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Why Do I cry When I am Mad


“Why Do I Cry when I’m Mad?” you may question. Anger is a difficult feeling to understand. When you are mad, you may get overwhelmed, explosive, or even shed angry tears. Everyone expresses their madness differently. To cry when you are normal is completely normal phenomenon.

People Express Their Madness In A Variety Of Ways.

In many regions of the world, including the United States, culture has a means of gendering emotional states, assigning different importance to some emotions than others. We think of anger as strong and relate it with screaming and violence.

Whereas we think of melancholy as weak and associate it with sobbing. It’s no surprise that furious tears may be perplexing. This is not the same as the sort of tears you could weep after seeing a sad movie.

If you find yourself getting so furious that you start sobbing angry tears, you are not alone, and it does not make you weak; it makes you human. We’ll go over this further later, but for now, realize that emotional tears are OK regardless of whether you’re angry, sad, joyful, or anything else.

Crying Out of Anger Is Common

Some people are completely overcome by their anger. They may become enraged and strike out at others. It might manifest as loud words, screaming, or even furious tears. When you’re furious, it might even be tough to stop sobbing.

Others find it difficult to express their anger, and instead of screaming, they get agitated or upset. At these times, their emotions are powerful, and they express their rage by shedding furious tears. Sometimes the rage is so powerful that it aches the roof of your mouth.

Is It Weak To Cry Angrily?

It does not make you weak to cry out in anger. You’re displaying real feelings. If you want to control or express your anger in a different way, there are skills and coping processes you may use when you want to weep, such as meditation, counselling, or writing.

We’ll go over these techniques in more detail later in the post, as well as how to contact a therapist if you believe you might need one.

Do You Ever Wonder Why You Cry When You’re Mad?

1. Hurt Frequently Hides Underneath Anger.

When we are furious, it is typically because we have been injured. Anger that leads to tears, in particular, has most likely been accumulating for some time.

1. This is common in children who lack the emotional intelligence to distinguish between rage and hurt.

2. Crying is an expression of pent-up frustration that has to be let out. This might manifest as grieving over a betrayal or feeling unheard by a family member or acquaintance.

3. When you want want to be heard by the people you care about yet they don’t understand, you get enraged and resentful. However, tears will flow as a result of the hurt that lies behind the fury.

4. Crying is your body’s method of letting go of both grief and anger. However, just because the release occurs in the form of tears does not imply weakness.

5. Tears demonstrate that you care and that you are affected. It is natural and human to have an emotional reaction to mistreatment or a poor scenario.

6. If you’ve ever found yourself in the middle of a discussion and stating, “I don’t know why I’m sobbing,” take a closer look within yourself. There is most likely a wound that needs to be addressed.

2. You’re In An Unfavorable Situation.

When children scream out in rage, it is usually because they believe the situation is unjust. When kids are told no or are required to do chores, it is common to hear a child shout, “It’s not fair!” This is something that grownups do as well.

We become furious and agitated when we believe we have been wronged or misled. However, there is genuine pain underneath the rage. Our sense of right and wrong has been put to the test.

What we expected from our friends, family, or workplace did not occur, leaving us to pick up the pieces. Tears appear to be a normal reaction to this blend of emotions. What we are feeling must find a way out.

It’s more difficult to keep what you’re feeling within when you’re feeling it so powerfully. As a result, tears frequently accompany anger. You’re feeling so many emotions at once that you can’t help but let them all out.

3. Crying Isn’t Associated With Sadness

Crying isn’t exclusively for sorrowful sentiments, according to science. Our brains aren’t very good at distinguishing between emotions. Dr. Robert R Provine of the University of Maryland observes that our tear ducts are simply not that intelligent.

We do not begin making tears as newborns until we are three months old, despite the fact that weeping begins at birth. This leads experts to believe that tear formation is a very recent evolutionary step for the human race.

Because it is so young, our tear ducts are unable to distinguish between sensations of sorrow, grief, rage, and even delight. As a result, we weep anytime we are overcome with emotion - in that sense, it indicates that you are alive.

That you can experience something massive and overpowering. When you cry out in rage, your body is simply doing what it believes is necessary to make you feel better. Tears are a normal reaction to feeling overwhelmed and enraged.

This does not imply that you are more sad than furious. It just indicates that you are greatly moved.


When you are upset, you may get overwhelmed, explosive, or even shed angry tears. Crying out of anger is no different from crying out of sadness or grief. It does not make you weak to cry out in anger; it shows you’re displaying real feelings.

4. Crying Is A Cathartic Experience.

According to Dr. Suzanne Degges-White, department head of counseling and higher education at Northern Illinois University, sobbing is a good method to release feelings. It’s a type of catharsis, a coping strategy for dealing with our extreme emotions, whether they’re annoyance, fury, or deep grief.

She even suggests that sobbing is a sort of self-soothing. Crying compels us to regulate our breathing. To return to a state of serenity, we take deep breaths. This causes our heart rate to slow, allowing us to relax from our stressed condition. Crying is our bodies’ natural way of regulating our emotions.

Crying Is Involuntary - Further Exploration of “Why Do I Cry When I’m Mad?”

Tears of rage frequently fall when we least expect them. We weep because we’re overwhelmed and don’t know what else to do while we’re at work, in a disagreement with a loved one, or annoyed by a circumstance we can’t seem to manage.

It’s not a staged reaction. In fact, if we could stop sobbing and get a handle on things, we’d probably prefer to do so. Our bodies, on the other hand, know us very well. They know what we require, even if we don’t like to admit it.

There may be emotions of different types like:

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6.Droopy Content
8.At ease

Don’t we feel better after a good cry? All of the emotions that have accumulated in our hearts are released via tears. While tears won’t cure the problem, they will leave you feeling more level-headed and ready to face the task.

Crying also communicates to the outer world that you are in pain. Maybe you’re not comfortable asking for help all the time. When you actually need it, though, your tears may be a scream for aid that you aren’t prepared to ask for.

1. Crying In Madness Is A Beneficial Discharge

Crying, sadly, is stigmatized in our society. It is regarded as a sign of immaturity or weakness. It drives others away or makes you feel uneasy. When we weep, we frequently feel the need to apologize, don’t we? As though our uncontrollable emotional outburst is a little annoyance.

But the fact is that if we’re sobbing, it’s for a good cause. One such secure area is therapy. Whether you talk to a friend, a family member, or a professional, having someone who will listen and be present while you express your emotions is critical for your emotional well-being.

And there are methods to acquire such assistance without spending a lot of money or sitting face to face with a stranger. Take, for example, ReGain. Underneath the rage comes pain. As a result, many people weep when they are furious.

They’ve skipped over the rage and gotten right to the heart of the matter. While this may appear to be “weakness,” it is in fact a better and more mature method of dealing with overwhelming emotions.

2. Better Help Recognizes Your Anger And Crying

Counseling can help you figure out why you weep when you’re furious if you’re not sure why. Unfortunately, finding a therapist may be challenging. In some cases, it may be impossible. And, even if you do locate a therapist, it might be difficult to pay for one.

BetterHelp is an online platform that allows you to find a therapist from a database of thousands of professional and licensed therapists and counselors. Once you’ve found a therapist who appears to be a good fit for you, you’ll meet via private chats as well as phone or video conversations.

If you locate a therapist and subsequently decide they aren’t the best fit for you, it’s simple to find another. BetterHelp is less expensive than consulting with a therapist online, but it is not free.

This is due to the fact that BetterHelp must pay its therapists and counselors, as well as their running expenses. You’ll never have to worry, “Will BetterHelp sell my information?” or “Do I own the rights to my BetterHelp information?” You can rely on BetterHelp.

BetterHelp counselors comprehend complicated emotions such as rage. They will not pass judgment on your rage-filled tears. It’s likely that these furious tears are the result of other emotions, such as fear or worry, and counseling can help with that as well.

6 Ways To Avoid Or Postpone Angry Tears

So, while crying while you’re furious isn’t necessarily a terrible thing, we can all agree that it’s just not useful in certain instances. Keep in mind that none of the following recommendations are magical, and they cannot promise that you will not burst into tears as a result of them.

However, with a little effort, you should soon discover which strategies are efficient in halting your weeping, at least until you can excuse yourself and find a quiet place to mourn.

1. Take a breath.

I know, I know, this one sounds rather basic and doesn’t appear to have much of an impact.
However, focusing on taking long, deep, controlled breaths can help to keep the tears at bay by distracting the brain.

True, it may not be realistic in some instances, especially if you don’t want the person or people you’re with to know you’re about to cry. You should be able to get away with taking one deep breath, holding it momentarily.

Then expelling while picturing yourself pushing the desire to weep straight out of your body. This may assist to calm your body, quiet your heart (which is most likely racing quickly), and counteract the other impulses given by the brain.

2. Stop Obsessing On Negative Ideas.

This one is easier said than done, and it will require a lot of practice before it becomes successful.

1. However, if you can shatter it, it is an excellent method to avoid furious tears.

2. You must mentally check out of the scenario by diverting your attention to something absolutely different.

3. You could find it useful to have a single idea that you always return to, such as how delighted you’ll be to see your children, friends, partner, or dog at the end of the day.

4. If you can perfect this method over time, you may be able to stop yourself from shedding furious tears indefinitely.


Crying is our bodies’ natural way of regulating our emotions. Crying compels us to regulate our breathing, which causes our heart rate to slow. It also communicates to the world that you are in pain. Counseling can help you figure out why you weep when you’re furious.

3. Raise Your Head And Blink.

When you find yourself welling up, this may help. Others will see what you’re doing, but it may prevent you from breaking down in tears. It goes well with the previous two suggestions.

You can also blink to get rid of any tears that have welled up. Again, it’s hardly subtle, but it should help keep the tears at bay.

4. Place Your Tongue On The Roof Of Your Mouth.

This one may sound unusual, but it’s surprisingly effective and less evident than some of the other methods we’ve discussed. When you feel tears welling up in your eyes, push your tongue up into the roof of your mouth.

You should also attempt to relax your face muscles in general, particularly those around your eyes and brows, which tend to stiffen up when you’re unhappy or angry. On the other side, you may discover that purposefully increasing the strain might really help you stop sobbing.

5. Set Aside Five Minutes.

This may or may not be possible depending on the scenario, but if you suspect you’re about to weep, the best plan of action is frequently to leave the room for a few moments. Even if you’re the one in charge of a meeting, you may always recommend a 10-minute toilet and tea break.

But, if you have to go back and face the issue, try not to cry. I’m not sure about you, but you can tell I’ve been sobbing for at least a half-hour after the event.

  • Take a little stroll, sip some water, and relax. If there’s anybody around who you know can help you out, go to them.

  • Do not concentrate on the scenario that is enraging and distressing you; instead, redirect your attention to something else.

  • Once you’ve calmed down, consider if you’re ready to face the music by reflecting on whatever it is that has you feeling this way.

  • If you can concentrate on it without crying, you’re ready to go.

6. Take Care Of Yourself.

This isn’t a strategy for avoiding crying in the moment, but it’s something to consider.

Frequently Asked Questions

People usually ask following questions.

1. What exactly do you mean, cry?

1: To make a loud call: yell She screamed for rescue. 2: to cry frequently and loudly: weep, sob After dropping her ice cream cone, the toddler began to wail. 3: to make a distinctive sound or call, as heard by the seagulls crying

2. What is the opposite of cry?

  • Bawl

  • Cry

  • Howl

  • Shriek

  • Squall

  • Whimper

  • Whine

3. Is it healthy to cry?

Crying has been shown to release oxytocin and endogenous opioids, often known as endorphins, according to studies. These feel-good molecules aid in the relief of both physical and mental pain.

4. What do you call someone who weeps?

Crybaby definitions. a person who complains, cries, and whines excessively Bellyacher, complainer, grumbler, moaner, sniveller, squawker, whiner are all synonyms. kvetch is a type.

5. How can I quickly stop crying?

  • Controlling Crying Suggestions

  • Step away

  • Make use of words.

  • Make use of props and diversions.

  • Instead, consider something nice or amusing.

  • Concentrate on your breathing.

  • Blink and shift your eyes.

  • Facial muscles are being relaxed.

  • Get rid of that lump in your throat.

6. What do you name someone who has no emotions?

Alexithymia is a wide word that refers to emotional issues. This Greek phrase, which is utilized in Freudian psychodynamic theories, loosely translates to “no words for feeling.” While the ailment is not widely known, it is believed that one in every ten persons suffers from it.

7. When I’m upset, why do I cry?

Crying is a frequent emotion to rage, which is often prompted by painful events. Crying can give emotional relief and help you better comprehend your emotions. Crying in public or around strangers, on the other hand, may be unpleasant and distressing.

8. What exactly is a mental breakdown?

A nervous breakdown (sometimes known as a mental breakdown) is a period of acute mental or emotional stress. The tension is so intense that the person is unable to carry out typic.


It does not make you weak to cry out in anger. You’re displaying real feelings. If you want to control or express your anger in a different way, there are skills and coping processes you may use when you want to weep, such as meditation, counselling, or writing.

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