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How Many Edges Does a Triangular Prism Have?


How many edges does a triangular prism have? It contains 9 edges. And a triangular prism consists of two triangular bases and three rectangular sides. However, it contains 5 faces, 9 edges, and 6 vertices.

What is a Triangular Prism

A triangular prism is a three-dimensional shape having 2 triangular bases and 3 rectangular sides. And similar to Prisms, the two bases here are resembled and congruent to each other. That it consists of five faces, six vertices, and nine edges in total.

Facts about Triangular Prism

Triangular Prism is a pentahedron i.e three-dimensional shape and has nine different nets. The edges and vertices of the bases are engaged with each other through 3 rectangular sides and the facts about triangular prisms. Here you will know How many does edges a triangular prism have?

No of faces = 5
No of edges = 9
No of vertices = 6

The shape of the base = Triangular shape

The shape of Sides = Rectangular in shape

The formula of Surface Area

Surface Area = 2(Area of triangular bases)+Perimeter of base x Height of prism

Formula of Volume

Volume = Area of base x Height of Prism

The sides of the triangular prism, which are rectangular are connected side by side. All cross-sections are equal; the base faces are similar to a triangle. A triangular pyramid contains four triangular bases unlike the triangular prism, connected and all are congruent to each other.

Edge definition

An edge of a format (or graph) is one of the relationships between the nodes (or vertices) of the network. Edges can be manipulated, meaning they point from one node to the second. Edges can also be in directed, in which case they are bidirectional, as exemplified by the lines.

Small directed format with labelled nodes and edges
A directed network with 10 nodes (or vertices) and 13 edges (or links).

Small indirect network with labelled nodes and edges.


There are different prism shapes, containing triangular prisms, square prisms, cube or rectangular prisms, and pentagonal prisms. Moreover, regular prisms are prisms whose cross-section has proportional lengths and angles and cross-section the shape that continues when you cut right across an object. Pentagonal prisms have different cross-sections due to the angles and side lengths differ. Also, prisms have no curved sides.

Drawing a Prism

Create any two-dimensional shape to make a three-dimensional prism. To make a triangular prism, draw an equilateral triangle based on paper.

Copy the triangle a few inches sideways from the original shape. Use a scale to connect the points of one triangle to the connecting points of the other triangle.

To create a square prism, draw two equilateral squares sideways from each other. Attach their related points with straight lines.


In geometry, a triangular prism is a kind of prism with three sides and two bases. And the sides are of a rectangle shape and the bases are of triangle shape. Wholly, it has five faces, nine vertices, and six edges.

The sides and bases of the triangular prism are congruent. The edges of the prism are connected to the corresponding sides. The two bases of this prism are equilateral triangles and the edges of these triangles are similar to each other.

Different Kinds of Prisms

  1. Rectangular Prism

  2. Square prism

  3. Pentagonal Prism

  4. Right Triangular Prism.

A right triangular prism has 3 rectangular sides congruent. Moreover, the two triangular bases are parallel and congruent. The rectangular faces are straight to the triangular bases.


The volume of a triangular prism is similar to the product of the triangular base area and the size of the prism

Volume = Area of the Base × Height of prism
Area = ½ b h

The volume of Triangular Prism = ½ × b × h × l
Where " b" is known as the base length, and" h" is the height of the triangle, and" l" is the length between the triangular bases.

Surface Area

The surface area of a triangular prism is proportional to the sum of the rectangular surface area and twice the base area of the triangular prism. It is calculated in square units.

The calculation of surface area of triangular prism = 2A + PH and the calculation determines

A = The area of the triangular bases
P= Is the perimeter of the bases
H= Is the height of the prism

Now, the Area of the triangular base= ½ × b × h

a, b a, and c are the sides of the triangular bases, then,

Perimeter of the base = a + b + c


Surface area of a triangular prism
= 2(½ × b × h) + ( a + b + c)H

Surface Area of the Triangular Prism =

(bh + ( a + b + c)H)

Where b and h are the base and height of the bases, and H is the height of the prism.

Properties Triangular Prism

Some of the facts of the triangular prism.

It has nine edges, five faces, and six vertices(which are connected by the rectangular faces).

It has 2 triangular bases and three rectangular sides.

If the triangular bases are equilateral and the different faces are squares, rather than a rectangle, then the triangular prism is meant to be semiregular.

Triangular Prism Net

If we clear each face of the triangular prism, we will get the net value The net of this prism contains 3 rectangles and 2 triangles.

Triangular Prism Net

Example of Triangular Prism

Find the volume of the triangular prism with a base is 8 cm, height is 10 cm, the length is 15 cm.

Solution: Volume of Triangular Prism = ½ × b × h × l

V = ½ × 8 × 10 × 15

Volume, V = 600 cm3

More Illustrations

If the height of the prism is 3cm and the length of the side of the equilateral triangular base is 6cm. Find the area of the prism for the above question.


Base = 5cm, height of the base= 10cm, length of the base=15cm, Height of the prism = 3cm

As the base is an equilateral triangle, then all its sides will be equal.

Hence, a = b = c = 6cm.

By the formula,

Area of the Triangular Prism = (bh + ( a + b + c)H)

Area = (5 × 10+(6+6+6)3)

=(50 + (18)4) = 50 + 54

= 104cm2


How many edges a triangular prism have? A triangular prism has 9 edges and 6 vertices And a triangular prism is a three-dimensional shape having 2 triangular bases and 3 rectangular sides. And similar to Prisms, the two bases here are resembled and congruent to each other. That it consists of five faces, six vertices, and nine edges in total


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many edges does a triangular prism have? Before asking this question people also ask about triangular prism here are some frequent answers.

1) What is a triangular prism?

Triangular Prism is a pentahedron i.e three-dimensional shape and has nine different nets. The edges and vertices of the bases are engaged with each other through 3 rectangular sides.

2) How many faces, edges, and vertices a triangular prism has?

A triangular prism consists of 5 faces (3 rectangular and 2 triangular), 6 vertices, and 9 edges.

3) What is the difference between a triangular prism and a rectangular prism?

A triangular prism is considered due to bases in a triangle shape and a rectangular prism has its bases in a rectangular shape

4) What is the surface area of a triangular prism?

The surface of a triangular prism is the entire area surrounded by its surface with the three-dimensional plane. The formula is provided is below:

Surface area
bh + ( a + b + c)H

Where a, b, and c are the sides of triangular bases and" h" is the height of the prism.

5)What is the formula to learn the volume of a triangular prism?

The formula to uncover the volume of a triangular prism is the output of the other triangular base and the height of the prism.

Volume =
½ × b × h × l.


How many edges a triangular prism have? A triangular prism has 9 edges and 6 vertices And a triangular prism is a three-dimensional shape having 2 triangular bases and 3 rectangular sides. And similar to Prisms, the two bases here are resembled and congruent to each other. That it consists of five faces, six vertices, and nine edges in total.



Circumference Formula - Circumference of a Circle Formula 0

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

How many faces, bangles, edges does a triangular prism have?

5 faces, 6 vertical and 9 edges

Since the shape is a triangular prism, the base is a triangle. Since the shape is paramount, there are 2 parallel triangles. Each triangle has 3 corners. This is the only axis of the paradigm. Therefore, V = 6. There are 3 sides to form each triangle, and 3 sides to connect 2 bases (sides are converted into reclays). Therefore, the number of edges is 9. The name of the parasite indicates that it has 3 sides or triangles in many sides. Since this is a paradigm, it tells us that there are 2 bases. So the total number of faces is 5. There is also a formula that lists these 3 descriptors in each 3D format. V + F = E + 2, for example, helps. I now

Oh oh, I was wrong, off. 5 faces, 6 vertical and 9 edges

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

How many faces, vertical, edges does a triangle have? 3

Since the shape is a triangle, the base is a triangle. Since the shape is a paradigm, there are 2 parallel triangles. Each triangle has 3 angles. This is the only peak of the paradigm. Therefore, V = 6. There are 3 sides to form each triangle and 3 sides to join 2 bases (sides turn into reccles). So the number of edges is 9. The name Parzam indicates that if there are many sides then the triangle will have 3 sides or sides. Because it is a paradigm, it tells us that there are 2 bases. So the total number of faces is 5. There is also a formula that lists these 3 descriptors in each 3D format. V + F = E + 2, for example, helps. I now

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

Oh oh I misunderstood it 5 faces, 6 verticals and 9 edges.

How Many Edges Does A Triangular Prism Have

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