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What is Rolfing Massage?


What is Rolfing massage? Rolfing is a type of alternative medicine pioneered by Ida Rolf (1896–1979) as Structural Integration. Rolfing is promoted with unsubstantiated promises of various health advantages. It is based on Rolf’s thoughts about how the human body’s “energy field” can benefit from being aligned with the gravitational field of the Earth.

What is the Rolfing session?

Structural Integration is a process that enables you to “tune in” rather than “check out.” It’s a cross between a terrific bodywork session, a private movement class, and physical therapy.
Come in for an intro session to get a sense of how it feels. Rolfing connects you to your body rather than disconnecting you from it.

What is massage?

First, we must define massage. Massage is the technique of stroking and shaping the body with one’s hands, as well as manipulating the body’s soft tissues. Hands, fingers, elbows, knees, or different devices are used in these approaches.

The goal of regular and proper massage is to relax the body, promote blood and oxygen flow, and reduce discomfort.

Top five massage benefits:

The following are the top five massage benefits:

  1. Reduced stress; 2. Boosted immunity system
  2. Pain relief in the back
  3. Increase muscular flexibility.
  4. Get more sleep

How frequently should you get massages:

If you are in discomfort or participating in high-intensity sports, you can receive a massage in a week. Massage can be beneficial to your overall health and relaxation 1-2 times per month.

Massage types include:

There are various types of massages, which are as follows:
• Swedish massage: this is a very effective and popular full-body massage.
• Shiatsu massage • Hot stone massage • Deep tissue massage • Aromatherapy massage

Rolfing massage:

Massage therapists use a variety of strategies to help their clients feel better, experience less pain, and achieve better health and wellness. Sports massage is used when a client suffers from sports-related ailments or needs to recuperate faster between sporting events. Alternatively, if they require massage for muscle tension, they may turn to deep tissues.

With that, you will be introduced to more “traditional” approaches to massage, as well as numerous kinds of integrative massage techniques and alternative therapies.
You will require an additional certificate in a field that is not within the scope of massage practice, or you will choose to attend school.

Acupuncture is one such example. Rolfing is a method of structural integration in the body that can be used after passing the massage license exam, often known as the MBLEx.

While the Rolfing massage differs from other types of deep tissue massage. Many therapists combined it with various approaches to bodywork, which was unknown to the techniques. Rolfing enthusiasts, on the other hand, believe that it is unique in terms of realigning the body and enabling healing.

Different facts about Rolfing Massage?

Rolfing is a subset of another type of medicine known as Structural Integration. Rolfing structural integration is a deep tissue manipulation and movement education technique.

Its goal is to stabilize the body so that it can deal with gravity’s downward force more effectively.
Dr.Ida P.Rolf came up with the name Rolfing massage.

He is a biochemist from the early to mid-twentieth century. Structural Integration is a type of bodywork that reorganizes the connective tissues, known as fascia, that run throughout the body.

Dr. Rolf recognized more than 50 years ago that the body is a system of a constant network of tissues rather than a collection of diverse or distinct elements.

These connective tissues surround all of the body’s organs, including muscles, nerves, bones, and organs.
This network balances or realigns the entire body, decreasing compensations and alleviating pain.
The goal of Rolfing SI is to re-establish flexibility, revive energy, and provide more comfort to the body.

Rolfing massage technique:

Rolfer reported that they affect the fascial layers of the body and also utilize a combination of active and passive retraining movements.


While Rolfing may seem like a deep massage, Rolfing practitioners will massage the muscles and fascia all over your body, not only where you’re in discomfort. The idea is to rectify any persisting imbalances that are causing discomfort by correcting your body’s posture and structure.

10 sessions:

It includes the ten sessions and is sometimes referred to as “the formula.”
Ten sessions are scheduled:

  1. The first three sessions focused on the skin’s surface tissues.
  2. The four sessions concentrate on the deeper tissues, particularly the pelvis. The abdominal and lower back are the focus of the five sessions. Six and seven sessions are dedicated to the legs, lower back, pelvis, neck, or head.
  3. The eighth and ninth sessions are devoted to developing and executing a strategy for achieving structural integration in the body.
  4. The final sessions focus on the entire body and restoring equilibrium to the entire body.
    Position and duration:

The Rolfing Massage lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. For the task, the positions include lying on the bed, sitting, and standing.
The Rolfing massage technique can be uncomfortable at times. Adults may have acute sensations during treatment or discomfort afterward.

Difference between massage and Rolfing:

The distinction between Rolfing and massage is as follows:
Although both Rolfing and massage entail soft tissue manipulation, the goals of each are distinct.
• The objective of massage is to relax the body and remove stress and tension.
• The purpose of Rolfing is to enhance the alignment and functioning of the body over time.

Only you will know what you require. Rolfing is used by professional athletes and dancers to heal from previous injuries and to improve overall performance. However, if you haven’t suffered a recent sports-related injury and aren’t exercising for hours every day, you may find Rolfing to be unfair.
Rolfers will massage your muscles and fascia all over your body, not only where you are in discomfort.

Rolfing Massage Advantages:

The following are the advantages of Rolfing massage:
• Pain relief • Posture improvement • Flexibility improvement • Range of motion improvement • Enhanced ease of breathing • Release of uncomfortable holding patterns • Helpful in chronic and acute pain • Increased energy • Increased sense of well-being.

According to one study, Rolfing SI improves muscle efficiency. It enables the body to conserve energy and develops more refined movement patterns. It also demonstrated a reduction in chronic stress and alterations in body structure. It also improves neurological function.

Some people have wondered regarding Rolfing massage, such as “Is Rolfing permanent?” Or, “How much does a Rolfing session cost?”
Yes, the Rolfing massage is permanent, and the cost varies according to the Rolfer, their level of skill, and the location. Most Rolfers charge between $90 and $200 per session.

INCREASED ENERGYIncrease in Flexibility


If you suffer chronic pain, here are seven things you should know about Rolfing.
It’s likely that you struggle to understand why your discomfort endures if you have chronic pain. This is a common issue for both the practitioner and the client seeking assistance, according to Stolzoff.

“If pain is not caused by a major illness, the chances are strong that Rolfing Structural Integration can help alleviate the problem,” he explains.

Before you decide to try Rolfing for chronic pain, here are seven things Rock and Stolzoff believe you should know.

1. Rolfing may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain.

“You should know that Rolfing is a non-medical, non-drug therapy for treating persistent neuromuscular pain,” Stolzoff says.

Alternative and complementary therapies, such as Rolfing, have been incorporated into the practices of the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine Comprehensive Pain Center.

However, there have been few studies on the usefulness of Rolfing. Rolfing can reduce pain levels for persons with fibromyalgia and lower back pain, according to two small studies published in 2014 and 2015.

2. Rolfing is a long-term solution.

“It took a long time to get into chronic pain, and it will take a long time to come out of it,” Rock says. She advises us to wait.

Allowing one month of weekly sessions for every year of discomfort is a good rule of thumb, she says. Although, according to Rock, you should see progress with each session.

It’s also likely that you’ll need to make continuing lifestyle modifications to help sustain and further the benefits of Rolfing. “This may include things like ergonomics, footwear, cushions, yoga, nutrition, and so on,” Rock continues.

3. Rolfing treats chronic pain on both structural (think postural) and functional (think movement) levels.

When chronic stiffness, compression following an injury or surgery, holding postures that prevent fluid motion, or repetitive motion keep your pain levels high, Rolfing can help.

4. Rolfing should never cause discomfort.

Although Rolfing is frequently deep, intense, and uncomfortable, Rock claims that it is never intended to be painful. “Rolfing should never make you feel worse than the chronic pain you’re already experiencing,” she says.

5. . Rolfing may identify additional sources of discomfort.

If you’ve been coping with chronic pain, it’s likely that’s where you’ve spent most of your time and energy.

Rolfing, on the other hand, can help you identify other parts of your body that are causing your pain, according to Stolzoff. Knowing this information can help you develop a treatment strategy that works for you.

6. Rolfing may reveal long-buried emotions.

Because your tissues hold and release muscle memory, Rock advises being aware that emotions may surface on and off the table. “This is a common part of the healing process,” she explains, “so strange as it may seem, it’s actually helpful.”

7. Rolfing necessitates the use of a qualified practitioner.

Rolfing should only be done by a qualified and skilled practitioner, especially for chronic pain. Because Rolfing is such a personal experience, Rock recommends finding someone with whom you can relate.

What’s even better? Rolfing is virtually risk-free, and there are no negative side effects.

Stolzoff says, “I constantly remind my clients that it’s an experiment.” “If it works, that’s fantastic. But there’s no harm done if it doesn’t.”

How to Rolf yourself?

Rolfing, also known as self-myofascial release, is a method of relieving muscle discomfort and improving healing by rolling over stiff and aching muscles and connective tissue.

While the scientific effect of rolfing is still unknown, it may be able to help you ease muscle tension and pain. [1] To rolf, you’ll need to discover sore trigger points and roll against them with a foam roller or a lacrosse ball.

1. Getting Your Workout Started:

A foam roller or a lacrosse ball can be purchased. Several kinds of equipment are specifically intended for myofascial release. Online, you can buy a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, or a specialized myofascial release tool. Before you buy the tools, read reviews to be sure they’ve worked for other individuals.

2. Determine where your body’s aching trigger points are.

If you have a sore muscle region, you can employ rolfing to relax the tension and release the “knots.” With your hand, feel the sore muscle. It’s most likely a trigger point that you should rolf if it feels tight or inflamed.

3. Rolf on a carpet or a mat.

You must be on the ground for many rolfing exercises. Purchase a yoga mat or rolf on a carpet so that you have something soft to rolf on to avoid damage and discomfort.


Using a Foam Roller to Relieve Lower-Body Pain

Sit on a mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs out in front of you. Support your body with your arms and hands. Straighten your back and square your shoulders.

2 Lie down with the foam roller between your legs.

Apply the foam roller to the back of your knee, an inch below the back of your knee. Place the foam roller at the top of your calf muscle. You can rolf your calves or the back of your thighs from this position.

3 Up and down your calves, roll the foam roller.

Roll the foam roller towards your ankle with your hands. Roll the foam roller back to its initial position an inch above your Achilles tendon.
To fully rolf your calves, repeat this process 8-10 times.

4 Raise the foam roller higher on your thighs and roll back and forth.

Place the foam roller on the backside of your thighs, just below your buttocks, by moving it up past your knees. To begin rolling forward, push off with your hands and roll the foam roller to just below your knee.

Pull your body back and return the foam roller to its original position.
To rolf the back of your thighs, repeat the method 8-10 times.
Foam rolling over tight glutes can also be done in the same way.

5 Make sure your body is facing down.

Make sure your stomach is flat against the ground by turning over. Your forearms should be put under you, supporting the top half of your body, and your arms should be squared up with your shoulders.

6. Place the foam roller on one of your thighs’ front sides.

Place the foam roller on the front of your thighs, under your hip. You should now have the foam roller between you and the ground.

7. Apply pressure to the front of your thigh with the foam roller.

The other leg should be parallel to the mat. Crawl forward and backwards, moving your body with your forearms. Roll the foam roller over your front thigh, then return to the beginning position.
8-10 times with the foam roller across your thighs

Carry on with the process on the opposite thigh. Repeat the process with the foam roller against your other leg. If you’ve completed all of the steps, you’ll have rolfed the key muscles in your lower body.

Frequently asked questions:

There are some frequently asked questions asked by the people related to rolfing massage are as follows:

Q1: Why is Rolfing so painful?

That explains why Rolfing has a reputation for being harsh and, at times, unpleasant. Fascia is a tough material, especially if it’s riddled with knots and scar tissue. Rolfers relax tendons and ligaments by gouging with knuckles and kneading with fists, contorting limbs, and leaning into elbows.

Q2: What is Rolfing and how does it work?

While Rolfing may seem like a deep massage, Rolfing practitioners will massage the muscles and fascia all over your body, not only where you’re in discomfort. The idea is to rectify your body’s posture and structure so that any leftover imbalances that are causing pain can be corrected.

Q3: What is the cost of Rolfing?

Rolfing costs vary depending on the Rolfer, their level of skill, and the location. The majority of Rolfers charge between $90 and $200 every session. Session fees for Rolfing Movement Integration are comparable.

Q4: Is it possible to do Rolfing on yourself?

Rolfing, also known as self-myofascial release, is a method of relieving muscle discomfort and improving healing by rolling over stiff and aching muscles and connective tissue. To rolf, you’ll need to discover sore trigger points and roll against them with a foam roller or a lacrosse ball.

Q5: Is Rolfing effective for weight loss?

Rolfing can help you slim down and create the greatest circumstances for your body to naturally shed weight. More importantly than either of these, Rolfing can help you feel more at ease in your own skin. While the advantages of Rolfing can be superficial, they go beyond that.

Q6: What is the duration of a Rolfing session?

A Rolfing session usually lasts around an hour. When it comes to the sessions, how widely apart should they be? Approximately one to two weeks apart. There should be no more than a two-week gap between sessions.

Q7: What distinguishes Rolfing from massage?

Rolfers, according to, change body posture and structure over time through soft tissue manipulation and movement education. Unlike massage, which focuses on relaxation and muscle pain treatment, Rolfing focuses on improving body alignment and function.

Q8: What do Rolfers get paid?

In the United States, the typical Certified Rolfer earns $77,194. The average bonus for a Certified Rolfer is $1,163, or 2% of their annual salary, with 100% of people reporting that they receive a bonus every year.

Q9: What are the primary advantages of Rolfing?

Rolfing® allows the body to conserve energy, improve and optimize movement patterns, reduce inflammation and chronic stress, and increase sports performance by resolving discomfort, reducing pain, and releasing tension in the body.

Q10: Is Rolfing good for digestion?

The ‘limp,’ ‘drummer,’ ‘runner,’ ‘duck,’ and sailor’s postures that Dr. Mayr associated with poor digestion will be recognizable to Mayr Spa guests. Working to improve the body’s architecture - realigning and rebalancing the structure - has an impact on the physiological, which is where Rolfing® can help.

What is a Rolfing session, and how does it work? Structural Integration is a process that enables you to “tune in” rather than “check out.” It’s a cross between a terrific bodywork session, a private movement class, and physical therapy. Come in for an intro session to get a sense of how it feels. Rolfing connects you to your body rather than disconnecting you from it.

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