What are the Expedited Transport Benefits?

Logistics seeks to reduce delivery times in each service, meeting certain punctuality and delivery times.

Complying with this or not, leaves us at stake the reliability and loss of customer confidence, increased economic cost by having to return part of the payment for the return of orders and customers, in addition to the loss of time and effort.

Expedited transport will vary depending on the load, which in turn will depend on the means of transport, as well as the form of delivery and handling. The express carrier is one that is done with specific vehicles without involving any intermediary or transhipments are made.

The recipients of merchandise are distinguished into individuals and companies. But both some want less time of term in their services, in collection and delivery.

Expedited Transportation : Features

The express transport, as we indicated may not take long. The maximum period is usually three days. They are usually 24/48 hour transits. This is common for shipments within the European Union or North Africa. However, when carrying out our services in other countries, we need sea or air transport.

This type of transport usually ensures delivery in a highly estimated time. The company, at all times, must be informed of the shipment’s tracking, through traceability that can be followed digitally with GPS systems and devices.

When express transports carry out dangerous goods

transport services, it is even more important to follow control and monitoring of traceability, they must comply with the MMPP or ADR (Agreement for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road).

In addition, it will also be important to know the type of merchandise to be shipped, since the handling and the palletizing system will be different in each case. In other words, we cannot handle a perishable food pallet in the same way as another that contains technological devices, but its packaging and handling will have to be different.

Transportation companies need to reduce transits and do it in a way that is profitable for them. Higher speed has a number of cost implications. Sometimes, the customer does not accept the payment, especially in the online environment where everyone has the belief that everything is free.

To deliver on the same day, the merchandise must be stored very close to the recipients, which entails the need for more facilities. Instead of a centralized and larger warehouse, have small but distributed warehouses.

The more time we have to deliver, the easier it is to design routes that reduce prices and kilometers. On the contrary, if we have less time for delivery, it is more difficult to optimize vehicles to carry all shipments.

If it is urgent parcels, smaller vehicles are used. Due to this, the number of merchandise that can be transported is reduced before having to return to the facilities for other merchandise.

By combining all the variables, we are able to cover the need for express freight transport that will continue to grow.

In this sense, there are some general provisions that must be met in order for express delivery to be successful:

Air transport is the appropriate means for the transport of urgent goods due to its speed.

Make sure you have all the necessary documents, as well as the special permits for the transported goods if you need them.

Air transport is paid based on the weight of the merchandise in kilograms.

In the event that the weight and volume exceed the limit, the air load will be charged by the volume of the load.

If merchandise occupies multiple seats, payment can be made by both aggregate physical weight and larger aggregate volume. The volume will be calculated by first defining the size of the cargo package, whose formula will be length x width x height = volume

There are no fixed rates for the international transport of merchandise, but businesses enter into agreements with aviation companies in various European countries.

For the experience of hiring the services of a provider of this type of transport to be the best possible, certain variables must be taken into account that this company must comply with. In addition, it has to provide an added value that justifies that cost higher than that of the conventional mode of transport, whether national or international.

Companies dedicated to express transport services must carry out exhaustive traceability controls if they work with dangerous goods required to comply with the ADR or the MMPP.

Consequently, the type of merchandise being delivered is an important factor in this type of shipment, since the way in which orders are prepared and handled will be different depending on the merchandise in question. You cannot perform the same packaging and handling actions for merchandise for a shipment of cameras as for clothing items, for example. This does not mean that goods should not be treated properly in any case, but the processes will be different.

The shipping process is complex and if the logistics network is not adequate, the risk of failure increases because the product ends up touching too many hands.

Production lines are getting tighter and tighter and deliver delivery times that, in addition to being small, are reliable.

An increasing number of businesses have acquired the Just In Time system as a service for their work, this increases the pressure on transporters and logistics personnel.

The use of express palletizing in express transport services has spread, especially to send national pallets more quickly, but they do not achieve groupage volumes to fill full trucks.

The urgency has increased the importance of traceability. Companies want to have an exact and real-time follow-up of the situation of their merchandise during shipment, ensuring that their supply chain does not suffer alterations and keeping their customers informed at all times.

Another factor that affects speed is that businesses want to have a small amount of material in storage while saving costs and this system provides them with that flexibility.

Urgent Transportation for Individuals

E-commerce is the epicenter of this battle for speed.

The urgent transport arise from our demanding need for instant gratification, when we want something, we want it now.

The little time we have available in our routine also influences us. The companies are aware that providing service with various delivery options to end consumers gives them a greater chance of attracting them.

Urgent Cold Transportation

The options for this type of transportation can be unlimited. Many of the products offered are born from the needs of our buyers, who have made logistics companies embark on any field of business that they had not even thought about before. For example, express shipments, which are currently made cold without having a specialized refrigeration network, with isothermal boxes and dry cold loads, which maintain the temperature 24 hours.

The food sector, the pharmaceutical sector, and others need this service and a good follow-up. The urgency is paramount. First of all, because of the commitment to present you with a certain release. Then, for agility: the sooner the analysis and tests begin, the sooner they purchase or rejection response arrives.

Finally, to guarantee that it arrives in good order, something that is undoubtedly essential to successfully pass the most demanding quality test.

This not only applies to the refrigerator issue but to any shipment that suffers a delay in transport. Another sample is that of seasonal products. As a usual practice, a contingency plan based on urgent transport should be in place in case the usual means fails or there is a break in stocks with the consequent loss of sales.