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Why It Is Not Possible to Change Hereditary Conditions?


Why It Is Not Possible to Change Hereditary Conditions? Hereditary conditions are diseases passed down through chromosomes. Gene alterations in almost every cell of the body cause several hereditary diseases. These illnesses impact several bodily systems, and most are incurable.

What Are Hereditary Conditions?

If you inherit a condition from your parents, it’s a hereditary ailment. Because they’re lodged deep within your body, they’re not accessible for alteration. You may assume it’s difficult to get rid of if you have a genetic problem. However, this is not always the case.

  • Simple dietary and lifestyle adjustments can sometimes prevent inherited diseases. These actions may help reduce the risk of inheriting a genetic disease.

  • Heart-related illnesses are the most frequent type of inherited ailment in terms of variation and number.

  • American heart disease is the leading killer, causing more fatalities than any other category or group, including cancer.

  • When blood fat levels are too high, heart-related heredity is triggered.

  • Fatty deposits in the heart’s arteries result from a diet heavy in fat and a lack of physical activity, both of which increase the risk of heart disease.

  • Cancer is a genetic disorder that affects nearly every system in the body. When the word “hereditary” is mentioned, cancer is the first thing that comes to mind.

  • Tumors are formed when cells proliferate uncontrollably, resulting in cancer. If left untreated, they can lead to death by squeezing out basic bodily functions.

One form of cancer that runs in families is skin cancer. You have a higher risk of developing skin cancer if your parents or grandparents have had it. Overexposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays causes skin cancer.

Note: Mental health issues are the third inherited ailment. Learning impairments, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are all forms of mental illness that may be traced back to genetics.

What Are the Causes of Hereditary Conditions?

It is useful to better understand the workings of your genes and DNA to gain a better understanding of the causes of genetic disorders. Your body is instructed to produce proteins from the vast majority of the DNA in your genes. These proteins initiate complicated cellular connections that contribute to your continued good health.

When a mutation occurs, it changes the instructions in the genes used to make proteins. Certain proteins may be absent. Or the ones you already have are defective and do not work correctly. The following are examples of environmental conditions (also known as mutagens) that might potentially cause a genetic mutation:

  • Chemical exposure.

  • Radiation exposure.

  • Smoking.

  • Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays.

Symptoms of Hereditary Conditions

The symptoms can vary widely based on the type of illness, the affected organs, and the degree to which it is present. You may experience:

  • Alterations in behavior or behavioral disturbances

  • Issues with my ability to breathe.

  • Cognitive impairments occur when the brain is unable to process information appropriately.

  • Developmental delays might involve difficulties with speaking or social skills, among other difficulties.

  • Problems with eating and digestion, such as difficulties swallowing or an inability to metabolize nutrition, might be a sign of this condition.

  • Abnormalities of the limbs or face, such as the absence of fingers or the presence of a cleft lip and palate.

  • Either weak muscles or tight muscles cause movement issues.

  • Problems of the nervous system include seizures or a stroke, a failure to thrive, or low stature.

  • Vision or hearing impairments both.

Why It Is Not Possible to Change Hereditary Conditions?

They inherit some characteristics from their parents through chromosomes, which are found in every human cell’s nucleus and may be found in both parents’ DNA. The human genome consists of 46 chromosomes, each divided into 23 pairs.

When a fetus is born, he or she inherits 23 chromosomes from each of his or her parents. Genes are the functional units that house these characteristics on the surface of chromosomes. DNA, the human body’s genetic material, makes up most of it.

Learning difficulties are the result of brain disorders. These issues might be transitory or long-lasting. Emotional control is an issue in bipolar illness, leading to manic episodes and periods of sadness. Even though this ailment cannot be cured, it can be managed.

Last, schizophrenia affects the brain’s ability to absorb the information properly. A stressful incident during early development can create one of the most frequent psychotic diseases, which can be inherited or induced by a genetic predisposition. Individuals must be aware of inherited disorders that might cause serious health problems.


You can’t choose your parents; therefore, you’re stuck with the characteristics they pass on to you. The term “hereditary condition” refers to a group of disorders that can be passed down via the chromosomes of our parents or developed as a result of a genetic mutation. You can’t eliminate a genetic problem since you can’t change the entire system.

What Are Genetic Disorders?

A mutation is a detrimental alteration to a gene, also known as a pathogenic variant. Genetic illnesses can arise either when a mutation alters a person’s genes or when a person has an abnormal quantity of genetic material.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the building block of genes. Genes carry the instructions necessary for a cell to operate properly and the qualities that set you apart from others.

Each of your biological parents contributes one-half of your genes, and it is possible to inherit a gene mutation from either or both of your parents. Sometimes gene changes occur because of problems deep inside the DNA (mutations).

Because of this, your chances of developing a genetic condition may increase. Some manifest themselves upon birth, while others take longer to show their hand.

Genetic conditions can take the form of:

ChromosomalThis affects the structures within each cell responsible for holding your genes and DNA (chromosomes). People affected by these disorders either lack certain chromosomal material or have excessive amounts of it.
Complex (multifactorial)These diseases are known as complex or multifactorial illnesses since they are caused by a mix of gene mutations and other causes. They include chemical exposure, poor diet, taking certain drugs, smoking, or drinking.
Single-gene (monogenic)This collection of disorders is monogenic since mutations in a single gene cause them.

How Are Hereditary Conditions Identified?

Suppose there is a history of a genetic condition in your family. In that case, you should strongly consider seeking genetic counseling to determine whether or not you might benefit from undergoing genetic testing.

  • Carrier testing: The results of this blood test will indicate whether either you or your spouse contain a mutation that is connected to genetic problems. Nobody considering becoming pregnant should consider this, even if there is no relevant family history.

  • Prenatal screening: This testing often entails collecting blood from a pregnant woman to determine the likelihood that an unborn child will have a common chromosomal problem. The results of this testing are provided to the person who requested them.

  • Prenatal diagnostic testing: By undergoing prenatal testing, you can determine if your unborn child has a higher risk for certain genetic illnesses. To do prenatal testing, a fluid sample from the womb is taken (amniocentesis).

  • Screening of newborns: This test requires a blood sample from your newborn infant and is required on all newborns born in the state of Ohio. If your kid has a genetic condition, early detection can ensure that they promptly get the care they need.

DNA testing for the detection of genetic abnormalities might be an essential step in beginning a family if there is a previous record of such conditions in the family. Among the choices are:

The presence of gene mutations that are responsible for that ailment may generally be determined by testing in a laboratory. Carrying a mutation does not always guarantee that you will develop the mutated trait in all circumstances.

Note: Genetic counselors are trained to explain your risk and determine whether or not there are preventative measures you may take to safeguard your health.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - Why is it not possible to change hereditary conditions?

It is difficult to alter genetic circumstances since it is not feasible to modify factors such as one’s lung capacity, height, number or type of muscle fibers, or amount of body fat. Consequently, it is also impossible to alter a person’s amount of body fat. Hereditary characteristics, behavior, and environmental factors all have a role in determining a person’s level of physical fitness.

2 - What are genetic characteristics that we Cannot control?

We have no control over certain genetic features, such as. Height and the number of muscle fibers. The environment can have an impact on a person’s level of fitness. In terms of physical fitness, a person’s living situation, access to fitness centers, income level, and social circle all play a role.

3 - Is there a link between physical fitness and genetics?

Heredity refers to the characteristics and attributes handed down from mother and father to their offspring. • Your overall health is influenced to some extent by this.

4 - Is it true that everyday lifestyle choices affect your physical fitness?

Your physical fitness is influenced by the way you live your life daily. Only people who live in houses may build a successful fitness regimen.

5 - Why is it that physically active work does not ensure improved health?

A physically demanding profession does not ensure that you will be in better shape. Physically demanding jobs can be dangerous because of the frequency with which they are performed and the unsanitary environment in which they are performed.

6 - Is it possible to alter one’s genetic makeup?

Mendelian or single gene diseases are conditions in which the DNA of a single gene is altered. It’s also possible that each parent’s chromosomes may be defective. These are known as Chromosomal diseases.

7 - Why aren’t Americans who aren’t as active being more active?

There are various reasons why Americans who aren’t very active don’t try to get more active. Insufficient time or motivation, lack of access to facilities, and satisfaction with present activity levels are some reasons people don’t exercise.

8 - Can a person’s genetic makeup influence human growth and development?

Early or late maturers’ growth rates were impacted by their genetics. There has been researching on the relationship between parent and child in terms of height from birth to maturity for each gender. The presence of chromosomal anomalies suggests that growth is under genetic control.

9 - What role does genetics have in a child’s future development?

Intelligence aptitudes, physical shape, height, weight, the color of hair and eyes, and other features of growth and development are all strongly impacted by a person’s genetic makeup. Sex: One of the most significant determinants of human growth and development is one’s ability to have sex.

10 - Is there a link between the environment and heredity?

Gender and temperature are two environmental and internal variables affecting gene expression. Similarly, external environmental elements such as medications, chemicals, temperature, and light may alter which genes are switched on and off, impacting how an organism develops and operates.


The reasons why it is not feasible to modify inherited circumstances are discussed in this article. DNA is the genetic information passed down from parent to child in a family. Inherited conditions are passed down to a person at birth. The reality that our genes will always be a component of who we are is something we must accept; we have no other option.

If you are considering having children, the choices you make now might significantly impact their physical and mental well-being and even their chances of survival. Because it is impossible to remove your genetic material from your body, you can deduce from the complexity of this loop how many cells in your body are involved. You can also deduce from the complexity of this loop that your DNA is present in every one of your cells.

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