How do you convert 3/5 into a percent and decimal?

How do you convert 3/5 into a percent and decimal?



To convert a

fraction into decimal, it is always better to look at denominator first. If

denominator has only %2% and %5% as prime factors, one can easily select a

number multiplying denominator by which convert it into a denominator,

which is a power of %10% and the result will be a limiting decimal. In case

it has a prime factor other than %2% and %5%, conversion to decimal could

be longer and will result in a unending but repeating decimals. In the

instant case as denominator is %5%, we can easily convert it into decimal

by multiplying denominator and numerator by %2%.Hence

%3/5=(3x2)/(5x2)=6/10=0.6%To convert the fraction to percent, one needs to

just multiply it by %100% and write %%% sign against the result.As

%3/5=0,6%, it is %0.6x100=60%%

Another way of looking at



%color(blue)(Very important concept)%
Consider %1/2%. The top number

(numerator) is the count and the bottom number (denominator) is the size

indicator of what you are counting.So for %1/2% it takes 2 of what you are

counting to make a complete whole 1 of something.%2/3% is such that the

count is 2 and you need 3 of what you are counting to make a whole 1 of

something.%3/4% is such that you have a count of 3 and you need 4 of what

you are counting to make a whole 1 of


you use the above information)%%color(brown)(Changing 3/5 into a

decimal value)%We need to change the size indicator into 1. To change 5

into 1 we divide it by 5.What we do to the bottom we do to the top so that

the inherent value does not change. Just the way it looks.% 3/5 =

(3-:5)/(5-:5) = 0.6/1%We do not normally write the 1 so instead of

%0.6/1% we just write %0.6%%


3/5 into a percentage)%Percentage just means the count of how many out

of 100 do you have.So in this case the size indicator (denominator) needs

to be 100So we have to change the 5 in %3/5% into 100We do this by

multiplying by 20What we do to the bottom we do to the top% 3/5 =

(3x20)/(5x20) = 60/100%But another way of writing%60/100% is %60%%%

color(green)(3/5 = 60%)%