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Types Of Pull-Ups


Types Of Pull-Ups Include Wide Grip Pull-Ups, Close Grip Pull-ups, L sit pull ups, Plyo Pull-Ups, Around The World Pull-Ups, etc. Pull-ups are a way to build upper-body strength. To do a pull-up, you hang your body from your hands and pull yourself upwards. These actions cause the elbows and shoulder joints to move closer together when the torso is brought into contact with the elbows.

What Are Pull-Ups?

Pull-ups are a great way to strengthen your upper body. A pull-up is performed by suspending your body from your hands and pulling yourself higher. When the torso comes into contact with the elbows, these motions lead the elbows and shoulder joints to shift closer together.

Types Of Pull-Ups

Following are some types of pull-ups generally used:

1. Wide Grip Pullups

The wide-grip pull-up is an upper-body strength exercise that focuses on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms. It also provides great exercise for your core muscles. Wide-grip pull-ups may help you gain strength.

In other actions like the lat pulldown and shoulder press including them into your general workout program, it may be helpful. A wide-grip pull-up is a pull-up that is performed with a broad grasp.

How To Do Wide Grip Pull-Ups

1. Begin by standing with your back and spine straight underneath a pullup bar.

2. With each hand, reach up and grip the bar. Thumbs should point in the same direction, and your grasp should be broader than your body.

3. When correctly positioned, your arms and body should form a ‘Y.’ Each arm should be 30 to 45 degrees apart from your body, with a maximum angle of 45 degrees.

4. Pull your body higher towards the bar while looking straight ahead.

5. After a little pause, return to your previous position.

6. Trainer recommends adding weight to the wide-grip pullup to make it more difficult. Do it in three ways:

7. Wear a belt on which you may fasten a weight.

8. Wear a vest that is weighted.

9. Hold a dumbbell between your feet and cradle it.

10. During wide-grip pullups, each of these changes will put the latissimus dorsi muscle to the test.

Muscles Worked In Wide Grip Pull-Ups

The multiple muscles utilized to complete the wide-grip pullup are one of the reasons it is such a fantastic exercise:

1. Latissimus dorsi

2. Thoracic erector spinae

3. Trapezius

4. Rhomboids

5. Teres minor

6. Infraspinatus

7. External oblique

2. Close Grip Or Over Hand Pullups

A close-grip pull-up is a great upper-body exercise that works the back, arms, and core muscles while also strengthening the inner lats. Close-grip pull-ups place more focus on your biceps and chest muscles, resulting in a more effective upper-body workout.

Close-grip pull-ups also improve functional strength since they require agility and coordination to complete. These pull-ups will aid you in other strength-training activities, enhance your posture, and increase your body’s muscular coordination.

How do Close Grip Or Over Hands Pull Up

1. The space between your hands distinguishes a tight grip pull-up from a standard pull-up.

2. A tighter grip is used in close grip pull-ups.

3. A conventional pull-up grip is about shoulder-width apart, with various variations.

4. Close grip pull-ups require your hands to be a couple of inches narrower than shoulder width.

5. Although it may not seem like much of a change, you will notice it throughout the exercise.

6. Grab the pull-up bar with your hands facing ahead and jump up to it. The ideal distance between your hands is 6 to 8 inches.

Instructions for Close Grip Pull-Ups

1. Using an overhand grip, firmly grab the pull-up bar with your hands 6-8 inches apart from side to side. The tight grip ensures that your lower lats are highlighted.

2. Take a big breath in after you’ve gotten into starting position. Pull your abs in tight and shrink your glutes. When finishing the action, pay special attention to the stomach. Lean back slightly so that your chest protrudes from the bar; this will prevent you from hitting your chin on it!

3. Pull yourself up by depressing your shoulder blades and forcing your elbows down to the floor while hanging from the bar with your feet off the ground. Swinging your body is not a good idea.

4. Continue to elevate yourself until your chin contacts the bar and your lats are completely contracted. You may start lowering your body back to starting position once your chin reaches above the bar.

5. Rep the exercise once more.

Muscles Involved In Close Grip Pull-Ups

Sr #Muscle Worked
1.Lattismus dorsi (Primary)
2.Teres major
9.Levator scapulae
10.Rotator cuff
11.Erector spinae
12.Rectus Abdominus


The wide-grip pull-up is a pull-up performed with a broad grasp. It is an upper-body strength exercise that focuses on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms. The multiple muscles utilized are one of the reasons it is such a fantastic exercise. Close-grip pull-ups require your hands to be a couple of inches narrower than shoulder width.

Close Grip Vs. Wide Grip Pull-Ups

Pullups are fantastic because you can alter your grip to stimulate various muscles. Close-grip pull-ups are one technique to do this. The pullup with a tight grip alters the breadth of your hands.

Your hands are wider than shoulder-width apart when you use a broad grip. You draw your hands closer together in a tight grip, which affects how your shoulder joints move throughout the workout.

In comparison to the broad grip, the tighter grip helps you to stimulate your biceps and chest muscles more, allowing you to finish more repetitions.

3. Around The World Pull-ups

A more sophisticated form of the conventional pull-up is the around-the-world pull-up. It concentrates force on certain arms or sides of the back, while also increasing the duration spent under strain at the peak of each rep.

It may be used as a stepping stone toward a one-arm pull-up, or just to provide diversity and challenge to your pull-up routine.

Instructions To Do All Around The World Pull-Ups

1. Hang freely from an overhead bar, as if executing a pull-up, with a grasp far outside shoulder width. This is where you’ll begin your journey.

2. Instead of drawing yourself straight up to the bar, contract your lats to lift yourself in a counter-clockwise motion, partway up to the right side and continuing higher as you return to the middle of the bar. At the pinnacle of the action, your chin should touch the bar.

3. Continue in a circular motion until you achieve full arm extension and return to the center.

4. Complete the exercises in the same counterclockwise motion for the specified amount of reps. Because of the asymmetrical action, you’ll also perform the exercise in a clockwise manner for the same amount of repetitions.

Benefits Of All Around The World Pull-Ups

  • The lats (latissimus dorsi), biceps, upper back, core, and grip muscles are all strengthened.

  • Further than a bar, no other equipment is required.

  • At the bottom of each rep, emphasizes one arm over the other.

  • In the top position, there is more delay and time under strain.

4. Mixed Grip Pull-Ups

This is a two-in-one action that will bulk up your biceps and back while also working your abs. Your core will be pushed to stabilize and maintain your torso straight, so you’ll get some ab training in as well.

How To Do Mixed Grip Pull-Ups

1. With your hands shoulder-width apart, begin with your left hand in an overhand grip and your right hand in an underhand grip.

2. Pull yourself up to the point where the bar grazes the base of your neck.

3. Lower your arms till they are straight, then repeat.

4. By switching which hand is underhand and which is overhand, you may alternate sets.

5. Plyo Pull-Ups

Plyometric exercises are high-intensity cardiovascular workouts that improve speed, endurance, and strength. They demand that you use your muscles at their full ability in a short amount of time.

Plyometric workouts, often known as jump training, are typically oriented for highly skilled athletes or persons in peak physical condition. They may, however, be utilized by persons who want to become in better shape.

Tendons, ligaments, and lower-extremity joints, particularly the knees and ankles, maybe stressed by plyometric workouts. You must have the strength and fitness level required to safely and properly do these workouts.

Work up to plyometric activities gradually if you’re introducing them to your training program. Increase the length, complexity, and intensity of the workouts gradually.

6. Eccentric Pull-Ups

Eccentric pull-ups may be utilized to help athletes who aren’t yet strong enough to do concentric pull-ups increase upper-body strength.

Eccentric pull-ups teach athletes how to engage muscle groups involved in pull-ups and how to regulate their body weight during the exercise’s down-phase.

Familiarizing an athlete with the pull-up action in the down phase enhances their body control awareness. When concentric repetitions are added to their training regimen, this improves with the pull-up technique.

For Eccentric Pull-Ups Here Are Some Coaching Suggestions:

1. The athlete should leap from a box or bench with their chin just above the bar, gripping the bar overhand with hands somewhat wider than shoulder-width.

2. The athlete should maintain a stable torso and avoid swinging by slowly lowering themselves downwards (work up to 10s for each repetition) by extending their elbows until their arms are almost straight.

3. When the athlete’s elbows are fully extended, leap back up to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

4. As the athlete completes the downward action, instruct them to maintain control of their body and utilize their arms equally and simultaneously. Keep an eye out for any imbalances, including lateral movement to one side.

5. As the athlete’s upper body strength grows, a coach may start adding concentric repeats at the beginning of a set, progressively increasing the number of concentric repetitions as the athlete’s upper body strength improves.

7. Towel Pull-Ups

Towel pull-ups are a kind of advanced pull-up that uses a towel to aid in the development of upper-body strength. This pull-up variant is a good grip-training exercise to include in a variety of strength-training regimens, such as weightlifting, bodybuilding, gymnastics, and calisthenics.

How to Perform Towel Pull-Ups Correctly

1. Begin with 2–3 sets of 6–12 repetitions for towel pull-ups. Sets and repetitions should be chosen depending on your ability to maintain proper technique throughout.

2. Cover the pull-up bar with a huge towel or two little towels. Take a full overhand grasp on the towel’s ends. The distance between your hands should be the width between shoulders. If you can’t get your hands on the towel, stand on a plyometric box or a stable flat bench.

3. Allow your legs to dangle as you step off the box. Your arms and legs should be as long as possible. You should have a small bend in your elbows. Squeeze your glutes and quadriceps muscles. Activate your core. Your ribs should be sucked in and your pelvis slightly tucked out.

4. To activate your lats, rotate your shoulders outward. Shoulder blades should be moved upwards away from the spine. Keep your chin tucked throughout the movement as if you were holding an egg under your chin. For all repetitions, this is the starting position.

5. Begin the upward action by pushing your shoulder blades down and your elbows toward your body at the same time. Pull your shoulder blades closer to your spine while squeezing your upper back and lat muscles until your chest reaches hand level. At the peak of the movement, take a breather.

6. Begin the downward action by straightening your arms while allowing your shoulder blades to rotate upwards and away from your spine. Return to the beginning posture by slowly lowering your body. Your arms should be long and your elbows should be slightly bent. Shoulder blades should be positioned apart from the spine.

7. Repeat the towel pull-up as needed for the appropriate number of reps.

Muscles Worked In Towel Pull-Ups

Towel pull-ups mainly target your forearm muscles, core muscles, and the latissimus dorsi, a middle and lower back muscle. The towel grip helps develop grip strength by using the muscles in your forearms more than a standard pull-up.


The around-the-world pull-up is a more advanced version of the classic pull-up. This exercise strengthens the lats (latissimus dorsi), biceps, upper back, core, and grip muscles. Joints and tendons, ligaments, and lower-extremity joints are all stressed during plyometric training.

8. L Sit Pull-Ups

The l-sit pull-up is a bodyweight exercise that requires a lifter to first achieve perfect l-sit posture before doing a rigorous pull-up while still in an L-sit position. This is a difficult technique that demands core strength, flexibility, upper body strength, and shoulder/scapular mobility to correctly bring oneself up to the bar/rings.

1. Get into a hang posture while hanging from a pull-up bar with your shoulders pushed down and elbows locked.

2. After that, lift your knees till your thighs are parallel to the ground.

3. To stretch your legs straight in front of you, lock your knees and point your toes.

4. Maintain this L-sit stance while executing pull-ups.

5. Exhale deeply before beginning to lift yourself the bar.

6. Pull-ups should be done to the point where your arms are completely contracted, your chin is at or above the bar, and your elbows are behind your ribs.

7. Pause for a time there, then gradually lower yourself until you have a complete elbow lock. Inhale as you fall.

Tips To Do L Sit Pull-Ups

Repetition speed and pace are crucial while doing L-sit pull-ups.

1. Always do repetitions carefully and under control. Make sure you don’t tremble or kip your way through the exercise.

2. Allowing your body to snap down into the lowest death hang position is not a good idea. To avoid shoulder and elbow difficulties, make the change slow and controlled.

3. Make sure you contract your whole core musculature forcefully as you start the L-sit pull-up with a powerful exhale. With a tiny abdominal crunch, tuck your tailbone forward and roll your hips up.

4. Keep your knees locked and your toes pointing out while squeezing your thighs and glutes.

Muscles Worked In L Sit Pull-Ups

  • Abdominals
  • Hip Flexors
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Rhomboids and Scapular Stabilizers
  • Quadriceps
  • Biceps
  • Forearms

9. Hockey Stick Pull-Ups

Grab the bar like a hockey stick and keep your hands close together to do this variation.

1. Start with your head on the outside of the bar as you draw yourself up.

2. If there’s space behind the bar, you may vary where your head goes or stay on the outside.

3. This exercise may also improve grip strength.

10. Crossover Pull-Ups

Consider attempting this variant if you want to work your external obliques. You’ll do a standard pull-up with a twist.

1. Lift your leg and bend the knee towards the opposite oblique as you finish the upward part of the pull-up.

2. Change legs and finish the crossover to the other oblique on the following upward phase.

3. This is a basic movement that may help you activate your core in a new way.

11. Chin Ups

You’re ready to do your first complete bodyweight-only activity after the aided pull-up. The chin-up and the pull-up are sometimes confused, but the former have your palms facing you while the latter has your hands facing away.

1. Most individuals prefer chin-ups because they can better activate their biceps and don’t need such a broad grasp.

2. Simply grip the bar from the other side of you with your hands facing you to perform a chin-up.

3. The next stage is to visualize yourself bringing the bar down to you rather than yourself pushing the bar towards you.

4. To effectively activate your lats, tuck your elbows in on the way up and make sure your chin is above the bar.

12. Negative Pull-Ups

Negative pull-ups are one of the most popular pull-up variants for those learning how to complete their first pull-up. Every movement has two components: the negative and the concentric.

The concentric portion of the lift involves shortening your muscles, and the negative portion involves lengthening them. The concentric phase of a pull-up is when you draw your body up to the bar, while the negative portion is when you lower yourself back to the ground.

In the negative phase of the exercise, our muscles are stronger and can carry more weight, so even if you can’t pull yourself up to the bar, you’ll be able to lower yourself down. As a result, your muscles will gain strength and your body will learn the right form for the activity.

How to Exercise Safely to Avoid Injuries

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise if you have a past or pre-existing health issue. Proper exercise technique is essential for ensuring the safety and success of an exercise program.

You may need to modify each activity to achieve the best results depending on your unique needs. Always choose a weight that allows you to maintain complete body control throughout the exercise.

Pay great attention to your body while doing any activity, and stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort. Do correct warm-ups, rest, and nutrition into your training regimen to see continuous growth and increased body strength.

Your capacity to fully recuperate from your exercises will ultimately determine your outcomes. Allow for adequate recovery by taking rest for 24 to 48 hours before exercising the same muscle groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

People usually ask the following questions.

1. What are the greatest sorts of pull-ups?

Keep your chin up. Because it’s the least comparable, the chin-up is undoubtedly the most user-friendly pull-up exercise. The inverted grip radically transforms the game, putting your biceps in charge of almost everything.

2. What is the most difficult sort of pull-up?

The overhand grip pull-up is the most difficult to do because it puts a greater strain on your lats. The less support your lats get from other muscles, the tougher a rep becomes.

2. Do pull-ups help you get a bigger chest?

No pull-ups don’t help you get a bigger chest. Pull-ups typically target upper-back muscles like the lats and traps, as well as your biceps. A push-up is the finest bodyweight (and extremely effective in general) chest exercise.

3. Are Pull-ups performed by bodybuilders?

Pull-ups and other basic bodyweight workouts don’t seem to be part of the strategy. Many bodybuilders, however, combine free-weight workouts and other forms of training with pull-ups and other bodyweight exercises to help improve their physiques.

4. What is the definition of a Hack Squat?

The HS is a machine-assisted squat variant that includes pulling the weight away from you at an angle while standing back up. You must stand on the plate, leaning back on the pads with your body. During the concentric part of the action, the weight is shifted.

5. What happens if you perform pull-ups regularly?

Your physical endurance will explode if you commit to completing pull-ups every day. This will also aid you with other aspects of your exercises, such as cardio and high-intensity interval training. Your hard-won endurance will aid you in completing practically any other exercise, which is beneficial.

6. What are supersets, exactly?

A superset is when you do two workouts back-to-back, then take a brief break (but not always). This doubles the amount of effort you do while maintaining the same recuperation times as when you do separate workouts.

7. What are the drawbacks of doing pull-ups?

Muscle development is slowed because it takes time for muscles to heal. Rest is necessary for muscular growth, and doing a pullup routine every day does not provide enough time for your muscles to recover.


The Different Types Of Pull-Ups Include Wide Grip Pull-Ups, Close Grip Pull-Ups, L sit pull-ups, Plyo Pull-Ups, Around The World Pull-Ups, and other pull-up variations. Pull-ups are a great way to strengthen your upper body.

A pull-up is performed by suspending your body from your hands and pulling yourself higher. When the torso comes into contact with the elbows, these motions lead the elbows and shoulder joints to shift closer together.

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