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How to make a live wallpaper


How to make a live wallpaper? These days there is no home where you will not find any Android or iOS devices. We all use these devices every day for a long time whether for work or amusement. So, we all keep attractive wallpapers in their background. These wallpapers help us feel fresh and relaxed.

And, most amusing of them are live wallpapers. They keep us interacted with the screen for a long time. You will find a lot of apps that will give you a variety of live wallpapers. However, you can get your own designed wallpapers as well. Want to know how? Then keep reading this article and learn how to make a live wallpaper?

What is live wallpaper?

A live wallpaper is simply wallpaper with moving objects and lighting. For example, in the below clip, you will see the lights moving which creates a 3D effect. So, this is called live wallpaper if it moves on your desktop background. It can be of any type as well. If the wallpaper doesn’t show any object movement, it is not live wallpaper.

1.How do you make a live wallpaper?

Here, I’m sharing the step-by-step guide about creating a live wallpaper with KLWP. KLWP stands for Kustom live wallpapers. This application has a paid and free version. In this article, I will teach you to create wallpaper with the free version. Check it out!

1-In the first step, you have to download the KLWP app. Make sure you download the app with a red icon. It will have ‘K’ written in the middle. This is the exact app we will need. You will find the app on Google Play Store.

2-For installing, go to the app store and click on that exact app. This will install it.

3-So, once it is installed, an option will appear on the Play Store. This option will say ‘uninstall’ and ‘open’. You will click on open because we have to work on it. And, if you don’t want to open it from there, you can click on its icon on your home screen. The icon will appear on your home screen after installation.

4-When you will open it, you will see a ‘☰’ tab in the upper corner on the left side. You have to click on it and it will show you the presets menu. Now, you can make a new live wallpaper here or can load one.

More options:

5-Moreover, there is an icon that looks like a sheet of paper. When you click on it, it will open and you can create your new live wallpaper. This icon is present on the right side in the upper corner. Also, if you already have installed wallpapers and you want to customize them, you can add them here.

6-And, you will also see a monitor kind of icon on the right side in the upper corner. This is present below the Plus sign. This monitor icon will let you add new screens to your wallpaper. You will see X and Y signs there. There are digits below them. The digits below the X-axis will add a side-to-side screen. Also, the y-axis will add up to the down screen.

How to make a live screen wallpaper background?**

Now, after creating a custom live wallpaper you also need to add a background to the screen. For this, check out the following step-by-step guide.

1-You will see a background tab at the bottom of the screen. You have to click on it and it will open the options for adding the background. And, after clicking on it, you will get an option of ‘Type’. Also, you have to click that option too. It will show you two more options of ‘solid’ and ‘image’. You have to choose the image option.

2- Clicking on the image option will let you choose an image for your background. Also, you can choose the solid option to add a solid color to your background. For this, you will choose whatever color you want in the background.

3- Now, for choosing a color, you will choose the hue array that is on the right side. From here, you will click on any color you want. Also, you can add a see-through background called opacity. For choosing any color you will click on the checkmark icon. It is present on the right side in the upper corner.

4-Now, to choose an image as your background, pick image option. This will let you select the image from there.

Choosing the rolling images

Now, as you want a live wallpaper, you will select this rolling of the image, there is a scrolling icon that you will choose for that. Also, if you choose the option ‘None’, it will stop scrolling.

And, if you pick the option 'Normal, the image will scroll from left to right. Moreover, if you choose the ‘Invert’ option, it will swipe the image to the left side. This is how the image scrolls.

5-After doing all these changes, you need to go back to the main screen. So, for that, you will click on the Items tab present in the left corner on the bottom side.

How to add and adjust objects in KLWP?

If you want to add any object or adjust it, click on the Plus sign. This sign is located on the right side in the upper corner. A list will appear that will help you add objects to the wallpapers. Also, follow the below-given steps for adding objects.

1-Click on whatever object you have chosen. Once you have clicked on it, it is added to the items menu. There is a variety of objects you can choose to add. Some of the objects are text, Komponents, progress, Fonticon, and animated image options. Let me tell you in detail what these options are for?


Komponent contains components in a huge variety to add in custom wallpapers. Also, these components include news feed, analog, and digital clocks, weather widgets, and many more.


The text option allows you to add text to your wallpaper. Once you have added a text, can use different formulas to add variations. For example, you can add dates and times as well as the weather conditions. Also, you can change the size, color, and font of the text. You can also add touch responses to animations and objects.


The shapes option lets you add all kinds of shapes including hexagonal shapes. Also, you can change their sizes, add color to them, and add animations. And, you can even add touch responses to these shapes.


The images option will create an object that will hold the static image.


This option will let you add different icons like stars, stripes, and many more to the wallpaper.


A progress icon is like a progress bar. And, you can add to track the battery life, weather, playtime, and music volume.

7.Morphing text

This option is like a regular box that has some extra options. These options are like arch texting, flipping text, and many other options. Also, this option works for single-line texting.

8.Stack group

The stack group holds all objects by stacking them horizontally or vertically.

9.Overlapping group

This group allows you to make different object groups that you can transform.

10.Animated image

An animated image lets you make an object that has animated objects GIF.

3-Now, as you want to edit the object, tap upon the object you have selected. It will appear on the items tab when you apply it to the wallpaper. Also, Tap on the object you are going to edit and see how it is edited.

4-There is a variety of options you can reach by clicking it. It is a whole list so click on whatever option you want to choose. These options are as follows.

1.Object tab

This tab has the same options as you will get in the object option above. Also, it has all the certain varieties to apply to those options. For instance, if you have chosen a text option, you will get options to fill color, change the size, or don’t of a text.


So, here comes the paint option. This option will let you make the objects colorful. And, for that, you have to go to the color option in your paint menu. Then, go to the color list and pick a color. You will click on the checkmark on the right side in the upper corner for your color.


You will get the best visual effects on FX. Not only this option will add visual effects, but also the mask against any other object. Also, it will give you a color gradient adding option and an image background option as well.


As you can guess from the option name, this option is about positioning the screen. It has an X-offset and Y-offset. The X-offset changes the object to horizontal and the Y offset sets to a vertical position.


This option lets you do animation to any object.


The touch system lets you add a response to any object you choose. Also, it creates interaction with the object.

5-To adjust the object, you will click on every option to choose further adjustment options.

6-Now, as you have to come back to exit the options, click on a file-looking icon. This icon is present in the left corner on the upper side. So, this will take you back to the wallpaper editing.

7-Delete whatever object you don’t want in the wallpaper. To do so, click on the delete icon on the right side of the upper corner. So, select the image or object simply and press the delete icon.

8- Also, if you want to create a duplicate of your object, go to the items menu. There, you will see a double paper icon that stands for ‘copy’. Click on that icon after selecting the object and it will be copied. Also, paste it on the wallpaper wherever you want.

4. How to Add and adjust the text in KLWP?

If you want to add a text with some color or a different font, you can go with the following steps:

1-Click on the Plus sign in the right corner on the upper side. You will see a list of options you can choose to go with.

2-From here, you can choose either the text option or the Morphing text option. That’s because the text option will let you add text to the wallpaper. Whereas, the Morphing text option will help you add curving, flipping, and rotating the text.

3-You have to click on the text tab that is the very first tab at the bottom side. It will drop down a list of options.

Text Editing

4-Now, you have to edit your text. For that, you will use your text in the formula editor box. Also, if you want to create a variable text, add any of the given options to add them to your text. And, these formulas will include settings like battery timing, date, WiFi, and data.

5-Now, we will choose the font we like. For this purpose, go to the font option and select whatever want to like. Also, it will also give you a preview of the font style.

6-There is also a text size setting option in the live wallpaper of KLWP. You will see the minus and plus options that show high and low volume. Also, there are double arrows on both left and right sides. These arrows also increase the sizes 5% more than the plays and minus signs. Also, you will see numbers on the right side of the minus sign. You can choose any of them to set the font size.

Add a filter to text:

7-You can also add a filter to your text. And, for this, you will tap on the filter icon. This icon has the uppercase option, lowercase, the number to word, and word to Roman numerals options. So, to add any of the settings, click on the filter and fill the checkbox against that setting. The settings will be applied.

8-The Morphing text option will let you set the angle of your text. You can even create a curve or wrap it around in an arc or a circle. For curving the text, you will click on the double arrow buttons. They will keep on curving the text as long as you press them.

9-Text spacing option is also present. Also, to add text space, you will click on the same plus or minus buttons. However, space will depend on how wide the text is. The minus plus and arrow buttons are both useful for adding space.

10-Now, there comes the text rotation. When you want to rotate the text, you will choose the Morphing text option. Also, it is quick as you will click on rotation and then go to select the rotation option. Here, by saying rotation option, I mean to select angle from 90°-270°. Also, you can rotate the text even to one side of an hour and minute side of the clock.

11-The text editing also includes the skewing option for the text. This option leans the text from the left or right side. So, if you want to skew your text, click on the plus or minus option. Also, you can choose the double arrow button to skew the text as much as you want.

Text Painting:

12-After trying all the options of the text tab next comes the paint tab. It is the second tab as the above statement clarifies. Here, you will click on the paint tab to open two options. The first is solid, and the second is stroke. The solid option will give a complete fill of color to the text. However, the stroke will create an outline to the text and fill the color within the text.

Also, if you want to try how they look, you can duplicate the text and use both options on them.

Filling color in text:

13-To fill the color in the text, you will tap on the colored box on the right side. It will open an array of colors and you can click on your chosen color there. Also, you will have the opacity option to change the shade of your chosen color. Once you have selected, fill in the checkmark on the right side at the upper corner. Now, you are ready to fill the colors.

14-FX tab comes next to the paint tab. In this tab, you will get two options like ‘mask’ and ‘texture’. So, if you choose a mask option, it will cover the object or shape that was behind the text. Also, you can highlight the background if you want or you can even blur it.

15-Its second option is texture. Once you tap on it, you will see a variety of color gradients in this option. Also, you can choose its Bitmap option that will select any image as a texture.

16-The tab that comes next to FX is the Position tab. This tab will adjust the position of the image or object in the wallpaper. Here again, you will take work from the plus and minus signs or double arrow buttons.

They will adjust the position in X offset or Y offset on the wallpaper. The X offset will set the object horizontally and Y will adjust vertically.

5.How to add animations and touch responses to an object?

Now, it is time to add animation to your wallpaper to make it a perfect live wallpaper. For that, you will tap on the items icon to open the settings.

1-So, tap on the second last tab Animations. Also, click on the plus icon to add the disable animation to the animations list.

2-Click on the disabled option twice. In the first click, it will activate the ‘ReactOn’ option that will drop down a list.

3-To get any action, you will click on a certain option. And, the options you got are BG scroll that stands for background scroll. Also, the BG scroll vertical option is available and there is a music visualizer as well. Moreover, you get the Gyroscope option that stands for phone rotation. And, there are unlock options, lock, and formula options as well.

4-Just click on any action and you will do it. These actions include scroll, scroll out, scroll in, fill colors, fade out and fade in options. There are several other options like these that you can choose from.

Adding touch sense to an object

5-Now, it is time to do an action. So, click on any animation you want and it will further drop the menu. The options include rule, speed, center, amount, angle, and limit as well.

6-The next tab is the Touch system. In this tab, you will get to add a touch response to the object. Also, it is the last tab of the main menu.

7-Click on the plus icon and it will open a blank touch response.

8-You will see a mouse at the bottom right corner. Click on the option ‘None’ that is next to the mouse. And, this will open a list of touch responses.

9-This list includes touch options like launch shortcut, launch app, launch activity, launch shortcut, and music controls. Also, the list includes global toggle switch, change volume, open switch as well as Kustom actions.

10-So, while choosing an option, you need to perform different actions. These actions are like choosing an app or pasting a link. If you want to add a URL, you have to add the link in the bar. Also, if you want to open an app while touching the object, you have to add the app link. So, this is how it works.

The last thing we need to do is to save and set the KLWP wallpaper.

6.How to save and set wallpaper in KLWP?

Saving and setting the wallpaper in KLWP is the last process for making a live wallpaper.

1-Tap on the three lines that are on the left side of the app on the upper side. The drop-down list will appear.

2-Also, you will select the export wallpaper option to save it as a custom live wallpaper.

3-You need to add a title in the title bar and a description as well. However, a description is optional.

4-Now, once you have done this, click on export wallpaper and it is exported.

5-You will see a disk-like icon in the right corner on the upper side. This will save your live wallpaper. But, if clicking it says that you miss requirements, fill them.

6-Also, if you still can’t set the wallpaper in the background, download an app Nova launcher. This app supports KLWP presets and sets the wallpaper in the background.

7-Now at the end, tap on the ‘set wallpaper’ option and there you go! Your live wallpaper is set in the background.

So, this is the complete detail of how to make a live wallpaper in the KLWP app. You can create any kind of live wallpaper and set it at the desktop background. But, this setting is for Android devices for people who ask how to make a live wallpaper for Android? This KLWP review and settings I have stated above are complete details of using every feature. So, using this app will be the best option for you. But, if you are an iPhone user, follow the below-given steps to set a wallpaper.


KLWP is the best tool to create a live wallpaper. You will get a lot of options for adding images and giving them touch sense. Also, you can add a text and edit it by coloring and changing fonts. Moreover, it will let you create a text or object mask by covering or blurring the background. This is indeed the best app with a large number of editing options.

How to make a live wallpaper for an iPhone?

If you have an iPhone and want to make a live wallpaper, you can easily do it. Your iPhone model will not effect your live wallpaper settings. However, the settings I’m going to tell you, will not support the earliest versions of iPhones. So, check out the settings below if you are not using iPhone SE.

1-For iOS 13 as well as for iOS14, you will go to settings and then wallpaper.

2-You will see an option ‘choose new wallpaper’. Tap on it and scroll down.

3-Here, you will find the live wallpapers option. Click on it and choose any live wallpaper. Make sure you have turned the live wallpaper settings on.

4-Now, click on the ‘set’ option and choose whether you want to set it as a lock screen or both. Also, you can’t set a live wallpaper as a Home screen because it will not move.

So, once you have set a live wallpaper, you can enjoy clicking it and see moving objects. Also, if you want to set any GIF as a live wallpaper or any video, you can use any iOS for that. You can go for Giphys or Intolive iOS for GIF or video live wallpaper.

How to make a video a live wallpaper?

Making a video of live wallpaper is not a difficult task. And, you can make it both on iPhone and Android devices. So, first of all, I will tell you the easiest way of making a video live wallpaper. Check below!

1.How to make a live wallpaper with a video for Android:

In the first step, you will make a live photo from the video. The easiest way is downloading the Intolive app. You will find it on the app store. Once you download the app, you will give it access to the image library. After doing that, select the video mode and pick a file you want.

Also, go to the next screen where you will get more options. These options include adding filters, sliders, changing video speed, and video length.

So, you will get a live photo once you click on the icon ‘make’ This is present on the top at the right side of the screen. So here, you will get an image from the video. You can set it on the desktop and enjoy it!

2.How to make a video live wallpaper for iPhone?

For creating a live wallpaper on an iPhone, you will go to the settings and scroll down to wallpapers options. Click on it and click on ‘select a new wallpaper’ for live video wallpaper. Also, you will see more options including dynamic, stills, and live wallpapers options. So, choose a favorite live photo here. Now, click on the ‘set’ option to set this live photo as your wallpaper. There you go with a live wallpaper from the video!


You can create a live wallpaper on an iPhone with whether iOS13 or 14. You will need an Intolive app or GIPHYS app to edit and set wallpaper. And, if you have an android app, Intolive will also do best for you. The settings are simple like just choosing the ‘new wallpaper’ and turning the video mode on. Now, clicking on the image you want and set up as wallpaper.


1-Are live wallpapers not good for phones?

Live wallpapers are not bad but they cause a little problem for you They will use more battery than other wallpapers so may keep charging your phones more than before. Also, you have to turn the brightness level a bit higher and, they will divert your attention at times. And, your phone processor will need to do certain actions.

2-What is the duration of a live wallpaper?

This depends on the free or paid version of the app you use. If you use the Intolive app, its free version will keep the wallpaper live for 5 seconds only. However, the paid version will keep it live for 30 seconds every time.

3-Do live wallpapers move by themselves?

Live wallpapers only move when you unlock the screen or somehow interact with the screen. They don’t move by themselves until you touch them. Also, only those objects will move in the wallpaper that has touch sensitivity.

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