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Why Does God Hate Me?


Why does God hate me? God does not hate you; He does not hate anyone. He hates the evil deeds done by anyone, such as suicide, terrorism, or hurting someone else person. God is the source of all that is good, and the evil character of humans is the root cause of all the ills and injustices in our world.

Why Does God Hate Me?

The quick response to “does God hate me?” is “no.” If you are a human, then your Creator has fashioned you to mirror His image (Genesis 1:27). God loves everything He made, but He is particularly fond of us since we are the most like Him. Then why do some believe God dislikes them?

There are three primary reasons why some individuals feel their Creator dislikes them:

1. Our Sins

  • The first and most apparent difficulty is that God is flawless, and we are not (Romans 3:23).

  • Our sin tarnishes God’s image, so His righteousness and resemblance are obscured in us.

  • Humans have been prone to desire to be their gods since the fall in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1–6).

  • We do not seek a Supreme Ruler to dictate our actions. Sin consists essentially of this revolt against our Creator.

  • Sin resides in the heart. It might show in blatant ways, such as murder. Or, it may show in more suitable methods, such as ambition, passion, or avarice. But in the heart, sin is sin, and it separates us from God.

  • If God despised us because of our sin, He would have wiped Adam and Eve off the face of the earth when they disobeyed Him.

  • But since God had already imbued them with an everlasting soul like His own, He desired them to spend eternity with Him. Therefore, God entered their world and performed for them what they could not do themselves: He covered their sin (Genesis 3:21).

  • He continues to do this. By assuming human form and entering the world as Jesus Christ, God demonstrated His love for us (John 3:16–18; Philippians 2:5–11).

  • Jesus sacrificed His blood to atone for our sins so that “whoever trusts in Him shall not perish” (John 3:16, 36). This faith implies that we recognize His right to govern over us.

  • We freely give up our insistence on becoming our gods and acknowledge Him as Lord of our life (Romans 10:8–10). Then, God adopts us as His cherished children (Romans 8:15; Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:1).

  • As His children, we are free to approach Him at any moment (Hebrews 4:16), receive forgiveness when we make mistakes (1 John 1:9), and look forward with excitement to spending eternity with Him (1 John 5:13).

2. A Flawed Conception of God

Another reason why people believe God dislikes them is that they have a warped idea of who He is. The world is awash with perverted beliefs. Every religion created by humans has its conception of a superior Being or power, the majority of which is a human creation.

Those reared in a religious environment may find it difficult to abandon their erroneous beliefs about God and accept the truth.

Even some Christian faiths begin with the God of the Bible, but they accentuate some characteristics to the exclusion of others and portray a distorted understanding of God’s nature.

Some individuals have been taught that He is displeased with them, that they will never satisfy Him, or that He has favourites and is not one of them. This false teaching might set kids up to think that God will never want to be close to them.

This false religion violates the teachings of the Bible. James 4:7–10 summarises the requirements for entrance into God’s presence: "Therefore, submit yourself to God. If you resist the devil, he will depart. Get close to God, and he will get close to you.

Purify your hands, you sinners, and your hearts, you hypocrites. Lament, lament, and weep. Change your laughter into sorrow and your happiness into the gloom. “Humble yourself in front of the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

This section has several verbs that reflect a God who desires for us to know Him. We are instructed to accomplish the following:

Surrender to God, oppose Satan, get close to God, purge our life of wrong deeds, allow Jesus to purify our hearts, and humbly approach God.

We cannot approach God if we refuse to surrender to Him. By following His Word and opposing Satan’s traps, falsehoods, and temptations, we demonstrate our submission to God.

When we identify and avoid the devil’s traps, we may purge our lives of the acts that resulted from believing his falsehoods. Once we acknowledge our sins, we ask Jesus to pardon us and cleanse us, and this is impossible unless we are prepared to submit to the Lord in humility.

3. Men’s Pride

Lack of humility is another reason why individuals conclude that God dislikes them. When people question, “Does God hate me?” they often mean, “Will God accept my habitual sin that I have no intention of changing and me?” The unambiguous response given by the Bible is “no.”

  • When we identify by a specific sin, we are unwilling to accept Jesus’ identity (Romans 8:29).

  • Repentance is a component of redemption, and we cannot accept the new nature He offers (2 Corinthians 5:17) if we refuse to relinquish our old character (Luke 9:23).

  • Pride demands that God must do things our way, and when He refuses, we conclude that He hates us. But because He loves us, He refuses to give in (John 3:16–18).

  • If His method is the correct path, the only loving thing He can do is demand that we follow His instructions. Allowing anything less is not at all loving.

  • Pride was the original sin and the sin that ruined humanity (Isaiah 14:12–14). (Genesis 3:5–6; 1 John 2:15–16).

  • Pride agrees with God on some matters but insists on having the last say. We demonstrate arrogance when we raise ourselves as God’s judge and jury. When we evaluate His Word instead of allowing it to judge us, we walk in vanity (Psalm 119:105).

Our pride leads us to believe that God’s unchangeable standard is evidence that He dislikes us. People who claim that God opposes them often define themselves by sin and demand that God accept it.

  • He will welcome individuals, but they must renounce their pride and acknowledge their fault, agreeing with Him over the evil they are defending (John 6:37; 1 Corinthians 6:9–11).

  • God has no hatred for anybody. However, those who live in opposition to God cannot expect His favour and protection (1 Samuel 2:30; Malachi 2:2).

  • Those who choose disobedience to God’s plan for their life will bear the repercussions of their decisions (Matthew 7:13–14; 25:41; John 3:36).

  • They will forever acknowledge their punishment’s justness for rejecting the sacrifice of God’s Son (Luke 16:19–31; Hebrews 10:29).

  • The good news is that if we accept Jesus as our substitute, we will never feel God’s just anger for our wrongdoing (Romans 1:18; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

  • He endured our suffering so God’s love, not His anger, would define our existence. If we reject His efforts to draw us to Himself, He will ultimately reject us and let us face the consequences (Psalm 119:118).

  • According to Hebrews 10:31, falling into the hands of the living God is terrifying.


Why does God hate me?’ is a devastating and disheartening question. So many individuals felt uneasy in their flesh and rejected. They reasonably turn to God and wonder why He would make them an oppressor if He is a magnificent and powerful Creator. If you have such questions, we can try to shed light on them.

Why Does God Not Help Me?

There are many explanations for why God does not help us. If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty today, I want you to carefully explore these reasons and seek the Lord to reveal what could apply to your circumstance.

  • Our lack of trust may be an enormous impediment, not because God cannot override it, but because he refuses to. He never imposes his religion on others. To ask God to operate in our lives, we need only possess the faith of a mustard seed. It matters not how much faith we have but in whom we place our confidence.

  • We cannot knowingly defy God and receive his blessings simultaneously. When our children disobey us, we restrict their benefits as parents, and God frequently does similarly.

  • The quality of our connection with God is more essential than our health, riches, and happiness. He will often use unpleasant situations to demonstrate our dependence on him.

  • Our faith starts modest and grows with each difficulty. Our faith in God’s power becomes more significant as we exercise it, like a muscle.

  • Our dependence on our all-powerful God is necessitated by tribulations, heartbreaks, and other forces. Each time we recognize our weakness and see him acting on our behalf, our trust increases.

  • Soon, we will have an extensive list of prayers answered, making it simpler and easier to trust him.

  • He is aware that a rescue would not be optimal.

  • There is a lesson to be learned or a character trait to be developed via this circumstance.

  • God is constructing our faith narrative so that we might one day teach others what we’ve learned.

  • God teaches you that an intimate, spiritual connection with him is sweeter and more valuable than a pleasant, healthy, and trouble-free physical existence.

  • When circumstances push us to immerse ourselves in God’s Word and seek him for insight, faith, grace, and strength, he starts to transform us into his image.

  • The longer we spend in his presence, the more we begin to think, act, and love as he does.

Why God Loves You?

One of the most crucial things to remember when you feel unwanted, alienated, or mistreated is that this does not reflect God’s workings. These emotions are the product of human manipulation.

All beautiful things originate with God. All evil and wrongdoing in the world are the outcomes of humanity’s sinful nature. This is a challenging idea to conceptualize, particularly for those who believe they were born with disadvantages.

How could it be humanity’s responsibility if someone is born blind or without a limb? Many Christians think this results from Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God, which brought sin into our lives.

Why anything awful happened to someone is a tricky topic to answer, but the Bible makes it plain that God is good, desires only good for us, and loves everyone:

James (1:16-18)Acts (10:34-36)John (3:16-17)
Therefore, my dearest friends do not veer off track.Peter almost erupted with his excellent news: "It’s God’s truth; nothing could be more straightforward.God demonstrated his love for the world by giving his one and only Son.
Every desired and valuable gift originates in heaven.God does not play favourites! It is irrelevant who you are or where you come from.Because of him, no one needs to be destroyed if they believe in him.
The gifts emanate from the Father of Light like rivers of light.If you want God and are willing to do what he instructs, the door is open to you.Anyone is capable of living a whole and long life.
God is not dishonest, two-faced, or inconsistent.The message he delivered to the children of ■■■■■■ was that everything is being reassembled via Jesus Christ.God did not send his Son for the sole purpose of pointing an accusatory finger and informing the world how horrible it was.
He gave us life via the genuine Word, displaying us as the crown of all his creations.He does it everywhere and with everyone.He came to assist and restore order to the planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs related to why God hate me:

1. What are the top five things God hates?

There are six things that the Lord hates and seven that he despises: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that spill innocent blood, a heart that devises evil plots, feet that are ready to rush into wickedness, a false witness who spreads falsehoods, and a person who sows discord in the society.

2. Why does God want my failure?

God loves us, yet He permits these things to occur due to our sinful nature. He understands that by enabling us to experience failure, suffering, and difficulty, we will strengthen our faith, grow closer to Him, and move away from sin.

3. Does God get upset with you?

Even though God is not human, he does experience anger. And he has ample right to respond with rage to human conduct. God would not be good if he did not react strongly to wickedness and injustice.

4. How can you determine whether God is punishing you?

A terrible event may have prompted you to repent of your wrongdoing and recommit yourself to God. If the answer is affirmative, it indicates that you have been disciplined. God wanted you to acknowledge your transgressions, so He allowed you to endure hardships that would force you to do so.

5. Where is God when I suffer?

When we suffer, God is there by our side. Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. He wants to demonstrate His love to us via His church and to offer us direction through His Word.

6. Is smoking a sin?

The Sixth Commandment plainly says, “Thou must not kill.” Smoking endangers not only your own life but also the lives of others. This essay will demonstrate why smoking is a sin!

7. Does God pardon every sin?

All crimes will be pardoned, except the offence against the Holy Spirit, for Jesus will rescue everyone except the sons of destruction. How can a guy commit an unforgivable sin? Before someone may offend against God, he must first receive the Holy Spirit, have the heavens revealed to him, and know God.

8. Why does God allow difficulties in our lives?

God desires that you be healed from the inside out so you may live a whole life. For this to occur, however, he will sometimes place barriers in our path to force us to review our previous sins and suffering. Thus, we may confront the things hidden in our hearts, allowing us to go on.

9. Why do we fret when God has everything under control?

Because we are sinners, we worry. Because we strive to fulfil Jesus’ warning not to worry, it is a sin. In Matthew 6:25, Jesus instructs us, "Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or drink, or your body or what you will wear.

10. What is God’s fury like?

You may have suffered as a result of someone’s chronic anger. Human rage is often unexpected, petty, and excessive. These statements are inaccurate about God’s wrath, and his anger is the righteous and measured reaction of God’s holiness to wickedness.


The crucifixion of Jesus was the most definitive demonstration from God that he did not despise humankind. Remember the cross at times when you either feel unlovable or believe the circumstances in your life imply that God has given up on you. It was there that the love that God has for you and all of the world was made manifest for everyone to see.

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