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How to Use Clove Oil for Toothache?


How to use clove oil for toothache? The tissue or cotton should absorb a few drops of clove oil. Rub oil on sore gums. Alternatively, you may use a whole clove. Leave clove on the afflicted region until the discomfort subsides.

How Clove Oil Works?

The eugenol (a clove oil component) relieves toothache discomfort when used topically. An effective natural anaesthetic and antimicrobial, eugenol also helps soothe sore gums.

According to the study’s findings, study participants who got a paste containing eugenol experienced the least pain, inflammation, and other side effects following a tooth extraction. Eugenol, a natural anaesthetic in clove oil, is the active component. Analgesics can be used to alleviate a toothache.

Here’s how to use it:

  • To begin with, a clean tissue or cotton ball is necessary.

  • Soak the tissue or cotton in a few drops of clove oil before using.

  • Whenever your gums hurt, use a soft cloth and some oil to soothe them.

  • If you don’t have any clove oil on hand, use a whole clove instead. Place the clove on the afflicted region and leave it there for as long as possible to ease the discomfort.

  • Olive oil can dilute clove oil if it’s too potent.

  • A painkiller like ibuprofen or paracetamol can also be used with clove oil.

Anti-inflammatory effects are also found in eugenol. Swelling and redness in the afflicted region may be alleviated by using this product. Eugenol is a component of Dry Socket Paste, a prescription-only pain reliever used by dentists during tooth extractions.

Using Clove Oil for Toothache

Most supermarkets, health food stores, and pharmacies sell clove oil for home use. The product is sometimes referred to as the “oil of cloves.” It’s important to remember that clove oil is unpleasant to taste and might have unpleasant side effects if consumed. Thus adults and older children should use it.

Confidential recommends combining it with a carrier oil like almond for younger children – especially teething babies – or using a comparable child-safe mixture with clove oil as the active component.

Risks and Symptoms

Clove oil has a strong, bitter flavour from its origins as a spice. Take care not to consume any of it. The following are some of the possible adverse effects of ingesting clove oil:

  • Stomach problems

  • Diarrhoea

  • Breathing problems

  • Burning in throat

Contrary to popular belief, conventional medicine does not endorse the use of clove oil as a toothache remedy. If you have any doubts regarding the efficacy of clove oil in relieving toothache, see your dentist. Children should not be given undiluted clove oil. Children can ingest the oil accidentally, which might result in serious illness.

Note: Use a natural carrier oil to dilute the clove oil before applying it to a kid or newborn. As a result, these oils are more tolerable for young infants since they dilute the intensity of the oil.

How to Use Clove Oil?

A toothache may be a frightening and unpleasant experience. You’re undoubtedly worried about your teeth and just want to get comfort soon. Fortunately, clove oil may be able to help alleviate your discomfort and destroy some infections.

However, if your tooth discomfort lasts more than two days or you find indications of an infection, you should contact your doctor. To avoid problems, you may require extra therapy.

  • Invest in a high-quality, 100% pure clove oil for toothache. If you can afford it, buy an organic product whenever you can.

  • Don’t settle for anything less than pure oil if you want to get the advantages. Ensure your product includes clove oil by checking the label and reading the contents.

  • Utilize a clove oil-soaked cotton swab to clean your teeth and gums. The discomfort of a toothache can be alleviated by applying clove oil directly to the area.

  • One end of a cotton swab should be dipped in clove oil before use. When you suffer discomfort, apply it immediately to the affected tooth and the gum area.

  • Make sure you’re especially careful around your mouth if the nerve of a tooth is exposed.

  • Try to ingest as little of this oil as possible, and do not consume it all.

  • Rinse your mouth out with salt water after 20 minutes. A 20-minute timer should be set. The clove oil should not be swallowed or ingested in your mouth. Try to avoid swallowing any of the oil as well.

  • Once you’ve given it time to sit for 20 minutes, rinse your mouth with warm water and 1/8 teaspoon (3 grams) of salt.

  • Give it one last rinse in warm water to get rid of the salty aftertaste.

  • It’s fine to use salt water every 2-3 hours throughout the day to relieve toothache.

Is Clove Oil Safe?

Clove oil, according to Medline Plus, is typically safe for humans. Clove oil, however, when applied to the gums, can cause harm to the gums and tooth pulp, according to these researchers. According to experts, clove oil should not be used on youngsters or newborns.

Speaking about toothaches, you should see your dentist before trying home remedies such as clove oil or any natural therapy, as the right dosage and administration may depend on your age and overall health.

Keep in mind: You should also contact your dentist if you’re feeling discomfort. Whether or not clove oil is a part of your therapy, informing your dentist is the first step toward a pain-free mouth and a beautiful smile.

What to Do if You have a Toothache?

Make sure to check your teeth: Is there anything wrong with your teeth? Emergency care may be required if this is the case. No amount of analgesic can assist a cracked or fractured tooth.

Consider the pros and cons of each: Which is best for you? If you’d rather go with a more natural approach, consider one of the cures listed above. Alternately, you may like to take a few of your favoured over-the-counter analgesics.


Try clove oil as a soak or paste for a few days. Keep doing this until the discomfort subsides, or you can see your dentist. As a last resort, you can use over-the-counter painkillers.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - Is it OK to use clove oil straight on the tooth?

To use it as a treatment for a toothache, just soak a piece of clean tissue, a cotton swab, or a cotton ball in the oil and then rub it on the gums where you are experiencing pain. Cloves can also be used in their entire form. Put them directly on the hurting region and leave them there for a few minutes at a time.

2 - How much time should I spend with clove oil on my tooth?

Before the oil begins to have its effect, give it at least five to ten minutes to settle. For continued comfort, reapply the cream every two to three hours.

3 - What are other substances compatible with clove oil?

Clove oil, similar to other essential oils that are spicy or woody, mixes well with other essential oils that have qualities comparable to its own. Because of the warm aromas that they share, essential oils that are spicy like Wild Orange, Frankincense, Cassia, Cedarwood, Ginger, and Cinnamon mix nicely with Clove oil.

4 - When should one call an ambulance for a toothache?

When Should You Go to the Dentist If You Have a Toothache? You are experiencing a dental emergency if you have a toothache lasting more than one to two days and causing you significant pain or suffering. This is typically a sign of a cavity that has progressed further or an infected tooth. Your problem will only worsen if you do not receive the appropriate care.

5 - Is it OK to apply clove oil straight on the gums?

Because it can cause irritation and has the potential to lead to intoxication, clove oil should never be applied directly to the gums without first being diluted. Instead, it is recommended to dilute it by adding two to three drops to a neutral carrier oil, such as olive oil or canola oil. This will ensure that the essential oil is not overpowering. After that, the oil preparation may be applied to the damaged tissue by rubbing it with a cotton ball or swab.

6 - How can I tell if the pain in my tooth is mild or severe?

If you also have the following symptoms, including tooth pain, you should seek immediate medical attention: if you see swelling in your jaw or cheek, this might indicate that the infection in your tooth is spreading. Pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or any other classic heart attack symptoms. Symptoms include wheezing, a persistent cough, or the production of blood when coughing.

7 - Does clove oil have the potential to harm teeth?

According to Medline Plus, clove oil is not thought to pose any significant health risks to individuals. However, they do highlight that clove oil can cause harm to the gums and tooth pulp if it is applied to the gums in the wrong way. Clove oil should not be used on young children or newborns, according to them.

8 - How can a toothache be relieved in a matter of five minutes?

Rinsing your mouth with wheatgrass, salt water, or hydrogen peroxide can help alleviate toothache pain in as little as five minutes. The next step is to apply a topical remedy such as clove oil, vanilla extract, or garlic paste to the afflicted region.

9 - Is it possible that clove oil makes toothaches worse?

Make sure you do not pour clove oil on the afflicted region because this can worsen the situation if the oil reaches the gum tissue or the tongue. Instead, ensure you avoid pouring clove oil on the affected area. The most effective method of applying clove oil is to soak a cotton ball in the oil and then press the cotton ball on the tooth or, if there is a cavity, insert the cotton ball into the cavity for twenty minutes.

10 - Is it safe for me to sleep with a clove in my mouth?

Consuming cloves before bed can help alleviate stomach issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, and acidity. In addition, clove consumption aids digestion. The spice clove contains a high concentration of antioxidants and can inhibit the growth of microorganisms. It contains a form of salicylate that is effective in preventing acne. Consuming cloves with warm water is a tried and true method for easing toothache pain.


The action of clove oil is analogous to that of the capsaicin found in peppers; it causes an increase in the creation of a protein called trans receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV-1), which in turn desensitizes nerve endings located close to the surface of the skin. In addition, it possesses powerful antibacterial capabilities, which help speed the healing process and protect against infection.

In dentistry, clove oil, which can be white or have a little yellowish tint, is frequently used to relieve the discomfort that results from a dry socket, which occurs after a tooth has been extracted. There is a possibility that it will alleviate tooth pain in the near term, but it is not guaranteed to cure the underlying problem (such as an abscess, tooth decay, or a tooth fracture).

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