It’s 7pm and Mr James just arrived at the hotel where his work is hosting a get together party for all it’s workers, James sighted his favorite colleague Mr Brown, he immediately joined Mr Brown. Few minutes later a sweet alcoholic beverages was served for the tost. But Mr James said hey I don’t drink alcohol or sugary foods and drinks because I’m on a keto diet. Keto diet? asked Mr Brown, what can you eat on a keto diet?.
what is keto diet
A ketogenic diet is a diet that contains high fat, low carb ( carbohydrates), and low to moderate protein
Lean Meat. It is a diet that is very rich in fat (contains a lot of fat), low to moderate amount of protein and very little amount of carbohydrates
What can you eat on a Keto diet?. It offers various health benefits such as burning up fats as well as treating epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease. It is basically a low carb diet.
A keto diet is a diet that is low in carbs, low to moderate in protein and high in fats. The goal of keto diet is to tune the body in ketosis
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How does ketogenic diet work’s
The goal of ketogenic diet is to get your body into a kind of metabolic state known as ketosis
What can you eat on a Keto diet?. which is a metabolic state in which your body produces ketone bodies from fats and start using it (ketone bodies) as energy source instead of carbohydrates. Your body utilizes glucose
Sucrose. ( from carbohydrates) as it’s primary source of energy. But when your blood glucose level is very low, your liver starts metabolizing fats to produce ketone bodies which is in turn used as energy source instead of glucose. So ketogenic diet work’s by keeping your body’s glucose level low thereby forcing your body to start utilizing fats as energy source by metabolizing fats to produce ketone bodies and utilizing it as fuel. This how keto diet helps you loose excess weight and helps keep your body in shape.
Keto diet works by drastically reducing the body’s glucose level and getting the body to be metabolizing fats to get energy instead of glucose.
Benefits of keto diet
Keto diet provides the following health benefits;
weight loss: it helps you burn up excess fats and help keep your body in good and healthy shape.
it have been used medically to reduce epileptic seizures in children .
it have also been used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
keto diet is one of the best diet for* type 2 diabetic patient* because it keeps the body’s glucose level low and forces the body to be utilizing fats as energy source instead of glucose.
it helps reduce appetite and gives a sensation of satiaty .
Types of ketogenic diet
- standard ketogenic diet (SKD) : this contains very little carbs, moderate to low amount of protein and high fats. It typically contains 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fats. - cyclical ketogenic diet: this involves periods of higher fat refeeds.
- high protein ketogenic diet: this contains more protein ( about 35%)
- targeted ketogenic diet: this type of ketogenic diet allows you to add carbs when need be like during work out.
The standard keto diet is the most studied ketogenic diet.
What to avoid in a keto diet
tubers and root veggies such as yam, potatoes etc.
fruits except some berries such as strawberries. This is because fruits contains lots of sucrose which can broken down in your body to give glucose and fructose.
sugary foods and drinks
grains and starchy foods.
low fat diet
alcoholic drinks.
What to eat on a ketogenic diet
- fatty fish such as salmon
- meat
- healthy oils
- nuts and seeds
- eggs
- avocados
- low carb veggies
- condiments such as salt, pepper etc.
**Related posts **
Ketogenic Diet_Everything You Need To Know.
Keto Diet | Ketogenic Foods & Plans.
Who might consider a keto diet ( when is keto diet indicated
- wieght loss
- reset appetite center
- reduce blood pressure
- healthy cholesterol levels
- neurodegenerative disease condition such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease etc.
Keto diet may help in wieght loss because it makes the body to be burning fats, hence getting rid of excess fats.
Who should not consider keto diet
Keto diet is contraindicated in conditions of;
- kidney or liver disease
- muscular dystrophy - gall bladder disease
- gastric bypass - type 1 diabetes
Keto Diet, A Carb Diet Trend To Reduce Body Shape. - pancreatic insufficiency - rare metabolic disorders
Keto Diet | Ketogenic Foods & Plans. - prone to kidney stone Ketogenic Diet_Everything You Need To Know.
Children or people under the age of 18 - those who are pregnant - people who are naturally very thin ( with BMI less than 20).
Frequently asked questions
I just started keto diet and I’m feeling weak and tired
Feeling weak is normal for the beginning of keto diet, the weakness normally fades off with two weeks. It’s because your body is still adjusting to keto diet.
I just started keto and my ■■■ smells fruity
That’s because your body is still adjusting to it, it will fade off within two weeks.
Keto diet is a diet that is rich in fat, low to moderate in protein and very low in carbs. The goal of keto diet is to tune the body into ketosis and be burning fats as energy source instead of glucose. A typical keto diet avoids carbs, sugar and anything that can be metabolised to glucose.