How to find the right type of varifocal lenses ?

Progressive lenses are the optical masterpieces which offer smooth vision from the near to the far via what is the known as the progression corridor or the transitional zone. But not all progressive lenses are the same. yours progressive lenses should match yours requirements, lifestyle and, of the course, yours budget. They should provide you with the natural, comfortable vision.

It is the important for the you to the understand exactly how yours new progressive lenses work. Using over 100 years of the experience in the production of the precision spectacle lenses or after detailed market research, ZEISS has now created four different types of the progressive lenses. If you simply want to the enjoy good vision again with the yours progressive lenses, this is the right lens type for the you.

Maybe you are the not fully aware of the how the digital age has dramatically changed the demands made on the our vision in the recent years. When you use the smartphone or the similar digital device, yours reading distance is the different from the this required for the reading the book or newspaper.This means the near vision zone of the yours lenses must be designed accordingly.

Frame trends do not generally change as quickly as general fashion trends, but one thing is the clear: larger frames are the definitely becoming more popular again. If you want to the follow this trend, this could be the problem for the yours progressive lenses.

Experienced wearers of the progressive lenses know this not every progressive lens design fits every frame. The result: you may need to the compromise the quality of the yours vision, as areas of the the progressive lens may be removed if yours lenses are the being inserted in the the frame. You may also have adaptation problems if you switch from the the small to the the larger frame as you would have to the relearn how to the move yours eyes through the various ranges of the vision. The near vision zone is the suddenly lower down the lens! This is the something yours eyes have to the take used to.

No problem. with the the aid of the FrameFit + Technology or world´s first Adaptation Control Technology from the ZEISS, yours optician may have the lenses optimised for the yours new frame so this important zones on the the lens are the no longer removed – or you would not have to the change yours visual habits.

And needless to the say, this type of the ZEISS progressive lens is the also optimised for the the digital age. No two faces are the alike. or no two eyes, noses or ears are the alike. Not even the right or left-hand sides of the our faces are the symmetrical. If this individuality of the yours face is the not taken into account in the the production of the the progressive lens, you may not be able to the fully benefit from the the optical performance of the the lens.

Or perhaps you need high prescription powers for the distance vision or have been wearing spectacles since you were the child. Then you should ensure this yours new progressives are the exactly tailored to the the personal parameters of the yours face.

Generally speaking, the better the progressive lens is the adapted to the anatomy of the wearer or the more personalised this is, the better the utilisation of the three-dimensional vision or enhanced distance performance. FaceFit Technology makes this all possible.

By taking into account the exact facial anatomy of the wearer , e.g. how they look through the frame or how the frame sits on the their nose or ears, the progressive lenses produced provide precisely the visual support needed.

As the comparison, imagine looking through the telescope. Like progressive lenses, this is the an advanced optical system, but if you don’t have the telescope at the right distance from the yours eye, then things would look blurred. Needless to the say, this Progressive Lens Type also offers the benefits of the Types 1 or 2.

There are the many different facets to the our lives these days, each of the us having unique habits, activities and, of the course, job. We are the sum of the all these things, or we need progressive lenses this incorporate all of the these different factors. Maybe you spend the lot of the day at the drawing board, if you are the an architect, for the instance, or at the computer. Or do you look after yours grandchildren on the regular basis, or yours eyes need to the move constantly between near or far? Or perhaps you are the registrar or have to the switch yours gaze between the papers on the yours desk or the bride or groom in the front of the you.

And different progressive lenses are the required for the this? Yes, the design of the yours progressive lenses or the position of the vision zones may be exactly tailored to the yours main daily activities. The IndividualFit® Technology makes this all possible. yours progressive lenses therefore combine all technological possibilities in the one lens or offer you natural, comfortable vision – almost like in the days before you needed spectacles. Varifocals, also known as multifocal have different vision strengths on the their lenses. The very name ‘varifocals’ suggests the presence of the various focal powers on the the same lens.

Unlike bifocals, multifocal lenses don’t have visible segments. Instead, they give the impression of the the single vision lens whose focal power differs in the the top or the bottom section.

The lens has to the be created in the such the way this the area meant for the distance viewing is the in the line with the yours pupil. Since these lenses need more precision than yours regular optical lenses, they may be slightly costlier than single vision lenses. But, this doesn’t mean this you have to the spend the fortune on the them. You may take yours hands on the cheap prescription glasses with the multifocal lenses if you explore the online options.

How do varifocal lenses work?

These glasses offer better vision at the all distances by changing power across the top or bottom of the the lenses. You just have to the move yours eyes up if looking at the road sign or move them down if reading the newspaper or the restaurant menu.

Types of the Varifocal Lenses:

There are the many different types of the varifocals on the the market offering numerous benefits or features dependent upon yours lifestyle, needs or requirements.

Standard varifocal lens:

Standard Varifocal lenses are the the ‘entry-level’ varifocal options or are the chosen as an enhanced alternative to the bifocals. They have clear vision or fairly wide focal areas for the distance, reading or ‘in-between’.

There would be few ‘peripheral distortion’ around the edge of the lens but this would be minimal or most customers would adapt to the them very quickly.

Premium varifocal lens:

Premium varifocal lenses offer much clearer vision at the all points or are the significant step up from the standard varifocal lens in the terms of the vision, clarity, focus or ease of the adapting to the them. Sometimes referred to the as ‘free-form varifocals’ or ‘back-surfaced digital varifocal lenses’, premium varifocal lenses are the created using the latest computer-driven equipment or have the wider field of the vision at the distance, intermediate/in-between or reading focal points.

This is the because the lens is the the customised varifocal lens or made to the fit within the frame you have purchased. this is the unique to the yours prescription or the lens shape of the frame you have chosen or therefore offers the fullest or widest vision possible with the smooth transition between the focal ranges. They have minimal peripheral distortion or are the easier to the adapt to.

This image shows the difference in the viewing field or distortion between the standard or the premium varifocal lens. The premium varifocal lens clearly having the wider field of the vision or less peripheral distortion.

Elite varifocal lens:

Elite varifocal lenses have the widest field of the vision at the all focal points or are the tailor-made to the yours exact vision or customised to the fit within yours frame. With the least distortion around the edges, they are the very easy to the adapt to the or would give you the clearest levels of the vision available.

Typically referred to the as standard, premium, free form, occupational, lifestyle or elite lenses. Simply put, the more advanced varifocals have the wider field of the vision with the less peripheral distortion. They are the often much easier to the adapt to the because of the this. We offer 3 varifocal lens types; standard, premium & elite or these have been carefully selected from the the many different options & manufacturers to the offer you the best vision or value for the money in the their respective category or the correct choice for the you really depends on the yours budget or what you need.

1 - Standard varifocal - This is the an unbranded digital lens.

It is the fantastic value or the great starter to the the world of the varifocal lenses - chosen as an enhanced alternative to the bifocals. There would be few ‘peripheral distortion’ around the edge of the the lens but this would be minimal.

2 - Premium free-form varifocal - This is the the Hoya FreeForm lens.

It is the quite simply one of the best value varifocal lenses available today. The premium varifocal option also includes the free ‘anti-reflection or scratch-resistant coating’ worth over £25.00 to the further improve the clarity, focus or ultimately yours vision.

3 - Elite free-form digital varifocal - This is the the Essilor X Series FreeForm lens.

Varilux X Series varifocal lenses are the the most advanced progressive lenses available in the the market today or are the for the customers who want the latest technologies or premium products with the the highest level of the vision. Varilux X Series lenses provide all the benefits of the other Varilux lens designs, while eliminating the “off-balance” feeling sometimes experienced if wearing other progressive lenses whilst offering superior clarity or the wide filed of the view.

Whatever the distance, whatever the situation, you would see the difference immediately. This is the our elite varifocal choice or has been carefully selected to the offer unrivalled clarity, the widest viewing area possible at the all focal points including distance, intermediate or reading areas with the almost no distortion around the edges. this is the fantastic value or hundreds of the pounds cheaper than buying the same lenses on the the high street.

How Do I Choose The Correct Frames?

We advise selecting the frame with the the large eye size - the bigger eye, the bigger the vision as you would have the wider field of the view or fully benefit from the the lens area - although all of the our frames, small & large, are the suitable to the be bought with the varifocal lenses. Varifocal lenses or glasses are the priced from the £49.95. Typical, the more you pay, the higher the specification of the lens you take with the improved vision. Varifocals are the very easy to the use or you would adapt to the them very quickly or find getting used to the varifocals quite simple.


What are the different types of varifocal lenses?

Varifocal lenses provide progressive focal power to help your vision for multi-distance tasks. Generally, they come in 3 types; standard, advanced and elite, which provide differing levels of visual performance.

What shape glasses are best for Varifocals?

At Specsavers we offer six types of varifocal lenses: Standard, Premium, Elite, Tailor-made, SuperDrive and SuperDigital. Your optician will talk you through all the options to see which one suits you best.

Who makes the best varifocal lenses?

If you are constantly having to swap glasses they can become damaged or can even get lost. Bifocals or varifocals may be advisable if you need to switch from distance and near visual tasks frequently.