human dentition. It’s the backmost. Wisdom teeth erupt between the late teens and early 20s. Most individuals have four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant. If you have less than four, they are termed supernumerary teeth.

If there isn’t enough room, wisdom teeth may become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are sometimes removed for orthodontic therapy, although this is no longer true. If hygiene is difficult, impacted wisdom teeth may deteriorate. Partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause gum irritation and infection, called pericoronitis.

Third molars are called wisdom teeth because they emerge considerably later than other teeth when individuals are allegedly “wiser” than children. It’s likely a translation of dens sapientiae. Since Aristotle, their eruption has caused tooth problems:


Some conservative therapies, such as operculectomies, may be appropriate, although impacted wisdom teeth are often removed as therapy, often before problems begin. Some organizations and experts oppose removing disease-free impacted wisdom teeth, including the UK’s NHS and NICE.

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Journals of the Canadian Dental Association predict seven million Canadians with impacted third molars underwent extraction surgery from 2007-2011. Dentists may recommend extraction for several reasons.

  • Even if your or your child’s third molars come in straight, your dentist may urge extraction to prevent issues.

  • Wisdom teeth can clog the mouth and make it hard to clean, leading to plaque accumulation, rotting, or gum disease.

  • Impacted teeth can’t break through the gums, requiring extraction. Pain, edema, and infection might result.

  • My Health Alberta says an impacted wisdom tooth can squeeze other teeth and cause pain, swelling, infected gum, and cysts that harm the roots.

Pericoronitis, an infection in the tissues around a partially emerging tooth, can occur if you disregard your dentist’s advice to remove your wisdom teeth. In rare circumstances, damaged tooth roots might cause malignancies.

Best Age for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The removal of one’s wisdom teeth, if these teeth are causing issues, can be performed on patients of any age. However, the ideal age range for customers is between 18 and 24.

When the root of a wisdom tooth has grown to reach around two-thirds of its full size, the tooth can be pulled without risk as soon as possible. Depending on the subject, this might occur earlier or later than 18. By this age, predicting how the wisdom teeth will develop is typically possible.

After the age of 24, the suggested cut-off point, the wisdom teeth’ roots, is fully established, making extraction more difficult. This is why the upper guideline is 24 years old. You are still young enough to have a speedy healing potential at this age.

Benefits of Removing Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Everyone is different, but in general, a patient may require removal of their wisdom teeth when there is proof of changes in the mouth, such as when:

  • Pain

  • Tumors

  • Infection

  • Cysts

  • Damage to neighboring teeth

  • Gum disease

In addition, having your wisdom teeth extracted may be recommended by your dentist as part of the treatment plan for braces or other dental treatments.


Your mouth will be thoroughly examined, and an x-ray will be taken before your dentist makes any determinations. You and your dentist can discuss choosing the most appropriate treatment method.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - Can wisdom teeth come in at 11?

Although they can sometimes emerge later, wisdom teeth usually appear in a person’s late teenage years or early twenties. On the other hand, the development of these third molars begins considerably earlier, often between the ages of 7 and 10, behind the scenes.

2 - Do you get wisdom teeth at 12?

While some people don’t detect an issue until they’re in their twenties, for others, the symptoms of wisdom teeth problems can begin as early as the age of 12. Wisdom tooth problems become significantly more common after you hit your thirties. A pediatric dentist can monitor wisdom teeth from a young age.

3 - Do 13-year-olds often get their wisdom teeth?

You should remove your wisdom teeth if you don’t have enough room in your mouth for them to emerge in the correct place. This may begin as early as 13 or 14 years old for some people, while for others, it may not begin until they are 17 or 18.

4 - How old may wisdom teeth begin to erupt?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of a child’s permanent teeth to erupt. Some patients reach this point as early as age 14 or 15, but for the majority, it’s not until they’re far into their thirties.

5 - What if your wisdom teeth don’t erupt?

Wisdom teeth can get impacted if they aren’t able to erupt regularly. This can lead to an infection or the formation of a cyst, which can harm other tooth roots or the bone that supports them in certain cases.

6 - What happens if you lose a baby tooth?

According to research, having a baby tooth that lasts until the age of 20 means that it will remain in your jaw until you are 40 years old. The tooth will normally fall out and need to be replaced at that point, but getting it removed and replaced now will help you maintain a healthier smile for the rest of your adolescence.

7 - Is wisdom tooth pain a problem?

Some individuals’ pain from wisdom teeth might last all the time, while others only feel it when they eat or touch the region. Before wisdom teeth begin to cause pain, most dentists recommend that they be removed.

8 - What age do females get wisdom teeth?

The third pair of molars to emerge in the mouth are wisdom teeth, which appear on both the upper and lower jaws. At the ages of 17 to 21, a person’s wisdom teeth are most likely to erupt, making them a little “wiser” than the bulk of their adult teeth.

9 - Is it rare to have no wisdom teeth?

Many experts believe that the incapacity of humans to grow in the first place is to blame for the current emergence of third molar hypodontia or the absence of wisdom teeth.

10 - What is the purpose of my six wisdom teeth?

Removing wisdom teeth does not cause them to re-grow. Although, it is not impossible to have more than four wisdom teeth in one person. The term “supernumerary” refers to teeth that are present in the mouth but are not functional.


It is common for people to acquire wisdom teeth at some point between the ages of 17 and 24. However, this is not a universal rule. Whatever the case, the fact that they are growing earlier or later does not make it exceptional. Because every adult should have a complete set of 32 teeth, these teeth begin to form when they do so.

Many people believe wisdom teeth are relics of an earlier form of human anatomy that have been lost to evolution, similar to how the coccyx reminds us of an ancestral tail. The third set of teeth emerged roughly five or six years after other molars because of the wear and tear caused by prehistoric diets. This was a backup set of teeth for old age, which in those days was closer to 35 years old.

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