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Sin60 Degrees


Sin60 Degrees has a value of 0.8660254. Sin (60° pi /180°), often known as Sin (pi/3) or Sin (1.047197), is the representation of Sin 60 degrees in radians.

Multiple Ways to Express Sin 60 Degrees

Below are a few alternative values for Sin 60.

Sin 60°0.8660254.
Sin 60° in a fraction1/3.
Sin (-60 degrees)-0.8660254.
Sin (60°) or Sin (pi/3) in radians(1.0471975).

What Do Sin 60 Degrees Mean?

Sin 60 degrees is equal to 0.866025403 in decimal form. The corresponding angle in radians to the given angle (60 degrees) may also be used to define Sin (1.04719).

Using the degree to radian conversion, we can deduce that a degree equals (pi/180°) in radians.

  • Sixty degrees equals 60° (pi/180°) rad or 1.0471.

  • Sin 60° is equal to sin(1.0471) = 1/3 or 0.8660254.


The angle of 60 degrees for Sin 60 is between 0 and 90 degrees (First Quadrant). Sine 60° value = 3/2 or 0.8660254 because sine function is positive in the first quadrant.

Since the sine function is periodic, we may write Sin 60 degrees as Sin (60° + n 360°), n Z. Similarly, Sin 60 degrees equals Sin 420 degrees equals Sin 780 degrees, and so on. Because sine is an odd function, sin(-60°) equals -sin(60°).

How to Calculate Sin 60 Degrees Value?

In the first quadrant, the sine function is positive. Sin 60° is calculated as 0.86602. We can calculate Sin’s value at a 60-degree angle.

  • Trigonometric Functions Use

  • Unit Circle use

Trigonometric Functions and Sin 60°

Trigonometric formulae allow us to express the sine of 60 degrees as.

1± √(1-cos²(60°))
2Tan 60° = 1 + Tan2(60°)
3± 1/√(1 + cot²(60°))
460° = (sec2(60°) - 1)/sec
51/cosec 60°

Because 60° is located in the first quadrant, its ultimate value will be positive.

Trigonometric identities allow us to express in 60° as.

1(180° - 60°)sin = (120°sin)sin
2(180° + 60°) Equals (240° - 180°)
360° - 90° = 30° cos
4(90 + 60) = (150 - cos)

Sin 60° on a Unit Circle

Here are the following step for using a unit circle.

  • Using the unit circle, determine the value of Sin 60 degrees.

  • To create a 60° angle with the positive x-axis, rotate “Rcounterclockwise.

  • The y-coordinate (0.866) of the place where the unit circle and r cross (0.5, 0.866) is equal to the Sin of 60 degrees.

  • As a result, sin 60° = y = 0.866. (approx)

Exact Sin 60 Degrees Value

Up to 8 decimal places, the precise value of Sin 60 degrees is 0.86602540 and 3/2 in fraction.


Sin60 is 0.8660254. Sin (60°/180°) is equivalent to Sin (/3) or Sin (1.047173). Sin 60 is 0.866025403. Radians may be used to indicate Sin 60 degrees (1.04719). Positive first quadrant sine. Sin60° is 0.86602. We can calculate Sin 60 degrees using unit circles and trigonometric functions.

Sine or Sin

One of the angles of a right-angled triangle is 90 degrees, and the third angle is similar to the sum of the other two angles. The most significant and conspicuous angles are 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees. The perpendicular to hypotenuse ratio of a right-angled triangle is known as sine. As a result, Sin will be perpendicular/hypotenuse for an angle.

Difference Between a Radian and a Degree


The degree is the most significant unit of measurement in trigonometry, which is used to determine unknown angles.

Let’s use a clock with a 360° circumference as an example. The degree is further split into minutes and seconds, denoted by every 90° (or a quarter of an hour).


Angles may also be expressed in radians, which have the value of 180° and are symbolized by the symbol. A radius of one radian is regarded as a unit circle. A circle thus has a total of 2 radians.

Angle and Radian Values

You can find all Sin, cos, and tan values between 0 and 90 degrees by repeating the process for any values beyond that. Tan may be expressed as Sin or cos. However, nowadays, the values of the fundamental and most significant angle need to be memorized first.


Sine 0 = 0, Sine 30 = 1, Sine 45 = 1, Sine 60 = 3, Sine 90 = 1.


Cos 30° = Sin 60° = 3/2 and Cos 0° = Sin 90° = 1

Cos 90° = Sin 0° = 0 and Cos 45° = Sin 45° = 1/2 and Cos 60° = Sin 30° =12


Tan = Sin - Cos - 0° = 0

Tan 30° =1/3Tan 45° = 1Tan 60° = 3Tan 90° = likewise

The Facts Sin 60

There are the following facts about sin 60 given below.

1The ratio between the two sides of a right-angled triangle perpendicular to the hypotenuse is known as the sin function.
2The fractional equivalent of Sin 60° is 3/2.
3Sin 60° is represented as pi/3 in radian terminology.
4The trigonometric functions or the unit circle are the two methods that may be used to anticipate the value of the Sin 60°.
5A radian equals 180°, representing a semicircle, whereas 2 represents a complete circle.

Everyday Sin 60

Trig functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) are used or can be found in many real-world applications.

  • Architecture and building

  • Communications

  • Daytime span

  • Electrical engineering

  • Flight

  • GPS

  • Graphics

  • The mapping and surveying of land

  • Music

  • Tides

  • Optics

  • Trajectories

Naturally, the trig function we use will depend on the circumstance. Computers often do computations, but mathematical ideas are essential for modern technology to function properly.

Numerous applications of trigonometric functions can be found in both architecture and construction. Included among the uses are.

  1. Building Elevation

  2. Roof’s pitch

  3. Supports & Trusses

Communications and Trig

In communications, like radio waves and other signals, trig functions are also utilized. Since a radio wave has the same pattern over time and repeats periodically (just like a sine function), it can be said to be sinusoidal.

Flying with Trig

When a plane is in the air, trigonometric functions can be used to find the best course for it to take to get there. Of course, each of the following considerations must be made.

  • The flight’s propulsion

  • The weight of an aeroplane changes as fuel is used during a flight.

  • Wind velocity

  • Prevailing winds

We must employ vectors and trigonometric functions to calculate the angle an aircraft should fly to maintain the course. On the other hand, this will occur more than once while flying.

Trigonometry is one of the methods used by the global positioning system to triangulate an object’s location on Earth.

Computer Trig Function

As a computer graphics technique, trig functions are often used to determine an object’s position based on speed and acceleration.

This is useful in the media, whether on television or in the movies. In architecture, a vector velocity or acceleration may be broken down into component elements using a trig function (x and y directions, or possibly even z directions in 3D applications).

Trig in Musical Composition

The use of trig functions in music is also present, but less obviously. A sine wave may be used to simulate sound. The frequency and pitch are related; a high frequency correlates to a high note. Volume (loudness) and pressure amplitude are related. Volume increases with pressure.

Using trig functions, we can model tides similarly to how we model day length. The duration is about 12 hours since tides change from low tide to high tide every 6 hours.

Trajectory Trig Function

1Any field that calls for the analysis of trajectories uses trig functions.
2Ballistics are helpful for forensic analysis or makers.
3Weapons help determine the angles, trajectories, and speeds at which another must intercept one item.
4Trig functions divide a trajectory into its x, y, and z components, much like in many other fields.


Unknown angles may be determined using degrees and trigonometry. The radius of a radian is one. A circle has two radians. The context determines how you use trigonometric functions. Even when a computer performs calculations, mathematical concepts are still necessary for current technology to function effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

There are several questions on this subject, some of which are listed here.

1 - What Is the Same as Sin60?

Using the formulae above, we may calculate the precise value of Sin 60 degrees as 3/2.

2 - How Are Sin60 Converted to Radians?

Since a whole circle is 360° or 2 radians, double the degree value by 180° to convert it to radians. Sin(60) has an exact value of 32. Multiply 32x180x3x180 to get 180.

3 - What Is the Cosine of 60 Degrees?

Cos 60 has a value of 1/2.

4 - How Come Sin60 Is Negative?

Because sine is negative in the fourth quadrant, make the expression negative. Sin(60) has an exact value of 32. There are several ways to display the outcome.

5 - What Does Sin30 Mean?

Sin 30 degrees has a value of 0.5. Sin 30 may alternatively be expressed in radians as sin /6. The triangle’s angles and side length are related by the trigonometric function, often known as an angle function.

6 - How Many Radians Are in Cos-60?

Cos 60 degrees has a value of 0.5. The formula for cos 60 degrees in radians is cos (60° pi /180°), often known as cos (pi/3) or cos (1.047197). The ways to calculate the value of cos 60 degrees will be covered in this article, along with examples. Cos 60°: 0.5.

7 - What Is the Cos45 Value?

Cos 45 has a value of around 0.7071. As a result, the value of a trigonometric function or trigonometric ratio of the standard angle is 0.7071 or 1/2. (45 degrees).

8 - What Is the Meaning of Tan 45

The angle of 45° for a tan is between 0° and 90°. (First Quadrant). Tan 45° value equals one since the tangent function is positive in the first quadrant. Given that the tangent function is periodic, we may write tan 45° as tan(45° + n 180°), where n Z.

9 - How Is the Unit Circle Memorized?

Use the acronym ASAP, “All, Subtract, Add, Prime,” to remember the unit circle. Each word on the unit circle corresponds to a distinct quadrant. The circle’s top right quarter, or the first quadrant, represents “All.”

10 - What Does Sin90 Mean?

One is the precise value of Sin 90 degrees.

11 - Why Does the Unit Circle Matter in Practical Terms?

It may be used to figure out distances like mountain heights or the separation between the stars in the night sky. Because trig functions are cyclic and repeating, they may be used to analyze a variety of natural waves, including those in the ocean and those caused by light, sound, and electricity.

12 - Inventor of the Unit Circle?

The “Founder of trigonometry,” Hipparchus of Nicaea (180–125 BCE), is said to have created the first trigonometric table. Hipparchus was the first to calculate the arc and chord values for a set of angles.

13 - What Makes It the Unit Circle?

A circle with a radius of 1 is referred to as “The unit circle” since the number 1 is known as “The unit” in mathematics. The values of the trig ratios will only rely on x and y after the hypotenuse has a fixed length of r = 1 since multiplication or dividing by r = 1 has no effect.

14 - Why Is Trig So Difficult?

Because you must learn several values of distinct functions in both degrees and radians, trigonometry is challenging. Your calculations will be wrong if you forget or confuse them.

15 - The Creator of Sine?

As a more practical function, sine was originally presented by Abu’l Wafa in the eighth century, and it progressively spread first across the Muslim world and later to the West. However, it seems it had a more practical purpose centuries before him in India. However, it took centuries for this new notation to become widely used.


Sin60=0.8660254. Sin(60°/180°) is equal to sin(/3) or sin(1.047197. Sin 60=0.866025403 60 in radians of Sin (1.04719). First-quadrant sine in the positive. Sin60°=0.86602 The Unit Circle and trigonometric functions can be used to find the sine of 60 degrees. Angles are measured in degrees via trigonometry—1 radian in diameter. One radian equals two circles. Trig operations rely on the environment. Modern technology still needs math, even when a computer does the computations.

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Optimized by Muhammad Zahid on 20/07/2022

What Do Sin 60 Degrees Mean?

Sin 60 degrees is equal to 0.866025403 in decimal form. The corresponding angle in radians to the given angle (60 degrees) may also be used to define Sin (1.04719).

Using the degree to radian conversion, we can deduce that a degree equals (pi/180°) in radians.

  • Sixty degrees equals 60° (pi/180°) rad or 1.0471.
  • Sin 60° is equal to sin(1.0471) = 1/3 or 0.8660254.

Difference Between a Radian and a Degree


The degree is the most significant unit of measurement in trigonometry, which is used to determine unknown angles.

Let’s use a clock with a 360° circumference as an example. The degree is further split into minutes and seconds, denoted by every 90° (or a quarter of an hour).


Angles may also be expressed in radians, which have the value of 180° and are symbolized by the symbol. A radius of one radian is regarded as a unit circle. A circle thus has a total of 2 radians.

Angle and Radian Values

You can find all Sin, cos, and tan values between 0 and 90 degrees by repeating the process for any values beyond that. Tan may be expressed as Sin or cos. However, nowadays, the values of the fundamental and most significant angle need to be memorized first.


Sine 0 = 0, Sine 30 = 1, Sine 45 = 1, Sine 60 = 3, Sine 90 = 1.


Cos 30° = Sin 60° = 3/2 and Cos 0° = Sin 90° = 1

Cos 90° = Sin 0° = 0 and Cos 45° = Sin 45° = 1/2 and Cos 60° = Sin 30° =12


Tan = Sin - Cos - 0° = 0

Tan 30° =1/3Tan 45° = 1Tan 60° = 3Tan 90° = likewise

Using Sin 60 in Day-To-Day Life

Trig functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) are used or can be found in many real-world applications.

  • Architecture and building
  • Communications
  • Daytime span
  • Electrical engineering
  • Flight
  • GPS
  • Graphics
  • The mapping and surveying of land
  • Music
  • Tides
  • Optics
  • Trajectories

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