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Natural Treatments for Anemia


Iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency anemia is the most common condition related to iron deficiency. It is an easy disease to treat if it is not very advanced (i.e., if the iron deficiency is not extreme) and does not have serious sequelae.

It should be noted that although it is very common for iron deficiency anemia to be related to diet, it is not the main reason.

Sometimes it can be caused by blood loss (stomach or urinary tract ulcers, accidents, very heavy menstrual processes, or even cancers).

Although everyone can suffer from anemia, there are more vulnerable groups such as children, women of childbearing age and the elderly.

For this reason, it is best to have this information on how to combat it naturally through home remedies for anemia. It will be very useful.

While anemia requires a special diet, and the incorporation of certain foods rich in iron, as well as sources of vitamins such as vitamin B12 and vitamin C, also from phytotherapy can help treat this disease and normalize the proportions of red blood cells and folic acid in the body.

The vast majority of ailments especially the most common ones can be treated naturally and without medicine and almost all are simply diet problems, having a balanced diet and eating some superfoods that will help our body to be healthy.

How to Fight Anemia with Home and Natural Remedies?

Home remedies, such as natural juices or juices and smoothies, and infusions are effective in cases of mild anemia.

In cases of severe drops in hemoglobin levels in the blood, in addition to consulting a doctor, you should try concentrated vitamin and mineral supplements.

Smoothies and Juices for Anemia

Watercress Smoothie

Watercress is a plant rich in non-heme iron (this type of iron is not completely absorbed), so to make the most of the iron it contains you can prepare a watercress and orange smoothie.

To do so, add a handful of watercress leaves, 2 peeled and seedless oranges and 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast.

Add water if the smoothie is thick. Drink this smoothie 1 to 2 times a day for breakfast and/or snack. This shake contains iron, vitamin C (to bind iron) and vitamin B complex (in the yeast) essential for folic acid deficiency anemia.

Juice of Chicory, Grapefruit and Bee Pollen

Like the other home remedy for anemia, you take a handful of chicory, along with 1 large grapefruit or 2 small grapefruit. Add the pollen and blend it.

Once ready, drink it twice a day. Chicory is a plant rich in iron, grapefruit is a fruit rich in vitamin C and pollen is rich in B vitamins and iron.

Dandelion and Lemon Juice

This plant contains iron necessary to treat anemia. To do this, place 100 grams of dandelion root in 1 liter of water. Let it boil for 20 minutes. Once ready, blend and add the juice of one lemon. You can sweeten it with maple syrup or agave syrup. It is suggested to drink 2 times a day.

Infusions for Anemia

Rooibos or South African Red Tea

Rooibos is an infusion whose consumption has become popular due to its benefits for lowering cholesterol and its slimming properties, among others.

One of the lesser-known applications of rooibos, its use against anemia, thanks to its rich iron and vitamin C content.

Mugwort Infusion

Mugwort, like rooibos, contains vitamin C in addition to iron, making it excellent for aiding in the assimilation of the mineral.

Other Home Remedies for Anemia

Dates help in the treatment of anemia in different ways. On the one hand, its high content of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, necessary for the transformation of fats and carbohydrates into energy, alleviates the symptoms of anemia, related to permanent tiredness and exhaustion.

In addition, the high iron content of dates makes them an ideal supplement, especially indicated in the diet for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. On the other hand, dates contain copper, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

Iron-Rich Foods for Iron Deficiency Anemia

In addition to home remedies for anemia, one of the best ways to combat anemia is through a diet rich in iron.

What we will advise here are some foods that you must include in your diet, foods that help fight anemia and are also good to avoid drops in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Plan Your Diet for Iron Deficiency Anemia with Foods That Provide Iron

It is normal that when we notice that we are low in iron, either by fatigue, dizziness or other symptoms, or the doctor diagnoses a mild anemia, we begin to take care of the diet.

It is also common that once we feel better, we forget again the importance of consuming foods with high iron content.

The best way is to make a weekly plan of what to eat when you are anemic. It seems very complicated with our frenetic rhythms of life, but in reality, it is not. This planning consists of making a table of meals (14 for example, two a day), place them in a calendar and distribute them in such a way that each day or at each meal you consume some foods that contain iron, foods that help fight anemia.

Iron-Rich Foods for Iron Deficiency Anemia

We start from the assumption that you are aware that there are foods that provide iron in greater quantities than others.

Here are some foods of plant origin that you can add to your diet. Foods of animal origin have probably already been recommended to you by your doctor (or your grandmother).

Spices and Herbs to Fight Anemia

Yes, some spices, such as cumin, contain up to 20 times more iron than red meat.

What’s the catch? Well, you’re not going to eat 150 grams of cumin because you’ll probably get food poisoning. On the other hand, vegetable iron is absorbed less than that of meat in some cases.

Still, they are a great source of iron. Other spices that are great sources of iron are black pepper, dill and paprika. Add them to your meals. It all adds up.

Aromatic herbs that stand out are parsley (probably the one with the most iron), cilantro and basil.


Seeds have been used since time immemorial in cooking all over the world. Examples of seeds with more iron and that are being used more are sesame, chia, flaxseed and sunflower seeds. Their versatility means they can be used for hot meals, salads, desserts and breakfast.

Nuts, Good for Anemia

Nuts, all of them are great sources of iron. The ones with the most iron are pistachios and cashews. The only problem is that these two are usually imported and expensive. But the more readily available ones, such as peanuts, walnuts and almonds, are also iron-rich products.


After telling you to eat a steak or pork liver, grandma (or your doctor) is likely to recommend lentils.

It owes its reputation for having more iron than any other legume to being one of the greatest sources of the mineral. But in reality, other legumes such as soybeans, black beans and kidney beans contain more iron.

Legumes top the list of iron-rich foods for iron deficiency anemia.

Green Leafy Vegetables

After lentils, spinach may be next on your list. Great source of iron, as well as chard, greens and kale. But who takes the medal is the Swiss chard? The color of its reddish stalks is reminiscent of beet stalks.

We hope this guide will be useful and will help you to incorporate all these ingredients in your diet for anemia. See you next time.

Read more about Anemia on HelthyFit

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