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Potato nutrition


Potato nutrition is a great source of Vitamin C, Potassium, and Vitamin B6. Potatoes are fat, cholesterol, and sodium-free. The proper potato nutrition facts are as follows;

1 potato is the serving size148g/5.3oz
No of calories per potato110
Total fat is 0g0%
Fat which is saturated is 0g0%
Trans fat is 0g0%
0mg cholesterol0%
0mg Sodium0%
26g is the total carbohydrate9%
Vitamin D is 0mcg0%
20mg of Calcium2%
1.1mg of Iron6%
620mg of Potassium15%
Vitamin C is 27mg30%
0.2mg of Vitamin B610%
2g of dietary fibers7%
Total sugar that is included is 1g

In your daily routine, you need the energy to perform tasks. Potatoes give you energy, carbohydrate, and potassium that give more energy than any other vegetable.

Source of vitamin C

A 5.3oz, medium skin potato contains 27mg of vitamin C. This Vitamin C includes 30% of the daily need. As we know, potatoes are a great source of this antioxidant, i.e.; vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps in collagen production. Collagen is an important component of muscle tissue. Collagen also supports the absorption of iron.

Source of Potassium

Potato gives potassium more than a banana. 5.3oz medium-sized potato contains 620 mg of potassium. This potassium has the importance of 15% of daily need, and this potassium is more than a medium-sized banana. A medium-sized banana gives 422 mg of potassium. For muscle functioning, the important electrolyte is potassium. When a person got sweat, the potassium is lost. So, potassium has to be produced again for proper functioning.

Source of vitamin B6

Per serving of medium (5.3oz) sized potato, there is a presence of 0.2mg of vitamin B6. This vitamin B6 is 10% of the daily need, and potato is a good source of this. The metabolism of protein and carbohydrate are also pumped by vitamin B6.

Source of carbohydrate

Potatoes give dense and complex carbohydrates. Potatoes contain essential nutrients that a person needs to perform his daily routine properly. A medium (5.3oz) sized potato contains 26 grams of carbohydrate. This is the 9% daily need of a person.

  • Potatoes are fat, cholesterol, and sodium-free
  • Per serving, potatoes only give 110 calories

Facts about potato nutrition

Potatoes are more energy-packed than any other vegetable. Potatoes have a huge amount of potassium than a medium-sized banana. There are many options for eating potato as you can intake by making different recipes of potato. This will help to fuel your body and increase the functioning of your brain. Potatoes are important too as if you are an active person or you are living an elite lifestyle. In both conditions, potatoes are helpful.

Vitamin C

As I have mentioned earlier, potatoes are a good source of vitamin C. 30% of the daily requirement of vitamin C is fulfilled by a medium-sized potato. Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for human beings. Naturally, vitamin C is present in vegetables and fruits. For Americans, potatoes are a great source of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a structural protein that gives you elasticity and strength to many tissues of the body. For example, tendons, ligaments, skin, gums, and bone. Vitamin C is concentrated in several immune cells that help the immune system of the body.

  • Men who are 19 years old or more than this should intake 90 mg of vitamin C each day.
  • For women who are 19 years or older than this, they should intake 75 mg of vitamin C. the recommended dietary allowance has given this estimate, i.e., RDA.

Facts about vitamin C

  • In collagen formation and immune function, vitamin C plays an important role.
  • As I have mentioned earlier that vitamin C is an antioxidant. It means that vitamin C balances and removes the free radicals in the body. This helps in preventing cellular damage in the body.
  • Only the best and natural sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fruits.
  • As one medium-sized potato gives 30% of vitamin C. This vitamin C is more than a medium-sized tomato which is 20% of daily need. The sweet potato gives 20% of the daily need of vitamin C. So; simple potato gives more vitamin C than both of these.


Potato gives vitamin C, which is very important for the skin. In daily routine, people need the energy to perform tasks. Potato gives more amount of potassium than a banana. The skin of the potato contains potassium in a large amount. The second name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. This acid is water-soluble. A person should take one medium-sized potato in a day. Potato is a very famous vegetable as we can eat in dry, frozen, and dehydrated form.


Potassium is an important mineral that plays an important role in your body. The noticeable thing is that potassium is an important electrolyte that stabilizes the fragile function of maintaining the fluid inside and outside the body. There is an estimation that only less than 3% of people are in taking the proper amount of potassium in America. USDA’s dietary guidelines for Americans have specified this estimation.

For men who are 19-50 years old, they should take 3400 mg of potassium each day. But for females who are 19-50 years old should take 2600 mg of potassium each day.

Facts about potassium

  • Potassium is an essential electrolyte that helps the body in muscle, nervous system, and cardiovascular functions.
  • It also helps maintain normal blood pressure. Researchers also say that potassium lessens the risk of stroke and hypertension.
  • The people who are in taking potatoes should take these with their skin. As the skin of the potato is a great source of potassium.
  • Potatoes are an affordable source of potassium. There are bananas, mushrooms, and oranges that are also a good source of potassium, but these are expensive than potatoes.


In the past, people were not aware that they give the essential amount of carbohydrates. Until now, most people remove potatoes from their diet and add other carbohydrate-rich food. This is so unfortunate because carbohydrates perform many essential functions. Removing them from the diet is not healthy for your body. A person should take 130 grams of carbohydrate each day. Some people believe that they should not take carbohydrate as it gives you weight. But researcher said that there is no sense in this concept.

Facts about carbohydrates

  • Carbohydrate gives energy to the body, especially to the brain.
  • Many body organs and tissues consider carbohydrates as their essential fuel. Such as the brain, red and white blood cells, and some parts of the kidney especially need carbohydrates.
  • During exercise, carbohydrates act as fuel to the muscles
  • Carbohydrates are so important for your body that if you don’t take the proper amount of carbohydrate in a day, your body must make carbohydrates by a process called gluconeogenesis.
  • The common substrate for gluconeogenesis is an amino acid from the body protein, i.e., from muscle and important organs.
  • As the body can survive without carbohydrates, but the proper functioning of your body will be disturbed.

Classification of carbohydrate

  • Simple carbohydrate
  • Complex carbohydrate
Simple carbohydrate

These include one or two sugar molecules in their structure. For example glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Most of the products of dairy include simple sugars. Ice cream, sweets, pastries, and soft drinks also contain a huge amount of simple sugars.

Complex carbohydrate

Complex carbohydrate contains starch, glycogen, resistant starch, and fiber. The structure of this carbohydrate contains two or three molecules of glucose that are linked together. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose in the body. Foods that contain starch in large amounts are cereals, grains, many vegetables, beans, corn, potatoes, and peas.


A medium-sized potato contains 3 grams of protein. Protein is an essential component of almost every tissue and cell. It is made up of amino acids. With biological significance, there are 20 amino acids. Nine of them are essential. These nine amino acids are only obtained through food, and our body cannot make them.

The recommended protein amount is .8 for each person in a day.

Facts about protein

  • There is a recommendation by Dietary Guidelines for Americans that a person should eat plant-based food to improve health.
  • Protein is an essential component of tendons, ligaments, connective tissues such as collagen. Protein is also present in skin, hair, nails in a huge amount.
  • This also regulates the metabolic processes. Enzymes catalyzes the chemical reactions and hormones essential for metabolic processes, and cytokines that bind to the cell’s surface are all proteins.
  • Protein is also essential for transporting the substances such as myoglobin and hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body; albumin carries many types of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, transferrin, and ferritin carry iron. Hemoglobin, myoglobin, albumin, transferrin, and ferritin are transport proteins.
  • Some of the proteins are also helpful in stabilizing electrolytes and fluids.
  • Proteins give energy to the body. In normal conditions, proteins give a small amount of energy, but in stress conditions and illness, proteins become a more important source of energy; but only at the time of health improvement.


A medium-sized potato contains 2g of fiber. Complex carbohydrate has a type of dietary fiber
found in grains, fruits, and vegetables. Most Americans intake half the amount of recommended fiber. They can also benefit from taking fiber-rich foods. The recommendations for taking fiber are; The present recommendation for fiber intake is 14 g/ 1000 kcal. An adult woman should take 25 grams of fiber in a day, and a male should take 38 grams of fiber in a day

Facts about fiber

  • A medium-sized potato contains 7 % of the daily need for fiber.
  • Dietary fiber contains various health benefits that include improving blood lipid levels, balancing blood glucose, and increases satisfaction that helps in weight loss.
  • There is a wrong concept that all the fiber in potatoes is found in the skin. But skin only contains half amount of total dietary fiber. The other 50 % of the fiber is found inside the potato.

Vitamin B6

A medium-sized potato is a good source of Vitamin B6 as it provides 10% of vitamin B6 in a day. This vitamin is water-soluble that plays its essential role in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. To make various proteins, Vitamin B6 helps the body in the formation of non-essential amino acids.


Medium-sized potato gives the 6% of daily need of iron. It is a mineral combined in making proteins that carry oxygen to all parts of the body. This oxygen is also given to the muscles.

Why potatoes are efficient

  • Potatoes are a whole source of food.
  • Contains essential nutrients for the growth of the body.
  • Potatoes are not costly but give all the health benefits.
  • The potatoes are very easy and quick to make, so it is also a time saver.
  • ca find potatoes in many forms such as dehydrated, frozen, and fresh.
  • Potatoes are perfect for athletes because they are easy to store, practice while cooking, handy, and tasty. Potatoes are mostly liked by athletes.

Similarities between potatoes and sweet potatoes

There are more similarities between a potato and a sweet potato than you think

1 medium-sized potato with skin(White potato)1 medium-sized potato with skin (Sweet potato)
110 calories are present100 calories are present
Contain 1 g of sugarContain 7 g of sugar
Gives 0 % daily need of vitamin AGives 120 % daily value of vitamin A
Gives 45 % daily value of vitamin CIt gives 30 % daily value of vitamin C
Contains 26 g of carbohydrateContains 23 g of carbohydrate
Contains 620 mg of potassiumContains 440 mg of potassium
Contains 2g of fiberContains 4g of fiber

Research on potato nutrition

“Potatoes USA,” which was called as potato board in the past, started the research on nutrition in 2004. They started a formal Nutrition research program to create scientific evidence that highlights the nutritional advantages of potatoes. The goal was also that they wanted to remove the wrong concepts and myths about potatoes. They studied potato nutrition, monitoring research, and all trends in the US. They search about all the effects that can affect potato consumption in America. They also highlight the nutritional value of potatoes that should include potatoes in the healthy diet plan.

How to make potato chips

Potato chips are very easy to make. These are made with the help of only three ingredients. These ingredients are;

  • Potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Salt

Less than one gram of sugar is present in one serving. They have the least amount of sugar in the category of snack. Potatoes have the highest amount of potassium in one serving. For muscle functioning, potassium is essential. Potato chips contain 90 % of unsaturated fat. This provides healthy fat from corn, sunflower, and canola oil.

Potatoes are gluten-free

Naturally, potatoes are gluten-free, and they have nutritional benefits that are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Potato is one of the most versatile vegetables. In international and American cuisine, potatoes are perfect as they give different flavors. This is great news that if your health depends on a gluten-free diet, you have potatoes to fulfill this criterion. Potatoes boost the nutritional benefits of grain, bread, and pasta-based dishes.

  • Potatoes have just 110 calories
  • Gives more potassium than a banana
  • Starch resistant
  • Gives you nearly half of your daily value of vitamin C

Potatoes as a substitute for gluten products

  • Pizza; for pizza, crust and bread potatoes are tasty and surprising substitute.
  • Nachos; in nachos, potatoes serve as a base despite tortilla chips. You can also save your time when you will use wedges of frozen potato.
  • Croutons; in this food, cut a potato into ½ inch square. Add 1 spoon of oil and then gives flavors according to your choice. Place this on a cookie sheet and then bake at 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes. This food will be gluten-free.
  • Soups, stews, and gravies; try to use mashed potatoes, or even you can use pureed leftover mashed potatoes for making thick gravies stews and soups.
  • Bruschetta; despite using sliced bread or traditional crostini, use potatoes. Slice your potato by ¼ inch thick, add some in this and bake at 425 degrees for 25 minutes. When these slices are cooked, then you can top with tomato bruschetta and enjoy.
  • Pasta; instead of using pasta, try to use gluten-free potatoes. The thin slices of potatoes that are like noodles can be used as pasta. These slices can recreate your favorite dish, i.e., pasta. You can also use noodles in your lasagna recipe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are potatoes good for you?

Yes, potatoes are very good for health. Potatoes are fat-free, cholesterol-free, and sodium is also low. Potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C. The potatoes eaten with the skin are an excellent source of potassium, as the skin contains potassium. Foods that are a good source of potassium and contain a low amount of sodium are essential to decrease the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Are all varieties of potatoes are equally nutritious?

No, all types of potatoes are not equally nutritious. As all types of potatoes contain nutrition depending on the variety, but the difference is minimal. There are several varieties of potatoes, but all of them are nutritious. Based on typical US consumption patterns, i.e., Russet 70 percent, white 18 %, and reds 12 percent, the FDA nutrition labels for a potato that represents a composite of varietals. Based on the FDA label, can make the following statement can make the following statements;

  • A great source of vitamin C, i.e., 20% of the daily value of the vitamin. It also provides potassium to the skin.
  • Excellent source of fiber which is 8 % of the daily value of fiber. 50 percent of the fiber is present in the skin, and the other 50 %is present inside the potato.
  • Low in sodium
  • Fat-free
  • It contains 10 % of the daily value of vitamin B6

Are potatoes fattening?

No, potatoes are fat-free and research shows that people can eat potatoes and still lose weight. There is no confirmation that potatoes are weight-gaining vegetables. A medium-sized Potato only contains 110 calories, but they are fat-free. As potatoes are fat-free, but when an individual takes more calories than required, he will gain weight. So you just have to balance your diet or either you will gain weight.

Are potatoes high in carbs?

Yes, potatoes contain a large number of carbohydrates. Potato is a vegetable that is rich in carbohydrates. A medium-sized (5.3oz) potato with the skin has 26 grams of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are very important for your brain, and it is a source of energy for muscle. Carbohydrates are important for mental performance. As potatoes contain many carbohydrates, these can be categorized among grains like pasta, rice, and bread. But officially, they are potatoes.

How do sweet potatoes and white potatoes compare when it comes to nutrition?

Both sweet and white potatoes gives similar nutrient but the amount of nutrients is different. Both these potatoes give protein which is 2g and 3g, respectively. These also give potassium and vitamin B6. These give a well-balanced diet and nutrition-dense substances. White potatoes give seven more types of potatoes;

  • Russet
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Red
  • Purple/ blue
  • Fingerling
  • Petite

Are French fries, and potato chips are healthy?

No, regular eating of fried snacks and chips can be harmful to your health. But if you eat French fries and potato chips as occasional treats, then there is no problem. You can eat staple foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. One meal or even food cannot make or break the healthful diet. You should understand that the impact of fried food, like chips and fries, or high-fat food such as ice cream and cookies. These foods can disturb your diet. So, you should avoid them and eat only on occasion.

Do potatoes have a high glycemic index?

The quantity of glycemic index varies, as it depends upon the different factors. These factors include origin, potato type, preparation, and processing. Firstly, the glycemic index was known as a tool for the dietary management of type 1 diabetes. Glycemic index is a mathematical and complex measure as it is defined as the blood glucose area of 50g of available carbohydrate.

Are all nutrients in the skin of potatoes?

No, all nutrients are not present in the skin of the potato. There is a myth that the skin of potatoes contains all nutrients. But the skin only contains half of the total dietary fiber as 50 % of the fiber is present in the skin. And skin also contains potassium as potassium is only found in the skin. So the other nutrients are present inside the potato.

Why are potatoes bad for you?

As we know that potatoes are fat-free, but they also contain starch and carbohydrates with a small amount of protein. Harvard said that; there are carbs in the potatoes that the body digest rapidly, and they have a huge amount of glycemic acid or glycemic index. This will cause insulin to serge and then dip or blood sugar. If we eat potatoes in the fried form, then this can lead to an increase in weight.

Is potato healthier than rice?

No, rice is healthier than potatoes. This is because rice contains high content of vitamin but includes a low glycemic index. This glycemic index is not good for the body, and potatoes have this in huge amounts. This difference makes rice healthier than potatoes. White rice with all the nutrients that are brown and parboiled kind is a better choice.

11. How many potatoes should I eat in a day?

One medium-size potato in a day can be a part of a healthy diet. This one potato does not increase the risk of cardiometabolic. The chances of having a heart attack, stroke, and diabetes will also decrease. If the potato is cooked by baking and steaming process, then it will be good. There should be no addition of too much salt and saturated fat. These are the suggestions that nutritionists give.

12. What happens when you eat too many potatoes?

High blood pressure can happen if you eat too many potatoes. Balance in the diet is a very important notice that everyone should take care of. There was a report that if a person eats French fries three times a week, that person would be more likely to get high blood pressure. This applied to both women and men. No one should be careless about the diet.

13. Can I eat raw potatoes?

No, you should not eat raw potatoes. This is because raw potatoes cause a digestive issue. These may contain harmful and anti-nutrient compounds. But they also contain a huge amount of vitamin C and resistant starch. These can also provide different health benefits as moderate thinking. Can eat both cooked and raw potatoes if you intake this as a part of a balanced diet.

14. What is the most nutritious part of a potato?

The skin of the potato is the most nutritious part. You can just eat the skin to take all the necessary nutrients of a russet potato. This thing is noticeable because there are more nutrients in the skin than the interior part of a potato. This is because it is 50% of the fiber in the skin, and potassium is also present.

15. How long should I boil potatoes?

For small red potatoes, only 15 minutes are required. Put your potatoes in a pot add some water to it. Then cook the potatoes on a medium flame for 15 minutes. Your potatoes will be ready. For new and large potatoes, 20-25 minutes are required for boiling. You can check with the help of a fork that if potatoes are perfectly boiled or not.


Potatoes give many essential nutrients to the diet, including vitamin C, potassium, fiber, iron, vitamin B6, and protein. The observational data pointed out that the consumption of potatoes is combined with the increase in overall consumption of vegetables in children, adults, and teens in the United States. Potatoes can also help in losing weight as it contains fiber. This fiber can prevent decreasing heart attack and also check blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Potatoes also contain antioxidants that help in preventing many diseases. Vitamin is also present, which helps your body to function properly. Potatoes are very important as it gives many flavors according to your taste you can make it. Potatoes have an enzyme which is called catecholase’. This enzyme helps brighten the skin, and it is also helpful to get rid of dark spots. You can also use the juice of potato to decrease the dark circles.

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