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What Sound Does A Peacock Make?


What sound does a peacock make? Peacock makes sounds like screaming, train rattle, and honking. They make specific sounds in different conditions. Read this article till the end to know the meaning behind the sound of a peacock.

What Is the Sound of a Peacock?

Peacocks have a wide range of vocalizations that change with the circumstances. Screaming, honking, and rattling are examples of these types of noises. Each of those tones has a distinct function.

Many people don’t realize just how distinct the peacock sound is, but there are numerous different types of noises made by these birds. While we frequently think of peacocks as magnificent and graceful creatures, they are rather noisy.

Peacocks, on the other hand, seem unconcerned with this, as evidenced by the fact that they make sounds even at night. To avoid waking up in the middle of the night, make sure your peacock isn’t disturbed by anything that can frighten him at night.

Keep in mind: As stunning as peacocks are, you may be startled to learn that they can be rather raucous. If you have ever had the opportunity to care for many peacocks, you know this.

What Sounds Do Peacocks Make?

During mating season, peacocks flaunt their unusual and magnificent feathers. Additionally, they have a captivating “song” composed of various high-pitched sounds, including whistling, shrieking, grunting, and hissing.

Peacocks create varied noises depending on the presence of predators. When a person is around, peacocks create various noises that are not normally linked with their actions.

Depending on the environment, peacock sounds can be quite loud or faint and subtle. Diverse cries can be used for different purposes, such as alerting another peafowl to danger or directing them to a food source.


Eleven distinct peacock calls may be heard, but the peacocks cry the most! They’ve built a name for themselves that can be heard for miles around, and it goes something like this: mayAWE, mayAWE.

Meanings Behind the Sounds of a Peacock

Meanings of SoundExplanation
Saying HelloIt’s common for peacocks to produce shrieking noises as they approach a new territory. “Hello,” they say in this way. Introduces are usually not overly loud and don’t persist too long in most cases.
MatingPeafowl’s mating season lasts from the beginning of spring through the end of summer, which is a long period. Peacocks and peahens will be honking and shrieking nonstop throughout this time.
DangerPredators prey on Peafowl, so they must always stay alert. Peafowl form tight-knit groups to avoid being eaten by bigger predators.


Peahens and peacocks, especially the males, create a lot of rackets. They scream when they first meet, and they shriek while they’re trying to mate. Controlling these untamed creatures is nearly impossible.

What Does a Peacock Noise Mean?

The sound of a peacock’s normal call is more like a combination of a bird’s chirp and the wail of a newborn. They use this sound for various purposes, including making their presence known, warding off potential threats, calling a mate, and intimidating other peacocks, amongst other things.

When they make that honking sound, it is nearly usually intending to court a potential partner. Because of this, peacocks will make noise straight at peahens, and they will typically combine this behavior with a little shuffle in the direction of the peahens, as seen in the video provided earlier.


This is also why most people have never really witnessed a peacock making its honking sound. When you hear one at a zoo or while it is free-roaming in a public setting, it will most likely just make the sound most associated with its crying behavior.

Female Peacock Sound

When it is time for peacocks to mate, the males will let out a loud, harsh “kraw” sound whenever they spot another male in the vicinity. This is done so that other males in the area would realize their territory has been invaded and steer clear of the hens he keeps.

The species’ peahen (the female) waits for her partner (the male) to spread his tail feathers and give her a peek at the brilliant colors concealed behind. This is the first step in the wooing process.

Peahens can interact with one another and other peacocks through vocalizations. The sound is unpleasant, and because of this, it is frequently misinterpreted as a plea for help.


When he senses that she is interested in what he offers, he will strive to draw her in by providing further demonstrations. If she loves what she sees, they can mate several times before they go their separate ways once more.

Sound Of a Peacock Cry

The shouts of peacocks may be extremely loud, to the point that they can damage human hearing if they are nearby. The scream is comprised of a quick succession of sounds that gradually lessen in volume until there is quiet once again.

Peacocks have a total of 27 distinct sounds that they use in various circumstances, including four-alarm cries for when there is a threat nearby and five courtship and show actions that are used during the mating season.

Because it is meant to entice a potential partner, the peacock’s mating cry is the most fascinating of all the noises it makes. The sound begins slowly with notes that are lower in pitch then. As the call continues, the sounds get higher in pitch and quicker in speed.

What Noises Do Peacocks Make?

The peacock courting cry, which resembles a loud wail, is perhaps the trait that attracts the most attention to these beautiful birds. In addition, they can produce a wide variety of other noises, like hisses, growls, and barks. Peacocks are known to employ their various sounds for various reasons, which is an interesting discovery made by scientists.

Hisses, on the other hand, are often utilized as a form of aggressive communication, in contrast to the loud wailing cry, mostly used during courting demonstrations. In addition to these vocalizations, peacocks can produce a wide range of mechanical noises, including the rustling of their wings and the shuffling of their feet.

The noises that peacocks produce most frequently may be broken down into the following categories:

ScreamingThe majority of people, in my experience, refer to the regular cry of a peacock as sounding like a scream.
HonkingThe sound of honking is the primary topic discussed in this essay.
Train rattlePeacocks’ sound when they shake their tail feathers is called a train rattle, a distinctive sound.


It is believed that these sounds assist the bird in communicating its whereabouts to the other members of the flock. The peacock’s distinctive vocal repertoire results from the combination of all these different sounds.

Why Do Peacocks Make Noise at Night?

Peacocks have a habit of making far more noise at night than during the day, which may be very annoying to the nearby people. The reason behind this is not completely understood at this time.

  • Peacocks, while living in the natural, retreat to the branches of trees to roost to avoid being attacked by predators on the ground. Thus you may expect them to remain silent.

  • Peacocks are not silent at night; the more of them there are in a group, the more noise there will be. This problem becomes more severe as the number of peacocks increases.

  • The breeding season, which normally lasts from March to August, is unquestionably the most difficult time of the year. This indicates that they are participating in some courting rituals, but it is evident that this is not the only reason they make so much noise throughout the night.

Note: Peacocks are often irritated by loud noises, particularly when it’s calm at night. This is especially true when peacocks are alone. If you reside next to a major road, you should keep this in mind because traffic is the primary trigger for them.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Some of the questions about peacocks are answered below:

1 - Why do peacocks cry?

During the mating season, peacocks make a lot of noise, especially when they cry incessantly. Before mating with a female, the male not only screams but also produces an unusual sound.

2 - Why do peacocks make noise at night?

Peacocks can be heard for eight months of the year, but during the breeding season, they can be heard every night. It’s mating season, and the bird will go if you don’t allow the peacock to roost on your land.

3 - Why do peacocks scream at night?

  • Predator warning

  • Excitement

  • Courting

  • An Unknown Human

4 - Why does the peacock Cry while it performs its signature dance?

Dancing peacocks generate a variety of noises. Several individuals believe that the peacock’s screams are caused by its beauty. You can hear the sound as if it’s a combination of laughter and sobbing. Also, the peacock may be trying to attract a partner by making these sounds. Whenever the male and female are together, they will both produce these noises.

5 - What sound does a peacock make?

The rustling sound made by the male Indian Peafowl’s spread tail is reminiscent of a drumroll. It’s called the peacock’s “train rattle,” according to scientists. It’s also known as the peacock love sound. There is also a vibration in the air that we humans cannot detect because of the train rumble.

6 - Where can I find a peacock bird?

In the wild, peacocks may be found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Java, and Myanmar, as well as in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Learn more about peacocks and their natural habitats now that you know where they dwell!

7 - Are peacocks friendly?

Despite their image as affable birds, peacocks aren’t always so. When peacocks engage in mating rituals, which take place in the spring and early summer, risks abound, especially when the males spread their tail feathers to attract the females. No one is safe from a bird’s pecking attempt if they get too close to their eggs.

8 - How much does it cost to buy a peacock?

Pets like peacocks aren’t as pricey as other animals. With a few hundred bucks, you’ll be able to purchase a decent, healthy one. On average, a mature Peacock may cost anywhere from $35 to $275. Birds with straight toes and no imperfections get a greater price than those otherwise healthy and free of deformities.

9 - Is it possible for a peacock to fly?

To make their last jump, peacocks take multiple little leaps while running. Despite their large wingspan, they are unable to remain flying for lengthy periods.

10 - How do you silence a peacock?

Most peacock owners dislike this alternative, but if you’re determined to keep your bird quiet, it’s a risk worth taking. Peacocks can be deterred from entering your yard by spraying them with water whenever they start to cry.

11 - Is it possible to observe a peacock at night?

Because peacocks are nocturnal, they are not. When the sun sets, they return to their nests. Even yet, this bird exhibits certain nocturnal features, such as wailing at night and the females roaming around at odd night hours.

12 - Will peacocks attack humans?

Peafowl and peacocks, in particular, are noted for their aggressiveness and territoriality. After they’ve produced eggs, the peahens will attack anyone who goes too near their nest, and peacock keeper peacocks will attack any other males who try to infringe on their territory.

13 - What is it that makes peacocks fearful?

Peafowl can be deterred by scattering cat repellants and mothballs about planting beds, porches, and sidewalks. Thus Children or animals should not ingest the repellents care must be used. Dogs terrify Peafowl. Peafowl is known to be deterred by water.

14 - Do female peacocks make noise?

During the mating season, peacocks make a lot of noise, especially when they cry incessantly. Before mating with a female, the male not only screams but also produces an unusual sound. He puts out a whooping sound as he races for her.

15 - When a peacock cries, what does it mean?

Peacocks can make three distinct noises: a cry, a hiss, and an angry squawk. The scream is used to scare other peacocks, while the hiss is employed as a warning or threat signal. The peacock may be trying to communicate with you through these scary noises.


Peacocks’ ability to properly replicate other bird cries is one of their most fascinating traits. To avoid becoming prey, researchers believe this may be an adaptation. Peacocks generally emit a loud noise known as the “alarm call” when threatened. This generally scares away predators and alerts other birds in the vicinity to the danger. When the alarm goes off, a high-pitched shriek can be heard for half a mile or more in the distance. Its distinct tone is one of the most often heard peacock cries.

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