How many chapters in the bible? There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. The Old Testament contains 929 parts while the New Testament incorporates 260 sections. .Since the mid thirteenth century, most duplicates and releases of the Bible present everything except the briefest of these books with divisions into parts, by and large a page or so long. Since the mid-sixteenth century editors have additionally partitioned every section into refrains – each comprising of a couple of short lines or sentences.
Realities about the Bible 
The Bible contains: 
• 2 Testaments
• 66 books
• 783,137 words
• 3,116,480 letters
• 39 books in the Old Testament
• 27 books in the New Testament
• Unique Hebrew words: 8,674
• Unique Greek words: 5,624
• Unique English words: 12,143
Parts and Verses
• The Bible has 1,189 Chapters
• The Bible has 31,102 refrains
• The Old Testament has 929 parts
• The Old Testament has 23,145 refrains
• The New Testament has 260 parts
• The New Testament has 7,957 refrains
• Chapters were added to the Bible in 1238 via Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro.
• Verse divisions were included the year 1551 by Robertus Stephanus.
Longest and Shortest 
• Longest book: Psalms (150 sections)
• Longest section: Psalm 119 (176 refrains)
• Longest section: Esther 8:9 (78 words)
• Shortest book (by number of words): 3 John
• Shortest section (by number of words): Psalms 117
• Shortest section: John 11:35 (2 words: “Jesus sobbed”)
Composition of bible 
• Over a long term length (from around 1400 B.C to A.D. 100)
• Over 40 ages
• Over 40 creators from numerous different backgrounds
• In better places
• At various occasions
• On three landmasses (Asia, Africa, and Europe)
• In three dialects (Hebrew, Aramaic [Chaldee], and Greek)
The Old Testament contains: 
17 Historical Books: 
• Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Number, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
5 Poetical Books: 
• Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
17 Prophetic Books: 
• Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
The New Testament contains: 
• 4 Gospels:
• Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
• Historical:
• Acts
• 21 Epistles:
Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude
• The Revelation:
• Revelation
Book of scriptures Facts on Chapters 
There are likewise some great realities about the Bible. The longest part in the Bible is Psalm 119, which contains 176 stanzas! Likewise, the most limited part is Psalm 117 with just 2. This part is likewise the section in the actual center of the Bible.
On the off chance that we partition the Old Testament in two, we see the center section being Job 29 and the center part of the New Testament is Romans 13.
The refrain in the Bible is Psalm 118:8. This states, “It is smarter to trust in the Lord than to place trust in man." The section in the Old Testament is 2 Chronicles 20:17. This refrain says, “Ye will not have to take on in this conflict: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: dread not, nor be unnerved; to morrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.”
Finally, the stanza in the New Testament is Acts 17:17. This stanza says, “Along these lines questioned he in the temple with the Jews, and with the ardent people, and in the market day by day with them that met with him.”
The Miracle 
• Perhaps the best marvel we see today is the Bible’s solidarity. There are 66 books that were composed on three landmasses, in three dialects, by 40 distinct individuals. These individuals comprised of rulers, shepherds, researchers, lawyers, armed force officers, anglers, clerics, and a doctor.
• Significantly more, this happened over a time of around 1,500 years. It is composed on the most questionable points and by individuals who, by and large, had never met one another.
• However, notwithstanding in this, these 66 book are in finished concordance with each other and peruses as though it was composed by one psyche. Consequently, this can just further show its heavenly beginning.
• For, “Sacred godly men talked as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”. In the Bible, we discover all out solidarity between its creators, as the Holy Spirit “moved” them all.
• Individuals and countries have attempted to copy, boycott, ruin or obliterate the Bible. In any case, they annihilated themselves all things being equal. Long after such individuals died, the Bible remaining parts as the hit ever and in consistent interest since its message is undeniable. "… The expression of the Lord suffers everlastingly. Hence, we will keep on finding truth in the Bible forever.
Important point
What number of Pages Are There in the Bible?
What may seem, by all accounts, to be a moderately straightforward inquiry has truth be told, no single answer. For those searching for an overall response to the inquiry, “The number of pages is there in the good book?” the appropriate response would be “The normal book of scriptures has around 1,200 pages.”
This is an overall estimate and there are a ton of variables which can cause the quantity of pages of a specific book of scriptures to be substantially less or considerably more than this number.
Anybody looking for an authoritative response to the subject of the quantity of pages in the good book needs to understand that a blend of factors can become possibly the most important factor.
What books of the book of scriptures have been incorporated? 
• If one somehow happened to investigate the Catholic book of scriptures, for instance, the extra books of the Apocrypha (strict writings not found in many books of scriptures) would need to be incorporated.
• The Apocrypha alone would add a generous number of pages when contrasted with a standard book of scriptures, for example, the King James Version.
• While most books of scriptures do exclude the Apocrypha, they are at any rate included both the New and Old confirmations.
• Lamentably, the standard doesn’t make a difference to The Living Bible. This form of the holy book just incorporates the New Testament.
• An authoritative manual for this nature would wind up having far less pages. Since various book of scriptures versions incorporate various works, every release varies in the quantity of pages it has.
The configuration of the holy book 
Books of scriptures without any pages are more normal than you might suspect. In certain circles, books of scriptures without any pages are an incredible wrath.
Electronic or advanced adaptations of the good book, with no actual pages, can be effortlessly obtained be being downloaded from the web or shared through memory cards, CD’s and so forth
However, there are different components that impact the quantity of pages found in any book of scriptures.
Textual style, dividing, page width and stature; edges and other print related issues would definitely cause variety in the quantity of pages in a book of scriptures (and why most instructors make the most of tasks by word rather than page check).
An enormous textual style, composed in striking and with twofold dividing would clearly require more pages.
The contrary methodology, utilizing a little textual style with single separating, would require less pages.
Precisely the same book of scriptures with precisely the same number of words will frequently have an alternate number of pages relying upon how the distributor considered these.
The particular variant of the good book 
• Certain dialects and interpretations will likewise affect on the number of pages there are in the good book. Extraordinary inconsistencies can happen even among comparable variants.
• The King James Version of the book of scriptures may have a greater number of pages than the Revised Standard Version or the New American Standard Version.
• Since the quantity of pages in various books of scriptures differs so significantly, the name of the book in the good book being referred to, the section and stanza number assist us with being “in total agreement” while examining a scriptural book.
• Scriptural researchers understood that various adaptations and interpretations of the good book could obstruct research. Page 20 of my King James Version might be totally extraordinary to page 20 of your more present day rendition. This would prompt disarray.
• By cutting the book of scriptures into lumps, examination can be more exact. Truth be told, you c kan go to a careful expression in the good book. It’s a framework praised by researchers.
What number of pages is in the book of scriptures?
In the event that you took a regular, ordinary book of scriptures, and you figured out how to check every one of the pages, you would have the accompanying:
• The Old Testament has 929 parts. It has 23,214 refrains which involve around 622,700 words.
• The New Testament comprises of 260 parts, partitioned into 7,959 stanzas or around 184,600 words.
• This would give our commonplace book of scriptures 1,189 parts. These are comprised of 31,173 stanzas and utilizing a harsh word check, this adds up to 807,370 words, albeit the King James Authorized Bible has 783,137 words.
• Utilizing a standard text style, the normal book of scriptures has around 1,200 pages. As a book, the good book is just about as thick as “The Lord of the Rings” and comparative dream novel legends.
• The thing that matters is that the book of scriptures contains history and reasoning, and can be utilized for profound direction.
Who separated the Bible into parts and sections? 
• At the point when the books of the Bible were initially composed, they didn’t contain section or refrain references.
• The Bible was separated into parts and refrains to help us discover Scriptures all the more rapidly and without any problem.
• It is a lot simpler to discover “John section 3, stanza 16” than it is to discover “for God so cherished the world…” In a couple of spots, part breaks are inadequately positioned and accordingly partition content that should stream together. By and large, however, the section and refrain divisions are extremely useful.
• The part divisions generally utilized today were created by Stephen Langton, an Archbishop of Canterbury.
• Langton set up the advanced part divisions in around A.D. 1227. The Wycliffe English Bible of 1382 was the primary Bible to utilize this section design. Since the Wycliffe Bible, practically all Bible interpretations have followed Langton’s section divisions.
• The Hebrew Old Testament was isolated into sections by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Nathan in A.D. 1448.
• Robert Estienne, who was otherwise called Stephanus, was quick to partition the New Testament into standard numbered refrains, in 1555.
• Stephanus basically utilized Nathan’s section divisions for the Old Testament. Since that time, starting with the Geneva Bible, the section and refrain divisions utilized by Stephanus have been acknowledged into virtually all the Bible adaptations.
Assets Needed for this Bible Reading Plan 
Educator Horner prescribes utilizing one Bible and adhering to it – an actual one instead of a computerized one.
That way you will remember where things are on the page. In the event that you need to do this, you should ensure that you are utilizing an interpretation that you like.
It is additionally critical to get a Bible with a tough cover and restricting, and to have an organization that you like (eg do you favor a couple of sections; do you like to see the refrains in passages or on singular lines and so on)
Bookmarks are truly helpful (really, fundamental) with this Bible understanding technique! So I have made some free printable bookmarks which you can access in my asset library (see underneath for how to get access).
The Benefits of this Plan 
Here are a portion of the advantages of this Bible understanding framework:
• You won’t feel stalled in a book which you are attempting to comprehend on the grounds that you may be perusing one part a day from the segment
• You will not pass up any of the books of the Bible since now you will not be adhering to just your number one books
• It will be simpler for you to discover sections in your Bible as you get more acquainted with your own Bible.
• You will peruse day by day pieces of shrewdness from the most astute man who at any point lived (Proverbs)
• Every day you will zero in on the existence of Jesus (the accounts)
• You will be roused to stroll in a manner deserving of your calling by a few parts from the New Testament letters every day.
• All you need is a Bible (and a few bookmarks) – no other unique assets are required
• You can acquire a more clear comprehension of the primary instructing by which the remainder of the Bible can be gotten (Law)
• The longest rundown, the prophets, is just 250 sections (or 250 days) so in any event, considering some missed days, you ought to have the option to peruse the Bible in a year.
• And last, yet not least, my number one advantage – You will find that as you cycle through every one of these areas, since they are generally extraordinary long, you won’t ever wind up perusing similar mix of parts. This implies you will frequently discover refrains from one segment making something all the more obvious from another segment – Scripture deciphering Scripture. Despite the fact that the Bible has been composed over a time of around 1500 years, since God is the writer and he enlivened the writers of individual books, we shouldn’t be amazed at how frequently we will discover Scriptures integrating and revealing more insight into different sacred texts as we read.
The Central Chapter of the Bible: Psalms 118 
The reality can be contended relying upon what Bible adaptation you are utilizing, however by most retribution, the actual focus of the Bible when estimated by section tally is Psalms 118.
Here are some other fun realities encompassing Psalm 118:
• The longest part of the Bible falls soon after this middle section - Psalm 119.
• The most limited section of the Bible falls soon after this middle part - Psalm 117.
• There are actually 594 sections before Psalm 118, and precisely 594 parts after it. At the point when you add the quantity of sections before Psalms 118 and those after, the total is 1,118. Also, the section at the actual focal point of the Bible is Psalms 118:8.
The Center Verse
Hymn 118:8 - “It is smarter to take shelter in the Lord than to trust in man.” (NIV)
This focal stanza of the Bible reminds adherents to pose the inquiry, “Are you focused in your trust in God?” It is a specific refrain that reminds Christians to trust in God over confiding in themselves or others.
As Christians comprehend, God reliably accommodates us and His effortlessness is given to us unreservedly.
Indeed, even in the most troublesome occasions, we should focus ourselves by confiding in God. He is there making us solid, giving us bliss, and conveying us when life weighs intensely on us.
Renditions of the Bible 
While fun realities like these cause us to notice certain refrains, the “focal point of the Bible” insights are not pertinent to each adaptation of the Bible. Why not? Catholics utilize one form of the Bible, and Hebrew utilize another.
A few specialists have determined Psalm 117 as the focal point of the King James Version of the Bible, while others express that there is no focal stanza of the Bible because of a significantly number of stanzas.
1) What number of parts does the Old Testament have? 
The books of the Old Testament were composed between the years 1,400-400 a.C. So, the Old Testament has 920 sections circulated in its 46 books.
• Genesis 50
• Exodus 40
• Leviticus 27
• Numbers 36
• Deuteronomy 34
• Joshua 24
• Judges 21
• Rut 4
• 1 Samuel 31
• 2 Samuel 24
• 1 Kings 22
• 2 ° Kings 25
• 1 Chronicles 29
• 2nd Chronicles a day and a half
• Ezra 10
• Nehemiah 13
• Esther 10
• Job 42
• Psalm 150
• Proverbs 31
• Ecclesiastes 12
• Song 8
• Isaiah 66
• Jeremiah 52
• Lamentations 5
• Ezequiel 48
• Daniel 12
• Hosea 14
• Joel 13
• Amos 9
• Obadiah 1
• Jonah 4
• Micah 7
• Nahum 3
• Habacuc 3
• Zephaniah 3
• Haggai 2
• Zacarias 14
• Malachi 4
2) What number of sections does the New Testament have? 
Then again the books of the New Testament were composed after the introduction of Jesus of Nazareth. Altogether, the new Testament has 260 sections, which in this piece are split between 27 books.
• Gospel of Matthew 28
• Gospel of Mark 16
• Gospel of Luke 24
• Gospel of John 21
• Acts of the Apostles 18
• Epistle to the Romans 16
• First Epistle to the Corinthians 16
• Second Epistle to the Corinthians 13
• Epistle to the Galatians 6
• Epistle to the Ephesians 6
• Epistle to the Philippians 4
• Epistle to Colossians 4
• First Epistle to the Thessalonians 5
• Second Epistle to the Thessalonians 3
• First Epistle to Timothy 6
• Second Epistle to Timothy 4
• Epistle to Titus 3
• Epistle to Philemon 1
• Epistle to the Hebrews 13
• Epistle of James 5
• First Epistle of Saint Peter 5
• Second Epistle of Saint Peter 3
• First Epistle of Saint John 5
• Second Epistle of Saint John 1
• Third Epistle of Saint John 1
• Epistle of Saint Jude 1
• Apocalypse of Saint John 22
3) What is the King James Bible (KJV)? 
• The authorizing of the King James Bible occurred in 1604 at the Hampton Court Conference outside of London. The principal version showed up in 1611.
• The King James form stays probably the best milestone in the English tongue. It has emphatically influenced our language and thought classifications, and in spite of the fact that created in England for English houses of worship, it assumed a remarkable part in the verifiable advancement of America.
• Indeed, even today, many consider the King James Bible a definitive interpretation in English and will permit none other for use in chapel or individual dedications.
• At the point when James requested another interpretation. It was to be exact and consistent with the firsts. He designated fifty of the country’s best language researchers and affirmed rules for cautiously checking the outcomes.
• James likewise needed a famous interpretation. He demanded that the interpretation utilize old recognizable terms and names and be discernible in the figure of speech of the day.
• He proclaimed that exceptional torments be “taken for a uniform interpretation, which ought to be finished by the best scholarly men in the two Universities, at that point surveyed by the Bishops, introduced to the Privy Council, in conclusion sanctioned by the Royal authority…”
• History shows that they were effective in making an interpretation that addressed the issues of their age as well as prevailing with regards to affecting the existences of ages to come.
4) For what reason do the Catholics Use These 7 Books? 
The Catholic sources say there were two principle “groups” for the Old Testament at the hour of Christ. The previously was the “Palestine group” which is indistinguishable from the ■■■■■■■■■■ Old Testament. The second was the “Alexandrian standard” which was the Septuagint.
The Catholics say that the Bible that Christ and the Apostles utilized was the “Alexandrian Canon” or Septuagint. The Septuagint is an interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures (our Old Testament) from Hebrew into Greek.
5) What Is The Septuagint? 
The Septuagint is an interpretation of the Hebrew Bible (Our Old Testament) into Greek. There is a legend encompassing its creation/interpretation and few individuals would take it in a real sense. Nonetheless – likewise with numerous legends – there is presumably a center of truth among its fantastical cases.
6) Which Septuagint? Which Deuterocanonical Books?
So we’ve just discussed the 7 books (and extended parts of Daniel and Esther) that the Catholic Church employments. In any case, they aren’t the just deuterocanonical books. The full rundown of books viewed as a “second standard” is significantly more.
• 1 Esdras (not to be mistaken for the Book of Ezra, which is likewise at times called 1 Esdras or Esdras)
• 2 Esdras (not to be mistaken for Nehemiah, which is now and again called 2 Esdras)
• Tobit
• Judith
• Additional sections in Esther
• Wisdom
• Sirach (likewise called Ecclesiasticus)
• Baruch
• Epistle of Jeremiah (the last part in Baruch in Catholic Bibles)
• Song of the Three Children
• Story of Susanna
• Bel and the Dragon (augmentations to Daniel)
• Prayer of Manasseh
• 1 Maccabees
• 2 Maccabees
• 3 Maccabees
• 4 Maccabees
• Psalm 151
7) How The Jews View The Deuterocanonical Books 
The Jews generally never acknowledged them as sacred writing (which I’ll demonstrate in a piece). In any case, they were exceptionally respected books. It very well may resemble a book composed by C.S. Lewis, or some other well known Christian creator. They were held in high regard, simply not thought about sacred text. (which once more, I’ll demonstrate lower down)
8) What might be said about The Apostles? Didn’t They Use The Septuagint? 
The first Apostles were not language specialists in terms of professional career. Their essential concern appeared to spread the Gospel. Since the greater part of the world was Greek around then, they required a Greek interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures for the new Christians. It would make no sense and motivation to think they would’ve made their own interpretation as opposed to utilizing the current one: the Septuagint.
9) What is the longest part in the Bible? 
Song 119
The Bible/Longest parts
10) What is the center word in the Bible? 
The word Jehovah happens multiple times. The center book of the Old Testament is Proverbs. The center part is Job XXIX. The center refrain is second Chronicles, chap.
11) What are the most brief books in the Bible? 
The Epistle of Jude is the sixty-fifth book in the Christian Bible, and the twenty-6th in the New Testament. It is perhaps the briefest book in the Bible, at just 25 stanzas in length.
12) What number of sections does the Bible peruse in a year? 
What number of sections would I need to peruse each day to peruse the Bible in a year? There are near 929 parts in the Old Testament and 260 sections in the New Testament. This would imply that you would have to peruse around 3 - 4 parts each day to peruse the total Christian Bible.
13) What is the briefest Psalm in the Bible? 
Comprising of just two refrains, Psalm 117 is the briefest hymn and furthermore the most limited part in the entire Bible. In the marginally extraordinary numbering framework in the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate form of the Bible, this hymn is Psalm 116.
14) What is the briefest Bible section? 
“Jesus sobbed” (Greek: ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς, edákrysen ho Iesoús lit. “Jesus sobbed”) is an expression renowned for being the most brief refrain in the King James Version of the Bible, just as numerous different renditions. It isn’t the briefest in the first dialects. It is found in the Gospel of John, section 11, refrain 35.
There are 929 parts in the Old Testament. There are 260 parts in the New Testament. (By and large, 18 for each book). Hymn 117, the briefest section, is likewise the center part of the Bible, being the 595th Chapter.