How fast can cows run?

One of the problems when someone asks how fit you are is that you usually have nothing to compare it to. You might quote a bench press figure or the time you take to run round the block but with lots of new fitness activities like tough mudder and the rewilding movement which focus on challenging yourself against nature we thought the ultimate fitness test is to work out which animal you could outrun.

We did our research, worked out what speeds different animals run and compared that to how long it takes a human to run 100 metres. Well, it turns out that unless you are Usain Bolt then most animals could beat you paws down. Even it seems the tiny chihuahua could leave you high and dry.


In fact, even Usain Bolt would have trouble outrunning most animals on our list, though he would leave the chihuahua whose 100m time would be around 11.2 seconds, about a second and a half behind. Good job human race!

So where are you on the chart? Which animal can you keep up with? Lions at the top of our list (the cheetah is even faster) can run 80kph top speed, which means they could run the 100 metres in around 4.5 seconds (from a moving start) and probably around 6 seconds from a static start. Basically, if you were to try running away from a lion you would have no chance. We won’t bore you with the details but basically, even Mr Bolt couldn’t keep up with a Horse or a grizzly bear. He might just keep up with a house cat.

You, on the other hand, would do well to keep up with a goat, who runs at 24kph (100m in 15 seconds). The sprinters among you could beat a hippo or an iguana (33kph) around 11 seconds for 100metres. But most would struggle to keep up with a cow (28kph) which would run 100 metres in 12 seconds.)

Can you run faster than a cow?

The slower among you might want to consider that even the Basset hound, with it’s short legs, droopy skin and phlegmatic demeanour can even run at 12kph, which is around 30 seconds for 100 metres. And for those that would take a minute to run 100m, well you might just get beaten to the finish line by a hamster!

Check out the animal speeds below then clock your 100-metre time and compare. We find it is a great lesson in humility for all us 2-legged primates. When it comes to running it really seems that it is a case of 4 legs good, 2 legs not quite as good!


Lion – 80kph

Horse – 65kph

Grizzly bear – 48kph

Chihuahua – 32kph

Hippopotamus – 30kph

Goat – 24kph

Squirrel – 20 kph

Basset hound – 12kph

Hamster – 11kph

Tortoise – 0.35 kph

10 secs – 36.00kph

12 secs – 30kph

14 – 25.7 kph

16 – 22.5 kph

18 – 20 kph

20 – 18 kph

22 – 16.3 kph

24 – 15 kph

26 – 13.8 kph

28 – 12.8 kph

30 – 12 kph

32 – 11.25 kph

1 minute – 6 kph

How fast can a chicken run
When it comes to running, a chicken has nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you consider her size. A chicken can run 9 mph on her little legs, which is slower than your cat and potentially faster than your dog, depending on what breed of dog he is. Despite her wings and feathers, she runs better than she flies.

Catch Me if You Can

If you have backyard chickens, you may have wondered just how fast they can run when they take off in a hustle. Though they’re not particularly graceful runners, chickens can reach a speed of about 9 mph, not shabby when you consider their size. If your cat is giving chase, the chickens won’t stand a chance, because a cat can reach almost 30 mph, easily catching your chickens. If your dog’s a little fellow, such as a Shih Tzu, the chickens may have a chance, because this little dog ranges between 6 and 13 mph. If your dog’s bigger, such as a greyhound or German shepherd, it’s no contest because the larger dogs reach 45 and 30 mph, respectively.
While hippos appear to be fat and slow, they can run at 30 km/h on land (19 mph). So despite being the third largest land mammals on earth, hippos can probably run faster than you!

Hippos kill more people than any other African mammal. They are very territorial animals and will charge at anyone who stands between them and the water.

These moody animals aren’t like the preconceptions of happy hippos. And their roly-poly frames are topped by an incredible set of sharp teeth. Every year they kill some 500-3000 people!

How Fast Can a Hippo Run On Land?

Hippos only accelerate to 30 km/h on flat ground. Their gait is like a gallop although they don’t lift all four feet off the ground at once.

Male hippos can weigh up to four tons (4000 kg). That’s a lot of weight but they move it quickly. A hippo can reach top speed in just a couple of seconds. Usually they catch other animals and people by surprise.

How Fast Can a Hippo “Run” Underwater?

Did you know that hippos can’t actually swim? Although they are semi-aquatic animals and have webbed feet, hippos are too heavy for swimming. Instead, they walk underwater.

A hippo can walk at 8 km/h underwater (5 mph). Every few minutes it will surface in order to breathe. Then it will sink and walk some more.

It’s even more amazing to learn that hippos can’t even float. They are nocturnal animals. By spending their days in the water they escape the sun and stay cool. Sometimes they find shallow spots to bathe. At other times they bob up and down, staying away from the sun.

Why Are Hippos So Deadly?

Hippos are cantankerous animals. They like things their way. And if anyone or anything gets in the way, the hippo will get them out of the way!

They can open their mouth at an 180 degree angle and can literally snap a person in half! This ferocious bite is good defence and means that even baby hippos aren’t on the dinner menu for big cats.

They don’t usually need to bite. When 4000 kg runs at 30 km/h there’s not much you can do. Not only do hippos defend their territory, they can be very aggressive in doing so. So they will chase other animals and people away, then maul and bite to ensure they don’t return.

How Long Can a Hippo Run at Top Speed?

Hippos don’t have amazing stamina. They can only run at 30 km/h for around half a minute, maybe less.

These giants also can’t jump. Hills and slopes really slow them down. The best way to get away from a hippo is to run uphill, away from the water. Even then – good luck!

How Fast Can Other African Animals Run?

Hippos are just one part of the wild African “marathon”. There’s always another race to enjoy when you’re on an African safari, whether it’s elephants blowing their trumpets at Cape buffalo or cheetah chasing down Thomson’s gazelle.
Now that you know how fast a hippo runs, check out some of the other interesting animal speeds.

How fast can a bear run?

North America. Bears are predators and will chase after a target running away from them. Bears have great speed for their size, as well as great endurance. The American black bear can run at speeds up to 35 mph.

Outrunning a bear is never a good idea. Here I will give you all the reasons why you should never attempt to outrun a bear.

How Fast Can A Bear Run?

American Black Bear 35 mph

Brown Bear 30 mph

Polar Bear 24 mph

There are three bear species in North America; The American black bear, the brown grizzly bear, and the polar bear. The grizzly bear is the fastest of the three bear species in North America. The grizzly has been clocked at speeds of up to 56 km/h (35 mp/h), making them much faster than the other two species.

The American black bear is the second fastest of the three species. The black bear can run at speeds between 40 and 48 km/h (25 to 30 mp/h) when they feel threatened.

Polar bears are large animals but are extremely quick for their size. They have been seen to run up to speeds of 40 km/h (24 mp/h).