Iguana Pet

Iguana Pets are important to feed and care for properly if you want to keep one as a pet because they can get rather large, live considerably longer and are extremely strong. If they aren’t handled frequently, they might become aggressive and difficult to control.


:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Pros

The perks of having a pet green iguana are described in depth below.

:large_blue_diamond: Lifespan

This giant lizard can survive up to 20 years in captivity. For caring owners, this is an amazing pro! Naturally, like any pet, iguanas need appropriate care to live so long. Of course, such a long-lived pet will require a high amount of commitment on your part.

:large_blue_diamond: Easy To Meet Diet

The iguana will thank you for it if you don’t enjoy the salad you made for yourself. Iguanas in the wild eat leaves, fruits, flowers, and vegetables; thus, this entirely herbivorous diet must mimic in captivity. Their diet will depend on how old they are. Young iguanas feed more often than fully matured iguanas.

Many pet stores say baby iguanas should eat animal protein, including crickets and other tiny insects. Wrong! Iguanas (no matter how old they are) cannot metabolize animal protein at all. If an iguana’s diet includes any animal protein, it might cause kidney damage, and adults don’t consume as much as younger ones.

Iguanas don’t need to drink much water in the wild because they eat a lot of greens their environment is humid enough to keep them hydrated. In captivity, iguanas must have clean and sufficient water to drink. For a more detailed diet program for your pet iguana, we urge you to seek your physician for guidance.


:large_blue_diamond: Strong Build

Iguanas are not fragile at all! If anything, they look like little dinosaurs. They have robust jaws with sensitive teeth. Their Godzilla-like aspect is complete with long and sharp claws and a long yet muscular [(https://howtodiscuss.com/t/body-dysmorphia-quiz/116868) tail.

For the most part, iguanas can be left alone as long as they are kept in an outside enclosure that is large enough for them and the weather permits. Iguanas love to climb trees; they may even fall from 40 to 50 feet high and land without injury. If iguanas’ powerful and elegant capacities appeal to you, then this is the pet for you.

Overview Of Iguana Pet
Common Names Iguana, green iguana, and American iguana
Scientific Name Iguana Iguana
Size Of An Adult Up to 7 feet long and up to 20 pounds
Life Expectancy In captivity, expect to live for 10 to 12 years, though up to 20 years is not unusual.

:large_blue_diamond:Iguanas Are Diurnal

It would be ideal for you and the iguana to be awake at the same moment, wouldn’t it? Iguanas are nocturnal animals that awaken with the sun. On the other hand, Iguanas are so enamored with the sun’s rays that they prefer to stay out in the open whenever possible. They can be found perched on a tree branch in the wild, soaking up the rays.

In addition to being fascinating to watch, iguanas communicate with you and other animals uniquely. Your iguana should be vibrant in its natural state. He needs to be aware of his surroundings and on the lookout. When he walks, he should have a steady gate and be able to move around effortlessly with his arms, legs, and tail, all without limping or favoring any of his limbs in any way.

:blue_book: Summary

While keeping an iguana as a pet might be a challenge, many reptile aficionados find it rewarding. Iguanas are enormous reptiles, so you’ll have many questions about how to care for them, how much money you’ll need, and how much time you’ll need to devote to them, and more.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Cons

:large_blue_diamond: Size

In the United States, iguanas are the second-largest lizards. From the top of their heads to the end of their tails, they can grow 50 to 72 inches long. An adult male green iguana can reach a weight of 20 pounds or more. Because of their great size, many reptile aficionados favor green iguanas, while others feel this negative.

The long tail of an iguana necessitates the purchase of a big tank or terrarium. So, don’t be misled by that tiny iguana at the pet store! It reaches its maximum length at seven years of age! It’s impossible to find a little iguana because they all grow to be enormous reptiles. Not having enough space in your home to house an adult Iguana isn’t worth the risk.


Iguanas need to move, stretch, and turn freely to be happy and content. Lizards like this need an adequate amount of room to soak in a big water container. As a result, if you don’t have enough room in your home to house this enormous lizard, you may want to consider another pet.

:large_blue_diamond:Look, Don’t Touch!

There are a lot of reptiles out there that have caring, affectionate, and playful dispositions… There are no iguanas involved. Iguanas dislike being handled. Although you can teach them to tolerate being touched, they don’t enjoy the feeling of being connected.

They close their eyelids when petted, but this is not because the iguanas prefer attention. Being a massage is one of the uncomfortable situations that iguanas can avoid by closing their eyes. You can tell your iguana trusts you more if it opens only one eye as you pet it. It’s a positive indicator if it maintains a wide-open gaze.

Due to their strong sense of self-defense, iguanas are often apprehensive of you or anybody else in their vicinity. The tail of the iguana accounts for the majority of its length. For protection, they lash their tailor when someone attempts to seize it from them. Keep an eye on the iguana and earn its trust if you can’t resist cuddling with your pet. How long it takes depends entirely on the personality of the iguana.



Iguanas necessitate continual monitoring and care. It’s easy to overlook that iguanas have their fair share of health difficulties because they appear solid and robust. Young green iguanas have glowing green skin (hence their name), so they are called green.

As they get older, their green hue becomes darker and darker. An iguana may be sick if its natural greyish hue is noticeably different from a fully grown specimen.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) is a disease that weakens iguanas’ bones, causes malformations, and leads to early mortality in captive iguanas. This sickness is caused by a lack of UVA and UVB light in the iguana’s environment.

The iguana can synthesize vitamin D3 and metabolize calcium thanks to these natural sunshine components. If direct sunlight isn’t an option, UV lights are available. Iguanas kept in captivity frequently get respiratory illnesses. When the temperature in their tank is not ideal for them, this can happen.

To ensure that their pet iguana lives a long and healthy life, iguana owners must pay great attention to their pet’s health. Pet iguanas are not for you if you don’t have the time or money to deal with these difficulties.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Diamond_Shape_With_A_Dot_Inside - Important Thing To Know

:asterisk: The Third “Eye” of Your Iguana

Primitive third eyes or parietal eyes are found in Iguanas. Photoreceptive means that this does not “see” images in their entirety.
On the other hand, Iguanas are thought to use their parietal eye to distinguish between light and dark. Additionally, the third eye regulates the iguana’s circadian cycle and the hormones generated for thermoregulation.

:asterisk: The Salt Gland of the Nasal Cavity

Nasal salt glands are found in all green iguanas. Salty fluid might accumulate in these glands from time to time. Dietary factors may have a role in this condition. It’s best to take your iguana to a vet for treatment if you notice a chronic nasal discharge.

:asterisk: Is My Iguana Acting Strange?

When an iguana ventures outside, it is common for them to change color. Many people would darken their skin tones to a deeper shade than they normally would to better absorb heat. If your iguana is twitching or appears to be losing its equilibrium while basking in the sun, it may be unwell. Make an appointment with a reptile veterinarian.

:arrow_forward:There are some other common iguana behaviors that you should be aware of, namely tail whipping and head bobbing.

:one: It is one of the iguana’s natural defense strategies to whip its tail quickly. A tremendous amount of force may be generated simply by movement. Iguanas should be trained to prevent them from engaging in this behavior from a young age.

:two: Iguanas are no exception to the rule for the head bobbing. When the iguana is trying to be the aggressor or the dominant one in a circumstance, this behavior is most likely to occur.

:blue_book: Summary

Iguanas aren’t commonly available for reptile breeders because they haven’t been widely domesticated. However, the species mentioned above are excellent pets. They are gentle and may thrive in captivity if their needs are addressed.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

below, you can find a list of questions:

:one: Is an iguana a good beginner pet?

Are iguanas suitable as first-time pets? Beginners should avoid keeping iguanas as pets due to their knowledge, expertise, and patience. You must know how to adjust the temperature, give your ample iguana activity, and offer it a balanced food.

:two: Do iguanas enjoy being petted by humans?

Iguanas are pleased to be handled if their owners are cared for properly, and their fundamental needs are addressed. A gentle rubbing of their heads can soothe them and help them relax. It is frequently the closest their owners get to witnessing their iguanas showing genuine affection.

:three: Is it true that pet iguanas may bite?

Despite the reptiles ’ design, people and pets alike can be injured by the sharp, plant-eating iguana teeth. They have powerful jaws that can exert a lot of force… Iguanas defend themselves by biting people and their pets.

:four: How much does it cost to keep an iguana as a pet?

For between $15 and $35, you may buy the Green Iguana, a six-foot-long pet iguana, online or at a pet store. Special bread is more expensive. From $250 to $600, Cyclura Iguanas are available. Each pair of Satanic Leaftail Gecko costs $250.

:five: Is it possible for an iguana to eat your finger?

Yes, and a mature iguana’s bite can sever the top of your finger or rip portions of flesh off your body in half. Totally. Small, sharp teeth line the top and bottom of their mouths, making them a formidable opponent. To make it easier for your skin, it’s a great tool for slicing through the outer layer of plants.

:six: is it possible for iguanas to become bonded to a person?

Individual iguana personalities can range from calm and laid-back to aggressive and dominant, depending on the iguana’s temperament. It can be downright exhausting when taking care of the latter. On the other hand, the more docile Unique Visitor iguanas tend to form a close rapport with their handler but can only tolerate being handled by them.

:seven: Can an iguana become your best friend?

As long as you don’t make any blunders, the bonding process can last several months. Certain hard-to-bond iguanas take a year or more to get to know.

:eight: How Do You Train an Iguana?

Iguanas can only be tamed and kept under control through regular, consistent, gentle treatment.… Visitors should not be allowed to pet or handle your iguana unless they have earned your pet’s trust first.

:nine: Are iguanas friendly to humans?

Even though they’re not dangerous to humans, iguanas can construct long tunnel systems and damage pavement. Occasionally, salmonella bacterium is found in them.

:keycap_ten: What’s the best iguana for a pet owner?

Pets like the green iguana, rhinoceros, and desert iguanas are the most manageable. Despite their great stature, these three iguanas remain friendly and shy, even though they are large pets.

Conclusion :blue_book:

Pet stores are routinely misrepresenting green iguanas, and many potential iguana owners are unaware of what they are getting themselves. Keeping an iguana is a big job, and it’s crucial to know what you’re getting yourself into before deciding to take on the task.

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