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Roger Wilco Meaning


Roger Wilco Meaning is received, will comply. The R in Roger means the word received. Some people may know the name Roger because it is part of the name of the band Roger Wilco. Pilots talk to air traffic controllers in a few movies with simple phrases like Roger, Roger that, and Wilco (Air Traffic Control).

What Is The Meaning Of Roger Wilco?

The full answer from Roger is Roger Wilco. Received, Will Comply is what this phrase means in standard English. So, this whole phrase means that someone is talking about harmony and conformity. More specifically, the radio gives orders. The Military does not use this term very often. This phrase is used less because it means you are following a message you will probably have to read back anyway.

In several movies, pilots were heard saying things like Roger, Roger that, and even Wilco when talking to ATC (Air Traffic Control). It is a slang word that military pilots use to speak to each other, primarily through radio transmissions called military communication. When the pilot takes his first flight, he relies heavily on help from the ground crew.

History Of Roger Wilco

  • In 1903, when the Wright brothers took their first flight, there was no way to talk to each other over the radio. Flares and big bonfires were used to make maps easier to read, and hand means and colored paddles let the pilot know when the runway condition changed. Plans were made for better communication, and told to use Cryptanalysis so they could easily talk to each other.

  • In 1915, it seemed like AWACS coded communication could work. To confirm a clearance or piece of news broadcast by a radio transmission operator, an astronaut would need to send a key like this (.-.), a short tap, a long tap, and another short tap. Back then, the letter R in Morse Code meant received.

  • In 1927, the ITU (International Telegraph Union) made the first phonetic alphabet at the International Telegraphy Conference in Washington. Because of this, Roger became a standard term in the aviation world very quickly.


Roger, Wilco is a short message or answer that pilots send to higher-ups on the ground who control the pilots. This message tells them that their order has been heard and will be carried out. And the radio is used to get this message out.

Replacement Of Roger

Roger is mostly a categorical imperative for the letter R. It means Yes, I understand, and OK. Able, Baker, and Charlie were the first phonetic alphabets made for military aviators in 1927. This word is a part of that cipher, and everyone who works in radio communications knows it.

When there were no such devices for communication and technology wasn’t as good, aviators would use R to check if a command or order was correct. When it comes to the Military, Roger means that command is understood. Most of the time, this word is said over a walkie-talkie thing. After a while, this phrase came to mean OK, or I see what you mean.

Roger, Wilco is what the primary sender of the message said in response to Roger: I got it that you got my command. I am logging off now. As a direct result of the 1956 introduction of a new phonetic alphabet, Roger was tragically taken from us.

These days, pilots must thoroughly read back the clearance given by the authority. Saying or typing Roger does not show the power that you fully understood what he said, and you might have let something slip. But ATC still uses Roger for quick responses, so it does not need to be reread.

Rumors About Roger Wilco

Some people think that a fighter pilot named Roger found it by accident, while others were happy with the accent of the time and just said Roger. This phrase has a lot more great stories behind it. Another theory is that military pilots liked to answer with Roger because they thought it was an abbreviation for Roger.


Roger Wilco Meaning In The Military

When pilots say the letter R, they say, Roger, which means to have gotten. Most of the time, when army forces need to send information over long distances, they use communication satellites.

Radio or microwave frequencies are another way to use spectral range to build a picture of the battlefield and show where the enemy is.

The US military has its way of doing everything that has to do with strategic radio communication. But most of the time, all parts of the military use the same methods or techniques in the same way.

Radio communication is based on rules that almost everyone follows. So, forces also follow the same rules, but they do so in a more personal and private way because it is their job to keep information about their country secret.

Best Radio Communication Practices

There are some rules in the Military for communication:

  1. One should speak straight to the point and comprehend the way.

  2. For the shortest message transmission, one should use accurate code words and speech to lessen the chance of confusion.

  3. One should demonstrate numbers and letters by using Military Alphabet Phonetics.

  4. One should know the specific sign of that comrade with whom he wants to communicate.

  5. One should always get straight to the point.

In radio communication, a spelling proword or code is used to reduce the chance of confusion between letters that sound the same. So, in standard English, R is a letter that stands for Roger, which in radio communication means received.

But in modern military phonetics, called NATO, the code word for the letter R is Romeo. In the US military, it is common to say, Roger, which means I agree in response to someone else claim or order.

Roger Wilco Meaning In Common People

Anyone can use this word for anything, of course. Tell Roger if your boss tells you to submit the audit report by a specific date. Or, if you are a boss, you can say to your employees to use this phrase when they send you emails. In short, this is something that everyone can use in their everyday language.


Pilots say the letter R. They say, Roger, which means to have gotten. This message tells them that their order has been heard and will be carried out. And the radio is used to get this message out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People ask many questions about Roger Wilco. We discussed a few of them below:

1 - How do you answer Roger Wilco?

Sometimes the person being talked to is also the person operating the radio (for instance, perhaps an aircraft pilot). This person could also say Wilco, which is short for will comply. When only one person can talk (successfully) at a time on the radio or phone, the word over is used.

2 - What was wrong with Roger?

Roger has been replaced as our hero by Romeo. Now that pilots have to read the whole message, they do not have to tell Roger to confirm that they heard it.

3 - Can I call you Roger Wilco all the time?

Since it is not just for the Military, you can use it without worries. This expression means nothing more than OK, or I get it. It is a great thing to show your coworkers.

4 - What does it mean to fly a Niner?

Pilots often speak pilot English to avoid misunderstandings when talking on the radio. Tom Zecha, a manager at AOPA, says that tree means the number three, fife means the number five, and niner means the number nine. He claims that these adjustments were made so that people would not become confused when hearing numbers that sounded similar to one another.

5 - Is it OK for me to use military gear?

Aside from not being sold in stores for regular people, military hardware is also off-limits.

6 - Who or what does Roger talk to when in the air?

The International Civil Aviation Organization says that Roger means I have received all of your messages (ICAO). For example, a pilot would say roger when Air Traffic Control told them to do something.

7 - Can I make my voice sound like a military radio operator?

If you know how to talk in military radio terminology, you can keep up with anyone. You must learn the NATO phonetic alphabets and their code words to figure out what military radio transmissions are saying.

8 - Is radio better than other means to send messages?

When time is limited, but you still need to communicate your point, you may do it more effectively by using this method. Even if the power goes out, individuals can still utilize it to transmit messages.

9 - Why is Roger being talked about over the radio?

Roger can mean OK, I get it, or I got it, but those are only a few of its many meanings. I called the information, and I will follow it is a secret code for the words Roger Wilco.

10 - Why is Roger being used instead of OK?

In the American phonetic alphabet, this is the letter, Roger. In short, the r in Roger means the word received. The name Roger does not mean anything else.

11 - Why does everyone always think that when someone says, Roger?

Roger has not used VHF marine radios for business. Copy and Roger do not mean the same thing. It is used when someone has been able to listen in on and get information from a conversation between two other stations that are important to their station.

12 - Why do pilots always say rotate when taking off?

When the aircraft has reached its desired Vr, the pilots will use the phrase rotation as a verbal cue to indicate that the controls may be adjusted to safely pitch the nose up to increase lift.

13 - Why do pilots say that something is heavy?

Heavy planes have a Maximum Takeoff Weight of 160 tonnes or more. The word heavy reminds other pilots that these planes create wake turbulence from their wings and, as a result, need more room to move around.

14 - What does break mean on a military radio?

Your message has been delivered. Out means that the current chat is over and that new people can now join. You have to leave a conversation in the middle because you have to take care of something important. I can hear you just fine on your Radio Check transmission.

15 - What are your thoughts on Roger Wilco?

The radio operator is sometimes also the person the message is meant for (for instance, perhaps an aircraft pilot).


Roger Wilco is a common word that became well-known because of the Military. Now, almost everyone knows what it means. To ensure you have the message or information, you will say Roger, and if you want to add that you will do what someone tells you to do, you will say Wilco. In several movies, pilots were heard saying things like Roger, Roger that, and even Wilco when talking to ATC (Air Traffic Control).

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Roger Wilco Meaning

Radiotelephone protocol says to say Roger, Wilco, which is pronounced Roger and Wilco and means understand, will follow.

Roger Wilco Meaning

  • When someone says Wilco, they mean will comply. This means that the person speaking will do what they are being told.

  • In military jargon, the term Roger wilco meant that the recipient had heard the message and would obey its commands. This word was reduced to wilco.

  • Public broadcasts of Apollo flights in the 1960s helped bring Roger into the public eye, contributing to his rise to prominence. Merriam-Webster says it started in 1938, a few years after the radio was invented and most likely when the military used it. In broadcast and signalling, it means that a message will be followed.

Roger Wilco Meaning

Roger, Wilco is a radiotelephone protocol term that means understand, will follow.

Who is Roger?

It is still often used in the military, in business, and for fun to confirm that a message or command was received. Even though the name Roger is not used in defence, law enforcement, aviation, or navigation anymore, this is still the case.

On the other hand, the phrase rogers is used more often in everyday speech and writing. It can be thought of as a synonym for yeah and alright.

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