Perusal is the action of reading through something, especially to find the part you are interested in.
Pronunciation of perusal:
A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in the same language. For example, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another; they are synonymous. Synonyms of perusal are mentioned below:
A word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good or small and big)
Anonyms of Perusal:
Using Perusal in a sentence:
Perusal of the map below will show the location.
Let us again recommend the perusal of the demonstration.
Our perusal of the documents gave us some surprising explanations.
He made no attempt to hide his perusal of the tall, athletic women around her.
His mathematical bent, however, soon diverted him from legal studies, and the perusal of some of his earliest theorems enabled Descartes to predict his future greatness.
I quoted several instances of the insufficiency of a first perusal.
A perusal of these books will show with how wide a range of investigation and with what care Lord Selborne prepared himself for the discussion of these ecclesiastical questions which deeply stirred him.
It is only after a careful perusal of these minor works that the student of history may claim to have comprehended Guicciardini, and may feel that he brings with him to the consideration of the Storia d’Italia the requisite knowledge of the author’s private thoughts and jealously guarded opinions.
Even his customary perusal of the newspaper garage sale listings were peppered with comments about keeping his eyes peeled for baby clothes.
A brief perusal of viewer comments online is illuminating.
In the seventh book of his Confessions he has recorded how much he owed to the perusal of Neoplatonic works.
The perusal of a tract by Halley (Phil.
For years the subject of prophecy had occupied much of his thoughts, and his belief in the near approach of the second advent had received such wonderful corroboration by the perusal of the work of a Jesuit priest, writing under the assumed Jewish name of Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra, that in 1827 he published a translation of it, accompanied with an eloquent preface.
But the perusal of the piece obliges us to ask ourselves whether the author’s radical conception of human nature was not false.
To understand Lotze’s philosophy, a careful and repeated perusal of these works is absolutely necessary.
Here are a few of the nicest ones for your perusal.
There can be no doubt that the greater part of his attention was directed to the perusal of classical authors, and to the attempt to realize the true spirit of classical antiquity.
The epistle is more the work of a companion of St Paul of long standing than of one who, with quite different and independent antecedents, had only been influenced by the perusal of one or two of St Paul’s letters.
A repeated perusal of this drama suggests the judgment that it is overpraised when ranked at no great distance from Shakespeare’s national dramas.
His oriental studies were reshaped by diligent perusal of the works of Schultens; for the Halle school, with all its learning, had no conception of the principles on which a fruitful connection between Biblical and Oriental learning could be established.
He deepened and extended his acquaintance with Greek, particularly with his favorite authors Homer and Xenophon; and, to crown all, he succeeded in achieving the third perusal of Blackstone’s Commentaries.
He now employed himself in making optical glasses, and in engraving on metal, devoting his spare time to the perusal of works on mathematics and optics.
At the end of this chapter he says that the only published work from the perusal of which he received any help in working out his views in 1882 and 1884, was Mach’s Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung (1883).
Dear Mr Smith, I am much pleased with your performance, and the perusal of it has taken me from a state of great anxiety.
Pajamas in nearly every color and style are here for your perusal.
Stimulated, however, by the perusal of some writings of Democritus, he began to formulate a doctrine of his own; and at Mitylene, Colophon and Lampsacus, he gradually gathered round him several enthusiastic disciples.
With the systematic study of the Latin, and to a slight extent also of the Greek classics, he conjoined that of logic in the prolix system of Crousaz; and he further invigorated his reasoning powers, as well as enlarged his knowledge of metaphysics and jurisprudence, by the perusal of Locke, Grotius and Montesquieu.
James caused it to be burned by the common hangman, and forbade its perusal under the 'severest penalties, complaining bitterly at the same time to Philip III.
It must be owned that the first perusal leaves on a European an impression of chaotic confusion - not that the book is so very extensive, for it is not quite as large as the New Testament.
As a schoolboy, by his own account, he was for a time a Voltairean, on the strength of a perusal of the Philosophical Dictionary.
Yet his early military education could have consisted at most of the perusal of the Swedish Intelligencer and the practice of riding.
For some years he was busy travelling in the Levant in the interests of his order, but a perusal of Calvin’s Institutes revived his heretical tendencies, and he was condemned to be burnt.
Ooh’s and aah’s rang around the small patio as various goodies were presented for general perusal.
The writings of Josephus give a good idea of the fortifications and buildings of Jerusalem at the time of the siege, and his accurate personal knowledge makes his account worthy of the most careful perusal.
If you are still looking for more traditional Thanksgiving side dishes, there are many sites on the Internet that list a vast number of recipes, just for your perusal.
A quick perusal of the label will also tell you the major ingredients in the product.
At Project 80s a nice selection of games are there for your perusal.
A quick perusal of the titles and descriptions might make you realize that they probably didn’t sell very well not because of the AO rating, but because they simply stunk.
IGN has also hopped on the Virtual Console game reviewing wagon and has a good selection of VC games reviewed and ranked, ready for your perusal.
This art may be hanging on the walls of the shop, or it can sometimes be found in portfolios that are set out for your perusal.
The perusal of Galileo’s Dialoghi delle nuove scienze (1638) inspired him with many developments of the mechanical principles there set forth, which he embodied in a.
Yet his early military education could have consisted at most of the perusal of the Swedish Intelligencer and the practice of riding.
For some years he was busy travelling in the Levant in the interests of his order, but a perusal of Calvin’s Institutes revived his heretical tendencies, and he was condemned to be burnt.
Mr. Abbott’s home was empty at the time of my initial perusal so it was his residence I sought to enter first.
You can waltz into just about any cell phone retailer and they will have a ready supply of accessories for your perusal.
Frequently Asked Questions 
1- What does perusal mean in the dictionary?
noun. a reading: a perusal of the current books. the act of perusing; survey; scrutiny: A more careful perusal yields this conclusion.
2- Is Pursual a word?
noun. Pursuance; the action or fact of pursuing someone or something.
3- What is the meaning of Pursual?
: the act or an instance of pursuing : pursuit.
What does perusal mean? Perusal is the action of reading through something, especially to find the part you are interested in.
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