You’ll have to add stands to your Murphy bed that can be folded and unfolded whenever the need arises. The chosen stand ought to be a wooden board that is screwed on and that you can unfold or a spring-loaded stand that can turn outward when you let down the bed. A contrasting option to this is to construct the Murphy bed very low to allow it settle comfortably on the ground when it is let down.
Step Five – Place the Mattress
The bedding or mattress should be secured in the bed box; else it will tumble out often. The common suggestion is to use a cord or rope to secure the sides of the bedding and tie it off to a nail. This won’t harm the mattress but will add a touch of additional balance. It can be easily untied if the bedding needs to be changed, replaced or cleaned.
Step Six – Cover the Bottom of the Murphy Bed
It’s possible that using ordinary 2×4 wooden boards won’t look great in your room or lounge. Therefore, it’s a smart idea to use a more appealing wood to cover it and probably paint over that part of the bed to make it look good. Place a couple of painted woods that blend well with the wardrobes it is using as stabilizers on the base of the Murphy bed to enhance the general appearance and feel.
Step Seven – Try it Out!
Let down the bed a couple times to see if the hinges of the bed is properly placed and working fine. In the event that you can let the bed down and back up effortlessly and climb into it without any problem, then you did a truly amazing job. If the bed stalls or creaks when letting it down or up, then you need to make some adjustments or rebuild the Murphy bed
To begin your IKEA Murphy bed DIY task, first, map out a design that will suit the setting of your room and has an incredible appeal and feel that you are capable of handling. Ensure it suits the room you are building it for and try not to make any of the mistakes listed above while constructing your Murphy bed!