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Do Macarons Need to Be Refrigerated?


Do macarons need to be refrigerated? No, macarons don’t have to be refrigerated. They’ll remain fresher for 2 days if refrigerated. Macarons can be stored at room temperature or frozen, with or without fillings.

Do Macarons Need To Be Refrigerated?

Macarons are a delightful, colorful dessert that may be enjoyed as a post-meal or stand-alone treat. These light and fluffy snacks will melt on your tongue when done correctly.

If you make a batch of this wonderful dessert, you’ll likely not have any leftovers (or if you do, they won’t last long!). Then again, you may need to store your macarons or have created so many that you can’t finish them all in a day!

So, there’s no need to be concerned. You can ensure that your macarons are still tasty when you’re ready to eat them by following a few simple procedures.


Although macarons need not be refrigerated, their flavor and texture will be better preserved for two days. Alternatively, you may freeze the macarons with or without fillings and preserve them at room temperature.

How Do You Keep Macarons Fresh?

Molded macarons are a type of delicate pastry. They’re incredibly sweet and decadent, usually including chocolate ganache as the filling. They shouldn’t be kept in the refrigerator since it causes them to dry out and harden. They’re at their tastiest when eaten the same day they’re baked.

Refrigerating Whole MacaronsIf you want to consume the macarons within two days, you should keep them refrigerated. Macarons can easily crumble and fall apart if left out for lengthy periods.
Refrigerating Unfilled MacaronsTake out the filling from the molds and put them on parchment paper to keep them fresh in the refrigerator. Place the entire tray in the fridge.
Freezing The MacaronsUnfilled macarons can be stored in the freezer. Put the unfilled macaron mold in a freezer bag and put it in the freezer. Ensure the bag is properly marked with the date and contents before leaving the house.

Note: The macarons should be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight after freezing. Fill them with your preferred filling, and then serve.

Thawing Macarons from the Freezer

Whatever time you decide to defrost your macarons, you’ll have no trouble doing so. Just store them in the refrigerator for at least one night before using them. To avoid compromising the flavor and texture of your macarons, avoid thawing them on the counter immediately.

Instead, let them sit in the fridge overnight to allow the temperature to rise gradually. Before applying the filling to the macaron shells, it must be thoroughly thawed to room temperature.

Macarons should not be frozen, thawed, and then refrozen. Because of this, the flavor and texture of your macarons will suffer, as well as the possibility of germs developing on the macarons.

Just re-heat the macarons to restore their crispness after they’ve become mushy or soggy from freezing. Only use this approach to crisp up the shells and ensure the heat is kept to a minimum. The filling should not be heated since it will become runny and curdle if it is heated.

How to Store Macarons Overnight?

Let them cool fully on the pan if you make macarons without an oven. Immediately after baking, they might break apart if removed from the pan. Filled macarons are best stored. Cooling and resting them before filling prevents breaking.

Use airtight containers

Store macarons in a dry, airtight container. Any container moisture will affect your macarons. Fold up the sides of a shallow container with parchment paper. Single-layer each macaron on parchment.

Store in macaron boxes

Macaron boxes help keep macarons fresh longer. They’re perfect for transporting to a party or function. Strong macaron boxes fit 2 to 12 macarons. Macarons are fantastic gifts for baby showers and birthdays. Macaron boxes are available online and at baking and culinary stores.


If you don’t eat all your macarons in one day, keep them in the fridge for up to three days. Refrigerate macarons in an airtight container. The best is a central shelf. The bottom and upper fridge shelves have varying temperatures.

Freeze macarons

Freeze macarons to keep them fresh and flavorful beyond three days. When frozen, macarons retain their texture and flavor for 3 to 4 months. Before freezing, pack your macarons gently to avoid freezer burn.

Freeze unfilled macarons

Freezing unfilled meringues keeps macarons fresh. They’ll last 3-4 months in the freezer. Defrost for 30 to 45 minutes before filling. Storing empty meringues is a terrific technique to keep macarons fresh and to create a big quantity of them for an event.

Can You Freeze and Refreeze Macarons?

You certainly can. In this case, I would propose freezing the shells and the filling separately and then putting them together as needed. Whole macarons, however, can be frozen if this isn’t an option.

You should not refreeze macarons that have been defrosted and frozen once before. For the most part, this holds for all frozen foods. Refreezing food that has already been thawed is not safe, as germs can begin to increase as the food thaws.

It’s acceptable to consume macarons that have been thawed once but to thaw them a second time, you’ll lose some of the flavor and texture of the macarons. When they’ve been sitting in your freezer for too long.

Keep in mind: Make sure they are separated by the parchment paper and packed in an airtight container once more before storing. They will get mushy and unappetizing if exposed to air.

What Are Macarons?

Macarons have long been connected with French cuisine and are a beloved treat in the country. It’s possible that now you know where to get some of the best and tastiest macarons. Crispy and circular, these biscuits resemble a sandwich because of the soft and smooth filling they often contain.

Alternatively, chocolate melts, colored sprinkles, or other embellishments can be used to decorate baked macarons. Almond meals, egg whites, and sugar are some of the fundamental ingredients needed to produce these delightful sweets. Other components can be added to the final product to make it more enjoyable.

Lemon juice, orange juice, vanilla essence, chocolate powder, and so on can all be added to match the color of the food, and so on and so on.


The colorful macarons are perhaps the most well-known to the majority of you. Parisian Macarons are a kind of macaron. They’re not just a treat for the eyes; their vibrant hues also make a lovely addition to dinner settings.

What Do Macarons Look Like?

Traditionally, macarons are presented as a sweet dessert. They should melt in your tongue and leave your taste receptors wanting for more if they are created properly. If you do have any leftovers, how do you plan to preserve them? Is it necessary to refrigerate macarons?

My macarons are usually a hit with family and friends, and I’m often asked for the recipe. If you’ve already received it from me, you can now get your hands on the recipe for this delicious French treat from me as well. Once you’ve perfected it, you’ll never have to worry about whether macarons need to be refrigerated again.

When creating macarons for a special event, you may want to know if they need to be refrigerated if you are the sort of person who is meticulous and loves to plan. However, you face the chance of your visitors sneaking a sneaky snack before your party even starts.

How Long Do Macarons Last?

Refrigerate macarons? No. The last 2-3 days at room temperature. Keep them in a cold, dark area. Macarons should be refrigerated after 2-3 days. If packaged properly, macarons can be refrigerated for a week.

Room-temperature storageBiscuits kept at room temperature last only a few days. Keeping macarons outside in summer might impair their taste and texture because they contain butter.
RefrigerationThere’s also a way to enjoy them for longer than three days. Refrigerate baked items in a zippered Ziplock bag or container. This preserves macarons for seven days.
FreezingMacaron freezing? Yes, briefly. Freeze them to store them for up to 6 months. Now you may enjoy them without baking often. Put baked products in a pan coated with baking paper or plastic wrap to freeze them.

Having visitors and serving macarons? Here’s a great tip: Make shells and fill a day or two ahead, but don’t assemble. Within three days, savor their delicious taste. Sandwich biscuits absorb moisture and soften over time.

Separate shells and fill in airtight containers. The macarons don’t need to be refrigerated, but the filling must. Warm the filling one hour before assembling the macarons. They’ll look and taste fresh.

TIP: Macarons can be stacked, but you must use parchment paper to separate them, so they don’t cling and ruin their delicate surface. Keep them in an airtight container. Store macarons in a dry container.

Can You Freeze and Refreeze Macarons?

Yes, frozen. Macarons freeze for three months. If making ahead, freeze shells and fill separately and assemble as required. Alternatively, complete macarons can be frozen. Separate with parchment paper and store in an airtight jar. Air will make them mushy and unappetizing.

If you’ve frozen and defrosted macarons, don’t refreeze them. All frozen items are affected. Once thawed, food cannot be refrozen because bacteria might proliferate.

Once-thawed macarons are acceptable to eat and preserve their flavor and texture, but freezing and defrosting them again will ruin them. They’ll develop freezer flavor, that mild, off-ish taste certain foods develop when stored too long in the freezer.

Macaron Storage Mistakes

  • You shouldn’t keep macarons in certain ways. I’ve tried these strategies to store and preserve macarons without success.

  • Don’t place these beauties in plastic. Plastic bags trap moisture, softening macarons. Macaron shells will crack if stored in a plastic bag. Never bag macarons.

  • Use parchment paper to store macarons, not wax paper. When removed from wax paper, macarons fall apart.

  • Always refrigerate macarons in closed containers. It may be tempting to consume a few in a few hours. Macarons absorb other dishes’ aromas fast, altering their flavor.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - What caused the cracks in my macarons?

There are several possible explanations. It’s possible they weren’t stored correctly, or you didn’t allow enough time for the piped macarons to dry out before serving. Getting everything completely dry is critical. It allows the macaron to develop a protective layer of skin on its surface. While the macarons are baking, the skin will act as a barrier to keep the air inside. The air will burst out and fracture the shell without skin.

2 - Can macarons be kept on the counter?

Most baked items survive only a few days when refrigerated at room temperature. For macarons, the same holds. Stored at room temperature, the buttery filling in macarons can soften or melt, resulting in a loss of flavor.

3 - What should you do with soft or broken macarons?

If the poor packing of your stored macarons causes them to go bad, you can still use them in various recipes. You can also make a great milkshake by blending them with milk and ice cream.

4 - How to defrost frozen macarons?

It’s preferable to thaw the macarons in the fridge rather than the freezer the day before you need them. If you want to slowly warm up the macarons, rather than defrost them immediately, use the fridge instead of a counter or microwave.

5 - Why do French macarons have to be refrigerated?

So, should you keep your macarons in the fridge? Although macarons need not be refrigerated, their flavor and texture will be better preserved. Alternatively, you may freeze the macarons with or without fillings and preserve them at room temperature.

6 - How long should macarons sit out?

Let the macarons rest for about 30-60 minutes until they dry and are no longer sticky on the top. For their distinctively ruffly “feet,” macarons are best when the tops are allowed to harden up and produce skin. Do not leave them out longer than necessary since they might deflate and lose air.

7 - Why are my macarons chewy?

Overbaking is the most typical reason for a macaron’s chewiness. If your macarons come out chewier than they should, you may have overcooked them in the oven.

8 - Do homemade macarons need to be refrigerated?

To keep your macarons fresh for up to three days, put them in the fridge if you won’t be eating them all in one sitting. Refrigerate the macarons after they’ve been stored in an airtight container. Macarons should be eaten at room temperature to get their full taste.

9 - How long can you keep macarons out of the refrigerator?

You can store them in a freezer for up to two weeks. Keep them away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry location with a lid. If you plan to keep your macarons for more than a few days, you will need to store them in the refrigerator.

10 - Can macarons stay at room temperature?

Macarons may be stored at room temperature for up to seven days and in the refrigerator for up to seven weeks, so their shelf life is pretty long. However, storing them at room temperature in an airtight plastic container is usually preferable to prevent them from drying out.


Traditionally, macarons are presented as a sweet dessert. They should melt in your tongue and leave your taste receptors wanting for more if they are created properly. Like many other tempting and unique foods, macarons have their origins in France, a country well-known for its culinary prowess and love of baking sweet treats.

Chefs and bakers in France are known for their ability to meticulously tweak and tinker to achieve perfection. Taking macarons off the pan to cool might make them overly mushy; they should be light and crunchy. Cooling them on the pan makes the outside crunchy.

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