Neapolitan Ice Cream

Neapolitan ice cream is a traditional favourite that consists of three distinct flavours, usually vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, piled in the same container. The name is derived from the dessert’s rumoured origins in Naples, Italy.

Neapolitan Ice Cream

What is Neapolitan ice cream

The tri-colored Neapolitan ice cream is often white, pink/red, and chocolate, in the colours of the 1806 Naples flag or other colours. Harlequin ice cream is made with pistachio ice cream.

In the early 1800s, the Naples flag was white, red, and black, similar to certain Neapolitan ice creams, which substituted chocolate for black.

Neapolitan or Pinachee Cream Ices (Petites Crimes a la Napolitaine) 1885

For this ice, you’ll need a Neapolitan box (p. 52) and three or four layers of various coloured and flavoured ice creams (a water ice may be used with the custards), such as lemon, vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio. Mould for approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the patent ice cave, then turn it out, cut it into pieces, and put neatly on the plate on a napkin or dish-paper.

Neapolitan Ice Cream or Pocchi Occhi 1893

Make three distinct colours of ice cream or two creams and one water ice in separate freezers, then arrange them as evenly as possible in a brick-shaped neapolitan mould.

Let the first layer be about an inch deep of rich yellow frozen custard made with egg yolks and milk as directed elsewhere; after smoothing that over, spread another layer an inch deep of pink strawberry ice cream or red cherry water ice or other red kind, and on that another layer of white ice cream, either pure cream frozen or a com starch cream made without egg yolks, or else a white orange or lemon ice.

However, three hues of cream should be used in preference to any water ice when available, since they freeze evenly.

Moulding Block

Neapolitan moulds are available in home furnishing shops. They are roughly the size and form of a cigar box, but the top and bottom can be removed; some have the top lid imprinted in the shape of a fruit, like a jelly mould. There are no specific rules regarding the kind of ice to be utilised."

Neapolitan Molds and Their Control

Molds that are properly manufactured feature a bottom lid as well as a top cover. They are available in home furnishing retailers. Large businesses, on the other hand, find it easier to utilise basic tin boxes that are almost comparable in size and form to the conventional wooden cigar boxes.

They feature a top cover and are coated with manilla paper before being filled, allowing the brick of ice cream to be readily retrieved when it has been thoroughly frozen. It is advantageous to utilise a paper liner in whatever kind of mould is used.

If ice is available, once the freezers have been emptied into the moulds, they may be put in the same freezers, carefully covered down, and left for two or three hours to firm up. However, if there is a low possibility of the interior not being cold enough, submerge the moulds in a tub of crushed ice and salt on their own.

Before doing so, the joints of the lids should be closed, if not with paper, by brushing with melted butter to cover in any gaps where salt may get in.

When the moulds have been in the freezing liquid for 2 or 3 hours, wash off the exterior, remove the cream form, wrap it in dry manilla paper, and place it back in the freezer, carefully packed, until it is ready to be cut and served.

Thus, single-color ice creams and frozen puddings are frozen in blocks and served in slices. When served whole at a party table, the stamped decorative lid might have the fruit or flower shape filled with colourful ice that shows in relief on the plain form.

In certain circumstances, these forms are presented on a folded napkin in a dish, although they are best served in a silver dish with a drainer bottom on the plan of a butter dish.

Among the labor-saving methods for obtaining the ornamental tri-colored brick of cream without making different kinds is the use of prepared vegetable colours, which can be obtained from flavouring extract manufacturers, by which one large freezer of ice cream can be made to take as many different hues as desired.

Neapolitan Ice Spoon

The spoon depicted serves two functions: the bowl is used to place the mixture into the mould, and the handle is used to level it; consequently, it is also helpful for other ices.

Tin boxes are substantially less expensive than pewter boxes; they are also available tiny enough to manufacture single ices, although they are much more difficult to prepare. If there is no cave, “bed” in ice as normal after filling the moulds.

Ice Cream with Harlequins

Ice cream with harlequins. Same as Neapolitan ice cream, but with an additional layer of pistachio green ice cream, for a total of four layers.
Ice cream with harlequins.

This is any three ice creams you want put in layers in the Brick mould, as shown; vanilla, pistachio, and strawberry are used together, or chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, or almond, or any nut or fruit cream, or a water-ice is used for one layer. The mould is then bonded and packaged according to the instructions.

“Neapolitan” or “Philadelphia”

The American housewife is familiar with two distinct cream ices: the Neapolitan, which is often offered overseas, and the Philadelphia, whose name emphasises its birthplace.

The primary distinction between the two types of ice cream is that whereas Neapolitan cream is prepared with custard eggs and milk, Philadelphia cream is made from pure cream that has been sweetened and flavoured.

Unless eggs are particularly costly, the former Neopolitan is the less expensive ice cream, and this may always be the case if cornstarch substitutes the eggs even partially. The process of creating ice cream differs depending on the kind and components utilised.

Neopolitan History

Ice cream originated in China, where King Tang of Shang developed a way of combining ice with milk. It travelled from China through India, then to Greece and Rome. However, it is in late Middle Ages Italy that ice cream takes on a more natural flavour in Europe. Returning from his voyages to the East in the 13th century, Marco Polo returned various recipes for frozen sweets used in Asia for hundreds of years, which were seeded with considerable favour in the Italian courts.

Ice cream evolved from century to century until it was regarded a uniquely Italian product at the beginning of the 18th century. The nineteenth-century migrant surge boosted ice cream exports across Europe, converting many Italians into street sellers. They were typical ice cream carts that started to proliferate across Europe at the time.

The recipe got its name in the late 1800s as a nod to its assumed roots in the cuisine of the Italian city of Naples. Many Neapolitan immigrants transferred their ice cream-making knowledge to the United States, where they popularised spumone as Neapolitan-style ice cream in the 1870s.

The original versions featured a variety of tastes, but in the end, all three won out in the same mould.


The numbers vary depending on how much ice cream you want to create; there is no set amount, but keep in mind that you must produce three distinct flavours.

• Milk cream

• Cocoa powder

• Strawberry powder (If we don’t have this, we may use some strawberry dessert in powder.)

• Vanillas Sugar 2–3 tablespoons


• Whiskey

• 3 containers

• Rectangular storage container


The first step in making this ice cream is to whip the cream and add the sugar. This cream must be whipped until frothy, but not to the point of snow, otherwise the ice cream will be ruined.

Once we have our cream, we will divide it into three containers, one for each flavour, and combine the cocoa in one, the powdered strawberry in another (or failing dish), and the vanilla essence in the last, to which we will add little more than a teaspoon and mix each one with its powder and essence.

Once blended, we will set the first layer of ice cream in our rectangle tupper and place it in the frizzer for 20 to 30 minutes. We will repeat with each flavour, one layer on top of the other, and let cool for at least 3 hours.
Discover the History of Neapolitan Ice Cream

Ice cream is a treat that appeals to both young and elderly people. Even individuals determined to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle sometimes indulge in ice cream.

Learn About the Origin of Neapolitan Ice Cream

Isn’t it nice to have some background information about your favourite foods so you can speak about them authoritatively as you eat them? Continue reading to discover about the history of Neapolitan ice cream.

Origin of Neapolitan Ice Cream

Neapolitan ice cream, often known as Harlequin ice cream, comes in three flavours. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry are put side by side with no packaging in between.

It is said to have originated in Naples, Italy. The flavours are inspired by the colours of the Italian flag. Green (pistachio or almond), Red (cherry or pink), and White (vanilla). It was called in the late nineteenth century, likely to reflect its roots in Naples Italian cuisine.

Many Neapolitan immigrants who immigrated to the United States are claimed to have brought their proficiency in frozen desserts with them. It was introduced to the United States as Spumone in the 1870s.

It had many tastes, and when the three were combined, they produced a common denominator that resembled the Italian flag. It’s worth noting that Neapolitan ice cream was the first to mix three tastes in a single container.

How It Is Created

To create this ice cream the conventional manner, you’ll need a Neapolitan box. Fill it up with three layers of various flavoured and coloured ice creams.

Custards might also be served with water ice. Vanilla, lemon, chocolate, or pistachio might be among the tastes.
The patent ice cave would then be shaped and let to set for 1.5 to 2 hours.

When it has set, flip it out and cut it into slices. Then, arrange them elegantly on a dishcloth, napkin, or dish. People sometimes add four or five tastes, however three is the typical.

Make it look like this: Vanilla cream is served first, followed by cherry, raspberry, or currant water, chocolate or coffee water in the centre, strawberry cream, and orange, lemon, or pineapple water to conclude.


This recipe has evolved over time to accommodate various people’s preferences. For example, some individuals combine brown bread, brandy-flavored cream, cream ice with any liqueur taste, and a handful of other brightly coloured water ices to create an appealing combination.

You’ll need either tea or coffee cream, depending on the mix. Another possibility is to combine pistachio, banana, and almond cream with cherry or strawberry water.

The Neapolitan Box

It features a Neapolitan ice spoon that has a dual use. The ice bowl is used to transfer the mix into the bowl while the handle levels it and shapes it.

They come in various sizes and will create moulds based on their size. Some Neapolitan boxes are crafted from tin, while others are crafted from pewter.

There are several varieties of Neapolitan ice cream, but the most common is a white, pink/red, and chocolate flavour. This kind of mould is typically the size and shape of a cigar box, and may be found at home furnishing stores.

Frequently Asked Questions

People usually ask many questions about Neapolitan ice cream. A few of them are discussed below:

1. Why is it called Neapolitan?

The term Neapolitan ice cream was given in the late 1800s to represent its believed roots in the cuisine of the Italian city of Naples, as well as the numerous Neapolitan immigrants who took their skill in frozen sweets with them to the United States.

2. What were the initial flavours of Neapolitan gelato?

In homage of the Italian flag, the original Neapolitan ice cream from Italy featured pistachio (green), strawberry (red), and vanilla (white). When the dish was introduced to the United States, chocolate was swapped for pistachio since it was one of the “big three” tastes most popular throughout the country.

3. How is Neapolitan ice cream packaged in tubs?

It descends to the box’s bottom and fills it with the three bands before moving on to the next box. It just takes a few seconds. “The soft ice cream is hard enough that the three don’t flow into each other,” Quickert explains.

4. What exactly is spumoni ice cream?

Spumoni, also known as spumone, is a traditional Italian dessert comprised of layers of ice cream. Spumoni were originally constructed of nut or fruit-filled ice cream surrounded by a sometimes soaked sponge cake, but the name now refers to any combination of layered ice creams.

5. How well-known is Neapolitan ice cream?

When Neapolitan immigrants first arrived in the United States, they were said to have popularised the ice cream taste. When comparing the colour blocking of white, brown, and pink, it has a minor resemblance to the colours of the Italian flag, as well as the red, white, and blue of the American flag.

6. What exactly is a chocolate Neapolitan?

Neapolitans are individually wrapped square/rectangular chocolate pieces in various flavours. They have been created in a variety of flavours and by a number of confectionery firms.

7. What exactly is Neapolitan-style pizza?

Pizza Napoletana, or Neapolitan pizza, is a variety of pizza that originated in Naples, Italy. This pizza is made with simple and fresh ingredients such as a basic dough, raw tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and olive oil. No fancy toppings are permitted!

8. Is there a distinction between Neapolitan and Italian?

Although Neapolitan shares a large portion of its vocabulary with Italian, Italy’s official language, changes in pronunciation sometimes render the relationship unintelligible to people unfamiliar with Neapolitan.

9. What is the correct way to say pizza?

It’s “peetsa” in both British and American English. There is no other way to pronounce it. If your accent has a faint “d” sound, I wouldn’t be too concerned, and others should be understanding.

10. What distinguishes gelato from ice cream?

Ice cream is served at temperatures ranging from 0 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and gelato is served at temperatures ranging from 7 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. This implies that gelato does not numb the tongue as much as ice cream, enabling the taste receptors to perceive more flavour. Gelato melts far quicker than ice cream.

If you have a sweet craving, you must try Neapolitan ice cream. Furthermore, it has many tastes in one, which is more cost effective than purchasing each flavour individually.

If you prepare it at home, you may vary the flavours by adding tea or coffee cream to your liking. Furthermore, the Neapolitan box simplifies the recipe preparation.

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