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What Animals Lay Eggs but Are Not Birds?


What animals lay eggs but are not birds? Most amphibians, snakes, and fish lay eggs, but boas and vipers stand out as two notable outliers. Echidna, spiny anteater, and platypus are metronome mammals that lay eggs.

About Eggs

An animal’s egg transports a fertilized egg cell (a zygote) and incubates an embryo from it until the embryo can survive on its own, at which point the animal hatches. Most arthropods, vertebrates, and mollusks lay eggs, but scorpions don’t. Reptile, avian, and monotreme eggs are laid on land and have flexible or hard shells.

Eggs laid on land or in nests are incubated at a warm temperature so that the embryos can develop normally. After the embryo has finished developing, it will emerge from its egg. Egg fangs are short-lived structures that embryos use to crack, or fracture eggshells.

Species That Lay Eggs

Numerous animal species reproduce by depositing eggs. As a way to introduce kids to the animal kingdom, you may start by talking about how animals are classified and where they live. Students should be taught which animals lay eggs and which do not, and where eggs come from.

There are some animals that lay eggs and are not birds.

Duck-Billed PlatypusDuck-Billed Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is native to eastern Australia and Tasmania. Females deposit two soft-shelled eggs, incubate them for 28 days in their burrow.
ReptilesReptiles include crocodilians, dinosaurs (including birds), turtles, lizards, and snakes. They don’t have eyelids, therefore they blink gently to protect their eyes.
FishAncient fish survived. Their early predecessors lived hundreds of millions of years ago, while the current fish range in size from microscopic plankton to whales weighing hundreds of tons. Most bony fishes, including trout and bass, give live birth.
TermitesFor systematics purposes, termites might be placed in the new infrastructure Isoptera or separate from the rest. Termitidae of the order Blattodea. Insects are everywhere. If you don’t like bugs, you may not like this book.
MammalianHairy, four-legged mammals have mammary glands. Instead of laying eggs, they live young. Every continent except Antarctica has mammals. Over 4500 mammalian species exist.
AmphibiansAmphibians are diverse and intriguing creatures. They’re on every continent except Antarctica and vary in form, size, color, and environment. New amphibian species are constantly being found, bringing the total to over 6,000.
SpidersSpiders, scorpions, and harvestmen are arachnids. Only 200 North American species out of 44000 are native. Some arachnids have deadly bites, so it’s crucial to keep them out of your house.
Duck-Billed CrocodileThe duck-billed platypus is an unusual animal. It can survive in water and on land because of its flat, hairy tail and webbed feet. It can also utilize its bill to search for undersea food.
SnakeSnakes are misunderstood. People dread them as savage murderers, but that’s not necessarily true. Interesting! Here are some snake facts, including statistics and numbers.


They eat insects, worms, plants, and crayfish. Reptiles don’t need to drink water regularly since they can absorb oxygen directly through wet membranes on all body surfaces, like amphibians.

Mammals That Lay Eggs

That’s key to being a mammal. Except for two species, mammals are hairy, warm-blooded, milk-producing, and give live birth. Indeed. Monotremes deposit eggs instead of providing live birth.

Monotremes are rare. One platypus species exists today. There are three to four echidna species and subspecies. Australia and New Guinea are home to all monotremes. Monotremes are warm-blooded and hairy, but they’re not mammals. There are some mammals that lay eggs.

1. Duck-Billed Platypus

Ornithorhynchus anatinus lives in streams with burrowing banks. They’re brown with a flat tail. Their beak is duck-like. Males have poisonous heel spurs. This species consumes crabs. Eastern Australia and Tasmania are home.

2. Short-Beaked Echidna

The Tachyglossus aculeatus may be found in both New Guinea and Australia. They have sharp, digging appendages on their limbs. These echidnas are dormant during the winter and feed on insects.

3. Long-Beaked Echidna

Zaglossus barton consumes earthworms. Spun. New Guinea’s tropical jungles are their home. Geographic geography separates the four eastern long-beaked echidna subspecies.

4. Sir David’s Echidna

In New Guinea’s Cyclops Mountains resides Zaglossus attenboroughi. Smallest Zaglossus. Since 1961, no specimen of this species has been obtained, therefore it may be extinct. Locals in 2007 (and indications of digging) think the species is alive, but no experts have seen one.

5. Long-Beaked Western Echidna

The largest monotreme is the Zaglossus bruijni, which may weigh between 5 and 10 kilograms. They take pleasure in mountain meadows and the surrounding terrain. They’re in danger in New Guinea right now.

Varieties of Animals’ Eggs

ClassTypes of eggsDevelopment
Jawless fishIsolecithal eggHagfish and lampreys develop differently
Cartilage fishMacrolecithal eggDevelop directly and viviparously
Bony fish Coelacanth eggsSome species’ ovoviviparous larvae
AmphibiansMedium isolecithal eggsDirectly create tadpoles
ReptilesLarge macrolecithal eggsDirect development
BirdLarge macrolecithal eggsNo larval stage exists in the young
MammalsMonotreme, marsupial and placental eggsMonotremes and marsupials have larvae

Reproduction By Eggs

1. Ovuliparity

Ovuliparity indicates a female lays unfertilized eggs (ova) that must be fertilized externally. Fish, anurans, echinoderms, bivalves, and cnidarians are oviparous. Oviparous aquatic creatures predominate. The phrase means “tiny egg”

2. Oviparity

Oviparity involves internal fertilization, therefore the eggs deposited by the female are zygotes (or growing embryos) (for example, in a chicken egg, no part outside of the yolk originates with the zygote). Birds, reptiles, cartilaginous fish, and most arthropods are oviparous. Terrestrial creatures have eggshells that resist evaporation.

3. Ovo-Viviparity

In ovo-viviparity, the zygote is kept in the adult’s body without trophic interactions. All of the embryo’s nutrition comes from the egg. Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles are ovoviviparous.

Anguis fragilis, the seahorse (zygotes are preserved in the male’s ventral “marsupium”), Rhinoderma darwinii (eggs develop in the vocal sac) and Rheobatrachus are examples (where the eggs develop in the stomach).

4. Viviparity Phototrophic

Histotrophic viviparity implies embryos develop in the female’s oviducts but consume other ova, zygotes, or sibling embryos (oophagy or adelphophagy). Some sharks including Salamandra atra practice intrauterine cannibalism. Marsupials produce “uterine milk” to augment yolk sac nutrition.

5. Hematuria

Amyotrophic viviparity involves nourishment delivery from the female’s blood. This happens through most animals’ placentas. Sharks and Pseudomoia pagenstecheri have similar structures. Some hybrid frogs feed their embryos through gills.


Egg-laying (Latin: oviparous) vs. live-bearing (viviparous) is a frequent way to classify animals (Latin. viviparous). These categories are based on the offspring’s development before birth.

Usage Of Eggs By Humans

1. Food

Eggs from fish, reptiles, amphibians and even birds have been consumed by humans for millennia. Chicken eggs that have not been fertilized are consumed by far the most people among all types of eggs.

2. Kashrut

Kashrut allows kosher food intake (Jewish law). Mixing kosher meat with milk is banned. Eggs can be eaten with milk or kosher meat despite being animal products. Egg containing mayonnaise is commonly termed “pareve.”

3. Vaccines

Vaccines are created in chicken eggs. Alice Miles Woodruff and Ernest William Goodpasture found rickettsia and viruses in chicken embryos in 1931. Influenza, chicken pox, smallpox, yellow fever, typhus, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever were vaccinated.

4. Culture

In creation mythologies, eggs represent life, rebirth, healing, and protection. Eggs depict civilizations. Easter eggs symbolize Jesus’ resurrection. Some cultures decorate Easter eggs (usually by dying, but often by hand-painting or spray-painting).

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Some related questions are given below:

1 - How about the top three egg-laying mammals?

This includes monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals. Mammoths lay eggs. Only the echidna and platypus are living monotremes. Australians, Tasmanians, and New Guineans.

2 - Who came up with the egg?

China and Egypt record domesticated chicken producing eggs for human consumption circa 1400 B.C.E. Archaeological evidence for egg eating dates to the Neolithic era. In England, Gaul, and Germany, the Romans found egg-laying chickens.

3 - Do snakes lay eggs?

Male snakes fertilize female snake eggs during oviparous reproduction. The female incubates the eggs until they are large and hard-shelled. She deposits the eggs in a nest or burrow.

4 - Who started eating eggs?

Eggs have been eaten by humans for around 6 million years, originally uncooked from wild bird nests. India domesticated jungle birds for egg production about 3200 BC, whereas Egypt and China domesticated hens earliest.

5 - What fish deposits eggs?

Fish produce live young or eggs. Livebearers have completely developed fry. The female hatches fertilized eggs.

6 - What about chickens, do they lay eggs?

Hens start laying at six months and can continue for five to 10 years, with peak output in the first two. Six eggs every week. When chickens molt and lose sunshine, egg production diminishes.

7 - What exactly is egg culture?

This old Persian practice has expanded worldwide. Fairfax Library Foundation Creative Commons photo. Eggs have been a symbol in numerous cultures since antiquity.

8 - Where do birds lay their eggs, and how do they do it?

Through the vent aperture, birds release eggs from their cloacas. This is where waste and urine (both liquid and solid uric acid) leave. The egg’s pointed end must face the vent to pass out normally.

9 - Does a crow have a nest with eggs?

During its mating season, a crow will typically produce five eggs, with one egg being laid every day on average.

10 - Can you get duck eggs?

The first few eggs in the first batch are too small to incubate. Ducks begin laying at 6–7 months old and should be laying at 90% (100 ducks laying 90 eggs everyday) by 5 weeks.

11 - What kind of animals have eggs laid?

Birds and most reptiles hatch eggs following expulsion from the mother. True Oviparous animals create developed, hatch after-expelled eggs. Fertilized or unfertilized eggs.

12 - When laying eggs, do animals need a mate?

Most animals reproduce by breeding. Some animals can reproduce without mating. Parthenogenesis permits honey bees to have “virgin births.” Animal caretakers can be shocked.

13 - Why do chickens lay eggs that can’t make babies?

The egg is primarily formed before fertilization. The chicken can’t predict if the egg will be fertilized, so it must grow it in the hopes that it will be.

14 - Can we make eggs from people?

Scientists can now develop eggs outside the body. It needs manipulating oxygen levels, hormones, growth-stimulating proteins, and egg-culturing media.

15 - To what extent may animals reproduce asexually?

Parthenogenesis is a mechanism that allows some creatures to reproduce without mating. Literally translated from its Greek roots, parthenogenesis means “virgin creation.”


Eggs symbolize life, rebirth, healing, and protection in creation mythology. Eggs represent cultures. Eggshells protect animals. Not just birds and fish lay eggs. The creatures such as reptiles and insects that lay eggs, as well as turtles. Unlike birds or reptiles, it feeds its young milk. Only Chiroptera flies. Like snakes, lizards, and turtles, platypus lay eggs. Birthing oviparous animals lay eggs.

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