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Red And Blue Make?


What color do red and blue make? So you are probably thinking that the answer to this question is purple or violet, and that is right but it is not only the answer.

When you are making a combination of red and blue it makes purple, and from mixing these materials several pigments are formed. What is the light spectrum? So when two primary colors are mixed light on the light spectrum a new color is formed. Now red and blue have electromagnetic radiation which is only visible to the human eye. This is the purpose why in digital prints program RGB i.e. red blue is mixed.

Red and Blue make Purple

We have learned from a young age that red and blue make purple, and similarly green and red makes green. Also yellow and red make orange. But sometimes it doesn’t make the color we want.? Do you know the fact behind it?

Color Mixing

If you blend red, green, and blue light, you obtain white light. Red, green, and blue (RGB) are called the primary colors of light. Mixing the colors creates new colors, RGB is used to create color on a computer screen. When you mix primary colors, secondary colors are formed i.e mixing red and blue makes purple.

Red and blue don’t make purple

As we learn from a young age red and blue make purple but still artists complain that red and blue don’t make purple, that it doesn’t become shiny and clean. Even still, painters complain about facing difficulty in mixing colors. So despite mixing colors they purchase tubes of purple.

As a creative who likes the color purple, this frustration was with everyone many years ago when I understood about the color bias that nearly every primary tube of paint contains. The definition and justification of color bias are don’t use warm and cool colors. If you understand the proper mixing procedure then you will get perfect results.

Mixing red and blue makes purple. The tip is using a tube of red and a tube of blue that will create that hue of purple you are expecting to use in your art.

Typical tubes of red are:

Permanent rose
Cadmium red
Cadmium red light
Alizarin crimson hue
Quinacridone magenta
Naphthol red medium
Pyrrole crimson
Pyrrole red

Typical tubes of blue are

Phthalo blue (red and green shades),
Cerulean blue
Cobalt blue,
Prussian blue
Ultramarine blue
Permanent blue
Antwerp blue

Remember: In acrylics, watercolor, and oils, the names of red and blue tubes may differ. However, the variation of reds and blues is huge in each medium.

Result of mixing red and blue

Which red and blue from the list results in a lovely purple? It can be hard trying to select. (Each swatch of color in the above chart is different from paint representing various brands.)

Red and Blue Don’t Make Purple …Why?

Why? Because artists strive to use tubes of red and blue that contain yellow! We learn that yellow is the color supplement of purple and when they are mixed they desaturate each other. In other terms, when you mix slight yellow with purple it turns dull or loses its saturation. The colors mentioned above show several mixing of purple

Red and blue make purple if using a clean palette

The other aspect that makes mixing purple hard, is that several painters use a common or typical palette of colors that does not permit them to mix purple. Several color palettes are made up of the following colors:

  • Cadmium red
  • Alizarin crimson
  • Cadmium yellow medium
  • Cadmium pale or lemon yellow
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Cobalt blue
  • Aurelian blue

Red and blue don’t create purple with a color palette such as the one outlined above. To mix a shiny purple, you must carry a tube of red that contains a strong color bias of blue and does not carry any yellow color.

Red and blue make purple but why do we face a problem?

Alizarin crimson, a popular color, contains a color bias of blue but it is pale or desaturated red. You can obtain a mixture that is somewhat purple using alizarin crimson, but it will never be a shiny and bright purple. This is one of the conditions that alizarin (permanent or otherwise) does not make purple.

You can check it by yourself from the color mixture and swatch below, that alizarin and ultramarine do not create a bright purple after mixing.

Getting a shiny purple the secret to mixing purple is to carry a permanent rose in your palette. Therefore, you can get perfect results. Mix permanent rose and ultramarine blue to result in a nice purple.


Red and blue make purple. Yes, mixing two primary colors will make a secondary color. But sometimes you make some mistakes using other shades of red and blue. You will not get a pure shiny purple and go to purchase a tube of purple. So check the problems discussed in the article and then there is no chance to get another shade of color. Following the correct procedure, you will get a shiny purple after mixing red and blue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequent questions which people ask to make red and blue makes. So you will get frequent answers.

1.Does red and blue make green?

You get green color by mixing cyan and yellow. Blue is created by mixing cyan and magenta. So green is a primary color it is generated by mixing cyan and yellow.

2.What color is created when you mix all colors?

When you mix all light colors white color is formed and by mixing subtractive colors i.e is mixing all dark colors you will get the black color.

3.What makes a new color?

When red, green, and blue are mixed you will get a new shade of white color.

4.Which color is formed mixing red and blue?

When you mix red and blue, the two primary colors purple are formed.


Red and blue make purple. Yes mixing these two primary colors will make a secondary color. But sometimes you make some mistakes using other shades of red and blue. You will not get a pure shiny purple and go to purchase a tube of purple. So check the problems discussed in the article and then there is no chance to get another shade of color. Following the correct procedure, you will get a shiny purple after mixing red and blue.

Also read

Primary colors

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