Eyebrow Slit

:arrow_right: What do eyebrow slit represent? In some cases, people make eyebrow slit so that they may look stylish and well-fashioned .that trend of fashion was also found in the 90s but in the modern era, this is again in trending among Models, Musician and in among every nature of persons.
Most people follow this trend because their favorite hero or actress shows this fashion movie and viral videos of songs like mention one of my favorite actor Hollywood Jason Momoa adopted this fashion.
Some may people follow this Eyebrow slit fashion because of Cultural Misappropriation. And also this trend found in the hip hop community.
One of the interesting representations or showing off this eyebrow slit found among gangsters. Some gangs have a special identity by adopting this fashion as their unique identity. Criminals or prisoners adopt this fashion as like as tattoos. In this fashion, the Criminal penetrates to us the number of crimes or murders.
:arrow_right: What do eyebrow slit represent for teenagers?
Among teenager, Eyebrow slit have a special connection as one teen opinion “I shaved mine with the only purposes of self-expression, to stand out, and because of my sexuality” so like tattoos, eyebrow slit also shows oneself expression of achievements, happiness, or sadness feeling or someone may represent through eyebrow slit a feeling memories.
:arrow_right: Do eyebrow slit look ugly or good?
It depends totally on personal feelings and nature and the most important person physique, chemistry, and age. I have a personal opinion that tall smart guys look more attractive by having eyebrow slit but ugh !! As a person with a badass appearance, I don’t recommend eyebrow fashion.
:arrow_right: How do I convince my friend and parents to let me get an eyebrow slit?
That is the question rotating in every viewer. Eyebrow trend grows back from the 90s and everyone doing it. Do it freely and express your feeling and it is a good example of freedom thoughts. may have some punishment. Expect it .but eventually they will end up leaving you behind.