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Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Wake Up?


Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Wake Up? Bruxism, or teeth chattering and clenching during sleep, causes morning tooth discomfort. Probably not. A simple dental exam may reveal bruxism damage. Extreme pressure from teeth grinding wears off dental enamel.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Wake Up?

When you wake up, the dental ache is not unusual. There are a variety of potential causes, such as dental diseases or other, minor to severe, health-related problems. Continue reading to find out the top seven reasons why people have tooth pain in the mornings and how to get treatment.

1. Sleep bruxism

Another name for bruxism is teeth-grinding. People who have sleep bruxism unintentionally clench their jaws as they sleep and clench or grind their teeth. You might clench your jaw when you’re awake if you have bruxism. It’s referred to as awake bruxism.

Frequent bruxism episodes can lead to:

  • Toothache

  • Earache

  • Jaw ache

  • Headache

  • A tooth injury

Sleep bruxism’s precise cause is unknown. However, stress and sleep-related illnesses, such as sleep apnea, may frequently have a significant role.

2. Sinusitis

A sinus infection may be to blame if you experience discomfort in your upper back teeth when you first wake up. Just above your teeth are your sinuses. Fluid may build up in your sinuses when you’re lying down, including as you sleep, if you have an infection there. Pressure and pain may result from this, particularly in a higher molar or premolar (maxillary posterior teeth).

Various other sinusitis symptoms include:

  • Headache

  • Cough

  • Stuffy or runny nose

  • Having a poor sense of smell

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

3. Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Your jawbone and skull are joined on either side of your face by the temporomandibular joint. Referred pain in your: might result from inflammation and discomfort in the temporomandibular joint.

  • Face

  • Neck

  • Teeth

  • Joint

TMJ issues frequently manifest as:

  • Toothache

  • Headache

  • A sore face

  • Ear ache

  • Discomfort during chewing or speaking;

  • Clenching or tightening of the jaw

  • Popping or clicking noises

4. Cavities (tooth decay)

The most frequent reason for dental pain is cavities. Cavities can deepen into the inner layer of a tooth if they are not addressed (pulp). Here are the blood vessels and nerves of the tooth. Aching, severe, or acute pain that occurs at regular intervals might result from untreated dental decay.

5. Gum illness

The early, moderate stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. When teeth are brushed, red, inflamed gums that bleed might result from gingivitis. Toothaches may develop as a result of gum-line plaque accumulation.

Periodontitis, a serious condition of gum disease, can develop from untreated gum disease. A chronic gum infection called periodontitis can harm the gums, teeth, tissues, and bones. Tooth pain and perhaps tooth loss are caused by periodontitis.

6. Impacted tooth

When a tooth is unable to break through the gum tissue, it becomes impacted. When there’s not enough room in the mouth for the teeth, they might become partially or completely impacted. Both genetics and crowded teeth may contribute to this.

Impacted teeth can cause:

  • Painful, swollen, and red gums

  • Sharp, stabbing pain or a dull, aching pain

The most probable affected part is the molar. The upper eye teeth, or maxillary canines, may also be impacted.

7. Tooth abscess

An abscess is a pus-filled pocket brought on by a bacterial infection. A tooth infection can develop in the gum tissue around the tooth or the tooth’s root. Abscesses can result in fever, swollen gums, and teeth that are in excruciating agony.

What natural treatments are available for tooth pain?

You can try several at-home treatments to ease the slight tooth discomfort you get usually in the morning. Read through the explanations of the diseases above to attempt and identify the reason for morning tooth pain.

To find out what relieves your pain, try one or more of the following:

  • If you have TMJ or grind your teeth at night, wear a mouth guard. Try using an over-the-counter (OTC) mouth guard or ask your dentist to custom-make one for you.

  • If you think you might have a sinus infection, use an over-the-counter decongestant or visit a doctor. If eating or drinking something warm or cold causes pain in your teeth, try using a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.

  • Several times a day, place a cotton ball soaked in clove oil on the tooth that is infected.

  • Several times per day, swish the tooth with warm salt water.

  • Several times per day, apply a cold compress to the exterior of your face for 15 minutes at a time.

  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help with the pain that won’t go away with other DIY remedies.

When do I need to call the doctor?

A doctor or dentist should examine the following symptoms:

  • Excruciating gum, sinus, or tooth pain

  • Discomfort that doesn’t go away or react to treatment after several days

  • Facial edema

  • Indications of gum infection, such as swelling, redness, or pus leakage

  • Fever

Your dentist must treat gum disease, cavities, impacted teeth, and abscesses. This will lessen the possibility of further disease or tooth loss and assist stop or minimizing any harm already done.

What medicinal remedies are available for tooth pain?

Depending on the cause, the following medical procedures may be used to alleviate tooth pain:

  • It is necessary to treat cavities that are big enough to hurt teeth. More involved dental procedures, such as a crown or root canal, could be necessary for severe cavities.

  • Regular professional cleanings and good ■■■■ hygiene are often used to treat gingivitis. Scaling and root planing are treatments that can be used for early periodontitis. The plaque underneath the gum line is removed during this process, and the tooth root’s surface is also smoothed. Periodontitis that is severe enough to need dental surgery.

  • To treat a tooth abscess, drainage and antibiotics are often needed. Additionally, you might require a procedure like a root canal or tooth extraction.

  • Impacted teeth that hurt typically require extraction. An ■■■■ surgeon commonly performs this operation.

  • Antibiotics may be the most effective way to treat an acute (short-term) sinus infection. Polyps that have developed in the nasal cavity may need to be removed if a long-term (chronic) case of sinusitis exists. Additionally, surgery can assist in clear obstructions that prevent airflow through the sinuses or aid to widen the sinus cavities.


A tooth abscess is a pus-filled pocket brought on by a bacterial infection. A tooth infection can develop in the gum tissue around the tooth or the tooth’s root.

Why do my teeth hurt when I am sick?

Most tooth discomfort associated with illness is primarily caused by sinus inflammation. The maxillary sinuses are just beneath the upper molars on either side of the mouth. The nerves in your teeth are incredibly sensitive to any kind of pressure or pain.

Upper molars on one or both sides of the mouth frequently hurt when the sinuses are stuffed up and putting pressure on them or when the sinus lining is inflamed. When you cough or sneeze, this pain might get worse.

Some people who have tooth discomfort while suffering from a cold, the flu, or sinus infection could believe they are developing an abscess in their tooth or that they have a cavity. The pain from an infected tooth root is completely different from the pain from sinus pressure and infection on the teeth.

The discomfort associated with an infected tooth is throbbing and pulsating in nature. Usually, the severity doesn’t decrease. It is simple to localize this kind of ■■■■ pain. There will typically only be one tooth impacted, and the area around it will be swollen and red.

Why do my teeth hurt when I have Covid?

There needs to be much more research, however, there have been numerous stories of how Covid-19 has affected people’s ■■■■ and dental health. According to preliminary research, Covid can influence blood flow, which may help to explain why some patients develop discolored “Covid teeth.”

Some people are seeing that their enamel gets thinner or entirely deteriorates. Make sure you maintain normal brushing and flossing as well as frequent dental visits to protect your teeth from additional harm.

Following are some of the negative dental and ■■■■ health impacts that people have experienced as a result of getting Covid-19.


Some patients claim that after receiving Covid, their front teeth frequently become discolored and that the enamel may thin out or entirely deteriorate. Additionally, patients have seen incidences of black sludge in their mouths, which is brought on by an acid reaction brought on by the COVID-19 bacteria.

There have been cases where people’s teeth have gone unusually dark, green, or gray. Despite being a rare COVID-19 side effect, it can be quite evident and lead to confidence issues.


Following a COVID-19 infection, some persons have had toothaches, dental pain, and even foul breath. These signs of an infection in the mouth may have appeared or been present. One of the initial symptoms is severe dental ache. To avoid this, make sure you maintain a program of daily brushing, flossing, and examinations of your teeth.

After getting COVID-19, if you experience tooth pain, don’t ignore it. Even if the discomfort isn’t constant or severe, it might cause infections that show that your teeth are moving and starting to fit in your mouth uncomfortable.


Interesting studies have revealed that the Covid-19 virus can enter the body through cavities. Additionally, after becoming infected, Covid-19 weakens people’s teeth, making them more vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities.

One of the more frequent negative effects related to tooth health following COVID-19 infection is this condition. Even if a person does not exhibit signs of Covid-19, the bacteria that inhabit our mouths have an impact on teeth. Make sure you maintain normal brushing and flossing as well as frequent dental visits to guard your teeth against additional harm.

Tooth and gum sensitivity

Some patients’ tooth and gum pain has been exacerbated by covid teeth. It’s good news that dental sensitivity is frequently transient. For a few months, you could find that excessively hot or cold meals and beverages hurt your front teeth, but this shouldn’t remain indefinitely. Use a straw when drinking and chew sugar-free gum frequently to lessen the irritation. If the discomfort becomes intolerable, consult your dentist.

Dental Loss

After catching COVID-19, other people have claimed that their teeth start to fall out. Although it doesn’t happen often, some Covid patients have mentioned that their teeth have occasionally just fallen out of their sockets.

Covid is probably not the cause of this, but it could be making already-existing ■■■■ health problems worse. That may be a genuine possibility that the CDC’s statistics indicate that about 50% of persons over the age of 30 suffer from periodontal disease.


Periodontitis can cause sharp, stabbing pain or dull, aching pain. Some people who have tooth discomfort while suffering from a cold, the flu, or sinus infection could believe they are developing an abscess in their tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Following are some of the important questions:

1: What does it mean when you wake up and your front teeth hurt?

Due to tightening their jaws or grinding their teeth during sleep, many people wake up with dental discomfort. This is typically a result of ongoing stress. Adults frequently engage in bruxism, a subconscious behavior.

2: Why does my tooth hurt after sleeping?

The position in which we sleep is primarily to blame for toothaches being more painful at night. When we lie down, more blood rushes to our heads, increasing pressure on delicate places like our mouths. Due to most of the day being spent standing or sitting, we don’t experience that pounding sensation as much.

3: Why do my teeth feel misaligned when I wake up?

That’s because you’ve been unintentionally shifting it all night while clenching and grinding your muscles. Your muscles get sore, your jaw’s joints and bones are impacted, and your teeth begin to deteriorate.

4: Why did my teeth suddenly get sensitive?

The thinner enamel on their teeth is the most frequent cause of sudden tooth sensitivity. A tooth’s enamel serves as its outer coating and protective layer. Your teeth become more sensitive and more prone to other problems if it is sufficiently worn down.

5: Why do my gums hurt when I wake up?

Plaque on your teeth that hardens into tartar can cause periodontal disease by irritating your gums and ultimately causing them to move away from your teeth. Periodontal disease may cause discomfort throughout the day, but as you try to unwind at night, the discomfort could get a lot worse.

6: Why do I feel pressure on my front teeth?

Too much pressure when brushing, using a toothbrush with a harsh bristle, and using teeth-whitening treatments are all likely reasons for tooth sensitivity. A fractured tooth, tooth rot, tooth abscess, tooth grinding, or eating acidic foods can also cause pressure sensitivity.

7: What precisely is a clinch test?

A brief clench test can detect jaw misalignment. The clench test involves teeth-gritting. Soundbite, overbite, underbite, or open bite can make any tooth painful.

8: Where do teeth need to rest?

At the front of your bite, there should be a slight misalignment of the top and bottom teeth typically around 4mm. But at least 90% of your bottom teeth should still be visible. Any less could result in what is referred to as a “deep” bite. Additionally, the upper teeth ought to be slightly forward of the bottom teeth.

9: Can a dentist detect teeth clenching?

Your dentist will check for bruxism during a dental exam if your teeth show evidence of severe wear, such as cracks, chips, or missing teeth. There are a few ways to lessen or stop grinding, such as: protecting your teeth by using a mouth guard. putting on a splint to keep your teeth apart.

10: Does wearing a mouth guard reduce clenching?

By reducing the impact of teeth clenching while sleeping, a dental night guard shields teeth from harm. This cushion barrier aids in preventing two of the more frequent issues brought on by teeth clenching: broken teeth and worn-down teeth.


When you wake up, dental pain can be one of the first things you notice when you’re awake. There are a variety of potential causes, such as dental diseases or other, minor to severe, health-related problems. Read on to find out why people experience tooth pain in the morning and how to get treated. A tooth abscess is a pus-filled pocket brought on by a bacterial infection. A tooth infection can develop in the gum tissue around the tooth or in the tooth’s root.

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