Shahi jeera is a crescent shaped with five distinct ridges, and one wider concave or flat face. Shahi Jeera falls into the family of Apiaceae and its genus name is Bunium. Shahi in Hindi means royal hence the name royal cumin. It is native and is grown in Central Asia and Northern India. Among the different varieties of Indian spices used to perk up a recipe Shahi Jeera or Caraway seeds, are widely used in Indian cooking for seasoning. These plants are less genetically uniform or grown in non-ideal conditions.
It is a wild forage plant, rather than a cultivated commodity. Similar shape to caraway but they taste differently. Like the difference between cumin and fennel.
It’s visible how varied the shahi jeera is in shape as compared to the other spices lots of misshapen and stunted seeds. The seed’s smell is earthy and heavy not pleasant at all. On cooking or frying the taste changes to nutty. Kala jeera is used in small amounts because of its flowery, exotic, flavor. It is frequently confused with jeera (regular cumin) and kalonji (Nigella). It is darker and sweeter than ordinary cumin. To bring out its nutty flavor, toast the seeds briefly before using them.
Local names for the spice are shahi jeera (meaning ‘imperial cumin’) in Hindi. Kala Jeera (meaning ‘black cumin’). It is called as zireh kuhi, meaning wild cumin in Persian and as siyoh dona meaning black seed in Tajiki. It is unknown outside these areas. Kashmiris call it as Kashmir zireh or Koshur zur.
Shahi jeera in english:
In english shahi jeera is named as Black Cumin seeds.
Shahi jeera vs Caraway seeds vs Nigella seeds
Lots of doubts loom around these spices due to their names used in the most indistinctive way by almost everybody in India. The lucky few who happened to taste both of these spices will definitely know the difference in both of them.
Sometimes used as an alternative for Caraway Seeds. They taste alike to cumin (Cuminum Cyminum) but in very milder way.
If you can’t find shahi jeera in your pantry you can use small amount of jeera (cumin).
Shahi jeera is called Syahi Jeera as syahi in Persian means black, from which kala jeera derives its name. It has 2 varieties one with the scientific name Bunium Bulbo Castnum which is black in colour, it is quite similar to cumin but is long and is cultivated mostly in Kashmir. The other one is Bunium Persicum which looks similar to jeera and is mild in taste. Kala jeera is often confused with (Nigella Sativa) kalonji seeds.
Caraway seeds
Caraway seeds (Carum Carvi) falls into the family of Apiaceae, and its genus name is Carum. These seeds have a nutty flavour with a combination of aniseed, mint and dill. The taste is completely different from jeera and I always wonder how even celebrity chefs get confused with caraway and shahi jeera. If you don’t find caraway, you can replace it with aniseeds.
It is also called vilayati jeera. Netherlands is one of the largest producer of caraway seeds.
Also called as cake seeds as it is widely used for baking purposes.
Black caraway seeds are available in a few places and is called black cumin.
Nigella seeds (Nigella sativa)
Nigella is an annual flowering plant and it falls into the family of Ranunculaceae native to Western Asia, Middle East South Europe, Northern India, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Its main constituents is Thymoquinone. They have a nutty pungent taste and they are used as a whole or in a powdered form.
They are called kalonji seeds in Hindi, karum jeerakam in Tamil, and also called kala jeera or kalo jiro in Bengali.
They are one of the main ingredients in Panch Phoran Masala. They are also used in Rye breads and Indian flat breads (Naan).
Shahi jeera is an incredibly flavorful spice that can be used in many heart-healthy or low-cholesterol recipes. It’s relatively easy to add to grains, entrees, and side dishes for a rich, flavorful dose of cumin. Cumin-crusted salmon is one simple dish. Cumin, paprika, cilantro, coriander, and fresh lemon combine to give baked salmon a spicy kick.
Another option is lemon-cumin rice with some chopped onions. This dish is very easy and involves preparing rice as you usually would and adding cumin seeds and canola oil into the rice when it’s nearly done cooking. You can even make your own fresh cumin by purchased cumin fruit from the market and drying out the seeds by roasting them in the oven.
How to use Shahi Jeera in cooking?
It is suggested to add Shahi Jeera at the end of the cooking process as simmering on heat for longer periods of time may cause its flavor to turn very bitter. Toast the seeds briefly either in oil or dry roast in a heated pan, before adding to a recipe.
Despite the similarity in their appearance Cumin seeds and Shahi Jeera (caraway seeds) are two different spices and cannot substitute for each other.
Shahi Jeera, a spice with amazing health benefits
Shahi jeera is widely used for adding flavor to rice and meat. Caraway seeds impart an earthy, smoky flavor to a recipe. Darker than normal cumin seeds shahi Jeera is also used in masala tea because of its sugary taste. It is an important ingredient of Garam Masala.
The distinct and strong aroma of this rich spice infuses an aura of typical Mediterranean scent into a cuisine. This sweet smelling spice can be incorporated into biscuits, breads, and cakes while baking, added to curry pastes and dry vegetables, and even steamed with rice for a peppery and nutty flavor.
Shahi Jeera is also used in the preparation of medicines and is known as a wonder spice with brilliant health benefits. Let’s take a quick peek into some of the health benefits of this magical spice which have benefiting nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.
It is a carminative which means it helps with digestion and ■■■■■■■■■■. It is believed to cure colic.
Good for respiratory system- The seeds are used as remedies for cough and bronchitis.
It is believed to treat Eczema, psoriasis and dry skin.
It is believed to boost cardiovascular activity and also aids in regulating blood sugar levels.
It is also believed to be great for female reproductive health. It is very helpful for lactating mothers by providing high iron content and milk production.
Daily use of shahi jeera in food helps in improving memory, controlling diabetes by reducing blood sugar level.
The powder form aid in cancer treatment due to its powerful activities in radical scavenging by slowing down development of colon and ■■■■■■ cancer cells.
Helps to stop bleeding from the gums
Cures mouth ulcers
Reduces foul smell
Heals aching part of the body
The powder of the seeds also helps heal bruises or wounds
Improves appetite and is really helpful in treating earache
Shahi jeera’s astringency helps in treating of diarrhea and is used as a gargle for laryngitis
Price of Shahi jeera:
The price of 100 grams of shahi jeera can range from Rs240/kg to Rs160/kg.
How to store Shahi jeera?
Shahi jeera and its powder should be kept in tightly sealed glass containers in a dark, cool, and dry place. Ground cumin will remain fresh for about six months while the whole seeds will stay fresh for about one year.
Shahi jeera, Caraway seeds and Nigella seeds uses for hair:
There are various ways following which you can use shahi jeera for hair. Be it hair growth or increasing the volume of hair nothing is as beneficial as the kalonji seeds. Its active component thymoquinone has proteins and also alkaloids that boost hair growth by preventing hair fall and thinning.
Furthermore, black jeera for hair removes dandruff, rashes and itchiness from the scalp owing to its antibacterial, antiviral, and also wound healing properties. The amino acids present in these seeds act as a hair conditioner and keep the hair smooth and silky.
- Mixture of coconut oil and black jeera oil
Take one tablespoon of both the oils and heat them a little and massage your scalp and hair with the mixed oil. After an hour, wash your hair with an herbal shampoo. This oil makes the hair follicles strong and lessens hair fall.
Moreover, it keeps the scalp remains clean, free of any dandruff and hair becomes soft and silky.
- Mixture of castor oil and kalonji oil
Both of these oil are rich sources of various minerals, Vitamin E, and proteins. Thus, they can effectively reduce the falling of hair and promotes the growth of new hair very fast.
Mix one tablespoon of both kalonji oil and castor oil in a bowl, and apply it from the top of the hair to the bottom including the scalp. Leave it for about 30 to 40 minutes and then use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.
- Black jeera for hair mask with onion and aloe vera gel
If getting thicker and stronger hair is your dream then make it come true by applying this brilliant hair mask. Take two tablespoons of kalonji seeds and add them to a bowl of two tablespoons of castor oil.
Heat it a little and transfer into a blender. Afterwards add slices of one onion followed by one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and blend well.
Apply this mask to the hair and allow it to stay for about 30 minutes. After that wash with a natural shampoo. By doing it every week you can see a visible result.
Cumin and weight loss
Cumin can be used for weight loss as it is an effective and very helpful weight loss remedy. You can easily lose fat from your belly as well as your whole body within 15 to 20 days by eating cumin seeds or drinking cumin water daily. Earlier a study was held in which 80 obese women were divided into two groups, ‘cumin group’ and ‘diet control group’. The cumin group were asked to consume cumin on a daily basis and the other group was asked to only control their diet. In the end, it was seen that women who had cumin had lost a significant amount of weight as compared to others. As cumin has thymoquinone which can target free radicals in your body assisting your body in cleansing itself of toxins. Cumin aids your cells to respond to insulin and glucose which keeps your blood sugar stable.
Over time, the effects of cumin can work together with a healthy diet and exercise to decrease fat deposits and reduce inflammation in your body. When everything works together you may notice that any symptoms of swelling, bloating and fatigue are decreased when you consume cumin.
Cumin can help in burning calories faster by increasing the speed of body metabolism and improving digestion. When one have a healthy digestive system and a faster metabolism you will easily lose weight. So how can cumin help in weight loss?
How to use cumin for weight loss
There are many different ways in which you can use cumin for weight loss. Some are mentioned below:
1. Cumin seeds
Soak two tablespoons of cumin seeds in water for 5 to 6 hours or overnight. Then boil the seeds in the morning and filter the drink. Now add lemon juice to it, and drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks straight.
2. Cumin powder and yoghurt
Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder with one teaspoon of yoghurt and have it after your meals for fifteen days.
3. Cumin powder
Boil one cup of water and add cumin powder into it. You can also add a little salt to make the drink taste better. Drink this after your meals every day for twenty days.
Risks and side effects of Shahi jeera
Shahi jeera is considered to be highly safe and generally non-toxic even in larger doses. But there are some side effects to be aware of if you would like to use it. The right dose of cumin as an herbal supplement is 300 to 600 milligrams per day.
Researchers have found evidence that cumin lowers testosterone levels, which means it could make men less fertile if they’re taking it regularly. Cumin has been used by some cultures as a source to trigger miscarriage, so women that are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should keep that in mind.
Shahi jeera is used commonly in Indian cooking and also has health benefits. It is often confused with Nigella sativa (kalonji), by which it is often substituted in cooking but despite the similarity in appearance with Cumin seeds, shahi Jeera (caraway seeds) cannot be substituted for each other.
Frequently Asked Questions 
Is Black Cumin and Shahi jeera same?
Shahi jeera (Kala Jeera) also named as ‘Black Caraway Seed’, is native to northern India and Central Asia. It is a bit longer, thinner and much darker than regular cumin seeds, and has earthy notes of cumin but milder and sweeter. After toasting the seeds the flavor becomes lightly nutty.
What is Shah Jeera used for?
Shahi Jeera, also known as black cumin seeds, royal cumin or black caraway seeds, is a widely used spice in Indian cooking. Shahi Jeera is a little darker and sweeter in taste than ordinary cumin. It is used in tandoori dishes and curries. For a rich and nutty flavor, toast the seeds briefly before using them.
Is Jeera hot or cold for body?
Promotes Respiratory Health- the hot nature of jeera water assists in drying all the mucus by providing relief from cold and cough. Drinking a glass of warm jeera water regularly can help to cure sore throat, cold, cough, and other respiratory problems.
How many types of jeera are there?
There Are Three Types of Cumin (Jeera)
Cumin ( Cuminum cyminum )
Black Cumin ( Nigella or kalonji )
Bitter Cumin ( Kashmiri Jeera or Shahi jeera )
What is the difference between jeera and black Jeera?
Plain jeera (Kala Jeera) or cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum) is frequently used spice in an indian kitchen. Shahi jeera or bunium persicum is use to make masalas example: Garam Masala.
Which jeera is good for weight loss and how to prepare it?
In a bid to lead a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, we keep trying different hacks or remedies and healthy concoctions. Besides promising countless health benefits they also claim to detoxify the body, and help in weight loss for e.g. shahi jeera is one of them.
Soak 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in water for 5 to 6 hours, or overnight. Afterwards, boil the seeds in the next morning and filter the drink. Now, add lemon juice to it and drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder with one teaspoon of yoghurt, and have it after your meals for 15 days without fail.
What are the side effects of Shahi jeera?
Side Effects of Jeera Water:
Jeera water is amazing for our health. But excess consumption of the same can be harmful and may lead to these side effects:
Lower blood sugar levels terrifically
Harmful for the growing fetus in pregnancy
Interfere or slowdown clotting of blood and lead to excessive bleeding
Lots of doubts loom around, about the above discussed spices due to their names used in the most indistinctive way by almost everybody in India. But we concluded that all the spices are used for different purposes and serve different benefits.
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